Player Report William Crimson

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Byond: Torrentia

Player Report William Crimson

Post by Torrentia » 25 Jul 2018, 18:48

Your Byond Key: Torrentia

Your Character Name: Darla Kickum

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: William Crimson

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 07/25/2018 4:40 PM

What rule(s) were broken: 2, 3, 16, general MP/Marine Law conduct

Description of the incident:

I was a latejoin Charlie PFC. After evaccing from the planet I was dragging wounded to medbay, and got arrested for "interfering with an arrest" since the MPs were arresting a LOT of people that round due to Carson's orders. I was taken to brig, stripped, and timer set for 20 minutes. During this time there apparently was a mutiny going on, but I could only hear part of it since I had the prisoner's headset.

Jump to "UNSCHEDULED DROPSHIP DEPARTURE", an MP let me out of the brig just as the DS crashed. I got my gear back on and followed a survivor (Buck Montes) and a Lieutenant (Bob Shoe) towards the CiC ladder. There's no comms so we still don't know the situation. The survivor proceeds to hack the door. I pull out my shotty because we hear tons of screaming and gunfire and open the door to a lot of gas (can't see what's happening in CiC).
► Show Spoiler
I don't fire or anything, and Crimson must have turned around in the gas and started shooting at me with with an AP rifle. I can't see who's shooting me due to gas and LOS since I am standing outside of the CiC doors.
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I don't try shooting back until *AFTER* he nails me in the head with AP, but my gun was unloaded so I fired no shots. At this point I still can't see who's shooting at me, and I get shuffled a tile to the right. Crimson RELOADS HIS RIFLE and continues firing at me, even though it is clear I am not shooting back.

The survivor begs him to stop shooting at us, but Crimson proceeds to walk over to my downed body and starts beating me with his gun. He then switches to his stun baton and harmbatons me in the head until I die. I believe he even continued to smash my head in *after* I was dead.

My body was left on the tile outside of the CiC doors.


I believe this behavior clearly violates rules 2, 3, 16, and general MP guidelines. I would be more understanding if 1) I was a mutineer, but he personally brigged me before the mutiny AND I was accompanying a Lt. to the CiC, 2) it wasn't after the DS had crashed. When this went down there was a clear reason for personnel to have weapons out on the ship due to Aliens and gunfire, and 3) he didn't proceed to go above and beyond to murder me using three different types of attacks even after seeing that I wasn't shooting him and that I was with two other players. He even took a breather to reload his gun but rather than reassess the situation he kept shooting.

This is gross misconduct, and I feel that "a mutiny happened" during the round is no excuse for this kind of rulebreak behavior coming from the CMP AND a staff member.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Above

How you would punish the accused: Jobban from CMP.

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Re: Player Report William Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 25 Jul 2018, 19:23

Sure, let me address this.

You were a prisoner who was let out of the brig without my permission (or an escapee), who then decided to b-line to the CIC which everybody knew was mutineer territory (MPs flanked from the east and slowly began to take back the CIC, room by room). I just finished off a mutineer who was at the Charlie Console, the remaining mutineers made a dash for that door, when you entered with a raised weapon, a shotgun to be precise.

So, lets highlight some important things.
Your weapon is raised, inches from me.
You have an INCARCERATED sign on you. (Which may as well be the big Wanted one)
You walked in to an area where the Mutineers were holding, at the last known spot where the Mutineers were.
You screamed for help from the mutineers in the brig
You already voiced your disdain for the MP team and Carson.
You were walking knowingly in to an active combat zone.
I was in a desperate position, nearly everyone in Command was MIA/KIA and the majority of my MPs (Other than one I eventually died with) was MIA.

Even if you weren't a mutineer, it isn't a pretty picture.
Just some other factors,

I didn't reload my weapon, the weapon I was using was infact a stolen mutineer weapon, as I didnt have time to reload my shotgun. When I ran out of ammo, the last shot I fired was the chambered one. (Its why I changed to my stunbaton, I was literally unarmed other than that.)

I didn't see the Lieutenant, remember, he was behind the door. I did see him after I stunbattoned you, but by then, you already tried to open fire on me and you were a threat.

I saw the Colonist briefly, but I didnt hear him mention the gas nor anything else until I told him to go down the ladders, after treating the Lieutenant for his wounds.

Just because the dropship crashed, did not mean mutineers were no longer seen as a threat, especially from Crimson, who holds the crime of Sedation and murder both at the most heinous ends of the spectrum.

I did take a brief moment after the first more instinctive shot (The logs you provide can show this), I was fully expecting to die, I was in a bad position, out of place and - CLICK CLICK CLICK. That is the sound of someone trying to kill you but the reaper giving you one final chance. Of course I wasn't going to suddenly taser you and try detain you. You just tried to open fire at me.

Sometimes mutinies are messy, I'm sure a few other innocent bystanders died in that round, but considering we had around 30 mutineers, it isn't terribly surprising.

Overall, I think claiming that this breaks any of the rules you listed is silly,

I think its obvious this wasnt something done to grief, nor to be a dick, the reason for killing you makes sense and I didn't break any marine law by killing you.

I can understand it being a rather sudden death and probably not the most satisfying one, but unfortunately, accidents do occur (even if I still believe you were going to blow my head off given the chance)

Anyway, I hope that helps clarify things.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Byond: Torrentia

Re: Player Report William Crimson

Post by Torrentia » 25 Jul 2018, 20:04

solidfury7 wrote:
25 Jul 2018, 19:23
You were a prisoner who was let out of the brig without my permission (or an escapee), who then decided to b-line to the CIC which everybody knew was mutineer territory (MPs flanked from the east and slowly began to take back the CIC, room by room). I just finished off a mutineer who was at the Charlie Console, the remaining mutineers made a dash for that door, when you entered with a raised weapon, a shotgun to be precise.
The MP let me out. I wouldn't have any way of knowing that you didn't permit this. I was with a Lieutenant so I assumed it was kosher considering the DS had crashed into the Almayer. I didn't "b-line" so much as follow to other players, a sensible choice considering power was down and the lights were off. I did not know that the mutiny was still occurring nor which side the MPs tried to "flank from". All I saw when the survivor opened the door was red gas stuff.
solidfury7 wrote:
25 Jul 2018, 19:23
Your weapon is raised, inches from me.
You have an INCARCERATED sign on you. (Which may as well be the big Wanted one)
You walked in to an area where the Mutineers were holding, at the last known spot where the Mutineers were.
You screamed for help from the mutineers in the brig
You already voiced your disdain for the MP team and Carson.
You were walking knowingly in to an active combat zone.
I was in a desperate position, nearly everyone in Command was MIA/KIA and the majority of my MPs (Other than one I eventually died with) was MIA.

Even if you weren't a mutineer, it isn't a pretty picture.
1) I raised my weapon because we heard screams and shooting in CiC. I assumed ALIENS.

2) I'm sure a lot of marines had this. I wouldn't be able to tell.

3) I wouldn't have known this. All I saw was red gas.

4) I screamed for help, not from mutineers, but because I was left alone in the brig during UNSCHEDULED DROPSHIP DEPARTURE annoucement.

5) Yes because you stuck me in for 20 minutes for dragging a downed SL and your MP Chase something harmbatoned me into crit while dragging me to the brig. I do not believe I spoke a word against Carson that round. You're fabricating this.

6) Expecting to fight aliens, not to be killed by a crazed CMP.

7) Desperate doesn't explain why you KEPT hitting me with various weapons until I was dead dead.

8) For you, maybe. I was just following some dudes.
solidfury7 wrote:
25 Jul 2018, 19:23
I didn't see the Lieutenant, remember, he was behind the door. I did see him after I stunbattoned you, but by then, you already tried to open fire on me and you were a threat.
I was already downed and you continued to squish my face in despite have ample opportunity to reassess the situation at this point. The Lt. was standing right next to me. No one attempted to revive me or get me medical treatment.
solidfury7 wrote:
25 Jul 2018, 19:23
I did take a brief moment after the first more instinctive shot (The logs you provide can show this), I was fully expecting to die, I was in a bad position, out of place and - CLICK CLICK CLICK. That is the sound of someone trying to kill you but the reaper giving you one final chance. Of course I wasn't going to suddenly taser you and try detain you. You just tried to open fire at me.
You had the better position. You were in the red gas stuff. I couldn't see at all.
solidfury7 wrote:
25 Jul 2018, 19:23
Just because the dropship crashed, did not mean mutineers were no longer seen as a threat, especially from Crimson, who holds the crime of Sedation and murder both at the most heinous ends of the spectrum.
I wasn't a mutineer. Also apparently murder isn't THAT big of a deal to your guy, since you proceeded to do it to a downed marine.
solidfury7 wrote:
25 Jul 2018, 19:23
unfortunately, accidents do occur
So was this an accident? It was an accident you fired upon me until I was down, even though I wasn't able to see you or shoot back? It was an accident you went up to me and kept bashing me with your gun? I was an accident that you pulled out your baton and hit me in the head on harm intent until I was beyond dead? This excessive force and variety of weapons used here indicate clear rulebreaks.
Last edited by Torrentia on 25 Jul 2018, 20:14, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Player Report William Crimson

Post by Royal Griffon » 25 Jul 2018, 20:07

Well Crimson has been brought up for stuff before a lot, I was an MT this round and I was downstairs when the mutiny occurred and it really wasn't that big compared to others we've had happen so it's not like, "every marine is hostile and needs to die so fire first and never question it."
However I want to throw in my hat as someone who has a lot of experience as MP/CMP
As a MP/CMP your only time to shoot first as questions never is with gecko wannabes, you don't just shoot to shoot and open fire especially if they don't fire back. That is hard to defend yourself on, It's a code DELTA which means prisoners are let out AUTOMATICALLY
And prisoners are left with Incarcerated signs all the time so shooting someone just due to that isn't a good defense in my opinion
Then again I'm just a MT this round who saw people get shot and geckos get shot
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Elite Hunter (488): QUEEN HELP I'M SCARED" Scurries about the escape pod locked inside
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Re: Player Report William Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 25 Jul 2018, 20:51

Torrentia wrote:
25 Jul 2018, 20:04
The MP let me out. I wouldn't have any way of knowing that you didn't permit this. I was with a Lieutenant so I assumed it was kosher considering the DS had crashed into the Almayer. I didn't "b-line" so much as follow to other players, a sensible choice considering power was down and the lights were off. I did not know that the mutiny was still occurring nor which side the MPs tried to "flank from". All I saw when the survivor opened the door was red gas stuff.

1) I raised my weapon because we heard screams and shooting in CiC. I assumed ALIENS.

2) I'm sure a lot of marines had this. I wouldn't be able to tell.

3) I wouldn't have known this. All I saw was red gas.

4) I screamed for help, not from mutineers, but because I was left alone in the brig during UNSCHEDULED DROPSHIP DEPARTURE annoucement.

5) Yes because you stuck me in for 20 minutes for dragging a downed SL and your MP Chase something harmbatoned me into crit while dragging me to the brig. I do not believe I spoke a word against Carson that round. You're fabricating this.

6) Expecting to fight aliens, not to be killed by a crazed CMP.

7) Desperate doesn't explain why you KEPT hitting me with various weapons until I was dead dead.

8) For you, maybe. I was just following some dudes.

I was already downed and you continued to squish my face in despite have ample opportunity to reassess the situation at this point. The Lt. was standing right next to me. No one attempted to revive me or get me medical treatment.

You had the better position. You were in the red gas stuff. I couldn't see at all.

I wasn't a mutineer. Also apparently murder isn't THAT big of a deal to your guy, since you proceeded to do it to a downed marine.

So was this an accident? It was an accident you fired upon me until I was down, even though I wasn't able to see you or shoot back? It was an accident you went up to me and kept bashing me with your gun? I was an accident that you pulled out your baton and hit me in the head on harm intent until I was beyond dead? This excessive force and variety of weapons used here indicate clear rulebreaks.
1) The Commander specifically made an announcement saying that the Mutineers were in the CIC.

2) Only marines who were let out of the brig around the crash time, and that wasn't many people.

3) The Commander announced that mutineers were breaching the brig, you may have ASSUMED it was aliens, but that is your assumptions (Plus, I'd argue on an OOC basis, that if Human v Alien combat sounds different due to slashing and whatnot, not to mention why would their be teargas vs aliens)

4) You screamed for help LONG around the time the Commander announced the mutiny, the hijack didn't happen for quite a while. So, that is a blatant falsehood.

5) I tased a SL who was resisting arrest, you proceeded to drag them away, while I was cuffing them. You specifically dragged them west of medical (rather than the scanner), you knew we were detaining him, you decided to get involved.

6) You walked in to an active warzone where people in marine uniforms were shooting at MPs and Command, because you assumed the fight would be all over, you was wrong.

7) Because you tried to kill me, simple as, I held my gunfire after the first initial shot and you tried to blast me to oblivion, I was only alive because you forgot to load your weapon, and all it would take is 1 second for you to reload your weapon to put me out the fight (I was already on the verge of pain crit, as the logs will show me treating myself before the Lieutenant) There was no medic, no doctor, nothing we could do to revive you regardless, (Reviving you wouldn't have been done anyway)

8) Like I said, even if you were completely unaware of ALL this stuff happening (Which I doubt for a moment, because Command Announcements are ship-wide and Carson was very vocal about the mutiny)
Trying to put worse in my mouth and imply that I'm trying to do claim it was "my hand slipping", really doesn't do you any credit. The accident is talking about sometimes people are in the wrong spot, at the wrong time. Sometimes people die from FF, some people die from misunderstandings, there are plenty of ways to die which are not simply aliens. Sometimes people die in the chaos.

The fact you're trying to deliberately claim I used three weapons to kill you, like I was walking around like The DOOM guy, 17 weapons on me is silly. I had a Rifle with 2 bullets in, taken from a mutineer, a shotgun with no ammo, and a stunbaton, I switched weapon to each when I realised they were empty.

I've just realised you've tried to claim that I was in the red mist when we first shooting each other. This is a blatant falsity. You outright just posted logs of me shooting the Delta Mutineer I killed in the CIC. They were in the OW console, this WOULD REQUIRE YOU TO BE IN THE CIC TO SEE ME, not passively sat out of it like you claimed. Not to mention, you can't see anything when you're in the mist (You can just about see the marines beneath your feet, when wearing the gasmask.)

(Oh @Griff Prisoners aren't automatically released on code Delta, they have never been, like ever. And the reason the mutiny wasn't on the lower deck, is because we had between 20-30 mutineers on the topdeck, so, it was a large mutiny, as I'm sure a lot of staff will confirm. If it was a Code Delta, I would argue it would have made even more sense to open fire, but it was at alert level red at the time, unless the synth low-key made it Delta and I missed it)

Anyway, that is the last I'm going to comment on this, I've explained why none of the rules was broken, why your death occurred and why it makes sense, and addressed and things you may have got incorrect in your report. (Such as you not being in the CIC during this encounter)

I'll try refrain from posting further until I either get fresh questions which were not already addressed or admin/mods have inquiries.
Last edited by solidfury7 on 26 Jul 2018, 06:44, edited 2 times in total.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Re: Player Report William Crimson

Post by Torrentia » 25 Jul 2018, 20:56

solidfury7 wrote:
25 Jul 2018, 20:51
Trying to put worse in my mouth and imply that I'm trying to do claim it was "my hand slipping", really doesn't do you any credit. The accident is talking about sometimes people are in the wrong spot, at the wrong time. Sometimes people die from FF, some people die from misunderstandings, there are plenty of ways to die which are not simply aliens. Sometimes people die in the chaos.
And some people die to rogue CMPs shooting through doorways with AP rifle rounds, meleeing you with their rifle, and finally pulling their baton out to beat your face in after death.

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Re: Player Report William Crimson

Post by ExGame » 25 Jul 2018, 21:08

I pulled the logs from the event,

Torrentia's Brigtime and the consequent release (hint: not very climatic)
► Show Spoiler
A minute later, Torrentia and solidfury7 meet in the CIC
► Show Spoiler
PM exchange between Blade2000Br, Lumdor, Torrentia and solidfury7
► Show Spoiler
The mutiny itself was very hectic, as the entire marine platoon that was engaged in a firefight with MPs and some of command, and this is not an understatement. The CIC was during that time the main battlefield as all the marines and MPs had a firefight there and quite a lot of deaths occourred.

EDIT: Added PM logs
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Re: Player Report William Crimson

Post by Imperator_Titan » 12 Aug 2018, 14:04

This all seems like one big IC issue. It sucks that you died but from his perspective, you were entering a mutiny-area with your weapon wielded and there was already a gunfight going on and you had previously been brigged. He didn't see the SO up until he beat you. It's reasonable enough to assume that you were a mutineer. It's quite chaotic in these scenarios and I don't blame him for mistaking you as one.

Resolved - No action will be taken.
