Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

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Byond: Cre77

Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by cre77 » 01 Aug 2018, 02:36

Your Byond Key: Cre77

Your Character Name: Bil Morgan (Random CLF name)

Accused Byond Key(if known): ???

Character Name: Amadeus Graham Dio

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 00:50 - 01:10 Central US Time

What rule(s) were broken: 3 - griefing, 19 - act like your given role.

Description of the incident: Alright, standard CLF event on Prison, we're holed up in research, memes ensue. We get kicked out of Research, while on the run I give up to the marines (apparently negotiations started later and the rest of the team gave up after the synthetic Edward convinced them, on COs orders), they take me up to Almayer with a broken arm, it's all cool and fine. MP Alfred Newbern treats me well, leaves me to medbay to fix my broken arm. Unfortunately, Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio, clad in shorts (im not kidding, not even a cryo shirt on), tie and a fedora, had other plans. He simply puts me on the table, puts me under, and saws all my limbs off, bar single arm. Yeah, that's cool. On my protests in LOOC, he acknowledges that he did indeed saw my limbs off and quaintly follows up with "keek". Amazing, do I really need to describe why exactly it is wrong when a civilian, a sane doctor just straight up mutilates a prisoner when he was supposed to simply fix his arm? You probably can see why this is utter bullshit. I mean, come on, this is some playground bully tearing wings off of a butterfly level of shit. As I said to him in LOOC, quite lightly salted by the whole incident, he is the reason no one can take CM seriously. Pretty decent HVH event ruined by a fedora-toting Dr. Sawbones. At least, from a roleplay standpoint. I don't care about frags in these types of events, really.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused:
A doctor jobban until a convincing appeal is made by him. This guy clearly doesn't even fucking fathom what he's supposed to be. He'd make good cannon fodder for xenos to chew on, but nothing else.
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Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Enrico Pucci » 01 Aug 2018, 03:20

I am Doctor DIO, and you compelled me to make a forum account just to respond to this. Very well. I'll go over my side of the story, or what little there is to it.

it's all cool and fine. MP Alfred Newbern treats me well, leaves me to medbay to fix my broken arm.

I had no idea the vast majority of your wounds were treated. The radio was flooded, as was the medbay hallway itself. I saw what appeared to be a POW with a broken arm, and decided to operate on him.

Unfortunately, Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio, clad in shorts (im not kidding, not even a cryo shirt on), tie and a fedora, had other plans.

Not a fedora, but a bowler hat. Also, you have a problem with shorts? Nobody else does, during the dozens of times in which I have worn them in a medical role.

He simply puts me on the table, puts me under, and saws all my limbs off, bar single arm.

Indeed I did. Torture tends to occur quite frequently in HvH rounds. In your case, I cut off your fractured right arm and your two feet so you were incapable of escaping.

On my protests in LOOC, he acknowledges that he did indeed saw my limbs off and quaintly follows up with "keek".

Quite so, because I admittedly found your saltiness after the fact to be very humorous, and even a little shocking. No one I have performed surgery on was about upset about their amputated limbs OOC, so I had reason to find humour in it. You did, after all, swear at me. If you had been more polite, I wouldn't have been snide.
How DARE he say keek!?

Amazing, do I really need to describe why exactly it is wrong when a civilian, a sane doctor just straight up mutilates a prisoner when he was supposed to simply fix his arm?

A commander can BE anyone he deems to be a hazard to the success of the mission, even if that reason would be considered preposterous in reality. I'm a malpractice doctor in that I tend to amputate fractured limbs, but my patients never walk away untreated. At the end of the day, they are still fit to carry out whatever their role entails. You, on the other hand, were a POW. If it is at all an issue, it's most certainly an IC one.

I mean, come on, this is some playground bully tearing wings off of a butterfly level of shit.

Torture occurs all the time in HvH rounds. There's even an entire thread dedicated to it. viewtopic.php?f=135&t=18103

Pretty decent HVH event ruined by a fedora-toting Dr. Sawbones. At least, from a roleplay standpoint. I don't care about frags in these types of events, really.

That's a shame. An even bigger shame that you decided it was appropriate to attempt to get me job banned over a harmless meme. I ruined your round? Good grief, your round was over. If anything, it was quite hilarious. You were a rebel who's wings got clipped. I mean no disrespect, but get over yourself. It's a 2D spaceman video game. There is objectively no reason to be this upset over a minor incident that should be handled ICly. I didn't realize you were already treated at the time (with the exception of your right arm), and I apologize for that. But this is just memey. Live and let live, and move on.

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Byond: Urytion

Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Urytion » 01 Aug 2018, 07:49

As a character witness, I've been CMO to Amadeus before. He's definitely an LRP memer. He makes my characters look like shining beacons of humanity, sanity, and maturity. He deliberately plays someone insane and incompetent, in a role where he is responsible for keeping people in the round. I haven't seen him play his role in any useful capacity. His behaviour goes beyond the realm of "wacky eccentricity" and into "possibly brain damaged hobo in a lab coat". His responses are pretty typical of his behaviour in game as well.

A commander can BE anyone he deems to be a hazard to the success of the mission, even if that reason would be considered preposterous in reality. I'm a malpractice doctor in that I tend to amputate fractured limbs, but my patients never walk away untreated.
That's just... No. A Commander is a Commander. You're a doctor torturing a random prisoner of war IC, and OOC, you're effectively removing a player from the round. You are meant to be a sane and rational people. No matter how "malpractice" you are (which is an issue itself) a sane character would not just saw off limbs.

Nobody else does, during the dozens of times in which I have worn them in a medical role.
I had you arrested and demoted for it.

Torture occurs all the time in HvH rounds. There's even an entire thread dedicated to it.
No there isn't. Read the thread. There is one mention of torture, by a Commander player.

Quite so, because I admittedly found your saltiness after the fact to be very humorous, and even a little shocking. No one I have performed surgery on was about upset about their amputated limbs OOC, so I had reason to find humour in it. You did, after all, swear at me. If you had been more polite, I wouldn't have been snide.
How DARE he say keek!?

"He was mean to me and that justifies my bad behaviour" is not an excuse.

A Medical ban would be very reasonable.
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Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by JacksonDee » 01 Aug 2018, 10:18

I've been waiting for this report to be made, to be quite frank. As a character witness, I can say that when I see you as part of the Medical staff, I'd rather die on the front line than go up to get treatment from you. The way you play doctor and CMO is pretty much soft griefing, sawing off limbs, experimenting on people, ect. I've had TWO situations where I went to Medbay with nothing but fractures or other minor injuries, and ended up with robotic replacements without my IC consent. When I play medic, I hear your colleagues constantly complaining about you, and I see MPs having to arrest you constantly for neglect of duty and assault.

To sum it up: You play a borderline psyocopathic, incompetent LRPer who runs around in athletic shorts and a bowler hat, and the ship is worse off for it.

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Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Lineman » 01 Aug 2018, 14:15

Character Witness.
I was an MT last night when i went planetside to fix the tank which proved to be impossible due to marine FF. I went up to get my fractured foot and fractured ribs fixed. I unfortunately get this guy to fix me, Not only did he forget to check for infections he also cut my fractured foot off by amputating the leg because it was infected. I tried to get him arrested buy Thomas Echard was being a good CMP that round and didn't brig his ass. When he was being arrested he said in LOOC that he enjoys cutting off limbs.

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Byond: Vispain

Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Vispain » 01 Aug 2018, 15:01

Character Witness: I can confirm as well, as I was a ghost the round Lineman mentions, that when being arrested Dr. Dio said in LOOC he just enjoyed cutting off limbs. This was in response to the LOOC from CMP Echard that Dio could just use the Robotic Legs to replace lost feet instead of cutting off the whole limb.
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Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Enrico Pucci » 01 Aug 2018, 16:09

JacksonDee wrote:
01 Aug 2018, 10:18
I've been waiting for this report to be made, to be quite frank. As a character witness, I can say that when I see you as part of the Medical staff, I'd rather die on the front line than go up to get treatment from you. The way you play doctor and CMO is pretty much soft griefing, sawing off limbs, experimenting on people, ect. I've had TWO situations where I went to Medbay with nothing but fractures or other minor injuries, and ended up with robotic replacements without my IC consent. When I play medic, I hear your colleagues constantly complaining about you, and I see MPs having to arrest you constantly for neglect of duty and assault.

To sum it up: You play a borderline psyocopathic, incompetent LRPer who runs around in athletic shorts and a bowler hat, and the ship is worse off for it.
Soft griefing? Because I prefer to go the extra mile and cut off your broken arm? Give me a break.

These odds are not good, I'll admit that. Once more, people are attempting to get me banned for an IC issue. I'm a very capable surgeon. I can quite easily heal a broken limb if I wanted to. I simply don't, as I prefer to cut if off. MP's arrest me when marines freak out after seeing their arm or leg cut off, and the most reasonable charge they can think of is neglect, even though I do not neglect at all. But I think you misunderstand just a little bit; I don't saw off any limb. Only the ones which are injured. It's how I treat, and it's rather fun. Getting someone banned over it is beyond silly. All I do is cut off broken arms, period. Other than that, I don't get in anybody else's way.
Last edited by Enrico Pucci on 01 Aug 2018, 16:15, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Enrico Pucci » 01 Aug 2018, 16:13

Urytion wrote:
01 Aug 2018, 07:49
As a character witness, I've been CMO to Amadeus before. He's definitely an LRP memer. He makes my characters look like shining beacons of humanity, sanity, and maturity. He deliberately plays someone insane and incompetent, in a role where he is responsible for keeping people in the round. I haven't seen him play his role in any useful capacity. His behaviour goes beyond the realm of "wacky eccentricity" and into "possibly brain damaged hobo in a lab coat". His responses are pretty typical of his behaviour in game as well.

A commander can BE anyone he deems to be a hazard to the success of the mission, even if that reason would be considered preposterous in reality. I'm a malpractice doctor in that I tend to amputate fractured limbs, but my patients never walk away untreated.
That's just... No. A Commander is a Commander. You're a doctor torturing a random prisoner of war IC, and OOC, you're effectively removing a player from the round. You are meant to be a sane and rational people. No matter how "malpractice" you are (which is an issue itself) a sane character would not just saw off limbs.

Nobody else does, during the dozens of times in which I have worn them in a medical role.
I had you arrested and demoted for it.

Torture occurs all the time in HvH rounds. There's even an entire thread dedicated to it.
No there isn't. Read the thread. There is one mention of torture, by a Commander player.

Quite so, because I admittedly found your saltiness after the fact to be very humorous, and even a little shocking. No one I have performed surgery on was about upset about their amputated limbs OOC, so I had reason to find humour in it. You did, after all, swear at me. If you had been more polite, I wouldn't have been snide.
How DARE he say keek!?

"He was mean to me and that justifies my bad behaviour" is not an excuse.

A Medical ban would be very reasonable.

Here we go again. Now you're just fibbing when you call me incompetent. I actually can perform my abilities very well, and have done so. I think I know who you are. You had me demoted for wearing a pair of shorts, as I had done in previous rounds. But most of all, you were angry about the paper hat, and would stop at nothing to get it off my head. On the other hand, you gave me no chance to perform my duties IC because of my choice of style, which I am not angry about. If you haven't seen me perform, you might as well be blind.

He was salty, more or less told me to go fuck myself, so I laughed at him. Hardly bad behavior. Furthermore, the commander is the commander is a sad excuse. Do you recall the time when a CO that had 'Viking' as his nickname blew the head off a marine who was bad mouthing him in briefing, and got off scot-free? This was at the very beginning of the round, and his ended for no apparent reason. Would a sane and reasonable commander do that?

On the other hand, I did the same thing in taking someone out of a round, although I was expecting the MP's to carry him limbless body around during the siege, which would have been a funny meme. In any case, I took him out at the very end of the round.
Last edited by Enrico Pucci on 01 Aug 2018, 16:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Enrico Pucci » 01 Aug 2018, 16:18

Vispain wrote:
01 Aug 2018, 15:01
Character Witness: I can confirm as well, as I was a ghost the round Lineman mentions, that when being arrested Dr. Dio said in LOOC he just enjoyed cutting off limbs. This was in response to the LOOC from CMP Echard that Dio could just use the Robotic Legs to replace lost feet instead of cutting off the whole limb.
Nothing I haven't already stated. Yes, I enjoy cutting off fractured limbs.

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Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Enrico Pucci » 01 Aug 2018, 16:20

Lineman wrote:
01 Aug 2018, 14:15
Character Witness.
I was an MT last night when i went planetside to fix the tank which proved to be impossible due to marine FF. I went up to get my fractured foot and fractured ribs fixed. I unfortunately get this guy to fix me, Not only did he forget to check for infections he also cut my fractured foot off by amputating the leg because it was infected. I tried to get him arrested buy Thomas Echard was being a good CMP that round and didn't brig his ass. When he was being arrested he said in LOOC that he enjoys cutting off limbs.
So once more, a person is trying to get me banned for a relatively old IC incident.

As I've said many times, I enjoy cutting off fractured limbs. Why else would I do that rather than resorting to the arguably longer process of fixing them?

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Byond: taketheshot56

Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by taketheshot56 » 01 Aug 2018, 16:51

Seen this guy many times he enjoys trying to fuck ppl over often and soft griefs as doctor ALOT. Tbh. A ban and jobbannu should be in place.
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Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Enrico Pucci » 01 Aug 2018, 16:55

taketheshot56 wrote:
01 Aug 2018, 16:51
Seen this guy many times he enjoys trying to fuck ppl over often and soft griefs as doctor ALOT. Tbh. A ban and jobbannu should be in place.
I don't fuck people over. A new limb doesn't affect their round in any way other than that they need a blowtorch to repair it every now and then. You're incorrect.

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Re: Dr. Amadeus Graham Dio Report

Post by Imperator_Titan » 01 Aug 2018, 17:20

Player has recently earned himself a full on medical jobban for the same thing, so I assume this report is practically dealt with.

Resolved - Handled.
