Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

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Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Lorem123 » 17 Jul 2018, 18:05

Your Byond Key:Just L

Your Character Name: Orlando Blackburn

Accused Byond Key(if known): Several

Character Name: Rex Texas (Among other MPs) and Jason 'Punk' Crowmel

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): July 16th ~4:00pm EST

What rule(s) were broken: 4, 15, 19

Description of the incident: Honestly, this round was such a mess that trying to summarize it will probably not do it justice. Any of the admins that were on will know what I mean. I will try to summarize it as best as I can.
I joined a bit late into the round, about 20 minutes in at least, but upon arriving I hear that the CO is banning all shotguns for the operation. This obviously goes over poorly with the crew, and so every marine gets a shotgun and starts pumping them in briefing to protest this. The MPs come by and start throwing flashbangs everywhere and arresting basically anyone they can get their hands on.
Charlie squad is let into CIC eventually by their LT to try and get the commander to either stand down or listen to reason. While this is going on, I was trying to avoid being arrested and having my Barrel Charger shotgun taken by the MPs

Eventually I get arrested and have my shotgun and some other stuff taken. I get let out a little while later and am waiting for the rest of my squad outside of the brig. The rest of the squad apparently had gone to CIC to get the CO to stand down at this point, and I believe they were successful. The CO then asks charlie to come into the brig for questioning, and then Rex Texas runs out and arrests me and the charlie specialist for 'sedition' despite following the commander's request/order. I get thrown in the isolation cell and ahelp an admin about a few questions (Thanks for clearing that up, Grimcad) and am denied an appeal by the WO for 30+ minutes. The MPs also took my headset so I really had nothing to do but sit there.

After a while, I start hearing gunshots north east of isolation, which I assume were marines breaking into the brig (I never saw this, but I am pretty sure that's what happened) and trying to kill the MPs. I heard the CO's mateba go off several times, and by the time I am let out of the cell I see that the CO's head has been blown off and several of the MPs were wounded. An admin then made an OOC announcement that anyone besides the CO involved in the brig shootout was going to get banned, which probably just made everyone angrier with the situation (I know I was.) The XO took over at this point and somehow managed to make the WO declare amnesty for anyone involved, although I suspect the admins just told the WO to stop acting so ridiculous via a PM. One of the MPs also said that they were going to execute every Charlie squad marine, so I take this as a perfectly valid reason to shoot the first MP that tries to arrest either myself or another Charlie squad member.

I get let out of the isolation cell and am given my stuff back, and the first thing Rex Texas does is try to arrest another charlie marine. At this point I decide that he is just going to keep griefing for the entire round (Like every single round he has played in) and just walk up to him with my pump shotgun and shoot him in the head with it. Charlies all leave the brig then, and a doctor tries to revive Rex. I shoot Rex another time with a shotgun and then run off. Somehow Alberto Lineman has acquired the CO's Mateba and is threatening some charlies with that and a taser outside of medbay. He fires the Mateba and I immediately pull out my shotgun and shoot him point blank with it, taking the Mateba and then waiting near medbay to make sure that Rex either is revived and then cuffed or just not revived.

I go down to the planet after being arrested for 20 minutes due to preventing treatment on Rex, which I don't have an issue with. After this I go down to the planet and help lead the FOB defense for a while before the marines get pushed off and we lose the round. Charlie was basically incapable of helping for most of the round due to the squad being harassed by the MPs and having several arrested.

Rex Texas and the other MPs that round should definitely be getting some kind of punishment. I have heard nothing but negative reports about him, and the CO should have his whitelist looked at for griefing an entire round.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Admins can pull the logs. I didn't save any since there was too much going on, but I am sure the admins already have a good understanding of this round.

How you would punish the accused: Permanent job ban from MP roles and possibly Command roles too for the MPs. Possible temp ban from server. Possible loss of whitelist for CO.
Orlando Blackburn

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 18:29

Yeah, This was painful for me as Charlie SO...

The round started off as normal, SOs were picking squads, everyone was getting ready, and suddenly the CO, Jason 'Punk' Crowmel, announces that they received orders from HC that shotguns are banned after a FF incident in "the previous OP" and that everyone who had one would be arrested for insub immediately. As SO, I hear multiple squads start to complain about this, especially people who now had to go back to prep to replace their gear, before people started showing up to Briefing with nothing but shotguns. On seeing this, I inform the CO that enforcing his shotgun ban wouldn't go over well as there were more people with shotguns than there were cells to contain them and there were only three MPs at the time, counting the CMP. His response was a highly dismissive "I don't care" followed by "they can handle it."

Briefing time (12:18) arrives and the CO refuses to brief until everyone with a shotgun is arrested apparently. All I know is that everyone in briefing was pumping shotguns and the flash was used about 5-6 times. Eventually, someone breaks the glass into briefing and the CO leaves at the 12:28 mark, having delayed the OP by 10 minutes at this point. The XO awkwardly gives the briefing and tells everyone to get to the hangar only for the CO to give another order: the Alamo and Normandy are not to launch until his orders are carried out. At this point, if my interpretation is correct, Jason is disobeying HC orders by refusing to allow the OP to begin. A mutiny forms and I let Charlie into the CIC out of frustration, where they proceed to cuff the CO to a chair and surround him to simply pump their shotguns constantly in an attempt to get him to lift the ban until Bravo shows up and starts shooting with MPs tasing indiscriminately. This part I have no issue with, but the fact is that it's only at this point, 12:38 server time, that deployment begins. CO did not give briefing and delayed the OP by 20 minutes over shotguns. In an attempt to break up a fight between an LT and a marine, I took a buckshot hit to the chest, at which point I think everything started to die down as the wounded were pulled out of the CIC. I head down to Medbay to get treated and head back up.

As I look on my console I notice that the Charlie SG is dead in medbay with nothing indicating a BE, suggesting that they were denied treatment after the mutiny quieted down. An MP was nearby, which led me to believe that they may have prevented anyone from treating them. They also weren't there when I was getting treated for the buckshot mentioned above. Screams that the MPs were getting ready to execute Charlies flooded the squad comms, nobody could get the Commander to respond on if he authorized them and the CMP wouldn't comment on anything that happened during any of this.

Shortly after, he seems to become completely unhinged and tries to order every SO get BE'd when there was nothing the other three could do (Every Charlie was in there prior to this) and I was the only one to actively assist in what started as a peaceful mutiny. I decide to bolt and go down to assist Charlie since we were all wanted at this point. Eventually I hear claims that Charlies on the Almayer were being arrested and, in the words of a few, tortured. I'm not certain about this claim, but I know this was some time after the Charlie SL was arrested after using C4 to breach the Brig apparently. I head up to investigate and was confronted by the CO, who had been talked down from his BE threats, and he demanded I return to the CIC. When I informed him I was there to speak to the CMP first, Rex Texas, an MP that was named a few times as being overly aggressive in his arrests and even injuring a few marines, pulled his taser and accused me of insubordination. When informed that I was there to request the CMP report the CO's actions before returning to the CIC, the taser was not holstered, indicating that Rex had no interest in what I had to say regarding a far more serious matter of the CO's Neglect of Duty and potential treason. I left and returned to the CIC.

At some point after this, claims that MPs were trying to execute people started flying over Charlie's comms and it was clear that multiple people were panicking. The CO attempted to BE someone from what I heard and was killed in the resulting firefight. Mateba goes missing during this. XO lifts the Shotgun ban but MPs (particularly Rex, I believe) continued to enforce it even though the XO was now aCO. WO grants general amnesty to everyone involved in the mutiny, someone asks to be let into CIC to return Mateba (I think Orlando, but I might be wrong) and is promptly arrested on some new charges on the WO's orders. Reports continue flooding in and one of the SOs goes to retrieve the CO's ID to give to the XO (as they may need it) when Alan Jones walks into the CIC and takes it. When confronted by the XO and SO, he tased both of them and fled CIC with the CO's ID, claming that the XO didn't need it and refusing to hand it over, as well as apparently stealing the SO's gun.

Somewhere between the previous two incidents, Charlie's engineer reports that Rex added an additional 16 minutes to his timer without warning and no explanation. The Engineer commented later that the MPs spent a great deal of the op trying to arrest or execute them. A report later comes in that Rex released someone from the brig, tried to rebrig them, and then attempted an execution. Someone claims that Rex also attempted to kill them in the brig with grenades, but Rex claimed they tried to use their grenades on him, implying that either they were just let out and grabbed one from their things, Rex didn't properly search them, or he lied to cover it up. Alan Jones flees to the surface and loots a corpse, trying to disguise himself as a rank-and-file marine. He's never seen again for the op. Two SOs were arrested, one for ordering Marines to kill MPs and the other for trying to spark multiple riots and neglect of duty.

Honestly, I'd suggest maybe adding a Rule 17 violation to Alan Jones since they had no RP reason for stealing the CO's ID from CIC personnel.
Last edited by FGRSentinel on 17 Jul 2018, 18:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 17 Jul 2018, 18:33

Ohh yeah, this round was a predictable chain reaction.I was one of the tankers and was there in the brief when it all started and watched it unfold.We have two guns to choose from, the CO "bans"(didnt work obviously) one of them, the more effective one, what did the CO honestly think was going to happen? I was even standing next to the CO for while and when it was noticebly starting to get out of hand, even as a tanker i said a comment like "maybe you should rethink this ban", the commander almost seemed oblivious to what was going to happen, but im pretty sure we all know he knew exactly what he was doing..

From there, alot of brigging happens, XO officially takes over and directly states multiple times over the announcer "The ban is lifted" kind of slogans etc, and the MP's continued to brig anyhow from what i was hearing and seeing.

The brief the CO ordered the XO to give, there was only pretty much alpha there, and there was one comment from the commander over command channel about all SO's being BE'd, i know for a fact because i actually responded to that comment directly after he said it.
Last edited by BillyBoBBizWorth on 17 Jul 2018, 19:30, edited 6 times in total.
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 18:38

Yeah, it tells you something about a CO and MP force when their actions and refusal to stand down lead to not one, but THREE mutinies involving multiple CIC officers (three of us were accused of treason at various points, but I think I was the only one who actively did anything seditious until one started ordering Marines to kill MPs.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Dauntasa » 17 Jul 2018, 18:42

It's worth noting that the CO announced the ban as coming from "High Command", which generally refers to the Admins as I understand it, but it was later made clear by Grimcad that it was purely the CO's own idea and the admins had nothing to do with it at all.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Musely » 17 Jul 2018, 18:43

I'm Rex Texas. I'll chime in the other side of the story as I saw it.

CO asks for shotgun ban. There was some confusion I think about confiscation vs. arresting as I believe the CO or CMP said that anyone with one or who refused to give it up could be charged with hooliganism. Cue the arrests. I didn't flashbang briefing at any point but I can see why it was done as marines typically push down/help intent shuffle MPs to allow the arrested to get away. Fairly common but flashbangs/batons tend to sort that out. Then they typically get flagged and charged for interfering with an arrest. More arrests.

Anyway, while we're dealing with arrests Charlie gets into CIC. Apparently they tied up the CO or something, but they certainly weren't allowed or wanted by command staff in there. Orlando Blackburn in particular I note is calling for people to strip the CO and steal his pyjamas. A few of us MPs go in and clear out the CIC as ordered by CMP/CO (fairly interchangeable at this point in a chaotic round). People as usual don't want to leave for various reasons and get pushed out. They come back in, get batoned and pushed out again. Par for the course stuff.

Apparently CO asks for Charlie to come by brig for questioning. CMP however asks that any charlie involved in the mutiny be arrested. Most of them were and any who were arrested were eyed in the CIC at the time we were clearing it out, so involvement in a mutiny is sedition and we toss them in perma after confirming with CMP as we come across them. Orlando was part of this group we put in perma for sedition. Should note that a lot of charlie have been marked for arrest at this point, and I only marked one or two such as Orlando for his part.

At some point charlie started to storm the brig and were bashing down the windows and blowing up the doors. Tasers were fired, then MPs were gunned down. At this point the admins popped up to say something to the effect of "any one starting a firefight in brig will be banned except the CO" presumably to allow him to BE, not sure. All the MPs are more or less in crit at this point and running away deeper into brig. Then we hear the CO has been decapped by the charlie marines who stormed the brig. Anyway, MPs including myself go and get surgery/fixed up. Admins around this time decide everything surrounding the mutiny is now an IC issue. So far so good.

Anyway on my return to the brig from surgery there are a bunch of charlie guys still hanging around near the COs decapped body. SL is in CMPs office with another MP trying to fax HC. I ask what's up in typical Rex Texas fashion and Mason I think hurls an insult. So I go for the arrest for disrespect falling under insub. Orlando then guns me down and kills me with shotgun. No problems here, IC actions and IC consequences, I don't mind.

Not sure if another fight erupted, don't think it did, but a doctor shows up to drag me out and patch me up. Around this time the WO gives amnesty for anything that happened before or during mutiny. Anyway as the doctor is trying to revive me Orlando help-shuffles him and then repeatedly drags me away from him, telling the doctor not to revive me. Doctor tries anyway. He manages to get me alive again just barely, then Orlando guns me down again. Around this time Alberto Lineman intervenes and has a taser in one hand and a mateba in the other. In his defense, the player didn't realise that if he fired the taser it also fired the mateba. That's a fairly new feature so that's a fair mistake to make. Anyway, he accidentally fires the mateba and he gets gunned down by Orlando too. I think Orlando gives him the same treatment he gave me. Dragging away, trying to either let the death timer run out or put so much damage on us we can't be revived, and he succeeds.

I don't mind, it's all part of the chaotic round really. I'm just roleplaying a character after all, and accept whatever comes his way.

That's essentially it. I don't bear anyone any ill feeling. I followed procedure as best I could during the round despite the chaos and many, many arrests. For the most part I was following orders and the rest was marine law. I had a lot of fun that round and wish others did too, but it doesn't always work out that way I suppose.

Might have forgot some stuff but that's the jist of it.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Chaznoodles » 17 Jul 2018, 18:47

I was present for all of this, as a Charlie marine, Marcellus Mason. I can back most of this up, and will explain in more detail a few more points. The Commander knew fine well what banning shotguns and not relenting would result in and did it anyway, baiting what was inevitable.

The MPs were going absolutely wild in Briefing. Flashbangs, trying to mass arrest marines, the lot. They were throwing kitted-out weapons down disposals, knowing the reaction that would bring, and trying to drag marines to the Brig.

Pearsall, the Charlie LT, let us into the CIC where we all ran in a circle pumping our shotguns. The Commander instantly started screaming for help over his headset and reporting a mutiny. At the time, I had no idea there was a mutiny that had been ahelped and approved, I was under the impression we were just having some merry dickery. During this, someone cuffs the commander when he tries to resist and nicks his headset and boots. I put on the headset that was left on the ground and find out Bravo SO, what with the Commander screaming bloody hell, had reported an armed mutiny and called Bravo to the CIC to basically murder us all. I go, "hey, no big deal, we're having a chill time, there's no violence here" and don't worry about it. Bravo and the MPs arrive and try and blitz in, to be met with wired barricades and the overwhelming pumpification of shotguns. They eventually break in. At this point, Bravo SL opens up on marines with a rifle. He gets pushed over by Charlies and his gun tossed away. The XO takes charge and lifts the shotgun ban and orders us all planetside. We're happy to accede as the XO's responsible, so we start trying to head out. Bravo SL promptly blocks the way out, grabs a loaded shotgun and sticks two buckshot rounds into me, instant kill. While dead, I see a Charlie medic trying to revive me, only to get repeatedly tased and batoned by a MP, unknown as to which one - Most likely Texas, as Lineman had bright white hair and I didn't see that. The medic eventually gets me up, I get fixed up, end of problem. Everything seems fine. Around this time, something comes out over the radio about the CO threatening to BE all the Staff Officers. I adminhelp about the CO doing this whole shebang, and get a response from Grimcad who states that the CO is doing this himself and it was not a HighCom order as he's making it out to be - CO memery with obvious intent to bait a mutiny.

So, the CO makes an announcement saying all Charlies are to report to the Brig for 'interrogation', you read it right. We're all suspicious, especially as we hear rumours that MPs are killing Bravos, and that Charlies are being arrested when they come willingly. Johnson, the Charlie specialist, is especially vocal about these arrests until his headset gets taken, presumably when he got tossed into a Perma cell. I head along to the Brig to clear the air and give the Charlie point of view, hopefully balancing out the situation and giving the CMP multiple views to look at to make a decision. Rex Texas promptly flashes me down when I arrive, cuffs me, drags me to Perma, accuses me of sedition, fullstrips and tosses me into a Permacell with Johnson, and drops the shutters. Blackburn's in the top cell, we're in the bottom cell, and a guy called Sal eventually ends up in the cell across, which we can see while the MPs play tango with the cell shutters buttons. The MPs - Texas and Lineman at the time - seemed completely disinterested with listening to the other side of the issue, with one of them saying something along the lines of "I don't care". I adminhelp about the MPs and get an automated "Being Handled" response.

The CMP turns up eventually, having been shot in the head by someone, and listens to us a bit, with Huffie Hernandez hanging around. He sprints off when he hears gunshots, the firefight mentioned by the OP. When the staff announce that anyone marine except the CO involved in said firefight would be banned, I was mighty displeased seeing as the CO had caused this entire mess in the first place and kept escalating it. Huffie eventually opens the doors and lets us out, basically saying it's all a mess and the situation's over and to do our job. We collect our gear and head into the main corridor, where a headless CO lies. Charlie SL, Ellie Weaver, is in the WO Office writing a fax concerning the whole issue, with an MP who isn't any of the ones mentioned before. Myself, Blackburn and Johnson chill in the corridor and wait for her. The MPs gather up again and Rex Texas tries to pull a quick one on me, at which point I call him a muppet. He gets intensely angry and starts screaming about how I'm under arrest for disrespect. Having just spent about half an hour in the Permabrig with no actual charges or questioning, contrary to both the CO and WO's orders, I think we were all tired of this dance by now. He pulls a taser, Blackburn promptly sits him down. Everyone present, both the Charlies and MPs, seems completely apathetic after the initial panic. The Charlies wander off to Medbay as a pack, to make sure whoever was injured gets treatment, after pushing Texas' rollerbed around a bit to annoy doctors and MPs.

In Medbay, I see that someone has grabbed Texas' trolley and is making a beeline to stop his revive, so I follow. Lineman is also there, taser in one hand and mateba in the other - which he has had in-hand since the CO died. He fires the mateba in the corridor outside of Medbay at someone. I promptly pull my shotgun and Blackburn and I smear him across the tiles. Once again, everyone is completely apathetic. He had the mateba drawn and fired it at a marine, there's no excuse.

Long story short, Rex Texas seemed intent on softgriefing all round, throwing marines into Perma and dropping shutters without any process or confirming crimes, nor following the CO or WO's orders to question to verify what had happened. The CO knew exactly what he was doing in attempting to restrict access to basic vendor kit, lied about it being a HighCom order to try and make everyone think admins had ordered it so it would be followed, baiting a mutiny and continually escalated the situation. The Commander whitelist was supposed to stop incidents like this happening. Lineman knew exactly what he was up to when he was running around with the mateba drawn, and it's on his head for trying to shoot a marine when he had stun means in his other hand.

Texas well deserves a jobban from MP roles for his performance this round, Lineman a swift speaking to regarding his conduct, and the CO his whitelist removed. Huffie performed as an exemplary MP during this entire debacle when he latejoined, and should've served as an example to the others on how to deescalate tension.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Musely » 17 Jul 2018, 18:53

FGRSentinel wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 18:29

Somewhere between the previous two incidents, Charlie's engineer reports that Rex added an additional 16 minutes to his timer without warning and no explanation. The Engineer commented later that the MPs spent a great deal of the op trying to arrest or execute them. A report later comes in that Rex released someone from the brig, tried to rebrig them, and then attempted an execution. Someone claims that Rex also attempted to kill them in the brig with grenades, but Rex claimed they tried to use their grenades on him, implying that either they were just let out and grabbed one from their things, Rex didn't properly search them, or he lied to cover it up.
I honestly think either you were being lied to ICly or you're confusing me with another MP. Absolutely none of that happened and admins are more than welcome to check the logs to verify that being the case.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Drownie » 17 Jul 2018, 18:56

Okay, I play as Sarah Dennis and I'll put my full view of everything here and add some proofs of the Rex toxicity.
I'll split my arguments into two blocks and explain what wasn't explained and add my own experience with Rex, the first block will talk about WHAT happened in the Brig firefight and in the second that experience I had with Rex.
  1. Confirming what FGR said, indeed the MPs (especially Rex) were doing a heavy tyranny into us leading to a mass arrest and harass of Charlies what ended in the Specialist and SL prison. Some of us decided to raid Brig and save the ones that got arrested, I was Charlie Medic and a supporter of the mutiny that was approved by the Admins (I helped in that process) - so far I was just observing until I see a marine buckshot an MP, I told him to stop and ran in the direction of the MP to apply some bandages, but he ran screaming (I deny what Rex said here, we were peaceful and so far only that marine gone rogue - also apparently we didn't blow any door, we just came in when someone opened it).
    20 seconds later a mass of MPs came in firing the tasers at us (the marine left, I think) and I, the SG and some marines decided to engage in the MPs in a way to counter-attack (we had zero non-lethal weapons) - the SG and the Marines moved to behind the CO that was at the end of the Brig hallway behind me, I pushed to the front and I think I took down 4~5 MPs with my shotgun until cease-fire (I hit the CO once too when he started to mateba). Awkwardly the CO proceed to engage at the Smartie that was passive, I repelled the attack using my shotgun and unfortunately decapped him (wasn't the intention).
    Indeed the time I was in brig I saw Orlando and the state of the Charlies that were brigged for apparently no reason.
  • When I was in the CIC helping the wounded Marines (during the mutiny at CIC) that got shot by Bravo SL - Rex came in and started to stunbaton me with the excuse that I was doing "Insub", when the SO tried to contact Rex and say that I had the authorisation to be in there and I was just doing my job as a Medic, he assaulted her with the baton.
Last edited by Drownie on 17 Jul 2018, 19:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 19:04

Chaznoodles wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 18:47
When the staff announce that anyone marine except the CO involved in said firefight would be banned, I was mighty displeased seeing as the CO had caused this entire mess in the first place and kept escalating it.
Yeah, this seemed like the person who made that announcement was siding with the CO honestly and I know it probably didn't help the situation. By this point the CO basically pissed off all the Marine players and a ton of resources were lost to the MPs destroying everything. I remember at one point during all this that the CMP actually asked Engineering if they could fix disposals as if that's the only thing he was concerned with. The only MP that didn't cause problems, the one you mentioned with Charlie's SL, was a late-joiner who wasn't aware of what was going on and therefore wasn't as invested as the rest of the MPs in the grief fest the CO basically gave them on a silver platter.

And yeah, I remember that, Drownie, I was limping to medbay after getting buckshot to the chest when I heard you say that and tried to tell them over command comms as I was going down the hallway. I think I actually said "CMP, why am I getting reports that your MPs are denying medical treatment?" and the CMP never responded. That was literally how the round went: I'd get reports the MPs were doing shit, demand an answer from the CMP, and they'd ignore me completely, even when I was standing right in front of them. I remember going into pain crit in the hallway and a few marines walked past me along with an MP as well, so it was pretty clear that the pro-CO side of the fight didn't give a crap if people died on either side. The mutineers were the only ones that cared, like me jumping in between an LT that was shotgunning a marine laying on the ground... That reminds me, the CO's shotgun ban only applied to the Marines. TCs, POs, SOs, the XO, and CO were all given express permission to carry whatever they wanted anywhere.

If you look at what Drownie posted, there's even a brief glance at the situation where a Charlie said "it's okay, Sir. Officers are kinda lame anyway." This was said by them after I had to request help after the initial mutiny turned hostile and I had to inform them that they'd be without OW for a while as I was being carted off to medbay.

Part of the reason we lost is because, as stated before, most of the CIC staff spent a good portion of the round either hiding in fear of their lives or were arrested for some reason or another, if not both. The other part is because once the mutiny started, rather than follow the mutiny rules the CO, MPs, and anyone called in to stop the mutiny just treated everyone involved as "valid" and didn't care if they lived or died, even after it dispersed.
Last edited by FGRSentinel on 17 Jul 2018, 19:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Musely » 17 Jul 2018, 19:09

Drownie wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 18:56
Your first screenshot shows you committing an arrestable offence but that aside, we were ordered to clear the CIC and so we cleared it. I grabbed you and pulled you towards the exit but I think that's when you pushed me and so on. LT may have allowed you to stay and he certainly interfered in your subsequent arrest for refusing to leave (which resulted in me batoning him and warranted an arrest but we were already overloaded) but it was either the CO or CMP that was ordering us to clear the place out so that took precedence. There were about 20 guys in there at the time so we were fairly indiscriminate with who we were trying to chuck out.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 19:11

The issue is, as I said, a large number of people were heavily injured and some went braindead without treatment. the CO ordering everyone out and the MPs forcing every single person out, starting with the people who could walk, is technically denying the wounded medial treatment, which unless the CO BEs them, they have to receive under the new Mutiny rules. This doesn't even account for Charlie's SG, who was braindead in medbay with an MP nearby, which made it seem like the MPs made a point to ensure they didn't get treatment or simply didn't try to get them treatment.
Ensign Goddard Pearsall, the Pilot that always has Souto

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Drownie » 17 Jul 2018, 19:16

Musely wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 19:09
That "offense" was a try to leave your grip and let the LT talk with you, at the first place you SHOULDN'T baton me as I was not a "non-compliant suspect" - also, during the time I was I HAVE NOT received any order to leave from CO or CMP, you basically started to rambo any marine inside CIC.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Musely » 17 Jul 2018, 19:17

FGRSentinel wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 19:11
The issue is, as I said, a large number of people were heavily injured and some went braindead without treatment. the CO ordering everyone out and the MPs forcing every single person out, starting with the people who could walk, is technically denying the wounded medial treatment, which unless the CO BEs them, they have to receive under the new Mutiny rules. This doesn't even account for Charlie's SG, who was braindead in medbay with an MP nearby, which made it seem like the MPs made a point to ensure they didn't get treatment or simply didn't try to get them treatment.
That's totally fair and I agree, but the communication issue is something a lot of people are missing and resulting in a lot of the complaints. While you might be calling or asking the MPs for something, we're totally focused on marines trying to help each other escape and not even looking at the chatbox for example. A lot of things were very easy to miss in that round.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Musely » 17 Jul 2018, 19:19

Drownie wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 19:16
That "offense" was a try to leave your grip and let the LT talk with you, at the first place you SHOULDN'T baton me as I was not a "non-compliant suspect" - also, during the time I was I HAVE NOT received any order to leave from CO or CMP, you basically started to rambo any marine inside CIC.
The offense was insub for refusing to follow my order passed down from the CO/CMP to have everyone leave the CIC. And yeah if you're actively help-shuffling and bumping me away that's good grounds to baton you to get you out of my hair.

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Byond: Nickvr628

Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Nickvr628 » 17 Jul 2018, 19:20

Here are some of the things I saw MPs do that round from my perspective as a Staff Officer:

Trying (and somewhat successfully) executing half of charlie squad while in their cells,
Leaving critted marines from the mutiny to die, often them laying in their cells,
Tasing and dragging away medics (Drownie) trying to revive fallen SLs resulting in the death of Bravo Lead,
AND LASTLY stealing the CO's ID from the bridge after it was recovered from the body of the CO, and taking it planetside to frontline with stolen marine gear,
The list goes on and on.

As far as the MPs, Rex Texas and Alan Jones were the two main problems. I can confirm that Rex was constantly trying to get away with batoning and executing people, and most of the cry for helps from the marines revolved around him. Alan Jones did the whole thing with the ID and frontlining and all that. They should both be jobbanned for EXTREME shittery. The CO was a complete idiot and should get his whitelist removed.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Drownie » 17 Jul 2018, 19:22

Musely wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 19:09
I will not continue speaking in here as this is being quite flooded and you seem to ignore all my previous arguments, let's just let this to admins decide.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Musely » 17 Jul 2018, 19:24

Nickvr628 wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 19:20
Here are some of the things I saw MPs do that round from my perspective as a Staff Officer:

Trying (and somewhat successfully) executing half of charlie squad while in their cells,
Leaving critted marines from the mutiny to die, often them laying in their cells,
Tasing and dragging away medics (Drownie) trying to revive fallen SLs resulting in the death of Bravo Lead,
AND LASTLY stealing the CO's ID from the bridge after it was recovered from the body of the CO, and taking it planetside to frontline with stolen marine gear,
The list goes on and on.

As far as the MPs, Rex Texas and Alan Jones were the two main problems. I can confirm that Rex was constantly trying to get away with batoning and executing people, and most of the cry for helps from the marines revolved around him. Alan Jones did the whole thing with the ID and frontlining and all that. They should both be jobbanned for EXTREME shittery. The CO was a complete idiot and should get his whitelist removed.
I didn't use a single lethal nor did I have harm intent on that entire round. Admins are more than welcome to check the logs to see whether I fired anything off that wasn't a taser.

Lots of misinformation. Think I've said my piece. Up to the admins from here.

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Byond: FGRSentinel

Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 19:30

Musely wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 19:19
The offense was insub for refusing to follow my order passed down from the CO/CMP to have everyone leave the CIC. And yeah if you're actively help-shuffling and bumping me away that's good grounds to baton you to get you out of my hair.
Rule 14: Mutiny: "Everyone on both sides receives medical treatment after it’s over. Interfering in medical treatment of either side is forbidden unless a whitelisted Commander opts to battlefield execute the mutineers." Enforcing the CO's order required you to stop medics from giving medical treatment. As I emphasized in my remark on Charlie's SG, the CO didn't BE them or any of the wounded in CIC, so they were to receive treatment. "The CO said" isn't an excuse to prevent treatment and it doesn't justify the huge number of people reporting you throughout the round for things from torture to execution and attempted murder with grenades.

And yeah, Nick, there's a reason I say Alan Jones should have a Rule 17 violation on him: "ID Cards - These should only be taken for a roleplay reason, such as from a dead XO to call for help on a computer in the ship’s bridge. If you take an ID or find one from a living player (or a dead player that has since been revived), you should make every attempt to return it unless your character has a good reason not to."
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Blade2000Br » 17 Jul 2018, 19:31

Ok so, since I am one of the parties involved, I will give my perspective:

So, I joined the round with an idea of banning the shotguns for that one round. I expected marines to complain, obviously, but I wanted to just see how it could look like fighting with pulse rifles only. OOCly, I was interested in seeing how fighting Xenos with pulse rifles only could look like. IC, I made a little backstory as to justify the banning, since I won't just go in and ban shotguns for 0 reasons, and built that backstory which involved Delta and warcrimes in a previous mission before the one that was Big Red.

Disclaimer: I DIDN'T used the round before this one as a reason to ban the shotguns. The previous OP was a made-up OP that would serve as backstory for it, involving Delta doing war crimes with shotguns and HC approaching me about this situation. If you want the full lore, you can ask me in PMs so I can explain in detail, like a story.

Due to the backstory I created, I acted upon it and banned shotguns for the squads. Since, on my headcanon, it was involving a squad, there was no reason POs, TCs, and other officers couldn't Use it. When Marines got angry and started protesting about the shotgun ban, I ordered the MPs confiscate it. Since it was getting rowdy, I ordered for them to be brigged for Insubordination, should they had continued it.

The briefing was a shitfest, with me needing to use briefing flashes at least 2-3 times to help the MPs handle all the marines, flashbangs, tasers, pumping of shotguns in protest. Some marines even broke the glasses of the checkpoints and rushed to the dropships. After I saw I couldn't Brief the marines, I ordered the XO to do it and went back for the CIC.

Cue a few more minutes, Charlie break inside CIC, start pumping their shotguns in protest for me to unban them. I get surrounded and cuffed on my chair, getting some of my stuff taken from me and thrown around. Somewhere around this, one of my SOs ordered Bravo to push inside CIC and a small firefight happened. I tried to BE the Bravo SL for shooting down people with one of the mutineer's shotguns, but it ended that they had a safety on. So I just gave up on it.

After the XO unbanned the shotguns, Charlie left. I decided then, for the MPs to question each and every Charlie that was involved in the mutiny. Who actively partaken on it and who was just protesting peacefully. Apparently, the MPs brigged all of them for sedition, though I won't blame them since that's CMPs call.

I let the OP being run for the XO as I go down on to Brig to handle the issues regarding Charlie. back and forth go around, some Charlies break inside Brig and start fighting the MPs. I take my Mateba out and try to shoot Drownie (Charlie Medic) and told her to back off. I then decided to BE the smartgunner, which was when Drownie comes in with a slug shotgun and accidentally decaps me. That's when I end my history.

Now, some points of interest that I got from reading others:

-I never intended for people to think HC was contacted by Mods/Admins. I was doing it on my own, with my backstory and lore for what I was doing. In no time, I got told by an admin or fellow mod what to do. That came entirely from me.
-I never ordered the BEs of the SOs. The most threatening I did was get them to form up in front of me to discuss who was helping the mutineers and making announcements that fueled the hate of the marines.
-MPs never executed nor tortured anyone. I was on Brig myself, the most I saw was a CMP with his head bleeding for being shot. The Perma prisoners were unharmed.

I agree this didn't go as planned. I expected to have a fight with the antags using only Pulse Rifles to see how this would affect things. The most, I had some quality RP for being tense with all of that was going down. I legit felt scared OOC in a point when Charlie breaks through CIC. I expected a bloodbath, but was actually rather peacefully.

I am sorry for the way it turned. If you didn't had fun on this, I am really sorry. All I was doing was trying something different to change the pace of the round and giving it a twist. But it didn't effectively went like that, given I couldn't even watch the ground battle unfold.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 19:36

Honestly I thought Charlie walking in to just pump shotguns in a circle around you was hilarious. I'm pretty sure I heard something along the lines of "all SOs are going to be BE'd" at one point though... As for the SG, yeah, now that I think about it, I had a Medical HUD by the time they died, so they died after you were killed. Still doesn't explain why they weren't treated unless someone prevented it or they were too badly wounded to revive, so I'm not sure.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Blade2000Br » 17 Jul 2018, 19:39

FGRSentinel wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 19:36
Honestly I thought Charlie walking in to just pump shotguns in a circle around you was hilarious. I'm pretty sure I heard something along the lines of "all SOs are going to be BE'd" at one point though...
That probably was an hearsay because I got then to line up in front of me. It happens when there's chaos.

I never intended to BE senseless without hard proof.
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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by FGRSentinel » 17 Jul 2018, 19:40

I mean, I was the SO that let Charlie in, so I was in the room when that would have been said.
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Byond: Nickvr628

Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Nickvr628 » 17 Jul 2018, 19:41

The commander did say to BE all SOs, because I remember us making a big deal over it.

The CO was a fucking idiot when he started threatening to BE Charlie squad for the shotguns. He got what was coming to him.

Also, you think that all the marines across multiple squads, including various ship side roles, all shouting about MP harming and executing people were lies? I saw the MP use THREE frag grenades against brigged marines with my own eyes.

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Re: Player Report: Rex Texas (And other MPs)

Post by Blade2000Br » 17 Jul 2018, 19:44

COs can't order to BE SOs, and I never said I would BE the SOs. I don't know where you think I would have actually gone in to BE my SOs without any kind of investigation.

I also didn't say I would BE Charlie, I don't know where you are getting this from.

Yeah, while I was alive till my decap, no perma or other prisoners were harmed. I saw it myself. Only the CMP was hurt.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.

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