CO Report - Pierce Jackson

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CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Chaznoodles » 10 Sep 2018, 19:24

Your Byond Key: Chaznoodles

Your Character Name: Marcellus Mason

Accused Byond Key(if known): ?

Character Name: Pierce Jackson

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 18:00 CST.

What rule(s) were broken: 15, 16.

Description of the incident:

The Commander had the majority of the squad drop via LZ2 on Ice, aside from Delta who dropped via LZ1. Within five minutes of dropping, marines at LZ2 were being swarmed by the elevator. Myself and Alpha SL were extremely vocal about the situation, pointing out that we were losing marines constantly and that the position was not holdable, and we either pulled out or lost three squads. The Commander pointblank ignored this, telling us to "fuck off" at some point. Eventually, we drilled it through his head that it was the only option, so we were to pull out via the Normandy and head to the Alamo to go down and help Delta who were under attack. End of story.

But not. On the way back up, the pilot reports that the CO's having MPs come to the Normandy to arrest a bunch of folk. I warn my squad, we take our wounded to Medbay, I warn the Commander that if he keeps this up there's going to be serious problems. We sit on the Alamo for minutes while Delta get slaughtered planetside, because the Commander can't give decent orders and the pilots are rubbing themselves on the mechs changing the gear over. Eventually, I get tired of waiting knowing the Delta's getting dunked, and launch it myself.

Command had completely failed to notify us of Delta's situation, the first word we heard was that Delta had been wiped barely ten seconds before we hit - and not even by the Commander, who should have been keeping an eye on it. I hurriedly warned everyone, we held the Alamo and came back up, while the Commander was announcing potential mutinies nonstop. We came up, I gathered Charlie and Alpha SL gathered his squad, we discussed and came to a consensus, I adminhelped a mutiny with names and got the go.

We gave the Commander the chance to hand command over to the next in the chain repeatedly, saying we just wanted this to tide over so what we could do what we were here for - both IC and OOC sentiments, as we don't come here to do mutinies because Commanders bait them, we come here to click xenos. The Commander refuses, I take everyone up to the CIC, instructing them to remain nonlethal and keep guns holstered. When I reach the CIC, there's a marine shooting at the blast doors, so I have him stop and holster his weapon again. It's pretty clear all the marines just want this to happen peacefully and without trouble, so we can go back to the round. Command eventually open the door, a SO walks into the door and wield a rifle right in front of me with clear intent. I push him over, the SO behind him promptly UNLOADS into all the empty-handed marines in the corridor. All hell breaks loose.

It's pretty evident from what's happening that Command and the Commander have been preparing for this instead of trying to defuse the situation. They had an entire grenade box sitting there that they'd taken before we even returned to the Alamo, that they were spamming grenades into medics and doctors trying to recover the dead or dying of both sides, in a direct rulebreak of nonaligned parties. From what I saw before dying to the grenadespam, the Commander was permakilling marines via matebas to the head. I adminhelp this to no real concrete response, getting my limbs blown off by a staff member while trying to rejuv me because the CIC folk had permakilled me and others via the grenade spam damage.

The Commander clearly baited a mutiny with the bad orders, ignorance of the situation, unwillingness to deal with his actual role, inability to defuse a situation, and the evident stocking-up of the CIC with arms and ammo. Refusing to step down in the face of overwhelming disfavour because he wants to cause trouble and can't accept the opinions of others is against the whole ethos of having a whitelisted role that others are supposed to aspire towards.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): N/A

How you would punish the accused: Whitelisted players keep getting minor slaps on the wrists with no revocation of whitelists, for behaviour that would net other people jobbans and permabans. Stripping of the whitelists should become commonplace for people who obviously can't uphold a standard of roleplay or behaviour that should come with being a whitelisted roleplay and leadership role.

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Arbs » 10 Sep 2018, 19:47

Hi as a player witness I will say that the mutiny was not perpetrated by the CO. Pierce Jackson has never had any intentions like those nor ever had the personality for that.

I as an active player have noticed that you are in fact trying to perpetrate a mutiny every single round you are playing as a squad leader. With the same old bullshit gimmick of “Command is shit, im the smartass lets go boys”.

You trying to bait commanders into things like this because you disagree with the way whitelists work or whatever doesnt really come as a surprise to me.

I’ve played many rounds uner Pierce Jackson as a Commander and I have to say he does a very decent job at it.

If anything you are the problem in this kind of rounds. This same gimmick you try to pull off is stale and unfunny to anyone for whatever reason you keep doing it. If anything it is you who should be jobbaned from every possible role with access on the command channel.
Commander Alan Jones

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Blade2000Br » 10 Sep 2018, 20:01

As the CMP of the round, I was there to fight on the mutiny.

I really don't know what was the issue that happened before all the mutiny happening, since I was busy RL doing some chores, but I do come back to check on voices that Normandy might have been filled with Potential mutineers. It was never treated as a proper mutiny until I got told directly by my MPs a big mass of marines was forming on.

I prepared my MPs and we went to CIC to hold off the mutineers. I was planning to keep things peacefully until I saw shots being fired on the CIC wall. It was this moment instinct kicked in and I told my MPs to apprehend as much as possible, but if needed, shoot the mutineers down. When CIC door opened, Mutineers flooded in, at that point, Alan Jones just started nading the entire Mutineer force, my MPs throwing gas nades and tazing all of the mutineers.

What Chaz said about some medics getting naded, however, is not true. Command staff never purposefully Naded the medics at all. I recall that we all tazed the medics that came in, just like any other mutineer, but once told to let them do their job on the wounded, we allowed.
Hell, I even dragged wounded mutineers to be treated by those same medics. So the point of gunning down medics/Doctors is a lie.

The mutiny went over till the crash. Though weakened after most of the people got naded Outside CIC.

All in All, I would say this mutiny was pretty clean. Medics were spared by the CO, mutineers that survived the onslaught of the nades got medical treatment, albeit handcuffed.

On the topic of the box of nades, I don't know from where it came, but I sure as hell know CIC was prepared for a mutiny. There were boxes of tear gas ready for use the moment you made your threats about overtaking command. Even saying you would take the command for yourself.
And the mutineers were also ready. They had snipers by CIC hallway with silences ready to shoot anyone from Command down. So both sides were prepared for this mutiny.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Chaznoodles » 10 Sep 2018, 20:08

Arbs wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 19:47
Hi as a player witness I will say that the mutiny was not perpetrated by the CO. Pierce Jackson has never had any intentions like those nor ever had the personality for that.

I as an active player have noticed that you are in fact trying to perpetrate a mutiny every single round you are playing as a squad leader. With the same old bullshit gimmick of “Command is shit, im the smartass lets go boys”.

You trying to bait commanders into things like this because you disagree with the way whitelists work or whatever doesnt really come as a surprise to me.

I’ve played many rounds uner Pierce Jackson as a Commander and I have to say he does a very decent job at it.

If anything you are the problem in this kind of rounds. This same gimmick you try to pull off is stale and unfunny to anyone for whatever reason you keep doing it. If anything it is you who should be jobbaned from every possible role with access on the command channel.
You'll also note that in every mutiny I'm part of, I make every effort under the sun to just do it peacefully so we can get on with the rounds, that people listen to me and never shoot first, and that I give commanders multiple opportunities and advice on how avoid the possible mutiny or deescalate the tension. I'm always noted as the guy in charge of mutinies, or get this reputation for being the mutiny man, because I know that I can keep other marines on the same page as me, and that I take every precaution I can to make sure the other mutineers don't get dealt with OOCly due to actions that other lead mutineers might not keep in check. We just want to click xenos, we're not here to be dicked about by people witha complex who treat it as a RTS where everyone else is a robot.

You'll also note that I'm very rarely wrong when I'm talking about a situation, and more often than not have a better idea of what's happening because I'm participating rather than watching.

If you're going to dive headlong into attacks on me to divert this away from the player this report is about, you're welcome to make a report and name specific instances, rather than sweeping generalisations about a reputation.
Blade2000Br wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 20:01
What Chaz said about some medics getting naded, however, is not true.

On the topic of the box of nades, I don't know from where it came, but I sure as hell know CIC was prepared for a mutiny. There were boxes of tear gas ready for use the moment you made your threats about overtaking command. Even saying you would take the command for yourself.
And the mutineers were also ready. They had snipers by CIC hallway with silences ready to shoot anyone from Command down. So both sides were prepared for this mutiny.
Tell that to the medics in dchat who were getting nailed by grenades that were permakilling the people they were trying to drag away.

If you seriously thought I was going to take command for myself, in the same sentence I say tiny man, you must br joking. Throughout the entire course of this I was advocating a peaceful handover to the next in the chain of command.

Not a single marine in the corridor had a weapon out until the SO opened fire, I made sure of it. Unlike the CIC crew, I had a handle on the situation. Also as far as I'm aware, the long range specialists were dead or uninvolved, there were no snipers. Every marine bar the one who was shooting at the door - which I put a stop to via asking nicely- had arrived with me, nobody was posted anywhere, we just wanted a peaceful handover so we could go back to the round.

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Blade2000Br » 10 Sep 2018, 20:19

Chaznoodles wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 20:08
Tell that to the medics in dchat who were getting nailed by grenades that were permakilling the people they were trying to drag away.

If you seriously thought I was going to take command for myself, in the same sentence I say tiny man, you must br joking. Throughout the entire course of this I was advocating a peaceful handover to the next in the chain of command.

Not a single marine in the corridor had a weapon out until the SO opened fire, I made sure of it. Unlike the CIC crew, I had a handle on the situation. Also as far as I'm aware, the long range specialists were dead or uninvolved, there were no snipers.
I mean, a medic or two might have died, but I am sure CIC had at least 3 or 4 medics that were helping the wounded marines. And they all came from the mutiny side of things.

I am just saying what I heard. But you did said you want the CO to pass out for the XO.

This here, you might be equivocated. There was snipers by CIC hallway shooting my MPs. I myself went to check and got hit by several bullets with no marines in sight. It was shots coming from offscreen. I doubt bullets just magically appear out of nowhere and produce muffled sound. The mutineers had rifles with scopes(or mini scopes) and Suppressors. You just have missed it, most likely.
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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Survivor » 10 Sep 2018, 20:29

I expected this to come up after I saw the messages you said in D Chat directly after the round. Lets explain my side of the situation as best I can.

The round starts off as normal, some of the CIC members are bald, but I get through with it. I make orders where Alpha has FOB duty at the LZ2 on Ice Colony. I specifically told Alpha to hold the LZ2, mind you, but this will come up later. The first thing that happens is a marine with a name that escapes trying to tell me how to make orders, because Alpha had one of their two engineers cryo. I already arranged plans for an MT to drop, so I simply told him the MT would assist the FOB, but he continues to berate me, so I had the MPs arrest him for minimum time insub. Little did I know, this was going to be a long round of incidents far worse than this.

Eventually when I got back up to the CIC, the Alpha leader was bugging me about having FOB, and I told him to just hold the FOB as ordered. This later turned into insults directed at me and my Commanding because I didn't give it to another squad. I kept telling him to calm it, but eventually it grew uncontrollable, and he had the entire squad against me. So I had him insubbed and the leader switched to the engineer, the ONE PERSON inside of the LZ2. Everyone else left the LZ due to the leader, and not listening to anything I told them.

Before I explain what happened next, let me run down the entire history I've had with Marcellus. I can sum it up pretty quick. Every round, he has this very low RP gimmick where he is completely against anything Command says or does, and does their best to bait command into things such as BE's and insubs. It doesn't matter if he is a Pilot Officer, private, squad leader, or anything else I've seen him play. He will always bait Command into bad situations.

The reason I needed to explain this falls soley on the fact that his behavior has not changed at all. The "advice" he was claiming to tell me in the player report what him just saying to "Get the fuck out of there" and "We should never go underground" and such. Basically, he was telling us his personel preferences on how he would handle the Ice Colony situation. Obviously, he didn't even know the full situation. He was just filling the marines with propaganda about how we were "purposely neglecting duty" and how I was "Not fit for Command". In reality, I was just trying to hold onto the operation as best I could with such a large number of insubordinate marines berating every order I gave.

Eventually, I give in knowing that the marines were not going to listen to a word I said. I should also note that I had the Alpha Lieutenant report four or five other marines for remarks. At this point, I was really trying to avoid the use of a Battlefield Execution, but I knew that they were going to start planning a mutiny so I had MPs prepared for such occasions. I also had the MPs to the Normandy as we evacuated LZ2 to try and get the two leaders of the rebellious marines. This was another point made by Marcellus. He claims I was "Baiting a mutiny" by having MPs arrest possible mutineers. At this point he says that if I have the MPs do that, that there would be dozens of angry marines at the CIC doorstep. I took this as a direct threat, and told him that they wouldn't last long if they did.

Due to all the situation on board that were caused by all of the pissed off marines prepping for redeployment, I had the Alamo pilot hold until we had the situation under control. Thats when Marcellus launched the Alamo planetside. It was between the redeployment and Marcellus launching the ship when the entire Hive assaulted Delta, not giving them much of a chance. This was abrupt, but could have been prevented had the squads calmed down. Either way, we were forced off the LZ almost instantly. I can't remember what exactly made me lockdown the CIC, but something or someone mentioned the Mutiny being prepared, so I locked down the CIC. Some time later, gunshots were outside trying to bust down the doors and walls. The two squad leaders, including Marcellus, were telling me to stand down.

I obviously denied, and soon hell broke loose. The XO opened the lockdown, and this caused interaction between the two sides. Marcellus clearly shoved the Staff Officer WIELDING A GUN during a mutiny situation to bait the fire. In the end, this started a battle near and inside the CIC resulting in many deaths and salt from both sides of the battle. There was at one point where I killed a marine, but I did not try to decapitate him. The plan was to kill him, then take him to the medic cuffed, so he could be revived. Another Smartgunner, Boris Ivanov, attacked me after he blended in with Loyalists, and I promptly killed him. Solarmare I believe it was PM'd about this, and I reminded me to not perma kill them, to which I simply agreed. Afterwords, I took him to a medic to be revived. Eventually, the entire situation ended with Command holding the CIC, and the mutiny being called off. About two minutes later, the dropship launches, and everyone who survived the mutiny died to the aliens.

The entire round I attempted to calm the situation, but all you guys did was bend everything I said and turned it into a bad thing, and actively threatening a mutiny means I'm going to prepare for it. Your Low RP Anti Command Gimmick is getting old, and was never young in the first place. Saying I'm baiting a mutiny when you were the one baiting the mutiny is very hypocritical, and I hope to see something done about your Low RP behavior.
"Sorry, but... I'm the only winner in this story." - Commander Pierce Jackson

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Arbs » 10 Sep 2018, 20:38

The thing is that there’s nothing wrong if you find an order to be suicidal and wish not to follow it. However you’re always pointing it out as a critic to command calling them incompetent to incite friction instaed of simply saying that it is impossible to perform the given task and propose a better alternative. And to me it is clearly pointed by you towards these players for some reason that I don’t find convincing at all. (Command treating players like a RTS game)

As I was the person firing the grenades I will say that the intent was to smash the coming waves of mutineers in a sweep to not let them gain any momentum. They are an AOE weapon fit for that purpose and the intention was not to kill medics or unrelated personnel. It was fired purposefully on people partaking in the mutiny and not pointed at uninvolved personnel.

If anyone uninvolved got exploded by a nade they may have walked into it. No nades were fired deiberately at any uninvolved personnel or medics. After all if you’re uninvolved then stay away from a mutiny and especially the killzone.

At the same time no permakilling was done either. We didnt decap anyone on purpose or prevent anyone from getting defibbed. Medics were even allowed in the CIC to help heal people.

Even though, as far as medical aid during mutinies goes, as per rules you are entitled to it only after the mutiny ends. Alpha SL was still at large and mutineers were still there down the CIC hallway. The mutiny did not end until Alpha SL decided to stand down shortly before the aliens launched the dropship.

And yes, I did anticipate the mutiny and did prepare for it as at that point it was inevitable. Same as you had been planning it in your mind all along and prepared for it.

In any case I did not see the commander breaking any of the mentioned rules, or witness anything wrong with their conduct. You had your disagreements and things went south. This is simply a consequence of that.
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Byond: Eliteempire

Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Eliteempire » 10 Sep 2018, 20:40

So I was one of the Normandy PO who informed you of the MP's coming to arrest, Because that is what I had saw over Command channel or general, I honestly can't remember before it was walked back but by then I had already said something to the squad. I when I had gotten out didn't even see them and expected this was wrong so I didn't correct anything over the squad com's.

I had actually asked over Command Com's while you and the Commander were going back and forth. I was either outright ignored or my textbox moved far to quickly to show me that delta was still planet-side so I wanted to ensure we were as prepared to head into a unknown hot LZ as possible. Cue the Alamo being sent by a SL you. Then I'm not sure, but you or the other rebelling squad leader tried to pin Delta's death and us going into a hot LZ on the commander which was wrong.

As for the grenades, I don't know where the fuck they came from even the RO asked who the fuck stole them but i do remember seeing a group of marines get FF'ed fragged not sure if that was anybody who mattered however.

This mutiny honestly just seemed more like who would blink first, and from what I heard even trying to get to CiC. Marines were shooting at the walls or doors which could make things go lethal by confusing folks in my opinion.

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Survivor » 10 Sep 2018, 20:42

Eliteempire wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 20:40
So I was one of the Normandy PO who informed you of the MP's coming to arrest, Because that is what I had saw over Command channel or general, I honestly can't remember before it was walked back but by then I had already said something to the squad. I when I had gotten out didn't even see them and expected this was wrong so I didn't correct anything over the squad com's.

I had actually asked over Command Com's while you and the Commander were going back and forth. I was either outright ignored or my textbox moved far to quickly to show me that delta was still planet-side so I wanted to ensure we were as prepared to head into a unknown hot LZ as possible. Cue the Alamo being sent by a SL you. Then I'm not sure, but you or the other rebelling squad leader tried to pin Delta's death and us going into a hot LZ on the commander which was wrong.

As for the grenades, I don't know where the fuck they came from even the RO asked who the fuck stole them but i do remember seeing a group of marines get FF'ed fragged not sure if that was anybody who mattered however.

This mutiny honestly just seemed more like who would blink first, and from what I heard even trying to get to CiC. Marines were shooting at the walls or doors which could make things go lethal by confusing folks in my opinion.

Player witnesses, Any more questions just ask.
Yeah, the PO informed us of Delta, but Comms were drowned with both of the squad leaders blaming me for their lack of following orders. I did have intentions on saving delta, but it was already too late when the dropship was launched. I did say that the PO could launch prior, but I don't think they heard me.
"Sorry, but... I'm the only winner in this story." - Commander Pierce Jackson

Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Sleepy Retard » 10 Sep 2018, 21:09

Just coming in to confirm, the CiC open fired first, not the mutineers. That's all.
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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Survivor » 10 Sep 2018, 21:13

El Defaultio wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 21:09
Just coming in to confirm, the CiC open fired first, not the mutineers. That's all.
I do believe the first shots came when Marcellus disarmed a Lieutenant at the entrance, and they promptly fired at his out of instinct, however I'm not too certain.
"Sorry, but... I'm the only winner in this story." - Commander Pierce Jackson

Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance

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Byond: 411Rohan

Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by 411Rohan » 10 Sep 2018, 21:53

Hi as one of the Co-Leaders of the Mutiny and the Alpha SL I was Bazarov Nikolayeich I would like to say this report is completely false.
He did not bait the mutiny at all and I think Chaz here just has an extreme issue with command and not getting his way. Mainly because the Mutiny failed. I personally would like to say I enjoy playing with Pierce and would really rather Chaz here get's job banned.

Chaz was the one who iniated the Mutiny and pretty much baited me and all of Alpha into it , which I will admit made sense at the time as I believed Pierce was trying to get us all killed for little to no gain aside from ending a round of ice.

( Ice is not nice and you know it's true )

Anyways. A lot of the issues I had were with Pierce not listening to me when I was telling him Alpha only had one engineer that didn't even have enough supplies to build four cades. After telling him this several times he continued to ignore me and the other marines telling him this and had me demoted and flagged for insub. That was when Marcus started talking about Mutiny and you all know where it went from there.

I will admit it was one of the most enjoyable CM experiences I've had to date when it comes to rp , and I really do hope I can see Pierce continue to be a SL as he is very enjoyable and chill to play a round with.
Last edited by 411Rohan on 10 Sep 2018, 22:03, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Mochi » 10 Sep 2018, 22:01

Hello, it's me one of the SOs,

When I first heard of the mutiny I grabbed a TGL And put it on the top floor, I believe the MPs opened fire first, I was in the back mostly aiding in medical, I saw nothing wrong happen on my end.
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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Onearmy » 10 Sep 2018, 22:05

I was present for all of this. Was playing as an MP for the majority of the round. All I can really say is, it seems the mutiny was largely perpetrated/instigated by Marcellus Mason even though Bazarov Nikolayeich was the "face" of the mutiny.

This seems to match up with my past IC and OOC experiences with the character of Marcellus. This is the same person who purposefully strands marines as a PO and will find any excuse to attempt to undermine command if there's anything he remotely doesn't like. It seems he brings OOC hate into IC and that doesn't sit with me.

That being said, as far as Pierce Jackson goes, he did nothing wrong. Jackson did everything you could reasonably expect from the CO role and from my perspective, nothing he did had bad intentions.

That is all.
Cayden 'Motormouth' Owens

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Novus Luna » 10 Sep 2018, 22:07

I will predicate this statement by saying that I was not present in this round to any capacity of my knowledge, and will be posting as a character witness to both the accuser (Marcellus Mason) and the accused (Pierce Jackson).

Before continuing I will note that, to what I read, it was the mutineers that technically shot first: the initial report itself claims that a mutineer was firing upon the CIC doors in an attempt to breach. CIC may have perceived this as an escalation, but this is just my speculation. Moving on.

I will start with Mason. This is the second time I have seen him mutiny, though I am unsure if it is only the second time he has. Make no mistake, I am not saying this is the second time I've seen him involved, but the second time he has LED one. I would not necessarily say the first I'd seen was well founded, but he is not lying when he says that he himself tries to maintain peace in the situation as best he can - if he was not aware of active shooters, then so be it, he did not control him, but he wanted it done peacefully. I will say that his attitude about mutiny seems to be...projected a bit. He is rather quick to jump into starting a mutiny, yet for this to my understanding is claiming that Jackson intentionally baited it. Which brings us to:

Pierce Jackson is without question one of the two best Commanding Officers I have seen on this server, with the other being Goliath. It does not and has not been his way to intentionally bait a mutiny. Something to keep in mind is the fact of CIC: if there are multiple people in CIC, the blame can not solely go upon the Commander for information not being distributed. If he's effectively alone in CIC, you can't blame him for not being able to share every detail while trying to juggle every squad and command. The fact that he had arms and ammunition loaded into CIC...what the Hell do you think someone is going to do when you bold-faced say you're going to take Command from them? He could've been preparing it defensively, as your mutiny Marines all carried weapons with them to CIC. You claim self-defense, maybe? So could he.

I will briefly speak to your desire of how this should be handled. I entirely agree that, by all rights, whitelists are things that seem to need the jaws of life following a tactical nuclear strike to pry them away from someone. I do think this needs to change. I do not think a single round is enough to justify losing a whitelist, however. There are absolute abominations of Commanding Officers, Jackson is not one of them.

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Byond: Amitt0

Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Amitt0 » 11 Sep 2018, 06:47

I was a medic treating wounded in CIC
I went up through the brig ladder with a pilot who gave me access. I WAS tazed but I see that as a precaution. It's hard to identify friend from foe.
After stating my intentions clearly that i was there for wounded and had no weapon drawn i was allowed to do my thing.
The whole situation was a gumbled mess that didn't have to happen. Going against meta isn't baiting a mutiny.
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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Survivor » 11 Sep 2018, 08:06

411Rohan wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 21:53
I think I should clear this up, I had supplies ready for Alpha, and sent an MT down for the FOB, but after the squad completely left the LZ, bravo came up and took the metal Alpha left behind. Either way, I didn't find this out till later so I realilistically believed Alpha was purposely not using supplies. Once I had found out, I instantly got them more supplies sent down.
"Sorry, but... I'm the only winner in this story." - Commander Pierce Jackson

Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance

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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Chaznoodles » 11 Sep 2018, 13:06

Arbs wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 20:38
As I was the person firing the grenades I will say that the intent was to smash the coming waves of mutineers in a sweep to not let them gain any momentum. They are an AOE weapon fit for that purpose and the intention was not to kill medics or unrelated personnel. It was fired purposefully on people partaking in the mutiny and not pointed at uninvolved personnel.

At the same time no permakilling was done either. We didnt decap anyone on purpose or prevent anyone from getting defibbed. Medics were even allowed in the CIC to help heal people.
Those grenades you'd previously taken in preperation permakilled a good few people because you kept spamming them at people while medics were dragging crit and dead away, including myself and a few other people whose limbs flew off when staff attempted to rejuv.
Arbs wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 20:38
And yes, I did anticipate the mutiny and did prepare for it as at that point it was inevitable. Same as you had been planning it in your mind all along and prepared for it.

In any case I did not see the commander breaking any of the mentioned rules, or witness anything wrong with their conduct. You had your disagreements and things went south. This is simply a consequence of that.
There was only one point where I started prepping for mutiny, and that's when I gathered Charlie and Alpha outside the Alamo and asked for a show of hands to get the Commander to step down peacefully. At any point previously, it was just mindless complaining as I just wanted to get on with the round.
Survivor wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 21:13
I do believe the first shots came when Marcellus disarmed a Lieutenant at the entrance, and they promptly fired at his out of instinct, however I'm not too certain.
The LT I disarmed didn't fire, as he went straight over on the first push. The LT behind him, however, was the one who opened fire with a rifle into a corridor of empty-handed marines.
411Rohan wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 21:53
Hi as one of the Co-Leaders of the Mutiny and the Alpha SL I was Bazarov Nikolayeich I would like to say this report is completely false.
He did not bait the mutiny at all and I think Chaz here just has an extreme issue with command and not getting his way. Mainly because the Mutiny failed. I personally would like to say I enjoy playing with Pierce and would really rather Chaz here get's job banned.

Chaz was the one who iniated the Mutiny and pretty much baited me and all of Alpha into it , which I will admit made sense at the time as I believed Pierce was trying to get us all killed for little to no gain aside from ending a round of ice.
Oh boy, you're putting the blame on me? Ever since you got your SL status removed around five minutes past first drop, you kept trying to drag me aside and were almostbegging me to organise a mutiny, both ICly and through LOOC. I had no intention of doing such other than my usual incessant complaining, right up until we returned from the Delta drop, at which point I gathered my squad - after you asked your squad to mutiny, as far as I'm aware.
Onearmy wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 22:05
This is the same person who purposefully strands marines as a PO
>Launching the Alamo because xenos are flooding through the doors, while other marines aren't listening and not boarding

Once again, if you have an issue with my actions, you're entirely welcome to make a report against me with evidence of specific actions, instead of making generalising statements to deride my behaviour in order to undermine another report.

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Byond: AzonStarfall

Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by AzonStarfall » 11 Sep 2018, 14:34

As a witnessing member of medical personnel, specifically a Charlie Medic, it's undeniable that there was Perma-Killing in the mutiny taking place, such including the Charlie SL among others, a direct violation of rule 15. Whether this was intentional or not, I can't determine. However, I don't believe that the killing was done by the CO, and moreover the defending members of the mutiny without the CO's approval. This event escalated from legal orders taken on his part, and unless anyone has direct evidence of the CO breaking the described rules and using lethal ordinance against mutineers, it wouldn't seem that rules are in violation by Pierce directly.

Overall the situation was chaotic and altogether disorganized. It's my impression that any direct killing I observed was not intentional, and more as heat-of-the-moment defense and lack of ability to retrieve medical personnel in time.
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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Survivor » 11 Sep 2018, 15:58

AzonStarfall wrote:
11 Sep 2018, 14:34
As a witnessing member of medical personnel, specifically a Charlie Medic, it's undeniable that there was Perma-Killing in the mutiny taking place, such including the Charlie SL among others, a direct violation of rule 15. Whether this was intentional or not, I can't determine. However, I don't believe that the killing was done by the CO, and moreover the defending members of the mutiny without the CO's approval. This event escalated from legal orders taken on his part, and unless anyone has direct evidence of the CO breaking the described rules and using lethal ordinance against mutineers, it wouldn't seem that rules are in violation by Pierce directly.

Overall the situation was chaotic and altogether disorganized. It's my impression that any direct killing I observed was not intentional, and more as heat-of-the-moment defense and lack of ability to retrieve medical personnel in time.
I forgot to mention the part where during the worst of the fighting, I was in the brig assisting an MP who was shot and injured. Thank you for reminding me to bring up that detail. The only two people I shot knowingly was Boris Ivanov and the Charlie marine who got locked in. Neither of these were perma kills, and both got medication.
"Sorry, but... I'm the only winner in this story." - Commander Pierce Jackson

Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance

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Byond: Brotemis

Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Brotemis » 11 Sep 2018, 16:26

Not sure if this counts for anything, but as to permanent killing, I have been specifically told by managers(Imperator Titan) that the permanent killing rule only applies to already dead bodies. I had asked if they would update the wiki to reflect that rule in the wiki but it doesn't seem so yet.

If you are permanently killed DURING a mutiny, then thats that. But if you're already dead, people aren't supposed to do anything to the bodies.
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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Survivor » 11 Sep 2018, 20:28

Survivor wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 20:42
Yeah, the PO informed us of Delta, but Comms were drowned with both of the squad leaders blaming me for their lack of following orders. I did have intentions on saving delta, but it was already too late when the dropship was launched. I did say that the PO could launch prior, but I don't think they heard me.

edit: I meant to put SL here, but mistakenly put PO.
"Sorry, but... I'm the only winner in this story." - Commander Pierce Jackson

Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance

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Byond: Arbs

Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Arbs » 12 Sep 2018, 17:16

The Mutineers attacked in waves and they needed a proper response. Nades filled in for that. I made several announcements for marines to remain in briefing. If anyone wished to remain uninvolved then they should've followed instructions. And obviously mutinies have no IFF, if someone did not wish to be involved then they should not have entered the CIC unauthorized. The exception to that was any squad medic that could be identified by the cross icon. Anyone who went inside the CIC entrance unauthorized was a valid target. That's how I determined targets.

Then again, you're only entitled to medical aid after the mutiny is over. The mutiny ended only when alpha SL decided to stand down. If you died because your timer ran out cause people couldn't reach you during the mutiny, then tough luck. If it was due to being in the AOE of the nades I fired which were directed to any unauthorized marine entering the CIC, then it's no different than a stray shot. As a matter of fact my grenades did not decapitate anyone and your body was retrieved by someone and taken to the CL's office where you were given medical attention by a medic. At least that is what I could see through the binoculars after things calmed down for the most part. And if I remember correctly, by the time the dropship crashed, you were in lower medbay.

On the other side though, permakilling was committed by the mutineers. Around the time I started firing the nades, I passed by the XO's decapitated body, which is also defined as an example in the rule for permakilling. The only way that could've happened is if someone aimed purposely for the head to decapitate them or anyone else on purpose.

In any case, there's no violation of either rule you claimed to have been violated. I understand you are upset likely because the mutiny failed miserably, but you should probably just move on with it like everyone did and perhaps even reconsider your attitude, instead of trying to pick on small details to prove your "self-righteousness".
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Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 12 Sep 2018, 17:51

Character witness here:

From my experiences with Jackson as my CO/XO, etc., I've come to regard him as a pretty chill guy who tends to avoid causing problems. His actual competence as a leader I wouldn't know exactly, as I tend to not play combat-focused roles or, if I do, ignore most command orders to follow more relevant orders from SLs/aSLs.

But his competence as a leader SHOULD NOT DETERMINE if he deserves to be jobbanned or not. He's a good roleplayer, and I've yet to see him actively bait a mutiny like some other, more notorious COs.
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Byond: Carnolus

Re: CO Report - Pierce Jackson

Post by Carnolus » 12 Sep 2018, 22:15

As a witness (squad marine in Mason's squad) I do not see the whole "He baited a mutiny" aspect. I think this job-ban is a bit silly. A mutiny occured, Mason and the mutineers lost the fight. Command and the ground troops see different things. It's a different situation and I think Jackson, the CO, played the situation well, and dealt with the mutiny well. This just seems silly to me, I understand there being a mutiny but it was handled in the round and was enjoyable to witness.
Taegan ‘mouth’ MacCarthy!
