Viktor the MP

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Viktor the MP

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 14 Aug 2018, 14:59

Your Byond Key: BillyBoBBizWorth

Your Character Name: Blitz the CMP

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: Viktor Brenburg or whatever it is, the guy thats usually playing a MP

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Not the last round, but the round before, just a hour or two ago.

What rule(s) were broken:


5. This report is on metabuddying, so the closest rule to that is metagaming, although it doesnt specifically mention metabuddying, its a form of metagaming as far as im concered.

Description of the incident:

Almost since the start of the round a particular MT was very suspect from actions observed, which was reported and Viktor himself was aware of it as i directly said it to him and he aknowledged it.

This MT was wanted for most of the round for a few charges and was finally found, the MP didnt arrest the suspect and basically refused to by his actions, not his words, but partially also from his words because of some of the statements he said earlier on.

When i finally found her myself, i asked why he hadnt arrested to which i wasnt sure if he even replied to that or not, the chat log was scrolling through very fast as there was a bunch of chatting marines around.After clearly seeing he was refusing to do his job, i engaged to detain the very wanted MT.Marines decided to get involved and it turned into a flashbang scenario.

I had to get medical, which i did and was assisted by a few friendly marines.Not long after another MP, one that actually was trying to do their job finally got her.

I suspected during the round and still do now, he infact didnt arrest that player because its a player he knows, has played with probably many many times and refused to do role HE CHOSE at the start of the round simply because of relationships with other players OOC.

He did try to say, or maybe others were saying in Dchat after the round that he wasnt doing his duty because of a mutiny, well when i entered the room with bravos no one was shooting, he was just standing there.Actually only a few tiles from the wanted MT, and did nothing.He was helping to block the path to the suspect whether he was doing it on purpose or accidentally actually in a sense from what i saw.

Even with no active threat directly on him, he declined to do his role.

Im pretty certain i ahelped it as usual(could be wrong, ive been ahelping alot today for rules breaks the admins refuse to do anything about) and it basically got dismissed as it does almost, every, single, time.

Ill await him to reply here and i will debate every excuse he used IC to do this right here, right now, and why it was against YOUR rules.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: Warned at minimum, jobbanned from MP/CMP for X amount of time at maximum.Hes usually a very regular MP and should know better and be better at following orders, not totally disregarding them whenever he chooses, or when a player he knows IC or OOC comes across his path.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by Avalanchee » 14 Aug 2018, 16:46

I watched what happened with few other dchat folks including Spooky.

I wouldn't call it 'Metabuddying' just because he decided to RP with Lynn before he could arrest her.
He talked to her and the bar owners and decided to investigate the situation and ask for their POV instead of being the 'crazy tazer trigger happy MP"
(Atleast it looked like that)

From what I saw he got hit in the head and put in Dark Orange health when everyone started shooting and that kinda crippled him - that's why he couldn't help you.

the crazy tazer trigger happy MP/WO made the Bravo Spec (Wyatt) fire in self defence and he probably landed a hit on Viktor since he was the closest MP to him since he was not even dual wielding his gun.
(Logs will reveal that)

Edit 1
BillyBoBBizWorth wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 14:59

I suspected during the round and still do now, he infact didnt arrest that player because its a player he knows, has played with probably many many times and refused to do role HE CHOSE at the start of the round simply because of relationships with other players OOC.
I also want to add
Viktor knows me, I know him (Icly)
We are RP together quite often, definetly more than he RPs with Lynn and He always arrested me without any OOC bullshit.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 14 Aug 2018, 17:06

Avalanchee wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 16:46
I watched what happened with few other dchat folks including Spooky.

I wouldn't call it 'Metabuddying' just because he decided to RP with Lynn before he could arrest her.
He talked to her and the bar owners and decided to investigate the situation and ask for their POV instead of being the 'crazy tazer trigger happy MP"
(Atleast it looked like that)

From what I saw he got hit in the head and put in Dark Orange health when everyone started shooting and that kinda crippled him - that's why he couldn't help you.

the crazy tazer trigger happy MP/WO made the Bravo Spec (Wyatt) fire in self defence and he probably landed a hit on Viktor since he was the closest MP to him since he was not even dual wielding his gun.
(Logs will reveal that)

I also want to add
Viktor knows me, I know him (Icly)
We are RP together quite often, definetly more than he RPs with Lynn and He always arrested me without any OOC bullshit.
Right, well the simple fact is, Viktor knew for majority of that round that one, the MT was wanted and two, that she must be arrested.

He did not arrest her initially, he then continued not to arrest her once found, he even continued to not arrest her once i rocked up and had atleast some sort of backup, then refused to help arrest her when i chose to do the ROLE i chose that round and attempted to do the arrest myself.

Should i go on?

On your last point.Just because he RP's with this person or that person for whatever amount of time, and generally even yourself have been arrested without any OOC interference, as you mentioned, doesnt justify failing and/or disregarding orders to arrest in another instance.

He clearly, didnt want to, or think he needed to do his job.

So why choose MP then? If your afraid of confronting marines fully armed without lethal equipment yourself, or think you can just pick and choose when to arrest or not because of IC and/or OOC reasons, you shouldnt be playing that role then.

Your charged with insub or neglect when you fail to comply as a marine to your SL, its no different with a MP and CMP.Infact, if the round hadnt ended not long after like it did, Viktor would of been demoted, charged and brigged, which is what marine law calls for.

I didnt write marine law, or the rules, i simply try to obey them.

If you marines want to keep making the people merely enforcing other peoples rules your enemies with RP reasoning or not, then expect CMP's will have to get strict and stricter.

And we will.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by Grimreaperx15 » 14 Aug 2018, 17:19

I was there as Ysabel Buttersworth, and saw the vast majority of the event unfold. When I had arrived, I believe Viktor was just starting to talk to the MT, following arrest protocol to the letter. He asked her to come with him to the Brig, and all of that. The MT refused, and the Bravo Squad Leader (don't remember his name), pulled out a gun, in which Viktor responded he wasn't going to try anything, and the Bravo SL put the gun away. The CMP himself eventually showed up, tried to arrest the MT, and was promptly shot by the mutineers and nearly killed as a result.

It's my opinion that Viktor acted very much as a real person would in the situation, and while perhaps he didn't fulfill his duties to the letter ICly, I saw nothing to suggest any rules were broken, or even close to broken.

If anything, the CMP was in the wrong rulewise for failing to follow arrest procedure on multiple occasions during the round.

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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 14 Aug 2018, 17:33

Grimreaperx15 wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 17:19
I was there as Ysabel Buttersworth, and saw the vast majority of the event unfold. When I had arrived, I believe Viktor was just starting to talk to the MT, following arrest protocol to the letter. He asked her to come with him to the Brig, and all of that. The MT refused, and the Bravo Squad Leader (don't remember his name), pulled out a gun, in which Viktor responded he wasn't going to try anything, and the Bravo SL put the gun away. The CMP himself eventually showed up, tried to arrest the MT, and was promptly shot by the mutineers and nearly killed as a result.

It's my opinion that Viktor acted very much as a real person would in the situation, and while perhaps he didn't fulfill his duties to the letter ICly, I saw nothing to suggest any rules were broken, or even close to broken.

If anything, the CMP was in the wrong rulewise for failing to follow arrest procedure on multiple occasions during the round.
Ahh yeah, you were a nosey player that round too werent ya, involving yourself into MP matters, alot of players seem to do that.Quite a issue i must say.

Ok, so you mind telling me exactly how i failed to obey the rules and/or marine law?

I entered that room as basically one MP, because you might as well say Viktor wasnt even a MP.Yeah i agree somewhat with your human comment, but the problem is, if someone is set to arrest, he must arrest them, regardless of his personal feelings or beliefs IC or OOC, if you cant do that simply in any capacity to ANY PERSON marked as arrest, dont bloody play MP/CMP.

So i enter that room as one MP and am confronted with a issue.Ive got a MP thats just fucking standing there like a statue, almost as if hes captive is what it looked like to me.

Theres a MT in there thats been wanted for majority of the round, the CE is also suspected of neglect of duty from previous observations, theres reports of a fucking MUTINY by Delta(didnt even realize the bravo side of it, thats how fucking busy i was)


I had multiple marines firing at me, a MP standing still, a wanted MT possibly going to escape.The MT already knew they were wanted, they just werent being apprehended because of this gutless MP.

So using a reasoning like "ohh he was just being more human than you" to dismiss something not even in relation to "how human" someone is, is complete dogshit.

This isnt a fucking moral issue, its a issue of people are choosing when to acting out or not the role they have chose, on suspicion of the reason being its because WHO that person is that they are meant to be arresting.

He chose the MP role, no one forced him to choose MP.

So play like a proper MP and arrest when your ordered to arrest as marine law states.
Last edited by BillyBoBBizWorth on 14 Aug 2018, 17:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by ExGame » 14 Aug 2018, 17:45

With current rules, MPs have the option to dismiss any crimes made by other players as they are not bound to follow marine law as rules. We don't ban/warn MPs for disobeying the CMP unless it happens excessively each round, not the case here. The accusation of metabuddying here is very vague and this incident alone won't prove it. Although I have pulled some relevant logs.

Although, Viktor and Lynn met once.
► Show Spoiler
CMP told Viktor to arrest Lynn and they meet again.
► Show Spoiler
Viktor meets with the CE.
► Show Spoiler
Here, Viktor actually gets forcefully removed from engineering via being beat up and being cuffed and pulled to medbay.
► Show Spoiler
After this, he decided to go and dedicate himself to the mutiny instead of arresting Lynn.

So, from the logs itself, there was indeed an attempt from Viktor to arrest Lynn, but he was forcefully prevented from doing so, and focusing on the potential mutiny would also be advisable instead of going out to process a Drunk on Duty charge. EVEN IF he refused to arrest Lynn, it still isn't breaking the rules.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 14 Aug 2018, 18:07

ExGame wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 17:45
With current rules, MPs have the option to dismiss any crimes made by other players as they are not bound to follow marine law as rules. We don't ban/warn MPs for disobeying the CMP unless it happens excessively each round, not the case here. The accusation of metabuddying here is very vague and this incident alone won't prove it. Although I have pulled some relevant logs.

After this, he decided to go and dedicate himself to the mutiny instead of arresting Lynn.

So, from the logs itself, there was indeed an attempt from Viktor to arrest Lynn, but he was forcefully prevented from doing so, and focusing on the potential mutiny would also be advisable instead of going out to process a Drunk on Duty charge. EVEN IF he refused to arrest Lynn, it still isn't breaking the rules.
"As a Military Police Officer, your primary duty is to obey and enforce Marine Law.

"MPs are held to a very high standard of conduct because you are the source of in-character discipline as well as the server's first line of defence against out-of-character infractions. "

"The Chief MP has final say on law enforcement within his operational area unless overseen by higher officials of the Provost Marshal Office. While he may perform arrests, it is his duty to administrate the brig, ensure records are updated, timers are properly set, procedure is observed and to review cases and evidence. "

"Military Police may, at their discretion, ignore Minor Crimes UNLESS they are ORDERED to ENFORCE ONE. However, they should never break Marine Law themselves - Minor or Major crimes. "

"Military Police - THE CHIEF MP must never commit any crimes in Marine Law, but can choose to ignore Minor Crimes done by other players."

It states the CMP can dismiss minor crimes, not MP's.

"Should the Commander, Executive Officer, a Staff Officer or the acting Commander order an arrest for a crime, MPs MUST ARREST that person unless the CMP overrides the order."

Obviously i didnt personally see the events that apparently "prevented" Viktor from doing his job that you mentioned, but when i finally found him and the MT in the same room, he was not being prevented by ANYTHING other than his own wishes to not carry out a direct order.

Lynn was wanted for more than one charge.

"With current rules, MPs have the option to dismiss any crimes made by other players as they are not bound to follow marine law as rules."

Where does it say that ANY Military police personnel can dismiss any crime they wish?

Show me.

Seeming Viktor was so good at doing jackshit during that period of the round, he could of hypothetically just said to me "Hey i gave her ten minutes worth of NJP punishment so she can get back to work ASAP(even though it was building a bar on the ship)) And i was busy enough that i probably would of just said, "Roger that"...
Last edited by BillyBoBBizWorth on 14 Aug 2018, 18:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by NethIafins » 14 Aug 2018, 18:10

BillyBoBBizWorth wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 18:07
wiki/Marine_Law , section 2.Application, last paragraph:
Military Police may, at their discretion, ignore Minor Crimes unless they are ordered to enforce one. However, they should never break Marine Law themselves - Minor or Major crimes.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 14 Aug 2018, 18:12

NethIafins wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 18:10
wiki/Marine_Law , section 2.Application:
Military Police may, at their discretion, ignore Minor Crimes unless they are ordered to enforce one. However, they should never break Marine Law themselves - Minor or Major crimes.
Yes, exactly :

"ignore Minor Crimes unless they are ORDERED TO ENFORCE ONE."

Which i did, many, many, many times.

To no avail.

So what is it, you guys wrote this stuff, is that part implying MP's can just dismiss ANY charge they so choose, even if being directly ordered to.Is that what your telling me?

Because thats not how im reading it, im reading it as :

Military Police may, at their discretion, ignore Minor Crimes unless they are ordered to enforce one. However, they should never break Marine Law themselves - Minor or Major crimes.

Thats right, exactly how its written, are you sure your reading it the right way?

To me its saying MP's CANT pick and choose when to ARREST if they are DIRECTLY ORDERED to ARREST and im pretty sure thats what its implying.
Last edited by BillyBoBBizWorth on 14 Aug 2018, 18:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by NethIafins » 14 Aug 2018, 18:13

BillyBoBBizWorth wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 18:12
Yes, exactly :

"ignore Minor Crimes unless they are ORDERED TO ENFORCE ONE."

Which i did, many, many, many times.

To no avail.
If you check the logs, he tried to do that.

In any case. Things like this are more of IC issue territory than OOC one
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by NethIafins » 14 Aug 2018, 18:19

BillyBoBBizWorth wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 18:12
Because thats not how im reading it, im reading it as :

Military Police may, at their discretion, ignore Minor Crimes unless they are ordered to enforce one. However, they should never break Marine Law themselves - Minor or Major crimes.

Thats right, exactly how its written, are you sure your reading it the right way?

To me its saying MP's CANT pick and choose when to ARREST if they are DIRECTLY ORDERED to ARREST and im pretty sure thats what its implying.
Calm down.

Read it as following. If you as WO say that MPs have to arrest someone for something, they have to carry orders out.

You cannot give them blanket order to arrest anyone for anything
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 14 Aug 2018, 18:27

NethIafins wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 18:13
If you check the logs, he tried to do that.

In any case. Things like this are more of IC issue territory than OOC one
I know, youve told me he tried to do that, once, and failed, but didnt even try to attempt again like his dick just fell off or his rank disappeared or something, i dont fucking know, im just telling you what happened, he wasnt doing his job.

Your rules say he must do the arrest i ordered, he didnt.Its so simple, your rules say exactly that, i dont know how much simpler it could be.

Well its not IC, because im accusing him of not arresting on metafactioning, or whatever you want to call it.

Ive seen this player being buddy buddy with players in previous rounds as MP and probably even letting them off then too, if that happened to not be the case then i wouldnt suspect this.These observations have been amplified since ive been playing CMP and are quite blatant to see, i mean ordinary players point this out all the time, so its not like its a far fetched idea.Its actually a common practice thats against your rules, that you seem to be failing to address.Thats my observations, and its the truth, thats all i can give to you and all i ever do, regardless of whether you personally dismiss it or not.

So far as a CMP player, ive had to deal with a MP player that acted like a retard for two rounds in a row i had to ahelp about, literally not even speaking and just really acting like a vegetable or even a bot is a better way of describing it.

Ive had players that are MP's that instantly not long after roundstart just flat out refuse to do their duty and start insulting you, then when told they obviously have to be brigged for that, they run and hide somewhere in the ship.

And numerous other more lesser examples, but still relevant and really really recent as well, as in the last few days.

All which i wouldnt class as "as of sound mind" by any measure.

I mean fuck me....what a joke.All im trying to role play as is a fair CMP, that gets stricter the more the marines fuck around, and more calm they are obedient, i want to give as many NJP's as possible, but marines really do make it fucking hard to try and be lenient with them, they literally just want to fuck with you EVEN if your a fresh named CMP like me.I havnt even been doing this long myself and already the marines are forcing me in a sense to be like some of the strict CMP's ive seen in the past, which id really rather not be.

But i really do think he mainly didnt arrest her because of OOC reasons more than anything, making this, a OOC issue admin.
Last edited by BillyBoBBizWorth on 14 Aug 2018, 18:37, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 14 Aug 2018, 18:28

NethIafins wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 18:19
Calm down.

Read it as following. If you as WO say that MPs have to arrest someone for something, they have to carry orders out.

You cannot give them blanket order to arrest anyone for anything
I didnt blanket order anything, and why would I? Every case is unique, thats not even how i approach anything almost.

I gave a specific order of arrest, for a specific person on the ship and expected it to be carried out, it was not carried out even with ample opportunity.

And stop telling me to calm down.

Im sick of being told that for simply expressing myself the way that i do.
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I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by NethIafins » 14 Aug 2018, 18:36

1) he did not metacommunicate and/or "metafaction"
2) he carried order as good as he could do in that situation
3) not being able to carry out order is not being punished OOCly. Same way we don't punish squad engineers for not being able to fix APC even tho entire squad shouting at them

basically the only thing that I see can be questioned here is his reluctantness to arrest someone you directly ordered him to
BillyBoBBizWorth wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 18:28
And stop telling me to calm down.

Im sick of being told that for simply expressing myself the way that i do.
Right now, this is a request. You are making your case harder to comprehend.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 14 Aug 2018, 18:44

NethIafins wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 18:36
1) he did not metacommunicate and/or "metafaction"
2) he carried order as good as he could do in that situation
3) not being able to carry out order is not being punished OOCly. Same way we don't punish squad engineers for not being able to fix APC even tho entire squad shouting at them

basically the only thing that I see can be questioned here is his reluctantness to arrest someone you directly ordered him to

Right now, this is a request. You are making your case harder to comprehend.
Ohh jeezuz christ,

"2) he carried order as good as he could do in that situation"

NO, he didnt, im telling you directly, that i believe he disregarded his job role because it was a certain player he had to arrest, regardless of the previous events like when he "tried" to arrest her, im calling bullshit on that.Im calling bullshit when he was standing like a statue with nothing to even prevent him from arresting her except his own will power.

"3) not being able to carry out order is not being punished OOCly. Same way we don't punish squad engineers for not being able to fix APC even tho entire squad shouting at them"

Im NOT claiming he should be banned for refusing to carry out a bloody order or incompetence, im claiming that the exact reason why he didnt arrest WAS because of a OOC reason, not IC like you are claiming.
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by NethIafins » 14 Aug 2018, 18:48

There was no proof of it in logs of this round

Higher staff will check more, but if we can't find proofs from logs of this and previous rounds, it will be up to you to finally bring any proof of such claim to the light besides just gut feeling
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Re: Viktor the MP

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 14 Aug 2018, 19:58

NethIafins wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 18:48
There was no proof of it in logs of this round

Higher staff will check more, but if we can't find proofs from logs of this and previous rounds, it will be up to you to finally bring any proof of such claim to the light besides just gut feeling
IM pretty certain, that him being a regular player, that usually is a certain role, its not that hard to think that MAYBE, just maybe he may be doing certain things IC or OOC reasons.The only difference is someone is watching for it and actually reporting it, me, right now.

Its not just a gut feeling as i keep bloody telling you, this is from multiple observations of the player im accusing, when ive been a standard marine, SO, CMP, etc over a period of time.

He gets along with some marines, some not, none of that a bad thing, but what it does mean is players like that become more susceptible to being biased even in a role like MP that they themselves chose, and those roles STATE you MUST do certain things, and these things they are refusing to do, more and more for OOC reasons and not IC.

Example : because they know the character player....

Hes not only one doing it either, hes just a tip of the iceberg of how much this actually does go on.

I dont know how many other ways can i put it, if you really dont understand it already.Christ.

[10:02:04]EMOTE: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: <B>TSGT Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray</B> ignores Viktor Brenburg, continuing to work.
[10:02:26]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : Oi.
[10:02:34]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : You know, I've been ordered to bring you in.
[10:02:42]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : And the chief's a hardass.
[10:02:45]EMOTE: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: <B>TSGT Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray</B> stares at Viktor Brenburg.
[10:02:52]SAY: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: I cannot leave my work unfinished.
[10:03:00]SAY: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: You have to take me by force.
[10:03:05]SAY: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: And then, you have to defeat me.
[10:03:15]SAY: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: I will NOT leave my Master's wish unfulfilled!
[10:03:16]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : an honorable duel?
[10:03:23]SAY: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: Yes.
[10:03:21]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : Oh come now.
[10:03:26]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : No one said you would leave it unfulfilled.
[10:03:31]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : You'd just give it a bit of a.. delay.
[10:03:40]SAY: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: What you said implies that I will stop working.
[10:03:46]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : Not at all!
[10:03:47]SAY: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: Even now, I am not working because you interrupt me.
[10:03:50]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : Your PHYSICAL work would be interrupted.
[10:03:54]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : But not your PLANNING.
[10:04:21]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : Look.
[10:04:33]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : If I drag you out of here in cuffs, you KNOW that won't go over as smoothly as you just coming with me.
[10:04:40]SAY: Viktor Brenburg/FreeStylaLT : I can't just WALK AWAY, I've got ORDERS.
[10:04:43]SAY: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: I know that very well.
[10:04:46]SAY: Lynn 'Fuse' Corbray/X: You will have to defeat me.

That to me more looks like a casual conversation between friends, again not a bad thing, im condoning being nasty to each other or not being friends.What it doesnt look like is a MP trying to do his job by arresting as promptly as possible because hes been directly ordered to, several times.Theres probably much more of that banter between the two riddled through the logs that we arent seeing.Thats just a small insight into the round.

[10:06:30]SAY: Thomas Echard/X: Viktor, there will be a mutiny.
[10:06:37]SAY: Thomas Echard/X: And all you care about is brigging someone for a bit of drinking.

And there was the other one getting involved into matters they shouldnt be concered with but made it their mission to be in the middle of.

"Seeming Viktor was so good at doing jackshit during that period of the round, he could of hypothetically just said to me "Hey i gave her ten minutes worth of NJP punishment so she can get back to work ASAP(even though it was building a bar on the ship)) And i was busy enough that i probably would of just said, "Roger that"..."

You were almost onto something Echard, should of told him to do what i mentioned here and that would of been that.I would of been none the wiser.
Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Byond: FreeStylaLT

Re: Viktor the MP

Post by FreeStylaLT » 15 Aug 2018, 05:31

Greetings! I played Viktor.

To put everything in a cohesive (hopefully) order:

Initially when I encountered her in the bar, she was

A) Not drunk anymore, which meant that arresting her for being drunk until she's no longer drunk (which is the punishment) was fulfilled (At the time, Drunk on Duty is the only reason I was 100% aware of of going after her)

I also think that she may have been a suspect for other charges, but I was not fully aware / convinced of that at the time.

B) Acting like a mindless slave to the CE

This made me pause any immediate attempts at forcefully arresting her as the entire situation just stumped me and made me investigate, after chatter about the actual slavery, I decided to go through with getting her to brig, hopefully without incident / violence. (As that is simply my preferred way of arresting people)
At that point she expressed clear intent to resist (shown in the logs), and considering the CE (who was her "master") was coming in and out of the location, it meant that I was likely to have my arrest interrupted, which is NOT something I'd want (unnecessary conflict, needing to manage multiple people over a Drunk on Duty charge)

Which is why I decided to talk her out of the room (so I could arrest her out of sight) or to come with me to brig. (best case scenario)

After several persuasion attempts, the PO and several Bravos showed up who said that there's a potential Mutiny on board and one of them flashed a gun at me, which immediately signalled that actually showing hostility towards ANYONE in the bar would result in, at the very least, an interrupted arrest, at most - me being dead.

So, from that point I had zero intention of batonning or stunning anyone at all, as I knew that a 4+-v-1 combat scenario when all I had were stuns would not have gone well for anyone, me especially.

In essence, ICly, I did not immediately fulfill your orders to arrest her because I was:

A) Doubting their validity (which is why I contacted you twice over radio to be SURE of the arrest)
B) Was stumped by the IC situation at the time, which caused a delay, and afterwards I deemed the order too dangerous to fulfill.

I fully admit that I could have handled the situation differently, but I can tell you that I was legitimately trying to fulfill your orders of arresting her, even if you believe my attempt was not competent or suitable for the role I was playing.

As for the claim regarding metafriending, which I believe is the main point here:

I am aware that this likely won't convince you, but I have zero knowledge of Lynn OOCly, not even of their CKey. I was not metafriending as much as I was engaged in an IC situation that I deemed worthy enough to not interrupt immediately over an arrest and engage in at least for a little bit before proceeding with your orders.

As for the earlier interactions, they were not quite different from what I would say or do to anyone else. (I can't convince you of that without pulling a ton of logs I don't have access to, however.)

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Byond: Imperator_Titan

Re: Viktor the MP

Post by Imperator_Titan » 20 Aug 2018, 13:24

This all seems like one big IC issue to me, especially as MPs are no longer obligated to follow marine law as OOC rules unless it becomes excessive.

Resolved - No action will be taken.
