Player Report on Ronald Powell

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Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by Audi_Gzz » 06 Sep 2018, 08:35

Your Byond Key: Audi_Gzz

Your Character Name: Brandon 'Colgate' Ruiz

Accused Byond Key(if known): Unknown at the time he didn't talk in OOC chat after the round

Character Name: Ronald Powell

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 9/6/2018 Around 6:40 AM to 7:00 AM Central US Time

What rule(s) were broken: 14,3

Description of the incident: Alright to sum this up as much as I can me as a doctor I go to the morgue to put a body in the trays, then a doctor by the name of Artemis is helping a CT by the name of Alan Jones break into research to get monkey cubes as the RO at the time wanted monkeys, basically I ask them whats going on and such and everyone just parts ways and such nobody cares about it that much but my character stuffs the doctor who helped a CT break into research in a locker. So I then just grab a monkey cube box and give the RO a shitload of monkeys, while I am present they have someone who is handcuffed and buckled to a chair by the name of Ronald Powell. NOW I didn't hover over his sprite or whatever to know it was the CMP so basically I just leave after I give the RO the shitload of monkeys and go on my way I later see the CMP by the hangar still buckled to the chair naked, I then say "Holy shit what a fucking prank!" unknown to me he was already unbuckled by a PFC so I buckled him in by accident when I was actually trying to uncuff him after, he then gets a MP to tase me after I consistently tell him "I'm trying to help!" "I was gonna unhand-cuff you!" Then he goes and tries to get the MP Griffin Marshall to sentence me to Permabrig on the CMP's orders which is Ronald Powell, I then A-Helped it and a moderator talked to the CMP where the CMP stated I was charged with "sedition" When infact Griffin Marshall his own MP proves with the forensic scanner that I was not involved with anything of him being tied up in requisitions due to him not even talking or whatever I had no idea it was even the CMP tied up. I simply thought it was just a poor PFC who was pranked heavily by the CT and RO. So basically then the MP Griffin Marshall understands me and Artemis the doctor were just fooling around stuffing each other into lockers, he then charges me for 5 minutes which is the actual correct charge and was very valid I had no problem with it. Then the Alamo get's hijacked by the Xeno's and obviously my time runs up and I'm released from the brig thanks to Griffin Marshall being a actual decent MP. So when the Alamo crashes into the Almayer I'm trying to attend to the wounded marines to get them in fighting shape back to fend off the xenomorphs I am then tased by the CMP where I hit him with the machete I picked up due to him being absolutely mental and tasing patients continuously stun prodding me while I try to get up. He basically ruined the end of the round for me and many other players by handcuffing us and leaving us to die in a corner by xenos. Many other witnesses and players can back me up on this as well. Also began to falsely make up charges and break the Marine law he charged the RO with a bunch of made up crimes and began to falsely imprison or try to many marines or shipside personel.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I don't have any screenshots or logs due to the round being over but I'm certain a admin can pull up the logs and interaction with the player.

How you would punish the accused: Possibly Job ban him from the CMP and MP role.
Last edited by Audi_Gzz on 06 Sep 2018, 14:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by awan » 06 Sep 2018, 13:24

So here are the things I can confirm with the logs.
1. The cmp got prodded and held hostage mostly by alan jones and they ahelped and got staff involved. (Adralimas handled it.)
2. He considered the following people involved. Alan Jones, Julian Petrov and Ysabel Burretsworth
3. It is very likely that you were in some way involved.
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He arrested 2 of the involved people. You attacked him first. I cannot find any words said between the 2 of you except you yelling kill the CMO. (Yes cmo not cmp.)
The second line of the these logs is generated because you tried to use an anestetic autoinjector on the cmp.
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Now here is why it looks to me from my perspective as though you might have know what was going on/have been in on it.
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That is you using an autoinjector on someone and putting them into a locker. I think it is because they saw alan jones get into research or something else relating to this.
And also you telling the others to make cable restraints.

Ahelp send to sxmething
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Last edited by awan on 06 Sep 2018, 19:41, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by sxmething » 06 Sep 2018, 14:36

The player in question ahelped about this player report and tried to have me post his explanation on his behalf, because they "cba with the forum account".

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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by Audi_Gzz » 06 Sep 2018, 20:30

awan wrote:
06 Sep 2018, 13:24
So here are the things I can confirm with the logs.
1. The cmp got prodded and held hostage mostly by alan jones and they ahelped and got staff involved. (Adralimas handled it.)
2. He considered the following people involved. Alan Jones, Julian Petrov and Ysabel Burretsworth
3. It is very likely that you were in some way involved.
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He arrested 2 of the involved people. You attacked him first. I cannot find any words said between the 2 of you except you yelling kill the CMO. (Yes cmo not cmp.)
The second line of the these logs is generated because you tried to use an anestetic autoinjector on the cmp.
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Now here is why it looks to me from my perspective as though you might have know what was going on/have been in on it.
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That is you using an autoinjector on someone and putting them into a locker. I think it is because they saw alan jones get into research or something else relating to this.
And also you telling the others to make cable restraints.

Ahelp send to sxmething
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I actually wasn't in on this as it seems I got tired of the CMP tasing everyone during the Almayer boarding and then I just whacked him with the machete because how is anything of this realistic at this point. Hostile lifeforms that wiped out 3/4 of the marine forces are closing in on you, and you're continously stun prodding and tasing other people. However I got anesthetics because of as I said it was a back and forth thing between me and Artemis. Simple hooliganism which we both did to eachother. Now I yelled to make cable restraints because the CMP was going ballistic with the taser during the boarding and stun prodding everyone even before I picked up the machete and hit him and even did anything he kept trying to arrest marines and had two handcuffed marines in a corner with me as well as 4 others stunprodded on the ground almost in pain crit. Yes you are right I injected Artemis with the anesthetic because he allowed a CT break into research and proceeded to act like nothing happened which made my character furious IC. I absolutely had NOTHING at all to do with the CMP at ALL like ZERO interaction besides me buckling him to the chair by accident while I was trying to un handcuff him by the Hangar I was trying to inject him with anesthetics because of the simple fact of him being a mad man and tasing all the marines. I didn't know what was going on UNTIL the hangar where he was buckled into the chair tied up because thats when he talked and I seen the WO before his name and then I found out what he was talking about. So basically I just laugh at him because how the fuck is a CMP getting tied up and stripped naked by a simple CT and RO. I was laughing at the story. Regardless of the fact the whole round he was more focused on just trying to arrest people who weren't even involved with him for Sedition meanwhile my character had NOTHING to do with it. Then when his MP Griffin Marshall furthermore PROVED that I was innocent due to not having any prints on the cable restraints of Latex fibers or whatever showing, he continued to try and arrest me after I was already released which is basically False imprisonment and as the CMP you are not allowed to break ANY marine law which also so happens to include False imprisonment I was proven innocent IC and yet he continued to try and say I was guilty. A player who doesn't listen to his own MPs or even caring about evidence does not even deserve to be able to join the round as the CMP let alone being a MP. I also said the CMO due to me being on a laptop and obviously the O and the P are close together so I miss pelt the word. Many other witnesses can support that the CMP had no knowledge of marine law was just trying to falsely imprison anyone who laughed at him.
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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by Grimreaperx15 » 07 Sep 2018, 01:28

I was Ysabel Buttersworth, the RO in this situation. I can confirm that while Alan Jones and Julian Petrov locked up the CMP, Ruiz at least in that situation, had nothing to do with it, nor did I. With that said, we did witness it and actively chose to do nothing.

For me, the situation started when the CMP came into Req after a report of Alan Jones breaking into Research to steal a monkey cube, as he wanted to test out some ammo we got from a spare ammo crate, or whatever those things are called. A while later, the CMP came into Req, while I was trying (unsuccessfully) to throw the monkey corpse into the cargo shaft, and told me I was under arrest and to get on the ground. I asked him what charges, and he said "attempting to destroy evidence", I pointed out that under Marine Law, that's not a real crime, and he needed to charge me with an actual crime. About that time Alan Jones stunprodded him, (I suspect in the defense of me), and cuffed him and welded him in a locker. I said something along the lines of "I guess that's solved then", and went back to dealing with crates and other Req things. During this time, I believe when the CMP was welded in a locker, Ruiz brought the monkey cubes we had asked for earlier into Req, and turned them into monkeys. At no point did Ruiz interact with the CMP that I could see.

That is all I can testify to having been personally part of, although I do know there was a lot of commotion on radio about him charging people with sedition, and the XO and myself (among others) explaining that sedition was the incorrect charge and that he had a poor grasp of Marine Law.

It is my opinion that the CMP had a very poor grasp of Marine Law, and violated it by improperly brigging people, as well as the incident where he attempted to arrest people during a hostile boarding. I believe the CMP should be issued a warning to read Marine Law before playing any MP role again, and should be watched for similar behavior.

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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by CapREDSPEAR » 07 Sep 2018, 08:22

I was Griffin Marshall, the MP for some part of this round. Please note this is the first time I am playing MP for a while so I might have done something wrong.

I was made aware to Doctor Brandon Ruiz locking up a fellow doctor, so i set Doctor Ruiz to arrest and tried to find him. Next encounter I had with him was in the hangar standing next to the CMP which is handcuffed and buckled to a chair, I released the CMP and scanned the area with a forensic scanner.

The CMP wanted to perma him for sedition so I agreed and dragged him to isolation or whatever that place is below execution with the blast door. I placed him in and when the CMP left I dragged him off to a cell and informed him of his charges for hooliganism for locking up the doctor. I checked the items I scanned, including the cable cuffs, chairs and etc but couldn't find evidence of him being involved in placing the CMP in that position south of DS1.

XO was also screaming at the CMP to let the Doctor go if I remember correctly. I gave the Doctor a 5 minute sentence after accounting for the brief period of time spent in isolation.

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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by The_town_raplst » 07 Sep 2018, 10:32

Sedition is defined in Marine Law as "To engage in actions or refuse to follow orders as to overthrow or usurp the legitimate command structure. To act as or in collaboration with enemies of the USCM." The CMP is a very important part of the command structure and welding the Chief of Military Police naked in a locker after stunprodding him and taunting him "MP's can't do anything about req" is an open and shut case of mutiny. Admins told me to handle it IC'ly (they were apparently told to never do it again) so I handled it IC'ly. It was an open and shut case of overthrowing the security branch of the command structure by assaulting and taking CMP prisoner.

Some facts:

- I was stunprodded as I was typing the appropriate charges for the RO (damage government property, theft, neglect of duty) for trying to dispose of stolen monkeys down the hole.

- I woke up from cryo, walked to medbay, took a crime report, walked to req and was stunprodded while typing up charges to the RO. Literally nothing else was done and from my game client opening up to being welded naked in a locker is less than 10 minutes.

- THIS WAS NOT ROUND START, it was the end of the round.

- Brandon 'Colgate' Ruiz pushed me into the chair and buckled me back in while taunting me.

- I was naked, I had nothing on me except my ID and my boots

- Nobody was permabrigged

- Nobody was executed

- Only Ruiz was arrested for hooliganism

- Crimes were investigated thoroughly and charges made appropriate (For example Ruiz was not part of the locker welding shenanigans so he was charged with hooliganism instead)

- No innocents were arrested

- No innocents were tased

- CMP locker radio isn't the same radio the CMP spawns in. I didn't have half of the radio channels nor I had a radio on me until we got the "aliens are on the way" announcement.

By the time I was unbuckled, got my radio on, answered to admin bwoinks the XO and RO were in caps lock screaming at me, Ruiz was released (because the MP did his job, investigated the crime and realized he's just a random dude that decided to fuck with the CMP during a mutiny and is unrelated to the mutiny itself). Ruiz was indeed unrelated to the mutiny against the MP's according to Griffin Marshall's investigation and his charges were made appropriate.

You DO NOT get to weld a CMP in a locker and walk away from it. I fought off the queen, a carrier and a boiler and dragged Alan Jones out of boiler spit so that justice can be served and a filthy criminal arrested. This is the point where Ruiz started screaming "KILL THE CMO", hacking me with a machete and attempting to autoinjector me with sleep toxins.

The only marines tased and an arrest was attempted: Alan Jones (stunprodded me, stripped me naked and welded me in a locker) and was successfully cuffed and brought into the last-stand area at hangar and survived to the end of the round, Julian Petrov was tased but since Ruiz was macheteing me and Alan Jones was the priority target, he got away, Ruiz was tased and cuffed INSIDE the last-stand area at hangar. He macheted me all the way from DS1 landing pad to the hangar with the autolathe while I was fighting off xenos and dragging Alan Jones.

Nobody else was tased or cuffed. Ruiz is plainly lying. His story changed from "tased 3 marines" to "tased 4 marines" and to "tased 5 marines" in deadchat.

All actions were based on the most current information available. As more information came in, actions were taken accordingly. For example evidence gathered cleared Ruiz from sedition charges so he was only charged with hooliganism.

In my honest opinion the XO, RO and Ruiz need a good talking to about how to behave and talk to other people. You don't get the right to trash an another human being in deadchat and OOC and need to chill the fuck out and consider the probability that you have only a tiny part of the picture and you're completely wrong with your assumptions.

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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by Arbs » 07 Sep 2018, 12:04

The_town_raplst wrote:
07 Sep 2018, 10:32
- I was stunprodded as I was typing the appropriate charges for the RO (damage government property, theft, neglect of duty) for trying to dispose of stolen monkeys down the hole.
Fact is that none of those charges are legitimate for the arrest of the RO as the RO commited none of those crimes. Throwing monkeys down the requisitions hole is not a crime and besides anything thrown there simply comes back in the requisitions storage area where the crates are.

I already had an arrest warrant on me and with little to lose, I decided to interfere to defend the RO from an illegal arrest and illegal use of force as you were about to tase/stunbaton them for an invalid reason.

Furthermore no sedition was commited as we never intended or claimed anything regarding the overthrowing the command structure or overpower it with out own order, or to gain control of the command ourselves. It was simply a case of resisting arrest for me, and a case of interfering with an arrest by petrov.

This is your problem. Everything else that follows is in response to you being unable to assign charges accurately to enforce marine law properly.

And then whatever you did trying to arrest three people who were in combat with the xenos while you were surrounded and had more xenos a few squares of distance from you. It's same as going to the frontline into the caves to arrest marines and it is even mentioned in the marine law.

Taken from marine law:
Suspect in Area of Operations wrote: Arrests are restricted to the FOB, dropships, and secure areas unless in "hot pursuit" - the suspect flees the MP outside the secure area. Should there be hostiles in the vicinity, the MP is required to abort the arrest and move to a secure area. If the Almayer gets boarded by a hostile force, secure areas will be those defended by ship crew.
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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by The_town_raplst » 07 Sep 2018, 12:21

Hangar was a secure section and the person I arrested ran towards the enemy to try and escape thus "hot pursuit". He was successfully cuffed and dragged back to heavily fortified safe area AND survived to the end of the round, your point is moot.

The RO is an accomplice. If I rob a bank and you help me get rid of the evidence and split the loot with you, you are also guilty of robbing the bank. The RO knew well that the monkeys are stolen and attempted to destroy the evidence. "to retain possession of items that have been taken without permission." is the part from marine law theft section and is exactly this kind of situation this applies to.

Shoving a CMP and running away is resisting arrest. Walking up to the CMP (you were off screen) and stun prodding him, stripping him naked and shoving him in a locker is not resisting arrest. You worked as a group to overthrow the CMP which makes it sedition.

You decided to stab me (2018-09-07) around 60 minutes before this post is posted in the RO line. I walked up to you, told you to get on the ground for repeatedly whacking a window and your decision is to pull out a knife and stab me.

You are a repeated griefer, I'd like a mod or an admin to post notes of everyone involved and we'll see if this is a repeated pattern.

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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by Audi_Gzz » 07 Sep 2018, 12:35

Ok to rebuttal the fact that nobody was sentenced to permabrig. You TOLD griffin marshall to sentence me to PERMABRIG for sedition. as I explained in the story I didn't see you were buckled in the chair so I buckled you in by accident while trying to drag your sprite over me. The reason why I keep changing my story of how many people you tased is clearly due to the fact you let off almost 6 or 7 taser shots and they either missed marines closely or they hit dead on. You're own MP Griffin clearly says "The CMP wanted me to permabrig Ruiz for Sedition, EVEN IF I DID push you to the chair and buckled you in it was by accident because I have disarm intent on and you were 1 tile away from where the Alamo lands, I then tried dragging your sprite over mine so I can release you, to which you misunderstood as if I was buckling you to the chair again and you repeatedly told the MP to tase me and put me permabrig. I was ALMOST sentenced to permabrig and would have stayed there if it wasn't for Griffin Marshall letting me out and proving to you ONCE again that I had nothing to do with your ORIGINAL kidnapping or whatever the hell happened to you. Many witnesses were also telling you and stating to you that my character was not involved and was not at the scene except to give the RO simple monkey cubes. The thing is why be CMP if you have no clue about marine law. Your OWN MP is telling you I had nothing to do with the arrest so you continue to try and arrest me? WITH XENOS right infront of you and a breach happening already. Basically FALSE IMPRISONING me for Sedition in which this is why I made this player report because the CMP is not allowed to FALSELY IMPRISON and must have substantial evidence to even prove a sedition was happening so despite me being proven innocent IC which if it wasn't for Griffin Marshall you would've most likely left me in permabrig because even AFTER I was released you continued to yell "ARREST THAT DOCTOR!" and began to shoot taser shots behind a secure area while Xenos are dead in the face slashing barricades infront of you. To top it all off you HANDCUFF us and leave us in a corner to die and instead of FIGHTING THE XENOS the HOSTILE lifeforms you clearly just kept stunprodding us till we we're in paincrit everytime I yelled to unhandcuff me so I can revive marines as I was the only medical personel at the time handling the wounded. So you're telling me your character was more focused on arresting people over something that happened while hostile lifeforms are boarding the ship you're supposed to protect? Like I said if you're true intention was to arrest us, you could've put us on the cockpit of the normandy and escaped to the colony with the "prisoners" and then install flight plans to further more possibly go to another or activate a distress signal so you can be reached and the prisoners be sentenced.
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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by Arbs » 07 Sep 2018, 12:50

The_town_raplst wrote:
07 Sep 2018, 12:21
Hangar was a secure section and the person I arrested ran towards the enemy to try and escape thus "hot pursuit". He was successfully cuffed and dragged back to heavily fortified safe area AND survived to the end of the round, your point is moot.
That round the ship was overrun by the xenos and it was a xeno victory. You died there leaving me and the doctor cuffed to die or get captured by the xenos, while the xenos were melting shutters, cades and walls in the hangar repair bay. As a matter of fact even the moment when I was arrested I was fighting the xenos, and if I remember correctly you pulled me out of boiler acid spray.
The_town_raplst wrote:
07 Sep 2018, 12:21
You decided to stab me (2018-09-07) around 60 minutes before this post is posted in the RO line. I walked up to you, told you to get on the ground for repeatedly whacking a window and your decision is to pull out a knife and stab me.

You are a repeated griefer, I'd like a mod or an admin to post notes of everyone involved and we'll see if this is a repeated pattern.
The fact that I stabbed you is to prevent you from harming me with a batton to arrest me under an incorrect charge earlier the mentioned round after I had told you that the charge you stated was invalid. Arresting people falsely is something a CMP should not be doing and it can also count as griefing. You wanted to arrest me for damage to government property for hitting an ultra-reinforced window, which is literally impossible to damage or destroy. What was the damage caused? You simply need to learn on how to enforce Marine law properly.

However that is a separate issue that if you wish to address, make a separate report.

Throwing those monkeys down the elevator shaft (they would still end up inside requisitions, as a matter of fact we were doing the same thing earlier for giggles), is barely anything to account for theft. As they neither claimed or were in possession of them. They were reported as stolen by the CT who was me, not the RO. The RO simply requested some for testing over comms, they never had anything to do with bringing them into requisitions or being in possession of them.

Breaking into research was done by me and the theft was also done by me and I was in possession of those. For all intents and purposes I could've given the monkey cubes to some freshly awoken marine who had no idea of what was going on too. Would you arrest them for theft too under that logic?

And to overthrow someone means removing you of your position and claiming our own rule. While we did our own crimes, we never denied you your position or claim it for ourselves, or attempted to overthrow the command structure. We simply made it impossible for you to do your job by locking you in a locker and then letting you out free in middle of the hangar. We never really disregarded you of your status/position or went against the command structure. Call it, disorderly conduct, assault, resisting arrest, whatever, but it is anything but sedition.

And frankly I believe you only wanted to add that sedition charge in to justify an execution later on or apply perma for a little payback or whatever.
Last edited by Arbs on 07 Sep 2018, 13:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by Arbs » 07 Sep 2018, 12:55

Oh and if I remember correctly, I was arrested by you in the middle of the Alamo landing pad while in combat with the xenos, while we were tripping over boiler acid spray and xenos were swarming all around. And then you kept us cuffed in the hangar repair bay while we were constantly bombarded by boiler acid clouds, barricades and the shutters were melting as well when the xenos were just a few squares from us. And in the last moment you attempted to make a run for it which resulted in yourself dying first. The ship was overrun and the xenos won, so I don't think anyone made it out to the end of the round.
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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by Novus Luna » 08 Sep 2018, 00:00

Alrighty then...I wasn't gonna throw my hat into the ring, but the_town_rapist called me out, so here I am. I was the Executive Officer during the round. So, to respond to what was directly addressed regarding me first:

I was not 'trashing another human being', I was critiquing your play as a Warrant Officer, that which I perceived as a poor one. I made no direct insults against you as a person beyond your capabilities to play a character of higher law enforcement in a video game. Moving on:

I tried to stay out of the police business during this round, believe me, I tried. I overheard the shouts, yes, but when it came down to it, in terms of the person that attacked the CMO versus the person that attacked the CMP, I didn't even know they were the same person until post round, only confirmed until this report, because the CMP kept harping on exclusively about Sedition. Speaking of which, let's get to that, as it was the meat of the conversation after the fact.

"To engage in actions or refuse to follow orders as to overthrow or usurp the legitimate command structure. To act as or in collaboration with enemies of the USCM." In short, it's Mutiny and Treason wrapped into one. Let's just...entirely ignore the second part of it, it's not relevant here. If they were attempting to commit mutiny, let's first take a look at that through the scope of the server rules: mutiny has to be against the acting Commanding Officer. Realistically, that's also the case. You can't mutiny middle-management or a specific department on a ship. You can't attempt to usurp a command structure you're not a part of (a medic to security, in this case). To give you your place, you are out-classed in the Chain of Succession by literally every Commissioned Officer, the RO included, on the vessel. Even the admin you spoke to said it was too much, but you seemed to be pressing for it until (and maybe even after) I was threatening to contact the Provost over you misunderstanding the law. In the instance of what he did to you specifically, all he did was rebuckle you to a chair. The attacks against you happened long after you tried to arrest him, and are thereby resisting arrest, maybe assault as well, not Sedition.

You were literally charging someone with mutiny over the equivalent of a schoolyard prank, one that he claims was not intentionally committed but an accident regarding the chair, and I am more inclined to believe him. That is the crux of the issue. That is the reason I support this report. Making a mountain out of a molehill doesn't begin to cover it.

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Re: Player Report on Ronald Powell

Post by Sir Lordington » 15 Sep 2018, 19:49

Let's make some things clear. Kidnapping a (warrant) officer of the USCM, removing the head of the security department and potentially throwing the law and order on the ship into complete disarray is sedition, no two ways about it.

Moving on, it seems that this was caused due to the escalation some roundstart sheananigans way out of proportion. The CMP was overzealous in his pursuit of the RO and the doctor, as well as his arrests during boarding. However, expecting to cause such disruption to the CMP and then get away with it is ludicrious, kidnapping him and welding him into a locker was way out of line and people have been jobbanned before for similar actions. Same goes for macheteing the CMP for performign an arrest you don't agree with.

If you believe a CMP is acting outside the confines of Marine Law, ahelp it. Taking stuff into your own hands only creates messes that we have to clean up afterwards, and griefing a griefer is still griefing.

Regardless, while the CMP's play here was not good. He doesn't have any other notes, so he will receive a warning about performing arrests during dangerous situations and will be reminded to read Marine Law. Further incidents in the role will result in a job ban.

I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
