Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

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Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by taketheshot56 » 12 Jul 2018, 01:57

Your Byond Key: Taketheshot56

Your Character Name: Patton Moore

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: Denholm Spastic Earl

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 11PM CST

What rule(s) were broken: Act like your given role/Griefing

Description of the incident: I was the XO, Denholm started walking around to all different overwatch consoles trying to launch OBs without needing them. He got to bravo just as bravo had placed down an OB at their lines, I told him to get off the console, he OBed and the entire squad got an arty shell dropped on them something like 15 died with many more dragged off by xenos. MP was there, he then immediately whipped out his pistol and took aim at the MP before the MP tazed him. Very griefy in my opinion he kept trying to hurry his execution because he had to go.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Logs will be provided as will witness statements.

How you would punish the accused: Definite command ban, Timed ban too if possible ALOT of people died.

(Ordukai said there was an internal server error and to make this)
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by Lorem123 » 12 Jul 2018, 02:04

Yeah this guy blew up Bravo, I was a Charlie engineer and my LT told us a minute after it happened that 'Denholm just blew up all of Bravo' and that pretty much fucked the entire round, since the marines were down 20+ people at least. We had a good FOB too, just not enough people to defend it due to the OB.
Plus it fed the xenos tons of captures too, totally fucked up the round.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by Casany » 12 Jul 2018, 02:06

Charlie LT here, yeah this fuck griefed. No question.

He constantly went to EVERY OW console and checked the OB to see if it was down. I even told him once to stop because he kept walking to my console and messing stuff up, and checking the OB.

I know for a fact he was just looking for an OB to launch for the meme and the second he got it he just wanted to leave. No questions about it.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by Cactos » 12 Jul 2018, 13:38

MP here, I can confirm the LT's actions. In the execution room, I was letting those who wished to attend the execution in, and he said something in LOOC along the lines of "Hey can we hurry this up I have to go". Seems he was just trying to cause chaos because he had to leave, rather than just go to cryo.
taketheshot56 wrote:
12 Jul 2018, 01:57
MP was there, he then immediately whipped out his pistol and took aim at the MP before the MP tazed him.
I'd like to clarify that he did pull out his pistol, but never actually aimed it at me- he just looked in my direction. I still felt threatened enough by it to bring out my taser and aim at him, to which he activated my reflex trigger by aiming his pistol at me.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by RobBrown4PM » 12 Jul 2018, 14:50

This may have been dealt with already, but I'll await a higher up staff to comment on it.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by FGRSentinel » 13 Jul 2018, 02:48

Yeah, I was the Bravo SO and I'd like to add to it. When I got into the CIC, first thing I did was log into the Delta OW console and set myself as their SO. When I was done with that, I asked if they needed anything and left to give them a few small things. When I returned, I found that Denholm had hijacked the console and the only way I could get anything to function was to actually override his OW. Frustrated, I went to OW Bravo, but kept Delta's comms open. Denholm never said anything to Deltas over the comms and seemingly went SSD for 20+ minutes, at which point I was put in charge of OW for Delta as well. Eventually he comes back and again locks Delta's console somehow before making a point of not letting anyone near it. I remember Delta and Bravo were working together and at one point during my OW Bravo's SL reported over command that they were getting ready to put down an OB. Almost immediately after I hear the sound of someone else tapping on my console's controls and, thinking it was the XO I almost let it go. Once the OB screen popped up, I killed the feed to scream at them and found Denholm standing behind me. Realizing what was going on, I quickly started backing out of every menu on the console and screamed an order at the Bravo SL to not use their OB because there was a high risk of FF.

The moment I did that and it was clear Bravo wasn't going to deploy their OB, he ran off and I reported them to the XO. A minute later I see Denholm run over to Alpha's OW and hear him cuss out the Alpha SL, ordering them to drop their OB. Realizing what was going on, I ordered every SL over Command to hold their OBs since there was a very high risk of him firing indiscriminately. I reported it to the XO and CO again in hopes that they'd do something about it or that the SLs and other SOs would take the threat seriously. Eventually, I had to step away from my OW console for a moment and the Bravo SL just so happened to need fire support so badly at that moment that they put their OB down... At which point I ran back to find Denholm sitting at my console with the OB screen open and ready. I screamed for MPs to get to the CIC immediately and tried to drag him away, but he broke out of my grip and ran back to the console. When the MP showed up, they ordered him away if memory serves, but the Bravo SL happened to put down their OB at that moment... and Denholm more or less immediately fired it the moment it was dropped, so it hit with an offset of 0,0 and killed or critically wounded at least ten marines. Bravo was almost routed by that, Delta was left in confusion, and Denholm pulled a pistol, after which the MP tased him and arrested him. Once I explained the incident to Bravo and Delta, both squads (yes, even Delta) started demanding Denholm's execution, which I passed on to the XO (who was acting CO while the CO was planetside) and found out that the CMP and XO decided to BE him as well.

The FF was so bad that the Bravo SL was out of commission and forgotten for almost half an hour, and it was clear from his actions prior to it that Denholm didn't do it accidentially. It was a devastating enough FF incident that it more or less doomed the Marines to a loss, more so when you realize the Bravo SL ignoring the risk meant the situation was bad enough they needed that OB too much to not risk it. I ahelped later in the round and it was marked as an ic issue, but a Moderator (I think) responded and said that Denholm did get a talking to for it. Not sure if that's enough for something like this, though.

I've never liked when COs or XOs wander over to my console to interrupt my OW by using it rather than just asking for a status update and this habit many of them have left me almost complacent enough that I didn't catch Danholm's initial attempt. I'm legitimately curious if I'd be allowed to invoke this incident whenever a CO or XO pulls that stunt or if it'd be metagaming to do so, but that's a different issue.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by sw4gbag » 13 Jul 2018, 10:14

I'll admit I did a lot of stupid shit last night. @FGRSentinel, I took it over and I should have gave it back, I'm not sure if I did, but IRC I asked you if you wanted it back.

What rule(s) were broken: Act like your given role/Griefing
Right so I take full responsibility for my actions, I had a few beers that night, but that's not an excuse for my behavior at all. I made a horrible mistake which I shouldn't have done or communicated and read chat, which I failed to for the most part. I apologized to people in dchat after being executed but I feel this is a thing I cannot just apologize for, I have to take the rightful blame and death of 15 + people in game.

Here's what happened last night (from my perspective), I drank a few heavy beers and smoked during the 20 minute while I was SSD, occasionally moving my character so I wouldn't be kicked,

I took over Delta from FGR, on my part this is another mistake, I generally did regular SO stuff and only read Delta commss but I had bravo on at the time and I overheard things were going downhill. Irc I asked Delta to set an OB down, but I checked their camera and the SL was lying dead somewhere with his armor light still on, I went on to check alpha and bravo Overwatch without asking to use it, another mistake on my part.
I ordered Bravo SL to put the OB down and then waited a minute or so and (I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think I did) tell them to get out of the area as I would fire soon. I then went over to alpha overwatch and saw Alpha routing in the corridor left to the bar and far east of the southern medical (?) airlock,
THIS is where I messed up, I saw at least 4-5 bravo with maybe 5-7 alpha including the alpha SL away from the barricades and heading up north to turn west, they were basically on the western wall of the bar and some of them already were five tiles away from it, this is where I made another very stupid decision, I assumed they would be fine and if anyone was left the OB had a five second or so warning and they could get out in time, so I rushed to the Bravo OW and set the OB to 5x, thinking that would be enough for the marines to be safe, I know I've played a long time on CM, but I"m still not the best with the mechanics, this is where it all went wrong, I made an idiotic move assuming 5X would be LOT'S of space, now looking back, that probably would have hit the marines who were already much farther in the corridor west of the wall. I checked the chatbox and then the cams and I realized what the fuck I actually did and bam a MP was there in less than a minute and with adrenaline pumping through my veins, my reflex was to pull the pistol out.

I made a horrible mistake which may seem as griefing and I'm truly sorry for it, I didn't do this on purpose or have any other purpose in mind, it was simply ignorance and stupidity.
I've learned that 1. not to drink anything heavy or anything at all while playing, 2. check comms, 3. check cameras, 4. respect other people's OW's 5. actually coordinate the OB and not underestimate the radius it has
5. Generally don't be an idiot about anything that could hurt other people

Once again, if I could have been smarter instead of just winging it and assuming, this would have not happened.

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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by Casany » 13 Jul 2018, 10:30

sw4gbag wrote:
13 Jul 2018, 10:14
I don’t know if this is true whatsoever. I personally had you twice check Charlie’s OB status without saying a word, and three times you checked my console. I honestly think this is just an example of you drunkenly griefing an entire squad for your own fun. And honestly I think you should be punished for it.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by sw4gbag » 13 Jul 2018, 10:42

Casany wrote:
13 Jul 2018, 10:30
I don’t know if this is true whatsoever. I personally had you twice check Charlie’s OB status without saying a word, and three times you checked my console. I honestly think this is just an example of you drunkenly griefing an entire squad for your own fun. And honestly I think you should be punished for it.
I checked the consoles many times yes, and no I had NO intention of griefing, when I checked alpha OW for the last time I saw them moving out with a few bravo, I stupidly walked over to bravo and straight to the OB section without checking a helmet camera , I should have checked their OW first but I fired the OB.

If this was a case of me griefing, why the fuck would I have not fired straight when all the marines were together, before alpha moved, and I when I saw the SL put it down?
I fired about two - four minutes after it was set IRC, I incorrectly thought any remaining bravo could outrun it after the text warning was given and that the 5X offset would be outside the eastern barricades. I miscalculated the OB, the mechanics of the radius, and everything, but this is not intentional griefing. This was a fucking stupid mistake.

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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by Casany » 13 Jul 2018, 11:38

sw4gbag wrote:
13 Jul 2018, 10:42
If this was a case of me griefing, why the fuck would I have not fired straight when all the marines were together, before alpha moved, and I when I saw the SL put it down?
I fired about two - four minutes after it was set IRC, I incorrectly thought any remaining bravo could outrun it after the text warning was given and that the 5X offset would be outside the eastern barricades. I miscalculated the OB, the mechanics of the radius, and everything, but this is not intentional griefing. This was a fucking stupid mistake.
You didn’t fire instantly because you didn’t have a chance until the other SOs and XO let their guard down. I’m still under the impression this was straight up grief, based on what you did during the round and what you said in LOOC. And because you went around other SOs backs and constantly checked every console for OB status. No one does that unless they want to fire an OB, and it’s obvious you just wanted to shoot an OB and didn’t care what happened.

I’m not gonna change my opinion, I think this is grief. And it’s hardsr to catch this kind of grief because you only have witnesses and logs of people blowing up, but you can’t read the mind of who did it to know if it was an accident or not. Like the guy who threw people down disposals and got away with it because it didn’t leave evidence, or the countless BOs and SOs who’ve blown up entire marine forces and got a slap on the wrist because they claimed it was an accident.
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by FGRSentinel » 13 Jul 2018, 11:51

The issue here is that I don't actually recall you saying anything on Bravo's comms. My memory isn't always spot on but I'm pretty sure you didn't say anything to them or Delta that I could see. Maybe you're one of those SOs that only communicates by messaging them, but this then leads to the issue that the Bravo SL seemed to be implying they'd just put down the OB and that there was zero warning given. Not only that, but the MP ordered you to step away from Bravo's console before you fired and I was physically dragging you away from the console before the MP showed up, so this goes beyond a simple lack of communication and awareness. The only thing I recall hearing you say on any comms (and I had both Bravo and Delta enabled) was when I saw you over by Alpha's OW console and heard you cussing someone out for not having an OB down. Now, my memory of the event isn't 100% perfect and I sometimes have difficulty juggling all the comms, so I'll concede that I may have missed or forgotten something that the logs of the event can show.
Casany wrote:
13 Jul 2018, 11:38
You didn’t fire instantly because you didn’t have a chance until the other SOs and XO let their guard down.
As I said above, unless I misunderstood the Bravo SL, they'd stuck with orders I gave them and held the OB when I first spotted Denholm trying to fire the OB next to me. If that's the case, it was placed later in an act of desperation and almost instantly exploded in the SL's face. The biggest mistake I made was not reporting the potential FF to the MPs to have someone watch CIC after his first attempt, which I'm not sure I could even do. His first attempt failed because I realized what was going on and (loudly) told him to leave my console alone and not mess with the OB launch over Command comms, which I'm pretty sure alerted Charlie's SO to what was going on if they weren't aware. Alpha's SO wasn't in the CIC and when I realized Denholm was trying to get Alpha to put down an OB, I gave an order over Command Comms for all SLs to hold their OBs for fear of FF. It's just a sad twist of fate that my OB was the one that he fired, I suppose.
Last edited by FGRSentinel on 13 Jul 2018, 11:58, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by sw4gbag » 13 Jul 2018, 11:54

Casany wrote:
13 Jul 2018, 11:38
You didn’t fire instantly because you didn’t have a chance until the other SOs and XO let their guard down. I’m still under the impression this was straight up grief, based on what you did during the round and what you said in LOOC. And because you went around other SOs backs and constantly checked every console for OB status. No one does that unless they want to fire an OB, and it’s obvious you just wanted to shoot an OB and didn’t care what happened.

I’m not gonna change my opinion, I think this is grief. And it’s hardsr to catch this kind of grief because you only have witnesses and logs of people blowing up, but you can’t read the mind of who did it to know if it was an accident or not. Like the guy who threw people down disposals and got away with it because it didn’t leave evidence, or the countless BOs and SOs who’ve blown up entire marine forces and got a slap on the wrist because they claimed it was an accident.
I'm just gonna leave it at this, you have fair points but mistakes happen. I apologized in dchat after I was executed and I told someone in dchat to tell the Bravo SL sorry before logging off that night.
I respect your opinion so I'm just gonna end this here.

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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by taketheshot56 » 14 Jul 2018, 01:28

I think we are ready for a ruling whenever. Unless anyone else has any info to share?
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by Ttly » 14 Jul 2018, 02:27

I remember being in that round, I was playing a random name PFC, or was it a medic?

Either way, I was in Delta, he took over as OW over the first SO and OBing an entire squad aside he didn't talk much or even at all with the squad, pretty much disregarding what an SO is supposed to do.

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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by FGRSentinel » 14 Jul 2018, 14:07

Yeah, he went SSD for a while and when I noticed I pulled him away and reclaimed Delta OW until he came back. Even after he returned the only time I heard him say ANYTHING was when I caught him screaming at the Alpha SL to put down an OB. No communication from him, no real coordination, nothing. Hell, at one point after his incident I went to check on Delta and realized you guys didn't even have a living SL, meaning that he wasn't even checking the squad monitor to ensure everyone was alive. I had to walk over and give you guys an aSL. Literally all he did was log into the console, sit there for 20+ minutes to go smoke and get wasted (according to him) and then come back to OB Bravo into oblivion. The fact that he claims he did everything an SO should do is actually a bit insulting to me since he did literally everything a halfway decent SO shouldn't do and did nothing an SO NEEDS to do. If the MP didn't show up when they did I'd probably have shot him dead and taken the Execution for murder or tried to justify it as an action in defense of Bravo Squad. The record shows that if I had done so, one of the most massive and clearly intentional FF incidents I've seen would have been avoided though.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by NethIafins » 15 Jul 2018, 06:10

I checked the logs and he was the first one to ahelp, apologizing and saying it was a mistake because he was in a hurry. So to some degree it was already handled.

Hard to prove he wasn't griefing but equally hard to proof he's not sincere

We need him in this topic to make full statement on his actions tho.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by taketheshot56 » 15 Jul 2018, 06:39

NethIafins wrote:
15 Jul 2018, 06:10
I checked the logs and he was the first one to ahelp, apologizing and saying it was a mistake because he was in a hurry. So to some degree it was already handled.

Hard to prove he wasn't griefing but equally hard to proof he's not sincere

We need him in this topic to make full statement on his actions tho.
He already has he claimed he was drunk, that is why he continuously went to each overwatch station trying to fire OBs went to bravo and fired it as soon as they placed them.

There was no talk of needing an OB, bravo said multiple times over the radio they were placing it for later and NOT to fire, dragging the active SO away from his overwatch station and disobeying the XOs orders before dropping an OB on 15 marines doesnt just happen by accident.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by NethIafins » 15 Jul 2018, 06:41

alright, Managers will get to it then
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by FGRSentinel » 16 Jul 2018, 02:17

taketheshot56 wrote:
15 Jul 2018, 06:39
There was no talk of needing an OB, bravo said multiple times over the radio they were placing it for later and NOT to fire, dragging the active SO away from his overwatch station and disobeying the XOs orders before dropping an OB on 15 marines doesnt just happen by accident.
Denholm didn't drag me away from my overwatch station. I found him at mine and tried to drag him away, but he got out of the grip and ran back. He was told multiple times to stay away from the console and resisted an attempt at forcefully removing him before ignoring an MP ordering him to step away from the console (which, correct me if I'm wrong, the MP is allowed to give such an order in a situation like that) to fire the OB. He had multiple instances where he was given an opportunity to stop and didn't. It's hard to view it as an accident under those circumstances in my opinion.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by sw4gbag » 17 Jul 2018, 14:20

I just want to apologize one last time about this whole incident, a day or so before the incident I drank while playing as a marine and told a moderator through adminhelp, he advised me to not play while drunk and I should have had applied that logic to the round where I played as an SO.

I've learned that I should never play CM while drinking for I can do stupid shit like fire an OB too close to marines. I'm truly sorry for this mistake.

I'd like to add as much as I've played in the last 3-4 years since pre-alpha, I've made many mistakes, a lot of them are spread out by months, but this by far was my biggest one and this will never happen again. As someone who's played as much, I should be expected to be held at a higher expectation than new players, which I will do from now on.

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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by Solarmare » 14 Aug 2018, 05:30

Some logs before the OB at least.
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I'd say a note could be placed as ignoring your assignment just to fire an OB of a squad you aren't even supposed to be overwatching is more than a bit strange, though it was left IC at the time with the execution.
Actual decision on this report will be given by a manager later whenever at least.
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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by sw4gbag » 16 Aug 2018, 01:38

Solarmare wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 05:30
Some logs before the OB at least.
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I'd say a note could be placed as ignoring your assignment just to fire an OB of a squad you aren't even supposed to be overwatching is more than a bit strange, though it was left IC at the time with the execution.
Actual decision on this report will be given by a manager later whenever at least.
When will a manager decide on this typically?
Will I be permabanned? One moderator recently told me I'm out of chances, and one more minor thing could result in severe punishment and that's really changed my mindset on playing CM, I just want a second chance and prove in the next few weeks I won't do ANYTHING bad.

EDIT: I understand that I've probably been give plenty of chances before, ones that I didn't care about, but now, it hits me hard, knowing all the time and love I have for this game could be swiped away for my actions, I want this chance to show I can act decently, I'm not some bald griefer intent on messing up every round or causing FF. I just made stupid decisions which, in retrospect, would be considered grief.

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Re: Denholm 'Spastic' Earl

Post by Emeraldblood » 21 Aug 2018, 14:43

Right, sorry no one got around to this sooner. Swagbag isn't getting a perma or anything that harsh but they will receive a command ban for messing the game up for a fair amount of players and a lot of warnings in their notes. You can attempt to appeal the Command Ban in 30 days from now.

Resolved - Reported player will receive a Command Ban for their disregard of preserving the round.
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