Player Report - Ka'Toraq

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Byond: Vampmare

Player Report - Ka'Toraq

Post by Vampmare » 25 Jul 2018, 15:59

Your Byond Key:

Your Character Name:
Edward ‘King’ Crawford

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name:
Ka'Toraq-na Halrth

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
CST 13:00, 25/7

What rule(s) were broken:
2 or perhaps a far-fetched 3.

I am not too knowledgeable about the code of honour, but based upon former interactions with predators this was very different, so maybe 19.

Description of the incident:
I find that often the Commander role and Predator role opens up for very fun interactions, because they’re both High-RP roles. This game had a good XO, so it was possible for me to purely focus on RP’ing.

I started off by hearing reports of the usual “Jamaicans” and with time available, I moved to deploy. I hear weird sounds standing on the FOB and move to investigate. With my bodyguard I stumble upon an invisible flare being dragged around. We chase after it and reaches the pred lodge. I start talking to the predator and my bodyguard acts surprised because there’s a lot of dead humans. We start bad-mouthing him over the dead marines and he responds with “Makin me mad” and a plasma shot. What follows is me continuing to bad mouth and the predator playing parrot on my words, while he shoots out smart discs. My bodyguard then shoots after his lodge and earning himself a quick death by the predator slashing him outside the lodge. The predator decides to take the body and I being the CO try to recover it by dragging it once. I earn myself two spikes and stop. I then bad mouth some more and start leaving with the predator following me. He taunts me “Killed 6 of yours” and I give up and starts telling him that I'll leave him be, but he catches me with the plasma hit in the back. This is where I got annoyed and started fighting back. Not much about this part. He then slashes my body until I husk and leave it in his lodge.

The first part is me eager, but playing a character to interact with the predator. He does a few /me’s and talks twice, but isn’t really indicating any aggression until he starts plasma firing and smart disc’ing. It may have been within the rules of code of honour, I can’t be sure. But isn’t the predator about adding something extra to the round and not just killing people with a few /me’s. I felt this was a very one-sided RP exchange and I was just waiting to die for no reason. I mean, if he didn't want to RP, he could have said so ingame or LOOC'ly, so my round wouldn't be forfeit.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
I have a backup of the logs, but those are without the predator monologue they do. So it only shows my side.

The lodge was placed north of LZ1/our FOB in the caves on Big Red.

How you would punish the accused:

A warning to think about what you’re adding to the round as a predator. No one likes mindless murders, as indicated by several in dchat.
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Byond: Shyguychizzy

Re: Player Report - Ka'Toraq

Post by Shyguychizzy » 25 Jul 2018, 16:40

I am the grand Ka'torag-na Halkrath. I shall speak on my behalf after others or such witnesses about this encounter. Additionally the honor code URL I do believe if Buggy as hell as I cant bring forth it up. From my interaction, dare bad mouth I I punished then he persisted then kill him. Trespassing abroad my lodging did break forth one of the honor code, marking unworthy/Dishonorable prey for such though very confusing among the honor code where as unworthy and dishonorable ought to be switched of their clarification. Additionally, you never ever take off predator's kill ICly indeed right but within my rights I can disperse or do such hence did damage you. Just a little story on such.
"Young Carrier (920) (follow) hisses, "Shut up both of you or we aren't going to invade disneyland."

Long time ago, I, Ka'Torag-na Halkrath, Skilled Master Hunter Of Prey, Unleashed an unspeakable evil upon Xenos and Humans! But a foolish Xeno Hunter wielder of robustness stepped forth and opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore a gate of Salt of Solitude and flung em into the world of CM, and took out their Facehugger Capabilities! Now, this Xeno Fool seeks to return the favour, and undo my evil reign and of many other predator predecessors!

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Byond: Imperator_Titan

Re: Player Report - Ka'Toraq

Post by Imperator_Titan » 25 Jul 2018, 17:59

Beginning log investigation, may take a bit to post the logs.

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Byond: Rohesie

Re: Player Report - Ka'Toraq

Post by Rohesie » 25 Jul 2018, 18:46

Witness report:

I play PFC Lydia 'Turnip' Tournier. Latejoin and latedeploy. Big Red round, disembark in LZ 1 and move towards security in where I hear pred gun shots. I move north to investigate and find the Commander and a predator nearby. Before I can finish my SAY the predator advances on the CO and kills him. A smartgunner is nearby and starts shooting the predator, who takes the dead body of the commander and runs away with it (towards his lodge). Both the smartgunner and me chase him. As a PFC I could not justify leaving my Commander's body to be taken like that, RP-wise:
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Reaching his lodge in the caves north of LZ 1, following his tail, we are both shot with the spike launcher. I pause for a moment and decide to charge forward, as my Commander's life is on the line. There are three lines of barricades and my head is broken, so despite I manage to land a shot I'm quickly beaten in close combat. The smartgunner dies soon afterwards, getting spiked quite a bit more.
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The predator proceeds to decapitate the bodies of all his victims and then butcher them.
That consumes a long time, after which he moves south and meets and ignores a Larva (20), and then Young Drone (331).
The Drone seems provocative, bumping into the predator a few times and attempting to disarm him once.
A poor choice, since the predator decides to punch and sword it, and give it chase.
The drone tries to flee and a Mature Boiler (33) blocks the predator's path with acid spray.
The predator runs into the acid several seconds after it was sprayed and then resumes its chase, killing the Drone which the Boiler tries to pull away.
After that deed he starts trying to kill the Boiler, who answers by spraying it and fleeing.
The predator takes enough burn damage to be slowed and overextends while chasing his target into LZ 1, which is filled with xenos.
They swarm and chase him back into the northern caves. He tries to reach his lodge but is forced to SD right before reaching it.
The xenos manage to flee the explosion and take no further kills.
► Show Spoiler
There was a lot of salt in deadchat against the pred. From accusations of murderboning the marines, to husking the bodies, to the death of the Young Drone. I am omitting those logs because they don't feel very relevant beyond the notion that there was general discontent on his behavior. Can provide them if needed.

My take on the matter? I don't see any clear rules being broken. Everyone the predator killed could be argued to be a valid. However, if he intended to bring a positive experience for the rest of the players he didn't seem to have taken the wisest choices. Killing the commander was a bit unnecessary if he deemed it unworthy and was not interested in interacting. Snatching the body in plain sight of marines was something that would unavoidably lead to another confrontation, leading them (us) to his lodge, and not that logical given this was not someone fallen in honorable duel nor hunted prey. Gibbing every body didn't make much difference, as the planet had just been evacuated. But chasing the drone who only bumped and shoved once seems excessive. As was chasing the boiler who was trying to ward the young drone, playing it defensively.

In short, the predator seemed a bit too interested in scoring unworthy-prey kills and generated a lot of salt, but I don't personally see any explicit breach in the code.
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Byond: Shyguychizzy

Re: Player Report - Ka'Toraq

Post by Shyguychizzy » 26 Jul 2018, 02:26

As it may seem, Lydia did have most part was right on her behalf. The larvae 20 which at the time questioned by a Mod was a bit insulting at the time of course would been permitted for insult to punish for such. Merely went southern towards security area then drone as stated did block I I personally wasn't going have a fuss however drone did force I after attempting to shove I multiple times additionally slashing I. The boiler at one point said "Nope" then backed away until did spray at me mulitple times which I usually ignore however due to its intent of spraying fell back towards lodge and swarm got to I before hand after knocking my mask.

Here's the story of those many marines I indeed did slaughter. Many kills were done by the lodging except two bravos one was regular marine and another bravo medic around also the Commander near entrance of security; I'd say hour or so mark after mainly hunting near security patatiently observing waiting for right moment to strike. Three bravo marines come by single marine fires and manages to land quite a few hits with intent of hunting so I dispatched third marine did run away while I engaged bravo marine and the bravo medic which both dealt quite the damage killed. Killed one, came back towards dieing medic and of course silenced them as well. An engineer saw this me dragging the medic on radio I presume callin for help. Which later with delta marine two marine solo charge my lodge and dispatched of them. Found bravo engineer tried C4ing my lodge which of course i engaged and his delta friend did dispatch as well.

Later note, I string up my kills making quite a horrific scene this was afterwards however all my kills used them as warning sign. I then found a curious Commander by the looks was I presume intent of looking for I due to massive amount of deaths this round so I led him via flare towards my lodging. Then guard came I reveal myself and he being armed with auto shotgun at ready in hand took precautions and was in my lodge heavily fortified. His guard indeed was mouthy and if I recall stop doing shit or such cant recall exact words. Bit aggressive I did few motions and spoke a bit the translator not reliable quite hard to understand some words were one I did emote. "That makes me angry" I did translate for hostile intent or attitude his intended so on low plasma shot em which knocked both of em after firing at both. Second time I did fire another round then it sparked. I did fire twice I did translate "Again?" which fire second time. Took actions of threat at my lodging as delta tried entering chucked few smart discs disables one I plasma lightly let smart disc do the work fire again. Commander was within his right after I slew em decided to drag his fallen I couldn't allow such. Due to his words and intent decided to finish him off dare yell at I. "You go stay in your little corner". Another remarks his guard or himself regard "Stop this tribal stuff" or something like that find it in the logs. Of course wouldnt let a kill rot outside so I took his as it appeared was the leader and skinned em. All the corpses I skinned for looks and so can't be stolen simple as that. The scene indeed was a horrific, two charlies charged I which ICly is logical I just murdered their Commander and yes did murder them at my lodging area.

Within Honor Code, I do admit should been less lenient of direct murder a bit merciful for every life I take is a player marines literally their entire game. I do apologize if I rubbed off wrongly for what presumed murder boning. At times, I never did do it just for xenomorphs dont want yah thinkin that. The hunt was as it was, began hunting marines at the time and stuck to that area for hunting grounds never moved. Uncertain of the occurring events. Indeed, next grand hunt I shall watch i, naturally never let such and sorry for such at times RP and times hunting if I dont hunt some people get mad when I do people times get mad. The thing is I am predator which all other predators hunt all differently and hunt on our own accord. If punishment is needed I doubly accept not gonna pull up bullshit "I am old pred player" I do accept my actions even though werent liked.

Now Edmund, I encountered your Commander this being second time. Nothing against you nor anything, indeed might be different from yer 19 predator approaches. They all aint the same due to at times Meta BS or Meta knowledge at times marines pull or well xenos of course. Quite many predators on their feet against those prepared for anti-predator weapons. I am not accusing you but most pred's prepared to give good fight if needed or kill. Bravo engineer and of course delta marine were ready armed delta marine had flamer at ready with kick ass rifle. I don't judge, guard had a shotty and had auto-shotty which can be effective due to its RNG knockdown. We do take lives however, not every round winds up RPly indeed I am highly RP role this round didnt go as well as expected not fear just xenos stomped your forces. I do apology dont want it ever round send a squad at ready for blood bath or you getting wrong picture of predators.
"Young Carrier (920) (follow) hisses, "Shut up both of you or we aren't going to invade disneyland."

Long time ago, I, Ka'Torag-na Halkrath, Skilled Master Hunter Of Prey, Unleashed an unspeakable evil upon Xenos and Humans! But a foolish Xeno Hunter wielder of robustness stepped forth and opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore a gate of Salt of Solitude and flung em into the world of CM, and took out their Facehugger Capabilities! Now, this Xeno Fool seeks to return the favour, and undo my evil reign and of many other predator predecessors!

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Byond: Vampmare

Re: Player Report - Ka'Toraq

Post by Vampmare » 26 Jul 2018, 04:12

Shyguychizzy wrote:
26 Jul 2018, 02:26
As I mentioned a few times, I'm pretty ignorant on the code and I should have consulted on other preds about that.

The point of this report was to show you that your actions might have been well within the code, but it did nothing to add to the story of the round and the only one enjoying it was you. I see that you apologized and seem sincere in that it was not intended to go this way, but your responses in dchat didn't show that, which is why I made the report. My suggested punishment was also only a warning because I only wanted you to see and realize how your actions looked to everyone else, as mostly murder, pointless murder. Xeno players and marine players that weren't killed by you even expressed this in the chat. Other predators know that their code allows them much leeway, but they still give plenty of warnings or allow unworthy prey to be revived again. Of course, different playstyles for different people, but do consider what everyone else finds most enjoyable when you play such a powerful role.

The honour code itself might be the problem here, but that is more intended for a discussion somewhere else than in a player report.

Staff are free to close this, as I got what I intended of this player report.
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Byond: freemysoul

Re: Player Report - Ka'Toraq

Post by freemysoul » 27 Jul 2018, 03:40

Closed by Request of OP.

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Byond: Emerald Blood

Re: Player Report - Ka'Toraq

Post by Emeraldblood » 27 Jul 2018, 18:35

Resolved - Report withdrawn, no actions will be taken.
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