Player Report - WO Alan Jones

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Byond: Spooky696

Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Spooky696 » 24 Aug 2018, 07:21

Your Byond Key:Spooky696

Your Character Name:Michael 'Bozo' Idionski (This was the one I was using.)

Accused Byond Key(if known): Arbs

Character Name: Alan Jones

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 5:30 AM (central time.) and 1:30 PM (Central Europe)

What rule(s) were broken: Alan Jones killed three men, started a lethal encounter with me and with the help of MP Riker, has denied the revival of the three men. I also heard that he un-lawfully executed two other people, the CE and a CT I think for shaking an MP and some more, instead of insta brigging.

Description of the incident: As Michael 'Bozo' Idionski I went up on Alaymer to get supplies for my squad which had FOB duty. While talking with the group at the Req (one MT, the RO and some boxman CT) the MT asked me if I wanna mutiny against the Chief Of Military Police. I knew he already arrested someone for petty reasons as I was told by a few people, altho' I never heard what were the petty things the two were kept in brig for so long. I accepted and fast forward I see the MP rushing the brig. I ask him to stop, but he's telling me they will execute the two prisoners. I joined in, with another four people (Including the MT) and rushed inside to see what is going on. As we arrived at the execution chamber, the two prisoners were being lit up by the CMP and MP Annie Riker. I asked them to stop, but they ignored me. Once that was done, I started asking the two lawmen to stand down and lay on the ground so we won't end up fighting. The CMP refused and while I was talking to him the MT hacked one of the doors and went to set them on fire with a flamethrower. (By now I was still not engaged in this.) The flamethrower missed the completion and the two CMP ran off. I gave chase to them to stop them from running and tried talking to them again, only to be tazed and then brutally murdered. They did not attempt to arrest me or anything. They shot tazed a few times to keep to the floor (I wasn't even getting up) And then the CMP pulled his handgun out and shot me repeatedly. Afterwards he grabbed my revolver and emptied it into me, even after death. Afterwards a fight ensued with the other two people, which were armed, the CT and MT and they were killed. By now, there was only one doctor inside when the CMP committed a whole lockdown to the Hangar and thus cutting the access to the marines to deploy. MP Annie Riker and the CMP dragged our bodies away and kept us away from the only doctor which remained in the Brig until a solid 5 to maybe 8 minutes. (This is from the top of my head.) Afterwards he did call the doctor to 'revive us'. By now none of us could possibly be revived.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I got none, but the game was recent.

How you would punish the accused: Temporary Ban on the Military Police jobs at most and a temporary Ban on Chief of Military Police at minimum.

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Byond: Omicega

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Omicega » 24 Aug 2018, 15:00

I'm working on pulling the logs for this. Due to the number of people who appear to be involved, it could take a short while, but I'll throw them in this post once I have everything that looks relevant dug up.

More witnesses (the WO himself, the CE/MTs, other MPs, anyone who was executed or killed) would also be helpful.

EDIT: Here are some, if not most, of the relevant logs. I'll keep looking for more once I get the chance again.

Everything said by the reportee, the WO, and the executed CE and MT:
► Show Spoiler
Alan Jones' attack logs (I couldn't find any attack logs incoming for Alan Jones other than the one incendiary slug):
► Show Spoiler
Ahelps submitted regarding the issue at hand:
► Show Spoiler
Announcement relating to execution:
► Show Spoiler
Conversations between Alan Jones and staff:
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Last edited by Omicega on 24 Aug 2018, 20:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by awan » 24 Aug 2018, 15:18

Hello, I was the XO this round.
I did not reply to ANY of the ahelps during this about this as I considered my involved.

Leading the op on low pop is hard because I have almost no staff. The events here were distracting an already failing op quite bad.
(We started with 35 marines vs roundstart xeno's who still had all their monkeys. And the numbers were quite against the marines this round.)

What I know.
1. The mt's/CE were causing trouble and being difficult with the mp's. By the time I went to the brig at least 2 out of the 4 doors into the brig were bolted down.
(South door one of the east doors. I did not check the north door. Other east door was open.)
2. An ensign was involved and arrested as well it had something to do with breaking them out or them breaking someone out.
3. The WO asked me for permission to execute 2 of the people related/involved in the above stuff. My reply was that he could execute anyone who had been violent to the mp's.
The exact wording and interpretation of my words are up for debate. I did mean it more of a case of actually harming the mp's and the WO executed the 2 people who had an assault charge. He made the announcement for this. I did my best to keep out of it because of the op that I was trying to run.
4. As a player, I would not consider the executions unlawful as the interpretation of words vs intent can be debated. If you want to know my opinion as staff ask and I will provide.
5. Just after the execution happened. (I could see the ff logs.) I heard about trouble in the brig. I walked in to seeing tiles on fire in the execution. Here I knew that people were attacking the mp's and that the situation had escalated.
6. I was the one who locked down the hangar. I did not want 10 extra people trying to pile in to make this worse.
And a full retreat from the planet was called. I did not want more people going into the hangar at that time. I was not going to unlock it.
7. I do not know if he dragged bodies away. I do know lethal force was used by both sides.
8. The RO and CMO were off the list of people I could trust because of me being informed they were assisting/siding with the mutineers. I did my best to not be involved but I was not going to help them kill the cmp.
9. I have also stated in the past that if a group of people mutinies and you stick around/dont make an effort to get away then there is no reason for them not to know you are not involved. So him shooting at you when you were not retreating or falling back is something I dont see as a huge issue because of that. When I get shot at I dont check if everyone in the group of 5 people shot if 3 shot I will consider them all hostile if they dont back out.

Specifically from your post. 3 and 6 are things that I know contradict/disagree what you have said.

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Byond: FGRSentinel

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by FGRSentinel » 24 Aug 2018, 17:35

Going to post as a character witness. Whenever I hear about Alan Jones I'm reminded of a round where, after a long, bloody mutiny where the CO died that he went to the bridge, tased the aCO and an SO, stole the CO's ID, and fled to the planet after the CMP marked them for arrest for a number of crimes. He was an MP that time, but he's always struck me as the kind of person that, if given even the slightest bit of leeway, will abuse their position to do whatever they want or make people miserable. Reading awan's explanation of what happened, jumping at the exact wording and going with "the aCO said I can execute anyone who was violent to MPs, so I'm just going to have anyone who even points a gun our way shot on the spot" is more or less what I'd expect.

Basically, Alan Jones is the kind of person I expect to break the law as an MP and try to justify it as "I'm an MP, so it's fine" if people call him out on it.
Ensign Goddard Pearsall, the Pilot that always has Souto

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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Arbs » 24 Aug 2018, 18:51

Spooky696 wrote:
24 Aug 2018, 07:21
What rule(s) were broken: Alan Jones killed three men, started a lethal encounter with me and with the help of MP Riker, has denied the revival of the three men. I also heard that he un-lawfully executed two other people, the CE and a CT I think for shaking an MP and some more, instead of insta brigging.
You could at least be true about things here. As I see you are trying to make me look guilty or evil, which is not the case.

The lethal encounter was not started by me. It was started by your group, precisely by the CT with the underbarrel flamer shotgun. As you can see in Awan's testimony from logs.

Your group consided of You, the MT, the CT, two doctors who were the same as the ones who were trying to help you.

Even prior to that you threatened to kill me and Riker if we did not surrender. What you did was illegal, your group fired at us and we retaliated in defense.

You started the conflict, shot at the MPs after threatening to kill them and now you're making a report acting surprised as to how evil we were for defending ourselves to assaultants.

The execution was lawful. As it was announced and followed in accordance with procedure. Keep in mind that I was also pinged multiple times by staff while the events unfolded, by Adralimas more precisely.

As per ruling this does not fall under a mutiny, as a mutiny has to be agaisnt the aCO, not the MPs. So the special provisions of the rules for mutiny may be ignored.

Under the self defence clause my actions were right. In defending myself and Riker against three armed people trying to kill us.
Self-Defense and the Defense of Others wrote:
Criminal charges are not to be applied to those who use force on others when defending themselves from illegal use of force, so long as they defend themselves with proportional force. This right extends to the defense of others, should there be a reason to believe they are in lethal danger.
I also did call in for the doctors to revive you. I had no idea of your defib status. I could not stop Riker however to prevent the defibs, then arrest and execute you properly as I was inpaincrit, and dealing with multiple pings from a moderator who was watching to clear things up, I believe it was Mvp777. So it was literally/technically impossible for me to follow the arrest procedure of dangerous suspects. However I did what I could in the situation and status I was in.
Self-Defense and the Defense of Others wrote:Dangerous Suspect (Used lethal weapons against personnel or assets)

During emergencies such as mutinies and boardings or against suspects who have used a lethal weapon against law enforcement or other personnel, the Chief MP or acting Commander may authorize the use of lethal force.

Engage the suspect using lethal force until they are incapacitated - not dead.
Secure the suspect and their weapons and have them given medical aid if possible.
Bring the suspect to the brig, inform them of their charge and process them.
On another note, I find it funny how you find it surprising that you got gunned down after lethaly engaging the MPs and after you failed desperately you decided to make a report on it. You sound rather upset more so than anything or you simply need to understand that your actions have consequences and you have to take responsibility for it.

Again, you threatened to kill us if we didnt step down, your people fired at us, and clearly it WAS your intention to kill us, now obvious since we didn't step down. I was forced to defend myself and Riker, so all three of you got shot down by me and since it didn't go your way you decided to make a player report with an inaccurate accusation to attempt in making me look guilty.

Therefore I defend my actions, which I did with most consideration possible in the heated situation I was put in.

If anyone has any questions or any concerns please put them forth in here and I will give my input and answer/clarify it.
Commander Alan Jones

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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Arbs » 24 Aug 2018, 19:14

FGRSentinel wrote:
24 Aug 2018, 17:35
Going to post as a character witness. Whenever I hear about Alan Jones I'm reminded of a round where, after a long, bloody mutiny where the CO died that he went to the bridge, tased the aCO and an SO, stole the CO's ID, and fled to the planet after the CMP marked them for arrest for a number of crimes. He was an MP that time, but he's always struck me as the kind of person that, if given even the slightest bit of leeway, will abuse their position to do whatever they want or make people miserable. Reading awan's explanation of what happened, jumping at the exact wording and going with "the aCO said I can execute anyone who was violent to MPs, so I'm just going to have anyone who even points a gun our way shot on the spot" is more or less what I'd expect.

Basically, Alan Jones is the kind of person I expect to break the law as an MP and try to justify it as "I'm an MP, so it's fine" if people call him out on it.
First I would like to know who your character was, so that I can know if you were a witness or not and the staff to confirm that. As you truly have no idea of what you're talking about. Your comment is more or less regarded to my persona and a separate incident that was handled elsewhere. You are giving zero input on the unfolding events in this specific case. If you were not a witness I would kindly ask you not to post here.

I have already clarified what happened on that other round in another thread. That however is a separate issue. If you want me to answer to you about it feel absolutely free to ask me elsewhere. I will answer clearly and honestly.

As for the reasoning behind the execution, the XO granted it for the violent charges, which were assault, committed by the MT Lynn Corbray with a stunprod. The CE inherited the charge for interfering with her arrest after she had committed said crimes. The stunprod is also contraband which is punishable by permanent confinement. Resisting arrest on top the contraband charge makes for a timer exceeding 60 minutes. And as they clearly were not going to change their mind about all the senseless mayhem of a mess they made, and they kept up with it until the very end as they kept stirring it even when arrested, considering the constant pain it was preventing people breaking into permanent confinement, an execution was deemed fit as at this point this was causing a hell of a mess and disturbance to the ship's operation. And clearly they had no intention to stop.

Again I did not start this conflict, but I did end it. I did not want to get myself into trouble, but the trouble came to me. I had literally been calm, peaceful and generally lenient for minor issues with marines during briefing and so on. Even playing around with some of them. If I wanted to make anyone miserable I could've picked between a ton of people for the shittiest excuse. But you don't see me doing that.

Now the MT (locking down most and intending to lock down all brig entrances) and the CE had no reason to mess with the brig whatsoever, go on to continue to make matters worse and escalate the situation as it followed and in no way can you complain about the justified retaliation of the MP force. They literally asked for it. Which I believe is also why it was also ruled out as an IC issue in-game by staff.

I understand that you do not like me or what I did, but let me clear it out for you that it has never been and will never be my intention to make anyone miserable. I may be ruthless at times when provoked but I am fair and do my best to follow the rules and adapt to situations properly. And I have to say that when I know that I am in the wrong, and if proved/convinced to be wrong I will accept it and whatever fit punishment that comes with it.

You've simply built your opinion on me over that one particular idiotic encounter that round and think of me like some sort of evil troll here to ruin your day. Which is absolutely not the case. You simply fail to understand the extreme decisions I was forced to take and why.
Commander Alan Jones

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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by FGRSentinel » 24 Aug 2018, 22:06

It was a character witness. Unless I misinterpreted what the term means, it means to speak about what you know of someone or their character overall. I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person to do this on these reports and if it's not allowed, I was gravely misled by the fact it was allowed a number of times before. Taketheshot also posted as a character witness directly below my response using their interactions with you in previous rounds in much the same way (if from a more positive standing point) so I'm not sure what warrants the hostile reaction. I'll admit my wording was poor and apologize, however.
Ensign Goddard Pearsall, the Pilot that always has Souto

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Byond: Spooky696

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Spooky696 » 25 Aug 2018, 06:49

The problem with the 'defending yourself' part is that I haven't shot or hit anyone even once. Above all I was trying to speak while you were tazing and afterwards emptying your gun on me a defenseless guy who got tazed multiple times. You didn't even stop afterwards, no. You grabbed my revolver and emptied it into me, even after death to make sure I stayed dead.
You couldn't tell Riker to stop dragging bodies? Really? Of all of the things you couldn't just tell her. "Leave the bodies alone."? That seems like a really stupid excuse, if not intentional dick move.
I never claimed you executed them unlawfully (I said that I heard that you were going to kill them for shaking some MP. And since my personal experiences with your character were not that far fetched from that I thought it was true.) and I was never going to kill you OR let you dead for good. I would've stopped the two others and let the doctors revive you as soon as you dropped dead and the fight was over actually if it came to that.

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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Spooky696 » 25 Aug 2018, 11:33

An correction in my description of the incident. I accidentally mentioned the MP going to execute the prisoners, not the MT. I actually tried telling the MT to stop rushing the brig with a shotgun and not the MP, but as I said they were going to get killed and I thought they were going to die for petty reasons and in an unlawfull execution.

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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Arbs » 25 Aug 2018, 16:25

Buddy, theres a ton of corrections that need to be made on your description.

[05:24:47]SAY: Michael 'Bozo' Idionski/Spooky696 : Stand down peacefully or we will kill you!

Again. You're asking me to stand down, otherwise you were going to kill me. And since I didn't step down, obviously your intent was to kill me.

I have to mention that we were attacked first in the execution chamber by an underbarrel flamer, belonging to the shotgun of the CT. After that we simply ran into the cell area and returned fire with tasers. As per awan's testimony, you could also check the corresponding logs to verify that if needed. The reason that there's no attack log about it is because he missed by one tile to hit Riker.

So here you are:
First you were the one threaten to kill us. With your weapons out.
Then your people attack us with lethal intent.

Now that we were engaged and your intent was made clear, it is more than obvious to me, that you -were- going to kill us. And I had to act first to defend myself and Riker.

If someone points a weapon at you, and tells you he's going to kill you, fires at you and misses, you will have to kill them first. If you don't you're dead meat.

To reinforce that, your collaborators the CT and the MT continued to engage us with the shotgun and underbarrel flamer. I managed to neutralize them the same way even while on fire from that incend slug.

So I am not going to accept the argument of "I was not going to kill you. But hey even I would have killed you, I'd revive you." IN ANY WAY because it makes no sense at all. I'm not going to allow myself or Riker to get killed or shot under ANY circumstances. Doing otherwise makes you a retard or someone who can't defend themselves.

You simply did not get the chance to kill or shoot me first because I did not give you the chance to shoot at us. You had your weapons out and threatened us just a moment earlier. You were not defenseless and you had ill intent. I had to act first to defend myself and Riker. Giving you a chance to shoot me, might as well shoot myself.

Again, at the moment I tased you, you were not defenseless. You didn't say a single word after they opened fire on us. It is evident in the logs. The last thing you told us was that you were going to kill us. Furthermore you had an M44 and a Machete in hand. What were the weapons for? So that you could talk it out with me after you told me you were going to kill me?

You lethally threatened me and Riker and you were responded to proportionally.

And as far as your defibbing goes. Whatever you did does not fall under a mutiny. So special provisions do not apply, therefore you're not entitled to be allowed medical treatment as per rules. At most you were a dangerous suspect. I personally did not interfere with any defibs as I was in pain crit and constantly communicating the admin pings with mvp777 to be able to communicate or even do much in-game. It was technically impossible for me to do anything while handling so many things at once. And even then I made an effort about it.

[05:29:54]SAY: Unknown (as Alan Jones)/Arbs : Cuff them.
[05:30:14]SAY: Unknown (as Alan Jones)/Arbs : Medical to brig
[05:30:23]SAY: Unknown (as Alan Jones)/Arbs : Cuff them riker.
[05:31:09]SAY: Unknown (as Alan Jones)/Arbs : Bring the doctor here
[05:31:12]SAY: Unknown (as Alan Jones)/Arbs : Medical to brig.

Therefore I will say it again that I confidently defend my actions, that I find your description incorrect, you contradict yourself, you try to villainize me and the arguments you are bringing up are less than convincing to me.

I understand that you are upset about it, but I strongly believe my actions to be justified.

Even though it was impossible for me to follow the exact arrest procedure for dangerous suspects as stated by Mvp777 due to the sate I was in (I was in pain crit), I can still defend my actions under the self-defense clause.
Dangerous Suspect (Used lethal weapons against personnel or assets) wrote: During emergencies such as mutinies and boardings or against suspects who have used a lethal weapon against law enforcement or other personnel, the Chief MP or acting Commander may authorize the use of lethal force.

Engage the suspect using lethal force until they are incapacitated - not dead.
Secure the suspect and their weapons and have them given medical aid if possible.
Bring the suspect to the brig, inform them of their charge and process them.
Self-Defense and the Defense of Others wrote: Criminal charges are not to be applied to those who use force on others when defending themselves from illegal use of force, so long as they defend themselves with proportional force. This right extends to the defense of others, should there be a reason to believe they are in lethal danger. This provision does not apply to lawful killings such as executions.
In short, everything you did clearly points to the fact that you were going to kill me, so I killed you first before you had a chance to kill me first. Simple as that. Kill or be killed and I chose to kill.
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Byond: Spooky696

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Spooky696 » 26 Aug 2018, 07:11

1. You didn't address the fact that you just went overkill on my body. Honestly, you had enough time to cuff me and leave me there, hell, maybe crit me if that's really not your (cuffing and not murdereing people for waving a sword at you) thing. But no, what you did was simply killing me straight up and unloading everything you had on the hand.
2. I never said that I am entitled to get revived, what I said is that you made a dick move. Your 'effort' was long after you brutally murdered me and then killed the other two guys. Afterwards Riker just started dragging the bodies away and even stopped the doctor repeatedly from trying to heal me. That's not making an effort, that's trying to fake that you were making an effort.
3. I had my weapons out? Was I meant to not have my weapons out while you were clearly armed? Was I meant not to tell you that we will kill you? What was I gonna say? That we were going to arrest you? That it will be fun and dandy after you murdered two people for petty things (Keep in mind that's what I thought it happened, now I know better about the executions.) I'm sorry but I couldn't really send a message while you tazed and then shot me to death.
4. Was I going to harm you. Yes. Was I going to let you to die or suffer perma death? No. We had a medic watching the scene and I wouldn't have stopped him from giving you aid, unlike you and Riker did.
And don't call me 'buddy' we're not 'buddies'. We've never had a pleasant experience together to be honest. Yes, indeed, I doubt we did have one.

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Byond: blade2000br

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Blade2000Br » 26 Aug 2018, 07:20

Before this discussion changes to an argument in 5 pages, I will tell both parties to please settle down for now.

Unless new testimony appears, Don't continue this argument.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.

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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Lil Mayo » 27 Aug 2018, 08:17

Oof. I actually feel bad for starting this whole thing; I didn't want to Player Report Alan for what happened to me then, but seems like someone else has.
I'd want to say exactly what happened to me. I was the MT that round which got arrested and sentenced for execution.

So... I broke into the brig to steal a MP headset. It's part of the gimmick I do every round as MT; I do my job (repair tank, fix reactors, set up power etc.), then I steal Jones, stuff from the Brig etc. just to spice up the round for the MP's. Everyone wants to have fun, chase down a suspect etc. I've once impersonated a whole cult as CE; I hope the MP's had fun that round!

This time I got caught by Alan while stealing the headset. I ran away, went into the tank bay, enlisted the CE's help, and started repairing the tank; there was a bug with it that round, and a new broken tank spawned there. While repairing, Alan finds me, tases me, I get cuffed, and the TC (Tara Greene) and the CE try to help me. All 3 of us are set to arrest, and the TC gets brigged for 1 hour... for interfering with arrest. Keep in mind that, until now, I had only Trespassing as the gravest crime, and you can't stack crimes as according to the new marine law.

After that, me and the CE attempt to break out the TC. 1 hour was just too much. I made a stunprod and I attempt to save the TC by stunning the CMP then leaving through maints; I get tazed, and me and the CE get permabrig. Okay, I get it; you can permabrig someone for contraband, but the CE was INNOCENT. He did NOTHING wrong, apart from trying to break us out, without having any contraband. The TC later escaped by breaking the window and leaving through the opened maint door, but we got executed.

What pissed me off was the fact that the CMP stacked our crimes. When the CMP announced the execution, he claimed me and the CE "resisted arrest, neglected our duties, damaged government property, assaulted personnel, carried contraband and interfered with arrests". While I resisted arrest, damaged government property (if you can claim crowbarring open doors falls under this category), and had contraband (the stunprod), I did NOT assault anyone and I did my MT duties. I should've gotten permabrig indeed with my contraband charge; but the CE and TC interfered with my arrest BEFORE I had my stunprod, thus leading to a 10-minute brig timer, not a 60-minute one which the TC had, and neither an execution like the CE had.
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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Arbs » 27 Aug 2018, 15:00

I didnt stack charges I simply stated them.

TC got 1 hour due to disorderly conduct and resisiting areest they inherited from you due to interfering. (max timer for both is 60.)

Then you came to the brig with the intent to assault me with a stunprod.

Stunprod is contraband. Contraband is perma and the added charge of resisting arrest (+30 min) exceeds 60 minutes.

XO authorized the execution for ones with violent crimes. Threatening to assault someone with a stunprod counts as assault.

I announced it and followed procedure.

The rest of the report is about Idionski complaining about the fact that i fragged him first in defense.

And breaking the brig like that every round you roll MT is frankly a shit gimmick that as you can see from the logs was ahelped.
Commander Alan Jones

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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Lil Mayo » 27 Aug 2018, 16:56

About the shit gimmick part, I agree completely. I should try to find better gimmicks to do as MT. Also, I bolted the doors when I broke in to save the TC; I just came in for a headset, not for breaking the whole brig. At most, I would turn off the APC's breaker; that's one button away from turning power back up, literally.

However, getting the TC 60 minutes is really shitty, man. Especially when the ops really needs the tank support. You have a minimum possible sentence; you should use it more often. Don't use max sentences constantly, it's never fun. When I play MP or CMP, I go with min sentence usually and I RP with the prisoners, just to make the brig more fun for them. Nobody wants to AFK 30 minutes, and be unable to break out. Give more lax sentences, avoid executions, and you'll avoid player reports and shitshows like this one going right here.

Sorry for causing this whole shit again, man. Good luck.
Lynn 'Fuse' O'Reilly, the kleptomaniac redhead Cassie, the friendly synthetic Proud subject of an embarrassing meme:

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Byond: Anoonki

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Anoonki » 28 Aug 2018, 11:29

So I was the TC.

I'm pretty sure I caused everyone a great deal of grief by slowing down Arbs' arresting of Corbray (And really did deserve to be arrested for this, I spent quite some time running around and forcing him to deal with me before he could go after Corbray) This was, of course, because he just came in busting with his taser, while Corbray was fixing the tank.

He gave me sixty minutes, which wasn't really ideal, but it's not really a rulebreak either, just obnoxious.
After Corbray and the CE were caught(Breaking into the brig to try and let me out apparently) , and on the road to getting shot, Alan came back to my cell (Which was smashed by the CE when he tried to break me out, but didn't uncuff me or anything), and after a little conversation, released me after about 15-20 minutes in the brig, so I could go down and see everything was ruined.

He's not really to blame for the tank not participating in that round before it was too late, though. I glitched the tank out really bad, and needed some admin intervention to get that back. Arbs showed up while the replacement tank was being built by Corbray.
(((Designated))) Tank Ramster, Tara Greene.

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Byond: Arbs

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Arbs » 28 Aug 2018, 19:20

In the contrary I do rather try to make my encounters interesting as a cmp/mp. But I guess youre only remembered for the bad things or something. I let small shenanigans slip, often issue warnings and will issue minimum timers to compliant individuals or people who get areested for plain mistakes. MPs dont like watching you in a brig cell for an hour either.

But when it comes to deliberate, straight malicious lrp things like these, you should expect zero leniency from me. Obnoxious was not the one hour timer I put on the TC. Obnoxious was all the crap you people pulled. And for the record you had sealed down all brig entrances by the time I spotted you. The only one left to use was the northernaintenance one. So my response was more than a legitimate retaliation for all the shit you did.

Communication is one of my best qulities and you know it. Lynn was resisting arrest and I halied them multiple times over the engineering channel to handle this in a much more positive way if you were paying attention. And as procedure states when a target is resisting arrest you may taser away when ready.

You didnt even say anything before you interfered. You didnt even ask what was going on or what her charge was. So what you did was obnoxious, I was only fair.

In any case as far as Im aware this report is about this dude here being upset that I killed him first to prevent him from killing me and the other MP for some shit reason. So unless you have some insight to add on that, let’s stick to that.
Commander Alan Jones

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Byond: Spooky696

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Spooky696 » 29 Aug 2018, 04:27

I'd like it if you'd stop repeating yourself since it's counterproductive to this post. If you don't have anything to add, then be silent and let the staff make a decision.

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Byond: Arbs

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Arbs » 29 Aug 2018, 06:44

I'm being pretty silent, I'm posting when needed. I cleared out the two posts above mine as you can see. I understand you're upset, but you should also be silent and let the staff make a decision instead of complaining about a post not even directed at you.
Commander Alan Jones

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Byond: Imperator_Titan

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Imperator_Titan » 29 Aug 2018, 11:21

Before I resolve this, what was the name of the person who tried to light the CMP on fire?

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Byond: Arbs

Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Arbs » 29 Aug 2018, 18:27

If you are referring to the initial attack, it was from an Under barrel flamer on a M37 shotgun coming from the CT who missed Riker by a tile. Same person who shot me with an incendiary slug later on I believe. You could however check who the CT was just to be sure. Charles was the MT, so Adam 'Tictacs' Taylor should be the CT.
Commander Alan Jones

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Re: Player Report - WO Alan Jones

Post by Imperator_Titan » 07 Sep 2018, 08:44

Okay, after finishing up the investigation, it's time to finally resolve this.

This entire thing seems to be one big IC issue however, one thing that shouldn't have been done was the CT flaming the CMP/MP before anything happened, leading to this entire ordeal. The worst thing that Arbs did in this situation was kill you after stunning you however, that was already handled ingame by a moderator and due to the entire situation, I don't think it wise to punish him further than that.

His charges were perfectly valid too, interfering with an arrest has a maximum sentence of permanent confinement.

Resolved: CT in question will be receiving a jobban from CT/RO due to his actions with the ability to appeal it. No further action will be taken against the CMP.
