Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Musely » 17 Jul 2018, 19:46

Nickvr628 wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 19:41
Also, you think that all the marines across multiple squads, including various ship side roles, all shouting about MP harming and executing people were lies? I saw the MP use THREE frag grenades against brigged marines with my own eyes.
For the most part yeah. It's pretty routine for prisoners to stir up drama. I arrested a marine for interfering with an arrest and as I dragged him to brig he started screaming about how I was beating him to death and that we were planning to execute him and how it was for having a shotgun. People say lots of things to try to get busted out by their squadmates.

In blade's defense, I distinctly remember him asking for SOs to line up in front of him and immediately after some people started screaming about how he was going to BE them. Most of the accusations in here are just marines screaming nonsense for the sake of it.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 19:49

The logs of that incident in the CIC where a few of us claim the CO was going to BE us would be appreciated. Should be around the time Jason ordered all SOs to form a line in front of him. I know immediately after that I bolted and shouted over comms (mistakenly over Bravo's, which I had deactivated, and then over Charlie's) that the CO was going to BE the CIC staff, at which point one or two Charlies said I'd be safer on the ground, so I went down to help there and hopefully die on my own terms. It was when I heard the claims that people were being tortured that I went up and Jason was pretty aggressive about confronting me, the WO ignored my request, and Rex looked too damn eager to throw me in with the Charlies in isolation.

Also, the grenade incident did in fact happen. I didn't see who did what, but something did blow up in the brig just on the edge of what one of my cameras showed before a Charlie was dragged out in pretty bad shape.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 17 Jul 2018, 19:52

BladeBr wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 19:31
Some marines even broke the glasses of the checkpoints and rushed to the dropships. After I saw I couldn't Brief the marines, I ordered the XO to do it and went back for the CIC.

-MPs never executed nor tortured anyone. I was on Brig myself, the most I saw was a CMP with his head bleeding for being shot. The Perma prisoners were unharmed.

This was quite some time into it though, lets not pretend it was 12:15, because it was more like 12:30-12:50.When i checked the time to see how long this "brief" had not taken place, it was 12:39.I was the tanker standing next to you and was watching you.

When you finally did command the XO to give the brief because you clearly weren't able to, there was a portion of only bravo sitting in briefing, and thats around when i left finally.Most marines didnt "rush" anywhere because we were getting flashbanged in the briefing room because of a silly ban you proposed on people.

On the torturing remark, i wasnt there, but i did hear reports of marines dead in the brig.
Last edited by BillyBoBBizWorth on 18 Jul 2018, 12:48, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Dauntasa » 17 Jul 2018, 19:53

Regarding the grenade incident, while I did not see it happen, I did later see the brig cells covered in scorch marks and obvious explosion damage.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Blade2000Br » 17 Jul 2018, 19:56

Yeah, I think I ordered the XO to make the briefing around 12:30-40, not exact sure about it. And yeah, I saw marines escaping through the shutters, if you were following me, you would see me walknig from one side to the other, yelling at people.

Yeah, that torture thing was sure fake. People complain that all the time when being brigged. I have done it to me several times before.

I mean, Brig doors were blown up, and one MT (god bless him for actually fixing things) was fixing the doors that were destroyed. I have no idea what this nade was about.
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Byond: Nickvr628

Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Nickvr628 » 17 Jul 2018, 19:56

Yeah the briefing was not till at least 12:45, because I sent HC a fax about the issues we have been having around that time.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 20:04

The fact is between the CO's insanity and the WO deciding to go beyond their orders (seemingly because they were upset the arrests were over with) the Marines were really hurt that round. After evac I went around to every console and out of 180-200 marines that dropped, only 32 survived. That's a 15-20% survival rate and about 75% of Charlie was forced to spend the majority of the round on Almayer by the CO and MPs' actions, and on top of an SO calling Bravo in to put down the protest there were a ton of wounded. Add to that the fact that we spent the entire second half of the round with only myself and the XO in CIC because the WO decided to arrest the other SOs with the slightest provocation (granted, one was ordering marines to kill MPs, but the others? not so much) and you start to realize the Marines had little-to-no chance of surviving. By the time Charlie was finally able to deploy without being harassed by the MPs, everyone was forced back to the FOB.

Also, Blade, that part about ordering the XO to make the briefing at that time was false. You spent 10-20 minutes screaming at people to hand over their shotguns, hitting the flash every 4-5 minutes, and then walked off after only saying "handle briefing" before ordering the Alamo and Normandy not to launch until you said otherwise. Between all your antics, the Xenos had a good 40-50 minutes to prepare, mature, and evolve, which gave them a serious edge on top of only two squads deploying initially and a third spending most of the round trying to get down without the MPs arresting them all.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by RobBrown4PM » 17 Jul 2018, 20:09

So I was the CMP this round.

Let's start from the beginning.

The round started off with a crap ton (probably around half) of the Marines in briefing cocking their shotguns non-stop. My MP's and I tried to put a stop to it, unfortunately our voices were drowned out and eventually I gave the order to arrest anyone who persisted in cocking their shotguns.

After a literal parade of Ungas were taken to the brig, for not only the shenanigans, but also assault, resisting and interfering with arrests, the CO made an announcement making it an ORDER for all of the Marines to hand over their shotguns to us MP's. This is where the fuse began, and boy oh boy did it burn fast. Because it was an order, and the vast majority of the Marines refused to give up their shotguns, I ordered all of the MP's to start arresting the Marines for insub. This is pretty much where the mutiny began.

After a multitude of arrests, shenanigans, assaults and so on and so forth, we got a call that the CiC was under siege from Charlie. We made our way up to the CiC and saw pretty much all of Charlie taking the CO captive. We tried to force our way in, but we were met with harm intent bashing from Charlie, stunning and a literal army of Marines and Auxiliary's outside of the CiC. We tried to get in, but we were forced to retreat. I went back to the brig and faxed HC about Charlie revolting, but got no reply. By this time I ordered the arrest of any Charlie squad members who were known to be involved. Now, unfortunately due to the massive amount of fog that had enveloped the round, I was very much unable to be every where at once, nor know what every one of my MP's were doing. I myself never physically harmed anyone, and I never ordered any of my MP's at any time to commit such acts, however, that is not to say that it happened without me knowing about it, for I did hear various accounts of abuse, however, I personally did not see any.

As the mutiny and round progressed, various acts of outright murder occurred. I was nearly killed by a Charlie Marine who outright admitted to being in the CiC at the time of the mutiny, and who I arrested for sedition. The CO was straight up decapped by a Marine, I was put in to critical with severe injuries by the same Marine, and another one of my MP's was killed, then his body dragged off from medical, by a charlie squad member as he was being given treatment.

Eventually, after surgery and me getting extremely frustrated with the direction the round had gone, I talked with the XO and agreed to grant amnesty to every one involved with the Mutiny. I made an announcement from the CiC granting a blanket amnesty, however, I informed anyone that any further seditious acts would be met with punishment.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Nickvr628 » 17 Jul 2018, 20:15

I was the SO who ordered bravo, my overwatched squad who had not yet deployed, to the bridge to help get rid of Charlie. I did this after the Charlies fired on me when I was in the Bridge. The bravos and several MPs were able to kick out the Charlies, and after some medics remained to care for the wounded. This was when Rex Texas batonned and arrested the medic tending to Bravo Lead. A few minutes later a robust MT has repaired the bridge to working order and “normal” operations resumed.

Afterward I was bwoinked saying it was a poor decision to bring the bravos into the fight since marine vs marine was prohibited. I disagree with that but whatever, the admin’s rules are law.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Lorem123 » 17 Jul 2018, 20:36

So wait a minute. We've got a Moderator as the CO and a Moderator as the CMP, both of which were the central reason why that round was a total grief fest.
Do I need to move this to Staff Reports, then? Because this is just ridiculous.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by GenericUsername » 17 Jul 2018, 20:38

Was a latejoin charlie marine. It was total chaos to figure out what went on, but I know I was there during the WO's amnesty. I remember that the MP Alberto whatever was holding a tazer and a mateba, which did make me question even more the MPs. I even got tazed by him along with Marcelus I think while we were watching from a few tiles awaya doctor ressurrct an MP. Realy seemed like a tasing for no reason, but as always MP mains retort with "I told you to do X so now I can taze" or whatever bullshit they use to validate softgriefing.
As for when we deployed, the marines were struggling on the FOB and the hospital. I remember that when charlie arrived a delta said something like "Oh charlie is here finally".
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by RobBrown4PM » 17 Jul 2018, 20:40

Lorem123 wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 20:36
So wait a minute. We've got a Moderator as the CO and a Moderator as the CMP, both of which were the central reason why that round was a total grief fest.
Do I need to move this to Staff Reports, then? Because this is just ridiculous.
I really do not like false accusations. Please bring forth evidence of griefing on my part
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Lorem123 » 17 Jul 2018, 20:41

RobBrown4PM wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 20:40
I really do not like false accusations. Please bring forth evidence of griefing on my part
You can read the thread and see the multiple complaints against you as CMP.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by taketheshot56 » 17 Jul 2018, 20:49

Both blade rob and rex truly are fantastic players. I make this as a character witness report and I can fully say nine of them would EVER grief with a round. I for one think it's a very cool idea to see pulse rifles only. Marines disobeying a LEGAL order and causing mass mutinies like this is the reason mutiny rules were locked up by Apop. If marines continue LOWRP and mutinies over stupid shit like this were going to see the rules tightened up again. So I sum up. Blade rob and Rex are upstanding players who I've known for a Long time. I think this is merely a report because a low rp mutiny wasnt as sucessful as hoped.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by RobBrown4PM » 17 Jul 2018, 20:58

Lorem123 wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 18:05

and am denied an appeal by the WO for 30+ minutes
Sorry, but any appeal you made, or wanted to make either got lost in the fog the mutiny, or I was simply to pre-occupied trying to get my department in order, wrangling in mutineers, or getting treated for critical wounds. I eventually tried to listen to some of the appeals, the most noticeable one got interrupted by an Unga killing one of my MP's, decapping the CO and putting me in to crit.
WO declare amnesty for anyone involved, although I suspect the admins just told the WO to stop acting so ridiculous via a PM.
Wrong, it was my decision entirely. I made mention of this in msay and then went on to enact it via a Command announcement.
"[14:47:43]ADMIN: MOD: RobBrown4PM/(Roberto 'Taco' Moreno) : fuck this, I am granting a general amnesty to everyone, providing they don't reoffend. Just to stop the madness. I don't even know who has done what anymore since some of the initial crap"
One of the MPs also said that they were going to execute every Charlie squad marine, so I take this as a perfectly valid reason to shoot the first MP that tries to arrest either myself or another Charlie squad member.
If one of my MP's ever said this, I certainly didn't order it, the logs can prove it.

So, where did I grief exactly, since your accusing me of it.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Lorem123 » 17 Jul 2018, 21:06

RobBrown4PM wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 20:58
Sorry, but any appeal you made, or wanted to make either got lost in the fog the mutiny, or I was simply to pre-occupied trying to get my department in order, wrangling in mutineers, or getting treated for critical wounds. I eventually tried to listen to some of the appeals, the most noticeable one got interrupted by an Unga killing one of my MP's, decapping the CO and putting me in to crit.

Wrong, it was my decision entirely. I made mention of this in msay and then went on to enact it via a Command announcement.

If one of my MP's ever said this, I certainly didn't order it, the logs can prove it.

So, where did I grief exactly, since your accusing me of it.
You took on the role of CMP and then ignored most of what you were being told and allowing your MPs to brig marines for excessive amounts of time. You're responsible for the MPs and you allowed them to do everything up to and including murder. That's griefing.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by RobBrown4PM » 17 Jul 2018, 21:14

Lorem123 wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 21:06
You took on the role of CMP and then ignored most of what you were being told and allowing your MPs to brig marines for excessive amounts of time. You're responsible for the MPs and you allowed them to do everything up to and including murder. That's griefing.
I allowed them to murder eh? I look forward to seeing the logs where in which I give the order to grief and murder. I can't keep stop individuals from greifing or murdering if I don't see them doing it.

I am tapping myself out here, and ask that who ever will be investigating this find these logs of me ordering my subordinates to Grief, murder and every other accusation levied against me. I also ask that Rule 5 of the 'Report a player' forum be taken in to consideration should none of the above is found to be true.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 21:15

RobBrown4PM wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 20:09
The round started off with a crap ton (probably around half) of the Marines in briefing cocking their shotguns non-stop. My MP's and I tried to put a stop to it, unfortunately our voices were drowned out and eventually I gave the order to arrest anyone who persisted in cocking their shotguns.

After a literal parade of Ungas were taken to the brig, for not only the shenanigans, but also assault, resisting and interfering with arrests, the CO made an announcement making it an ORDER for all of the Marines to hand over their shotguns to us MP's. This is where the fuse began, and boy oh boy did it burn fast. Because it was an order, and the vast majority of the Marines refused to give up their shotguns, I ordered all of the MP's to start arresting the Marines for insub. This is pretty much where the mutiny began.
You have cause and effect backwards. The CO ordered the Shotgun ban first and ordered that anyone seen with one would be arrested for insub in the same breath. The pumping was a form of protest and your men just swarmed briefing tasing, stunbatoning, and flashbanging the room to their hearts' content.

Also, as for the griefing accusations, MPs tried to arrest literally half the ship, something any competent CMP should realize is a bad idea and would question the CO's mass arrest order at the minimum before faxing HC, but on top of that there were many, many attempts to get you to say something about what was going on that went ignored, including an SO walking up to you in person and asking you to fax HC regarding the CO's actions while they were still alive. One of your MPs was paying enough attention to even try to gleefully make a threat of an insub charge within earshot of you and you didn't acknowledge either of these. Literally every single aspect about your actions in the round, from what I'm seeing and hearing, can be chalked up as one of three things. These are the same three things I assume whenever this happens.
1. Total Neglect of Duty and proper proceedure.
2. soft griefing. Most of what's being said sounds like you jumped at any excuse to arrest literally everyone you could.
3. Defending a buddy who bit off more than they could chew. Whenever I see a CMP that refuses to look into accusations of an SO, XO, or CO abusing power, committing treason, or neglecting duty, this is always the one that I suspect. The fact that you ignored a request made in person to report the CO to HC and anything not said by them makes it one that's painfully likely from my perspective, especially since you didn't seem to question his seemingly giving zero slack on the matter, but I could be wrong. The fact that two Moderators were involved and a third staff member threatened everyone except the CO (who was one of said moderators) with bans if they continued shooting actually starts to paint an even worse picture of the situation in my eyes. I think Lorem's right about this potentially being better as a staff report, but that's just me.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Lorem123 » 17 Jul 2018, 21:18

I'm going to wait to see what the higher-up staff have to say about this report. If it doesn't result in some job bans and either extremely strict warnings or de-whitelisting of the CO, then I am going to escalate it to staff report.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 21:35

RobBrown4PM wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 21:14
I allowed them to murder eh? I look forward to seeing the logs where in which I give the order to grief and murder. I can't keep stop individuals from greifing or murdering if I don't see them doing it.
It's not that you ordered it, but that you didn't do anything to stop or prevent it. To give an idea, when the CO first instated the shotgun ban, I'd stated two things that I feel any decent CMP would take notice of:
1. The Almayer did not have the logistics to arrest the 50+ marines the CO's orders were saying had to be brigged and the CO didn't care about this in the slightest.
2. When asked by an SO to see the orders to confirm HC wanted this ban in place, the CO was both unwilling and unable to produce a fax or any sort of evidence, meaning that the orders could not be confirmed as real.

Both these points were brought up before the initial flurry of arrests in Briefing, when nothing was going on to drown out your comms, but both were still ignored. You can explain away the other issues reported above, but with these two statements being true and stated over comms, there's less of a way to justify it if you weren't okay with what was obviously going to happen as a result. A good CMP would presumably fax HC requesting confirmation of the orders and to report the CO's actions as well. If they weren't real (which they weren't) then the CO was deliberately sabotaging the operation and would most likely be officially removed and the mutiny stopped. If they were, the CO now had proof the orders were valid and the mutiny would be treason against HC instead of an attempt to overthrow a traitorous Commander.

Honestly once it was clear the CO was unwilling to listen to reason and you weren't willing to contact HC, the mutiny was impossible to prevent. My agreement to help with the mutiny was subtle enough that the only indication of what was going to happen was the Charlie SL saying "LT, we're here, open the door to CIC" before the entire squad swarmed in. If Charlie wanted to, they could have easily killed the CO and left before anyone knew what happened.
Last edited by FGRSentinel on 17 Jul 2018, 21:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Dauntasa » 17 Jul 2018, 21:37

taketheshot56 wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 20:49
I think this is merely a report because a low rp mutiny wasnt as sucessful as hoped.
This is a ridiculous statement to make. The commander started the round by blanket banning the usage of shotguns, apparently the current most popular weapon for the marines, and per his own words had no reason for doing so beyond wanting to see what would happen. The backlash that resulted from this made complete sense from an IC perspective. Arbitrarily banning shotguns because the CO OOC wanted to see what would happen is the Lowest RP thing that happened in the round. The marine response was initially peaceful protest, and remained so until the situation was escalated by the MPs at the CO's direct order. The mutiny that eventually occurred was 100% successful, with the CO ending up dead and shotguns definitively unbanned.

Regardless of their track records as players in general, which may well be sterling, the CO and MPs all displayed poor judgment during the course of this round, and the ultimate result of it was entirely predictable.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 21:50

taketheshot56 wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 20:49
Both blade rob and rex truly are fantastic players. I make this as a character witness report and I can fully say nine of them would EVER grief with a round. I for one think it's a very cool idea to see pulse rifles only. Marines disobeying a LEGAL order and causing mass mutinies like this is the reason mutiny rules were locked up by Apop. If marines continue LOWRP and mutinies over stupid shit like this were going to see the rules tightened up again. So I sum up. Blade rob and Rex are upstanding players who I've known for a Long time. I think this is merely a report because a low rp mutiny wasnt as sucessful as hoped.
The legality of the order was called into question almost immediately. He claimed it was an order from HC and was both informed of the logistical impossibility of the order and asked by CIC staff to see the dispatch from HC with the order. The MPs were taking and destroying shotguns along with their attachments, which means Marines who weren't aware of the order or didn't have time to comply with it were now forced to drop with unmodded pulse rifles, which is even worse than you seem to understand, as I doubt the RO would be willing to hand out 2-3 more attachments to every single marine that lost their weapon and BCs are a pain to replace. The mutiny was, from what I can tell, reported by ahelp and therefore legal under the current rules. Also, the mutiny was far more successful than you seem to think: Charlie was able to take over the bridge with zero resistance because the MPs were too busy confiscating and destroying every shotgun they could find, wasting precious Marine resources, to really notice and an SO was in on the mutiny. If anything, Charlie succeeded in the initial attempt and gave him a chance to rescind his order before taking him captive. Hilariously, the only overt violations of the Mutiny rules I could see were from Pro-CO combatants who deliberately tried to kill or peramakill downed marines, refused treatment to wounded, and other things. It wasn't until staff threatened everyone except the CO who continued the conflict with an instant ban that the mutineers started trying to get people permadead because for all anyone knew, the MPs would also be given a pass on it after the CO was killed. The current rules are actually too strict from what this shows: Charlie couldn't kill the CO even after they'd taken the bridge and declared the XO aCO because of the rules, and that caused the mutiny to drag out for an entire 30-40 minutes longer as the XO couldn't order the MPs to stand down and nobody was willing or able to contact HC to resolve the situation.

The mutineers can't actually "win" the mutiny without people getting permakilled, mostly the CO and MPs, but the CO can just BE mutineers that get downed, meaning that if the CO doesn't step down peacefully, the rest of the round is dominated by a mutiny where the mutineers have to avoid permakilling people but the MPs and Pro-CO Marines can put people into crit and do what they want because if someone's dying, the CO can just walk up and "BE" them to make their permadeath legal under the Mutiny Rules. The mutineers can't kill the CO, so they can't actually relieve them. They can't hold them hostage since the MPs will simply try to free them. The XO can't order the MPs to arrest the former CO since they aren't obligated to treat the XO as aCO if they don't feel like reporting the CO's actions to HC. So mutinies can only end one of two ways: the mutineers all either dead or permaed, or someone breaking a Mutiny rule.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Nantei » 17 Jul 2018, 22:28

taketheshot56 wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 20:49
Both blade rob and rex truly are fantastic players. I make this as a character witness report and I can fully say nine of them would EVER grief with a round. I for one think it's a very cool idea to see pulse rifles only. Marines disobeying a LEGAL order and causing mass mutinies like this is the reason mutiny rules were locked up by Apop. If marines continue LOWRP and mutinies over stupid shit like this were going to see the rules tightened up again. So I sum up. Blade rob and Rex are upstanding players who I've known for a Long time. I think this is merely a report because a low rp mutiny wasnt as sucessful as hoped.
As someone who briefly saw this round and similarly has seen Rex many times, I don't know how in any way you could claim he's a great player. As an MP he is infamous for both causing problems, and just being overall unpleasant to deal with. It's very similar when he is XO. There are very few players I would advocate a job ban for, and Rex is one of them. This round isn't an exception for Rex, this is the norm.
Blade I don't know very well, so all I can say is this was a very poor performance from a CO and moderator, and they should definitely be warned at the very least. I expect a lot better from a whitelisted role, especially a staff member. And it is very hard to believe he couldn't have known how extremely disruptive it would be to ban one of the only two viable weapons Marines have.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Lorem123 » 17 Jul 2018, 23:18

I'd like to get a response from a staff member that was not involved in this fiasco.
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Byond: Solarmare

Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Solarmare » 17 Jul 2018, 23:54

Ill leave the higher staff response until a manager handles this matter, as this:
Rule 2: Do NOT post in an appeal/report if you are not contributing as a witness. If you are going to post as a character witness, keep it simple and easy to read.
Otherwise it will simply be removed, if youre not saying what you saw specifically occur about a reported incident then there's no reason to post.
Can you heeeeaaaaar am I floating in my tin can. A last glimpse of the world.
Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing left to do.

Forum Rule #2: Do NOT post in an appeal if you are not contributing as a witness, if you are keep it simple and easy to read.
