CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

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CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by REDALERT » 26 Jul 2018, 23:35

Your Byond Key: T306206

Your Character Name: Chandler Owens

Accused Byond Key(if known): Taketheshot56

Character Name: Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 9pm 7/26/18

What rule(s) were broken: 19 (act like your role), 2 (don't be a dick), Possible 3 (griefing)

Description of the incident: As an MP at the start of the round with only 2 MPs we were limited, in my patrols I noticed something going on in south extended bunks, which turned out to be a fight ring, with a SO involved fighting, and not telling MPs. I made everyone disperse as I would much rather not try and stop a whole squad and arrest their leaders in front of them. Later in the OP I told the CMP from cryo about the situation and we went to CIC to carry out the arrest for neglect of duty. Instantly the CO ( Patton Moore) came over and got between us shouting. Before me and the CMP decided to fax the provost. Later while awaiting reply, the XO came in and locked himself in the CMPs office, leaving suddenly with the fax machine. We tried to stop him, me and the CMP that is, and then a massive group came from the ladder and the CO took it up to the CIC. In pursuit we came in to question them, and the CO and XO played dumb. After all of this, we decided to leave, and find other methods of getting our provost message. The CIC went onto lockdown, and shortly after the CO disconnected before the admin I was contacting (Snypehunter007) could solve the issue ICly. shortly after the xenos landed and ruined all hope of a IC solution.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

(Evidence) *abridged for ease of understanding, full log available, just ask and I will post it.
► Show Spoiler

How you would punish the accused: Someone that cant understand the basics of even letting the MPs explain their actions would not be able to get to the rank of commander, this players rude actions, violent hostility and bland deceit should make him ineligible for the rank of commander. Or at the very least required to be tought a lesson on how to correctly handle these situations, and accept his provost arrest like a real commander would.

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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by taketheshot56 » 27 Jul 2018, 00:20

Round has ended so I shall tell my story of the version. I awoke a few minutes before briefing. After briefing when the operation began Chandler and the CMP arrive to arrest my staff officer for breaking up a fight between marines. At this point the op is fully underway and we begin to go into combat. You say SSGT Chandler Owens says, "CO this is a marine law issue if you keep interfering we ill have to message the provost"
And the CMP goes on to further say they will be contacting the Provost.

The MP force was now interfering with operations and have made clear you intend to take me down for protecting my SO during the middle of a combat operation.

As such while we raced to hold back the xeno tide, I sent my XO down to steal the fax machine.
Now you claim this is grief so lets go over the rule exactly.

No griefing - Griefing is the intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or to the server without any roleplay reason. If Staff believes that the player’s intent is to grief then action will be taken whether or not it actually was the player’s intent. Any damage to the station or players caused by griefing can be repaired at an Admin's discretion. If you are being griefed, don’t retaliate - Adminhelp it. You’ll get healed. Griefing a griefer is still griefing, and the combat logs you’re generating make it harder for Staff to prove who the real griefer is.

The intent to cause grief or annoyance to other players without any roleplay reason.

Yet I had a roleplay reason, the MPs wanted to arrest my hardworking SO and were in the process of trying to arrest me, the CO for protecting him against an arrest during the middle of combat operations. So the XO acting on my orders with you in there waiting for a reply from high command I told the XO to go down and get the fax machine to be secured. Upon which we took it up and locked it inside my office.

Don’t be a dick - Harassment, racism, bigotry, homophobia, exploiting bugs, cheating, hacking, and just plain being an asshole. Giving out plot spoilers to any media with malicious intent is not allowed, but general discussion of plot that contains spoilers about media released 1 year ago or longer is fine.

I wasn't racist, i wasn't homophobic, i wasn't exploiting any bugs cheating or hacking. Me and the XO used a wrench to steal an item from the CMPs office to protect the integrity of my command and to prevent my relief of duty during active combat operations while we were working to correct things planet side.

Act like your given role - We’ve all seen the movies or played the games.
Aliens are not friendly. They have no free will, only the will of their Queen. They want to grow the hive by capturing and keeping nested hosts safe, unless their Queen tells them otherwise.
Predators are not pranksters. They watch and hunt honorable prey while following a Code of Honor.
Synthetics are not Marines. They are eerily intelligent, curious, and adhere to their Synthetic Programing.
Marines are not mentally unstable. They are of sound mind and body, trained for war. They would not want to self-harm. At least not until they are trapped and infected after seeing a fanged creature burst from a comrade’s chest.

As for acting like my given role, i believe i did in all due rights. A CO is not going to allow the MPs to push around and detain an SO for breaking up a fight while the SO is hard at work getting his squad sorted out. A CO upon hearing of the MPs plans to remove him from command would indeed be acting his given role to steal a fax machine thus preventing his relief in the middle of an operation.

If the fax machine is something the admins want to declare off limits, mention needs to be made of it in the rules. Ive seen fax machines stolen plenty of times. As for cryoing unfortunately that was out of my control, I had to head out and I cryoed properly.
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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by REDALERT » 27 Jul 2018, 01:27

In response

No griefing, I was actually told to give you that one by Snypehunter007, so they personally, at least at that time, determined that rule to possibly be in violation, however I wont speak for them.

Don't be a dick is the same story, when I asked what rule breaks I should mention Snypehunter007 stated this also.

Act like your given role, here I think you are wrong, your job as CO is to lead the ship in order to complete its objectives, and to make sure things are done properly. However by the logs it is clear that on our first contact with the SO you immediately were hostile, you didn't let us investigate at all. As for my reasoning for the arrest, when walking into the extended bunks marines made comments like, "The SO is joining" and "The SO came from the CIC to fight" when I entered the room I see the SO swinging at someone and then running out the door. When I tried to question him he ran, and the marines started fighting again so I had to stay and break them up. After the drop about only 5 minutes in is when I made my motion to arrest. We had some questions about the situation and needed to get a better understanding, however you stopped us and were very hostile to us setting off bells and whistles. Our decision to call the provost was just, we had a command staff that were trying to protect a wanted criminal for questioning. Then to make matters worse you removed our means of communication for help. I apologize for the disrespect, but its childish, its like a sibling saying please don't tell mom. As CO you should have put XO in charge, taken the SO to the side with us and talked about it. We could have easily settled the situation like adults. But your course of action is just not right, to curse us out and then send in your XO to take our communication away, followed by telling the marines multiple times we are goons and out to get everyone. Furthermore you lied and played stupid about where it was, I see no commanding traits in those actions. I understand you obviously have put in work for the rank of CO, but its also about holding yourself to the standards, and not rolling it if you aren't feeling up to it. I still hold my stance that you must be retaught what it means to be the top of the chain of command. Ive seen CO's get arrested and accept it like men, its the true way to go, to respect the system and accept your wrongs. Not taking the fax and locking yourself in CIC.

Also I respect your cryo, you did cryo the correct way, just at a very bad time, but I understand. We cant choose when things happen and we must leave.

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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by JacksonDee » 27 Jul 2018, 01:32

Well, as the SO who was the target of the arrest, I'll give my two cents. My round as SO started off pretty normally, with other CIC staff spawning in over the course of a few minutes. I decided to take overwatch for both Charlie and Alpha squad, and after a while, I hear the Charlie SL calling for help. Uriel 'Whitey' Turner was involved in a traditional Delta vs. Charlie brawl in the southern extended bunks, and was calling for his squad to come assist. I immediately called for MPs to head to the bunks (Which can be pulled up in the logs), and headed there to sort the situation out in person. As an LT, I do not want my squad to get arrested and injured pre-deployment, and a visit in person would help streamline getting everyone back in their seats and geared up. I arrived at the end of the fight, as Edwin Thomas the MP was already there to break it up. No punishments were meted out by him due to it being Hooliganism without ill intent, and all the marines got out of it with just minor bruising. A typical and well handled bit of rough-housing between the squads, and I wrangled everyone back to briefing before resuming my post.

This is where Chandler showed up with the CMP out of the blue. I was attempting to relay orders to Charlie and talk with Uriel, when the CMP and Chandler asked for my attention. Chandler told me that I was under arrest, and I was completely gobsmacked. He blatantly lied by saying I was SUPPORTING and PARTAKING in the brawl between Delta and Charlie, and my arrest was under the charge of Neglect of Duty. Besides the fact that I was NO WAY involved in starting the fight, actually alerted the MPs to the situation, AND helped break it up:

Negelct of Duty:

"Failure to perform their role to an acceptable standard. For example, a Commander failing to properly organize and ensure his personnel are given orders, failing to follow proper procedures, or ship crew leaving the ship without authorisation from the acting Commander or their Department Head. Any officer who commits a crime may be charged with Neglect of Duty."

A Staff Officers duty is not to enforce Marine Law. It is to ensure and assist their squads in completing their objectives, and manage the overwatch of the ship. I did not lay a hand on the marines, I did not encourage the fight, and I was handling the issue in a professional way. The charges were trumped up and false, and the arrest was about to throw Charlie and Alpha into disarray by losing their Overwatch. Patton realized what was going on, knew that I was innocent, and bluntly ordered the MPs to quit interfering and leave the CIC. As for the stealing of the fax machine, I was too focused on attending to my over watch squads to get the full set of details. I did see the XO dragging it up the ladders, which amused me greatly, but that was about it.

Patton is a tried and true commander, one that leads his operations well, and will not allow the MPs to abuse their power and egregiously arrest his personnel. I'm thankful that he was in command, because others might have let me get arrest go through on completely fabricated charges. Commanding officers shouldn't "accept their arrest like a real commander would" when the situation is as absurd as the one that you put him in, REDALERT. I'm think that you are the one that needs to re-evaluate the way in which you conduct your character as a Marine Policeman, and maybe brush up on some law definitions.

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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by JacksonDee » 27 Jul 2018, 01:43

when I entered the room I see the SO swinging at someone and then running out the door. When I tried to question him he ran, and the marines started fighting again so I had to stay and break them up.
I did not once swing at or attack any marines in the fight. My only involvement were verbal warnings and orders to resume their attendance at briefing. An Admin could pull logs of the round and prove this. Additionally, our first contact with me were not questions or inquiries, but a declaration of arrest. I didn't see any attempt to actually get information about the event from me before you told me I was guilty. I exited my overwatch to find the CMP and an MP leering over my shoulder, ready to throw me in the slammer for crimes I didn't commit. As I said before, I heavily disagree with the assertion that you handled the situation well.

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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by REDALERT » 27 Jul 2018, 02:41

In response to your statement, as I said I had only the words of the marines outside extended barracks to go on, the other MP was standing at the req line doing nothing without a hat on which confused me, as for the punch, it was a rush into the room, and ill admit, it may have been a disarm but I saw someone near you have a motion over them, followed by you running out the south door. I followed you and asked at least 2 times what happened, you never responded and then walked off to the checkpoint ladder, this of course was suspicious, I would have followed but the marines you had just walked away from were right at it again. And even after a broke them up it happened another two times. If you really had the intent to fully break them up you would have stayed. And again, as I said I had to rely only on the words of the marines, many of which acted in a way that indicated you told them you were coming down to fight. Obviously they may have been playing around but again at least two of them said it, I have no logs for this part so an admin would have to pull it if possible.

Also we were following procedure, we have to cuff you and bring you to brig for questioning no matter rank just like everyone else, we don't question people in the open. As per the CMP, I understand it was intimidating, personally I asked for CMP permission to carry out the arrest, but I didn't request them to join me, I don't know why they did. As per the neglect of duty charge its right in the description, you were an officer that committed a crime, a internally I believed neglect to be the best course of action because authorizing a fight club doesn't really have a charge. Obviously OOC now I totally trust you didn't have anything to do with it, but from an IC standpoint and midgame standpoint, the signs point you, as an officer, did not handle the situation or the follow up correctly, and left it rather suspicious to me.

As per the questioning of my decisions, I understand if a CO knows a claim is erroneous he is in all right to resist and counter it to protect his operation, but to run up to us and start shouting "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CIC!" without any attempt to ask us what the situation was, isn't right. Even if he had asked in a more polite way like "can this matter wait until after the op" would have been a great IC solution, and the matter would have been dropped, instead he was more disruptive, in my opinion, to cause this whole scene. Our plan was to take you downstairs to the CMPs office to get your side of the story. If you really did have another MP assist you in dealing with that situation you should have said so, they would have vouched for you and the matter would have been settled. But instead, and in no way your fault, the CO took matters to absurd levels, to try and self dictator like that, from an IC standpoint, its just madness. As per my claims of supporting and partaking, again it was based on what the marines said when I got to that fight, and the ensuing ones after you left, the fact is I followed you all the way to the south checkpoint asking, at least to my memory 2 times, what happened and you just kept walking. Obviously you had a lot going on and I understand, but you have to see how my side looks when you just walk away like that.

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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by taketheshot56 » 27 Jul 2018, 02:53

its no secret I dont tolerate MP fuckery in my CIC, i saw exactly what you were trying to do to the SO and ran over to scream. You made no attempts to see his side of the story you walked up there and said "You are under arrest" I dont tolerate MPs arresting my men when its false. Im going to scream at you when you try and do it. If its likeyou said, you just wanted to talk with him, better choices of words couldve been made rather than.

SSGT Chandler Owens says, "Your under arrest for that fight ring earlier"

As for the dictator part, welcome to the military the CO IS the sole ruler of his ship being the highest ranked onboard.
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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by Survivor » 27 Jul 2018, 03:20

I'll give my two cents on the situation. I was the Executive Officer in question. Our innocent Lieutenant Dee was about to get arrested for Neglect of Duty, when he was in fact keeping him men from getting brigged. I see no issue with this, but as per usual MPs seem to always want to dig in. When Patton called them out on their bullshit, they threatened to having him arrested. Patton later ordered me to steal the fax machine, so the Warrant Officer could not de commission him from Command. This isn't griefing, as it is an in character role play issue. The Commander was doing his best to preserve himself as Commander. He was not a dick about it (or at least as described in the rules), and was definitely acting his given role. To be Commander, and not fall to some low ranking officer who just so happens to have a fax machine.
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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by Sir Lordington » 27 Jul 2018, 07:46

Stealing the fax machine from MPs is far from Ic. It's not the place of the commander to decide whether an arrest is valid and interfere in it, much less to, after doing so, take away the only tool for retaliation MPs have.

MPs cannot mutiny, therefore the only thing they can do is fax. Commanders were given protection from MPs to curb the issue of MPs arresting the CO for literally anything, not so that you could abuse that by taking away their fax machine and effectively becoming immune to Marine Law unless an admin intervenes.

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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by REDALERT » 27 Jul 2018, 18:20

So what is the follow up action? Honestly I didn't even think fax machines could be moved for this exact reason, so either it has to be fixed in that regard or a rule has to be made making it clear that preventing someone from getting to a fax machine, or any other form of IC admin contact, isn't allowed.

Additionally I understand that the CO is energetic and clearly liked by his men, but like sir lordington said, its our only way to retaliate, that's why we told you we were going to call the provost, we gave you warning that we were going to get an admin to determine if you are in the right or not, that's the point of the fax machine. To send someone to take it from us, its just trying to prevent us from getting an IC resolution, and forcing it out here onto the fourms. That's why I'm so avid about this, you cant just immunize yourself from IC resolution and just hope that no one cares enough to report you for it.

And you saying that other commanders take away the fax so you thought you could, that's the exact same situation that caused the giant mess of a round when shotguns were banned. (see player report rex texas and other MPs) Its not about what other commanders do, its about what you do, and what you are supposed to do, and taking away a fax, is something that a commander should not do.

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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by taketheshot56 » 28 Jul 2018, 01:33

To be completely honest, if the fax machine is something that higher ups want to not be tampered with then i agree with you REDALERT, make it unable to be moved like 99% of the other stuff. As for what others do, when you see an instance of many other COs taking the fax machine and seeing ZERO action being taken against them and having it treated like any other IC issue, you assume its permitted to do. While that does not absolve me of any wrongdoing, I do want to point that out because if it had been established before that in the previous situations revolving around a fax machine I wouldn't have done it Im not one go out and maliciously break rules. I believe I havent recieved a single note in months. However I do see where you are coming from in your report and I can hope you see where Im coming from in my response.
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Re: CO Patton 'Hardtack' Moore - Report

Post by Emeraldblood » 14 Aug 2018, 17:46

Taking the fax machine isn't allowed. That said, it wasn't a rule when this went down, so no punishments are gonna be dealt with for this report. That said, any future CO's or Command Staff who try to do this in the future will be getting in trouble, so no stealing or destroying fax machines to prevent arrests.

Resolved - No direct punishments for taketheshot56; stealing the fax machine is now a capital offense.
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