Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

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Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 02:07

Your Byond Key: zelkova64

Your Character Name: Jackson A. Hargrave

Accused Byond Key(if known): N/A

Character Name: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 12:20

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 4

The Acting Commander/Executive Officer setting up the ship's engines if there are no Maintenance Techs and no Chief Engineer to do it. The CO/XO would realistically have at least some knowledge of the engine that runs their ship. Also, it is crucial to the success of the marine team, so gameplay trumps realism here.

The part of the rule specifically being - "if there are no Maintenance Techs and no Chief Engineer to do it" In this case, There was.

With multiple PO's trying to work to help command (As terrible as commands ability to actually communicate with the PO's was.) There was zero reason for the commander to be able too nore should they have been remote operating the Alamo as there were officers assigned to this task. In turn Remote flying the Alamo was negating the whole job of a PO.

Description of the incident: Alamo was ordered to be CAS, Commander ordered things switched at around 30 minutes into the round. While preparing to 'fix' the situation. The commander starts Remote flying the Alamo, Showing complete disregard for command staff jobs. The commander (Christine 'Rabies' Kennel) then did little to communicate to command staff and instead decided to operate the Alamo remotely instead of letting the PO's handle their actual job. (PO Fett being in prison at the time only left one PO to try and fix the DS Equipment. while the other PO's handled Normandy.)

The only responce I ever got from the commander as PO was after I resigned and this is all I heard of it.
CDR Christine 'Rabies' Kennel says, "I'm buy."
CDR Christine 'Rabies' Kennel says, "Busy, rather."

In short, Terrible communication and unwillingness to work with other players as per their actual job role and category. Unfitting of a commander. Powergaming by remote use of assets outside their intended job role WHILE there were other players working in that job. It would not have been powergaming if there was no PO's however because there were PO's there it should not have been remote operated by the commander without them first trying to talk to the PO's - (Example being Doing engineering while engineers are playing. like in the rule description.)

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: Verbal Reminder of roles. (No direct punishment)

I would recommend this be a good example of how command should not be multitasking jobs outside their direct role while other players are present. While this incident should not see this particular player punished directly, It should serve as a good example of how you do not take on other peoples jobs while there are people actually playing those positions. If every commander just remote flew the Alamo/Normandy then there would not be a single point in having a PO Job category.

TLDR: Remind commanders to actually communicate with command, Regardless of how much shit is happening, Don't take over people peoples jobs without first trying to PROPERLY Communicate with that person. If you ever say your too busy as a commander to handle command itself, your failing be default. Chain of command is important.

Nobody likes being pushed out of their job while they are trying to perform that role, Its not fun. Especially when half your role is to talk and the other half push the 'make it go' button with no other physical interaction.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 02:10

I would like to further add that if I missed anything in this report or in-game due to the chaos, I apologize in advance, I tried to be as accurate from my point of view as possible of the situation.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by FGRSentinel » 16 Jul 2018, 02:26

I wasn't around for the incident above but I have to admit this seems to be Christine's MO with things. She's one of those COs and XOs that wander around the CIC interferring with every SO's Overwatch (directly interacting with it, which causes it to kick the SO out of their feed when the CO/XO either tries to view the same camera or walks away from the console) just because doing so is more convenient for her than asking for a status report is, even though it literally inconveniences every SO and she'll often directly give orders to SLs on the squad comms, rendering the SOs in the CIC useless.

I know it doesn't have anything to do with this specific report, but I felt the need to comment on the pattern in behavior that can lead to frustrations and (as a report on another individual that's pending shows) complacency in SOs that makes it far too easy for a griefer to disrupt squad functionality since people just resign themselves to the fact that if they hear clicking someone over them is using the console and they're about to potentially lose their feed at the worst moment.

On the other hand, if this is something you could make a report about, I could probably open a report on the CO or XO every other round for such acts, so I doubt this is something that anything can be done about short of clarifying what is and isn't acceptable behavior for COs and XOs regarding the consoles in CIC (including the Normandy/Alamo control consoles)
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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Avalanchee » 16 Jul 2018, 02:40

I checked Byond right now and the round is still running
Don't post until the round ended
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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Lorem123 » 16 Jul 2018, 04:25

I don't see how this is an issue at all. One PO was available running CAS (And he was an excellent PO that round, too), the other was in jail. In fact, I am pretty sure I was telling the CO or XO to launch the Alamo remotely to get shit to our guys on the ground while I was the RO that round.
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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 04:38

Lorem123 wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 04:25
I don't see how this is an issue at all. One PO was available running CAS (And he was an excellent PO that round, too), the other was in jail. In fact, I am pretty sure I was telling the CO or XO to launch the Alamo remotely to get shit to our guys on the ground while I was the RO that round.
There is no reason for you to ever tell the CO/XO to remote launch any DS while there are PO's working on them and flying them, It defeats the point of being a PO or having the job, Your causing the same issue that is described in this form.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by DriedMilk » 16 Jul 2018, 04:45


First, the report was made during the round which ended after 4 hours in a Marine win so please avoid making these while the round is in progress.

Second, the CO can remotely launch the DS1 whenever they want, it's not 'powergaming' or whatever. I've done it multiple times before and I will KEEP doing it. The transfer from CAS to transport was done shortly after and the DS1 could resume it's transport role

I literally see nothing wrong with my actions as I'm the Commander and you're a PO, I can remotely launch the DS1 under my command whenever I want.

FGRSentinel wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 02:26
A picture is worth more than a thousand words, that's all I have to say.

Here, take a look at this gitlab suggesting that the XO/CO should get a central OW console. ... e_87931309
Image Captain of the USS Almayer CPT Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 04:52

JacksonDee wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 04:50
There....there is nothing wrong with a CO launching the dropships if they desire. Nothing at ALL. It's their ship, their operation, and their right. And from what I heard, the PO was detained or unavalible, so she was forced to.
A PO was detained, However I was still flying and working on the Alamo, Something nobody decided to bother asking about or responding to my comments on command chat about.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 04:53

DriedMilk wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 04:45
I've done it multiple times before and I will KEEP doing it. The transfer from CAS to transport was done shortly after and the DS1 could resume it's transport role

I literally see nothing wrong with my actions as I'm the Commander and you're a PO, I can remotely launch the DS1 under my command whenever I want.
Then your a terrible commander who does not recognize peoples jobs or the RP value of said jobs, Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Its highly neglectful of other players and their positions/roles. End of story.

Also, Just because the marines won, doesnt make it right.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by DriedMilk » 16 Jul 2018, 04:58

Zelkova wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 04:53
Then your a terrible commander who does not recognize peoples jobs or the RP value of said jobs, Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Its highly neglectful of other players and their positions/roles. End of story.

Also, Just because the marines won, doesnt make it right.
Sure, I'll be a terrible Commander because I remotely launched the DS once in the entire round. Still not seeing what's against the rules here...
Image Captain of the USS Almayer CPT Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

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Byond: driecg36

Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by driecg36 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:02

1) The rule you cited literally ONLY mention engineers, not PO's.
2) If the commander wasn't supposed to be able to launch the DS whenever he wanted, why would the console be literally next to his chair?
3) This has been common practice forever, and it 200% an IC issue. If the PO is being too slow for my tastes, I'll gladly launch the DS remotely. This report is pointless.
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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by z a n e b o t » 16 Jul 2018, 05:05

driecg36 wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:02
1) The rule you cited literally ONLY mention engineers, not PO's.
2) If the commander wasn't supposed to be able to launch the DS whenever he wanted, why would the console be literally next to his chair?
3) This has been common practice forever, and it 200% an IC issue. If the PO is being too slow for my tastes, I'll gladly launch the DS remotely. This report is pointless.
As driecg said, this report honestly wasn't needed, how is it powergaming for the CO to call up a drop ship? This report seems more salt driven than anything since the CO decided to do your job for you since it seems you weren't doing it yourself.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:11

z a n e b o t wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:05
As driecg said, this report honestly wasn't needed, how is it powergaming for the CO to call up a drop ship? This report seems more salt driven than anything since the CO decided to do your job for you since it seems you weren't doing it yourself.
Right, I was standing right there helping and It gets launched with me in the Alamo doorway from the ship to the surface, I call it out in command chat and no response, This is more of a bad IC issue with the commander not talking to their staff. Something a commander should be really good at.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by z a n e b o t » 16 Jul 2018, 05:12

Zelkova wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:11
Right, I was standing right there helping and It gets launched with me in the Alamo doorway from the ship to the surface, I call it out in command chat and no response, This is more of a bad IC issue with the commander not talking to their staff. Something a commander should be really good at.
If it's an IC issue, why did you decide to make a player report on it?

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:13

driecg36 wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:02
1) The rule you cited literally ONLY mention engineers, not PO's.
2) If the commander wasn't supposed to be able to launch the DS whenever he wanted, why would the console be literally next to his chair?
3) This has been common practice forever, and it 200% an IC issue. If the PO is being too slow for my tastes, I'll gladly launch the DS remotely. This report is pointless.
Engineers is an example, It should apply to any position in general. I would expect you to realize this as a moderator. If the commander has a bloody console, whats the point of a PO if everything has autopilot?

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:14

z a n e b o t wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:12
If it's an IC issue, why did you decide to make a player report on it?
Because I was told too by an ingame admin. So I did.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by DriedMilk » 16 Jul 2018, 05:14

Zelkova wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:11
Right, I was standing right there helping and It gets launched with me in the Alamo doorway from the ship to the surface, I call it out in command chat and no response, This is more of a bad IC issue with the commander not talking to their staff. Something a commander should be really good at.
Ok, I'm the worst Commander in the entire game, cool. I should've shot you for the four line rant paragraph you said to me in the CiC to be honest. Sounds like this report is 200% useless because I hurted your fellings because I launched the DS remotely ONCE.
Image Captain of the USS Almayer CPT Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:16

DriedMilk wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:14
Ok, I'm the worst Commander in the entire game, cool. I should've shot you for the four line rant paragraph just said to me in the CiC to be honest. Sounds like this report is 200% useless because I hurted your fellings because I launched the DS remotely ONCE.
The issue is in general with the attitude and lack of communication, Thats what makes a commander good or bad. You didnt do anything to address concerns in command chat regarding the DS's.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by driecg36 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:18

Zelkova wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:13
Engineers is an example, It should apply to any position in general. I would expect you to realize this as a moderator. If the commander has a bloody console, whats the point of a PO if everything has autopilot?
No, that rule is pretty clearly targeted towards ONLY the engines and engineers. If it were more general, it would not have so much emphasis on the engine proper.

Not only was this not even an egregious example of a "bad CO", but it wasn't even a rule break, RP break, or anything break whatsoever.

Lack of communication (especially when minor like this), while frustrating, is not a serious enough issue for a player report.
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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by DriedMilk » 16 Jul 2018, 05:19

Zelkova wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:16
The issue is in general with the attitude and lack of communication, Thats what makes a commander good or bad. You didnt do anything to address concerns in command chat regarding the DS's.
We get it, I'm a bad Commander. But where's the rule break that is required for the punishment to be applied. Hmmm?
Image Captain of the USS Almayer CPT Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:23

DriedMilk wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:19
We get it, I'm a bad Commander. But where's the rule break that is required for the punishment to be applied. Hmmm?
I suppose your right that theres no exactly defined rule break, However my issue with this is that instead of talking to your staff you act without communicating, something a commander should be doing IC as much as possible. Yeah you have a 'button' as the only excuse here to what I can only assume is for gameplay reasons not IC reasons should there not even be a PO. However your attitude and even a threat to shoot me here on the forums is an example of why your not a good commander or a good fit of the role.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:25

driecg36 wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:18
No, that rule is pretty clearly targeted towards ONLY the engines and engineers. If it were more general, it would not have so much emphasis on the engine proper.

Not only was this not even an egregious example of a "bad CO", but it wasn't even a rule break, RP break, or anything break whatsoever.

Lack of communication (especially when minor like this), while frustrating, is not a serious enough issue for a player report.
I was informed by an ingame admin to make a player report about the issues I have described, Specifically communication and the actions described above. Thats why there is a player report.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Zelkova64 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:27

DriedMilk wrote:
16 Jul 2018, 05:25
So there's no rule break.

This report is completely useless.
Ill just leave this here, Command button or not.

No powergaming - Powergaming includes performing actions outside your assigned job or chosen character’s abilities. Your skills or RP background prior to the round do not matter - a standard marine with "a brother in Engineering" does not know how to hack an airlock.

NOT Powergaming:
The Acting Commander/Executive Officer setting up the ship's engines if there are no Maintenance Techs and no Chief Engineer to do it. The CO/XO would realistically have at least some knowledge of the engine that runs their ship. Also, it is crucial to the success of the marine team, so gameplay trumps realism here.

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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Aceluke123 » 16 Jul 2018, 16:54

Okay, as a reminder to all. This isn't a place to argue, you need to follow rule 2 and post if you are adding to the report. Same goes for all staff.
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Re: Christine 'Rabies' Kennel

Post by Sir Lordington » 17 Jul 2018, 08:09

This is just going in circles and turning into a mess of deleted posts due to rule 2.

Locked pending manager resolution. Any further concerns may be directed to me or Emerald Blood directly.
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