Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by BobatNight » 16 Aug 2018, 09:21

Its been nearly 4 weeks now with no resolution, I'd still like this looked into.
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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Blade2000Br » 16 Aug 2018, 10:40

Managers are looking on the reports on a daily basis, please wait as they will come to this soon enough.
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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by BobatNight » 16 Aug 2018, 14:55

Thanks no worries.
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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 20 Aug 2018, 07:50

OK after looking threw this long bit.. Im not fully finished going over it. However i would like to point out that Crimson wasnt the one who stated the trespassing charge was for entering the brig. That was another staff member whos name was cut out. At no point in the logs that were provided did Crimson ever say that the charge of trespassing was for the CL entering the brig.

And second. I noticed that Crimson said that he was torn between Disorderly Conduct and Tresspassing.

As CL has access to CIC it wouldnt be tresspassing. ,, It wouldnt be neglect of duty as the CL is not apart of the USCM. How ever, Crimson should have gone with his first choice of Disorderly Conduct. Although from what he said he was trying to be nice and give you a Shorter sentence so you weren't in jail for as long of a time period. Regardless You are correct that he didnt tell you your proper charge to start with. It was a legit arrest, but the arrest was not carried out properly.

All in all, Had crimson stated they were arresting you for Disorderly Conduct, given you your 15 minutes. And then let you go after, that would have been a legit arrest.

However i do not see the arrest as grief. He was not trying to intentionally ruin your round. You did break a law.

I will let the boss determine from what i have stated on what actions should be taken from this point forward.

Thank you for your due patience.

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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by BobatNight » 20 Aug 2018, 17:20

What law did I break and how was it broken?
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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 21 Aug 2018, 09:48

Like I said in my previous post Disorderly Conduct. The survivors were never processed on board the military ship. They were never entered into the database.

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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by BobatNight » 21 Aug 2018, 09:51

Disorderly Conduct - Directly and intentionally disrupting primary operations of the ship. Fighting in the RO line, disrupting the briefing.

Not once did I disrupt the primary operations of the ship, I was asked by the XO to process the Survivors. If the MPs and CIC staff fail to intercept or keep an open line of communication, it's hardly the CL's fault.

I'd direct you to witness testimony from the XO/Survivor in question as well as the thread in general as it seems you've just skimmed it.
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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 23 Aug 2018, 07:03

Part of processing the surivivors is having them sent to the brig so they can be entered into the system and searched

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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by BobatNight » 23 Aug 2018, 12:35

The logs specifically mention making the ID's, I was arrested during this. Where does it say CL is obligated to bring them to the brig? Also, MPs were negligent in their failure to intercept, the XO for being the military personnel in charge of the CIC.
This disorderly explanation is grasping at straws at best. Please read the thread.
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Re: Player Report William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Emeraldblood » 11 Sep 2018, 01:40

I apologize for being slow on dealing with these, trying to juggle a lot while we reform things and player reports or one of the things I haven't gotten around to recently; looking to improve the system on my long list of things to do. Onto the report, the CL is exempt to select charges of Marine Law, as they're not USCM. Neglect of Duty is not something you can charge the CL with, they have no USCM bound duties to perform. Trespassing wouldn't really apply in this case, as it only applies to the person who's actively trespassing, in this case, the civs. Disorderly Conduct is a legal charge in this case and something you can hit the CL with.

As for the suspected rule breaks, this is nowhere near grief or being a dick. Solid isn't singling you out here, he's CMP and plays the role; also this is hardly him being a dick when you got like 15 minutes in the brig. At most, this is a Marine Law issue and it will be treated as just that. The fault in question is pretty much unwritten at this point so I'll talk to Solid regarding it but no one is getting banned for a first mistake like this. If we have future MP related problems with Solid, these events will be considered.

Resolved - No direct punishments for this case; events will be considered in future MP reports of this player.
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