Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

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Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lineman » 13 Aug 2018, 22:25

Your Byond Key: Stealth121

Your Character Name: Alberto 'Surtr' Lineman

Accused Byond Key(if known): Lakiller8

Character Name: Thomas Echard

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 8:57 8/13/2018

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 14

Description of the incident: Thomas Echard has been Rolling CMP and MP often and anytime the player Mya Miller is on he gets someone to make a place where he and Mya can have a date and eat dinner. He does this as both MP and CMP. THe round i'll describe it is as an CMP

This round the moderator Kerek decided to 'cockblock' Echard, Kerek's own words, by interfering with the date and making it out as if Thomas had made a date for Kerek and Mya. Fast forward like 5 minutes of stupid bullshit and Kerek grabs Mya and runs off with her. They have a small walk and then they run into the CO who is less than thrilled with what had happened as she ordered(i think) Echard to be arrested and put in for Neglect of duty. Fast forward 10 minutes of constant escapes and recaptures and taser battles between MP and CMP. SO far we have resisting arrest and NoD. Once Echard is in the brig he attempts to rally the marines to come and free him from his cell. Somehow along the way the CO got brigged as well. Then High Command send in 3 USCM Representatives to try and mediate the situation, but before they can do it, the xenos decide to come and poke their filthy heads in.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I didn't take any pics.

How you would punish the accused: I would like to see Echard get an MP/CMP job ban until he learns to keep it in his pants.

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by DriedMilk » 13 Aug 2018, 22:30

CO here.

I honestly found the situation funny as hell, yeah sure, CMP broke the law and I got brigged illegaly.

But who cares? Aslong as it's fun.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Kerek » 13 Aug 2018, 22:33

This had brewed all round into what it had become, it was some good hearted fun and it was more of an IC issue. This was incredibly enjoyable for me, and from what I've heard from LaKiller it was with him as well. Deadchat was eating it up, and nothing was going on in the round. And an event was made out of it. Personally I see no rule breaks and I think its an IC Issue.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lumdor » 13 Aug 2018, 22:34

I was the admin that sent in the three USCM REPS. During the whole situation I saw the whole thing, but instead of trying to get everyone involved in trouble I decided to leave it IC, and send in some people to fix the issue.

The whole thing was dumb, and to be honest I was tempted to just abomb the three involved, as it was cringy, dumb, and not needed at all for how our server is. Though I left it IC as dchat seemed to be enjoying the situation, and bringing in some people IC that could fix it I thought would be best for everyone involved.
Last edited by Lumdor on 13 Aug 2018, 22:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lineman » 13 Aug 2018, 22:34

DriedMilk wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 22:30
CO here.

I honestly found the situation funny as hell, yeah sure, CMP broke the law and I got brigged illegaly.

But who cares? Aslong as it's fun.
OH i found it was funny too until it got really out of hand. And remember Echard does this nearly every single round Mya is on

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lineman » 13 Aug 2018, 22:38

Lumdor wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 22:34
I was the admin that sent in the three USCM REPS. During the whole situation I saw the whole thing, but instead of trying to get everyone involved in trouble I decided to leave it IC, and send in some people to fix the issue.

The whole thing was dumb, and to be honest I was tempted to just abomb the three involved, as it was cringy, dumb, and not needed at all for how our server is. Though I left it IC as dchat seemed to be enjoying the situation, and bringing in some people IC that could fix it I thought would be best for everyone involved.
You might not know but Echard does this EVERY single round Mya is on and before he found Mya he flirted with every single female character and left his duty as MP in order to do this. This is not an isolated incident he has done this before.

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Sleepy Retard » 13 Aug 2018, 22:39

I was one of the reps, it was rule 0'd so it actually isn't a problem. This entire situation aside, I think Echard really needs to keep it in his pants. If I didn't know better, I'd think he's doing it on purpose to make me cringe so hard my eye pops out. But it isn't - really this report isn't exactly needed for this round, and if anything needed to be done it should be telling Echard to go to Citadel or VORE instead of trying to horn dog every female on CM, considering he literally neglects his duty to do so.
Last edited by Sleepy Retard on 14 Aug 2018, 04:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lineman » 13 Aug 2018, 23:00

El Defaultio wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 22:39
I was one of the reps, it was rule 0'd so it actually isn't a problem. This entire situation aside, I think Echard really needs to keep it in his pants. If I didn't know better, I'd think he's doing it on purpose to make me cringe so hard my eye pops out. But it isn't - really this report isn't exactly needed, and if anything needed to be done it should be telling Echard to go to Citadel or VORE instead of trying to horn dog every female on CM, considering he literally neglects his duty to do so.
Like I have already said this isn't the first time Echard has broken Rule 14. This is just the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by taketheshot56 » 14 Aug 2018, 00:06

Lineman wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 23:00
Like I have already said this isn't the first time Echard has broken Rule 14. This is just the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
Can confirm I have seen him threaten to assault a marine for bullying Mya, while playing as CMP. Commiting a major crime himself.

Its too much and a firm ruling is needed, I think echard is a cool dude, but this is not CMP behaviour.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Mitii » 14 Aug 2018, 10:05

So since I was involved, I pretty much have to give my POV here.

Echard does not deserve a job ban from any role.

The incident that occurred and escalated into one big mess involving most of Command and all of Security staff was all in good fun, all of it occurring within reason ICly. Sure, there may have been a few mistakes here and there, but I don't see the issue with that. That round was chaotic, I'd make mistakes too.

I also don't believe that anyone was put out of the round for a terribly excessive amount of time, nor do I believe that anyone was killed and permanently outed that way. Echard and Mya were both having a bit of character interaction and Kerek decided to join in on that, which was fine by me. Then the rest of Command got involved, but from what I heard, people had fun and to me, that's pretty important, otherwise there would be no point to me playing such an antagonistic character such as Mya.

I dunno. To me it just feels surreal sometimes when people get in trouble for playing their character, or even some characters that interact in a certain way that is within the rules, considering this server is a medium RP one. I'll probably catch flak for saying that, but honestly I don't mind it just to see what people are thinking. Buuut, this is a player report, so if not here, then a PM would be nice.

Thank youuu. ^^

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by LaKiller8 » 14 Aug 2018, 14:51

Alright, time to explain this shitstorm from my perspective.

I do not think I really broke marine law until the very lasts moments which could be deemed questionable, but I believe I was resiting an illegitimate arrest which is allowed. My arrest was supposed to be for NOD but I handled a few prisoners personally and always had MPs to delegate to a crime scene so nothing went unanswered.

Now regarding the other allegations, this was honestly just some stupid soap opera drama purely for the entertainment of dchat and anyone observing. Yes, it was cringy to some people at times but most people enjoyed it, that is even the reason the USCM responders were sent. All the main people involved in this enjoyed it. I think most of you are familiar with how I play my character and unless it goes out of line way too much is just another quirk to make the rounds more interesting and diverse. Not every round has to be a Jack Knight "arrest everyone for maximum time" one. It is known I play a perhaps too lax MP but I try to stay within the rules and make everyone's experience a bit better.

Also @taketheshot56 is correct, I said that, but right after I said it's a joke. Perhaps it wasn't the most appropriate one but I think some amount of fun should be allowed.

@Lineman you should also mention how you say you are going to ruin my round every single time you are on my team or even just a regular marine.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lineman » 14 Aug 2018, 15:13

LaKiller8 wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 14:51
@Lineman you should also mention how you say you are going to ruin my round every single time you are on my team or even just a regular marine.
OH i said i was going to to ruin all your dates because i did and still do believe it is NoD to not do your job and go off and flirt with every women on the ship.

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lineman » 14 Aug 2018, 15:19

LaKiller8 wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 14:51
I do not think I really broke marine law until the very lasts moments which could be deemed questionable, but I believe I was resiting an illegitimate arrest which is allowed. My arrest was supposed to be for NOD but I handled a few prisoners personally and always had MPs to delegate to a crime scene so nothing went unanswered.
Thomas going off and getting an MT to make your little love room each and every round is weird and creepy. Doing so as a CMP would be neglect of duty since your duty is to oversee the MP not oversee your damn date.

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by CaptainYankee » 14 Aug 2018, 15:59

Character Witness:
I am all for RP to spice up the ship side of things, I don't think Echard's interactions with Miller warrant a CMP ban, he generally does a decent job of policing the ship as far as I have been able to tell.

The only sticking point is the resisting arrest and neglect of duty charges as CMP. He MUST follow marine law whether he likes it or not. CMPs need to be held to a high standard, we've seen too many recently just ignore procedures and act like shitcurity.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lineman » 14 Aug 2018, 16:38

I'm fine with Echard as a person infact i have fun playing with him but he has done this shit time and time again whether its as MP, CMP, researcher, any shipside role he can get his hands on part way through the round he Neglects his duty and goes to either flirt with Mya or some other female character.

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 15 Aug 2018, 06:04

Character Witness : As most of my rounds, and especially my last few have involved him directly.

A clear mega metabuddier,

As a marine on the ground, no issues.Even though you can still see the metabuddying here, its more prevalent when :

As CMP/Command, because hes such a obvious metabuddier that he uses OOC reasons regarding how he goes about the duties of his role.If this report on him doesnt show it outright enough and prove it let alone observing him ingame, i dont know what will.
LaKiller8 wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 14:51
Now regarding the other allegations, this was honestly just some stupid soap opera drama purely for the entertainment of dchat and anyone observing.
Hes admitted right here, as clear for all to see, that he does, and would rather put LOOC/OOC/Dchat "RP" entertainment ahead of actually doing the IC role hes picked, thereby breaking marine law and the rules under server rule :

19. Act like your given role

Youve got it the wrong way around Echard, the RP should stem from you doing your actual IC role, not the IC duties of your role stemming and being determined by whatever your RP "ideas" are, or whos around you, or who your friends are OOC.Round after round.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Avalanchee » 15 Aug 2018, 06:47

BillyBoBBizWorth wrote:
15 Aug 2018, 06:04
Hes admitted right here, as clear for all to see, that he does, and would rather put LOOC/OOC/Dchat "RP" entertainment ahead of actually doing the IC role hes picked, thereby breaking marine law and the rules under server rule :

19. Act like your given role

blah blah metabuddies
Are we not allowed to Roleplay anymore?
also, call it Metabudding - I call it not being a soft griefer.

I witnessed Thomas in multiple CMP rounds including this one and I see literally no problems with him Talking to other people and THEN arresting them/warning them for minior crimes instead of being the 'Dick CMP that stunbatons someone for having a gun out :blush:'

And yes, regarding this entire Playerreport
Sleepy said all the important stuff Thomas needs to know.
El Defaultio wrote:
13 Aug 2018, 22:39
I think Echard really needs to keep it in his pants. If I didn't know better, I'd think he's doing it on purpose to make me cringe so hard my eye pops out. But it isn't - really this report isn't exactly needed for this round, and if anything needed to be done it should be telling Echard to go to Citadel or VORE instead of trying to horn dog every female on CM, considering he literally neglects his duty to do so.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Bancrose » 15 Aug 2018, 06:50

I was one of the Reps Lumdor sent in to deal with this.

Without a doubt it was probably neglect of duty or something similar to it. Entire situation seemed fucked from the Start. The one major issue I do have is, that the Commander was arrested without a fax. So I'd probably look into that. As for punishment....Poor Thomas got roasted ICly/OOCly and in D Chat, man couldn't catch a break. But that all stemmed from you towing the line on what may or may not have been interpreted as Sexual Assault. And you should know as the CMP, That sexual assault is the same as flat out murdering someone.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by LaKiller8 » 15 Aug 2018, 10:35

To add more information to the discussion, I was not the one who arrested the commander or even ordered the arrest. Ryan did it after the CO started choking Mya in front of CIC as a BE (while technically against the rules, this whole situation basically got turned into a mini-event and from that perspective it made snense). Trust me, I was surprised when the CO ended up in the cell next to me. I would have faxed if I wasn't the one arrested. The only law I could have broken that round would be NOD and that's kind of a grey area since I did everything in my power to keep the peace of the ship and sent other MPs to deal with stuff, even handled a few crimes myself. Nowhere does it say that I have do everything myself. Regarding the alleged "sexual assault", please pull the logs so this false allegation can get thrown out of the water.

@Lineman honestly, the only reason I did it a few times (not every single round as you keep claiming) is so I see how far you take the ruining others fun. Also I am not the only CMP breaking marine law, this is borderline assault (from yesterdays round) Image

@BillyBoBBizWorth Then I am metabuddies with 90% of the server since I ignore 99% of minor crimes. You seem to be having issues with situations being dealt ICly (considering you had to be LOOC muted while dealing with an admiral). Not all situations need be immediate bwoink ban.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lineman » 15 Aug 2018, 13:27

LaKiller8 wrote:
15 Aug 2018, 10:35
@Lineman honestly, the only reason I did it a few times (not every single round as you keep claiming) is so I see how far you take the ruining others fun. Also I am not the only CMP breaking marine law, this is borderline assault (from yesterdays round) Image
I love how you forgot to mention my next line of dialogue that went something along the lines of 'because once your in my brig im going to read you the sappiest poetry i can find' because as satisfying it would be to hit him its even funnier to 'torture' them with bad poetry.

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by LaKiller8 » 15 Aug 2018, 13:29

It was on purpose, since when I said something similar and said it's a joke afterwards, it got taken out of context and used against me.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by x31stOverlord » 15 Aug 2018, 14:28

I'm going to ask that unless you have anything to add to the report that you stop posting here, this isn't the place for arguing.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Aug 2018, 15:02

Acting your given role is a rather subjective rule which I personally don't see as applying in this situatio, especially at it was rule 0'ed.

I also don't mind the odd dynamic the pair do, as long as its not a constant every single round thing and it doesnt cause issues with shipside departments.
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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by Lineman » 15 Aug 2018, 16:22

solidfury7 wrote:
15 Aug 2018, 15:02
Acting your given role is a rather subjective rule which I personally don't see as applying in this situatio, especially at it was rule 0'ed.

I also don't mind the odd dynamic the pair do, as long as its not a constant every single round thing and it doesnt cause issues with shipside departments.
I'm not even going off of that rule I'm going off of the rule where CMP can't break marine law, and its near enough constant that he is known for doing it.

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Re: Player Report Warrant Officer Thomas Echard

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Aug 2018, 17:34

Lineman wrote:
15 Aug 2018, 16:22
I'm not even going off of that rule I'm going off of the rule where CMP can't break marine law, and its near enough constant that he is known for doing it.
I think minor breaks in marine law should be acceptable occassionally if the roleplay makes sense.

(For example, smashing a window in research to get in to save a dying researcher,)

but it shouldn't be encouraged, if this is something that does happen a lot, he'll get picked up on it pretty quickly. The staff team rarely misses that type of behaviour.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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