Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

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Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

Post by KingKire » 26 Jul 2018, 01:48

Your Byond Key:
Your Character Name:
Lacy 'Scrap' Barreras
Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name:
Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
10:00pm, pacific

What rule(s) were broken:

1- role play
2- dont be a dick
4 - no powergaming
5- meta gaming

Description of the incident:
So, tldr:
Rebecca round-start spawned in, broke through 3 doors, 1 wall, and 1 locked gun cabinet to grab the AutoShotgun mk221.

I told her to stop breaking in at the 3rd door, attempted to flash her at the wall break in, attempted to call the MP's when she started breaking into the gun cabinet (All the mp's were swamped or new to the game), and then i tried to IC have a peaceful chat to give the weapon up before the DS launched. Sadly, even with the final choice, even with a LOOC chat of ' this is not IC'. She continued down. ( this was all done peacefully, without force as well)

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

so, i like text logs, so ill just drop em off:

This LOOC, from the first DS launch, just before i gave her an ultimatium to either give up the shotgun, or to throw it into an admin report.
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We switch back to IC chat, for a final choice before the first DS comes back up from the planet, the final final choice.
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How you would punish the accused:

I like rebecca, i like that she has a character flaw to always want the sexiness of the combat shotgun. Its an awesome shotgun. But, i think she went way past the normal line of a character flaw.

If i had to drop a punishment, i'd want to give her something that'l teach her to RP better, and realize how crappy it feels to be on the other side of the equation.

I'd recommend class restricting her to MP for 1 to 2 weeks. If shes a shitler, then we can give her a real ban for breaking marine laws. If shes a learner, she'll realize how badly she misplayed her character, and correct it later on.

*edit, guess i cant delete the post, shucks.
Last edited by KingKire on 26 Jul 2018, 02:17, edited 2 times in total.
Gaze upon me,
for I have wandered deep into the ancient tombs of knowledge to which lie madness and sorrow, cleansing a path for all those who walk behind me...


But seriously, does uh, anyone know the way out?!

~Furthermore, I consider that Floodlights should no longer be destroyed.~

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Re: Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

Post by KingKire » 26 Jul 2018, 01:58

I honestly think its a pretty fun punishment. She wants a combat shotgun, yet by marine law, she cant have a combat shotgun till the very end of the round, when its essentially useless. and if she wants to use it, she has to sit through several hours of grueling MP rp.

An almost greek or roman esque punishment.
Gaze upon me,
for I have wandered deep into the ancient tombs of knowledge to which lie madness and sorrow, cleansing a path for all those who walk behind me...


But seriously, does uh, anyone know the way out?!

~Furthermore, I consider that Floodlights should no longer be destroyed.~

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Re: Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

Post by Torrentia » 26 Jul 2018, 02:10

Is this the current round? If it is you might want to retract the report and repost it after the round is over.

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Re: Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

Post by KingKire » 26 Jul 2018, 02:16

Eh, i gave it a solid 40ish minutes for an admin response, and another 30 minute delay ontop of that for writing it. i gotta go to work tomorrow and there's not much IC info that a person can do with this report. IF it gets knocked off, i aint mad, but i do think it would still be a continuing issue either way.
Gaze upon me,
for I have wandered deep into the ancient tombs of knowledge to which lie madness and sorrow, cleansing a path for all those who walk behind me...


But seriously, does uh, anyone know the way out?!

~Furthermore, I consider that Floodlights should no longer be destroyed.~

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Re: Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

Post by Torrentia » 26 Jul 2018, 02:41

Well the round's over now so I can give my input as a super latejoin CE.

Which is to say I'm mostly frustrated that a squad engie and a player that is whitelisted for CO decided to spend the 5 minutes taking out the wall instead of disabling the APC to get into the armory. Basic engineering, folks!


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Re: Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

Post by Imperator_Titan » 26 Jul 2018, 04:25

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Adminhelp that was sent in:
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The marine in question did infact beeline straight towards engineering after gearing up, without uttering a word.

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Re: Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

Post by JacksonDee » 27 Jul 2018, 01:51

I was the overwatch officer for Rebecca that round, and I can attest to the fact that she was beelining for the shotgun. I told her multiple times to quit it with the quest for a tactical shotgun and to get to the FOB. We needed her down there BADLY, and her getting arrested and handcuffed multiple times delayed the setup of our defenses by a LOT. In fact, she nearly sparked a full blown Alpha Mutiny, as the entire squad assembled outside of the Brig to try and bust her out. Overall, it was a distinct disruption to the round. Now, there are my two cents, I'm on the fence on whether it should be an IC or OOC issue.

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Re: Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

Post by Avalanchee » 27 Jul 2018, 14:16

I THINK I was in the same round where she stole the Autoshotties,
not EXACTLY sure if it was Rebecca tho, because people started doing it quite often lately.

But I have recieved a Powergaming role for stealing Mk221s before briefing not a long time ago, this shouldn't be unnoticed.
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Re: Player Report "Rebecca 'Whiskey' Lee "

Post by Imperator_Titan » 30 Jul 2018, 00:23

The player in question will receive a warning regarding these actions.

It's one thing to take a weapon from an armoury that is only opened during boardings (Which marines also know) and another to wordlessly rush to take one at roundstart for no RP reason whatsoever.

Resolved - Warning given for powergaming.
