multiple player reports

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Byond: hempukonsito

multiple player reports

Post by hempukon » 14 Sep 2018, 10:33

Your Byond Key:hempukonsito

Your Character Name: jake burkett

Accused Byond Key(if known): when i asked admins for their ckeys, they just ignored me

Character Name: Ryan 'Lagoona Fish' Dixon, charlie medic, the CL

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):9:10 today

What rule(s) were broken:
"Roundstart shenanigans no longer permitted"
"Rule 4. No griefing - Griefing is the intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or to the server without a valid roleplay reason"
"Rule 14. Lethal Force" (only by charlie SG which slashed me with a machete out of nowhere because i tas punching and dissarming him after he started it, while i was ordering people out of the cockpit where he was included"

Description of the incident: I was in the cockpit about to ask command for confirmation to launch the normandy when suddenly the CL, charlie SG and charlie Medic stormed inside the cockpit, dissarmed me and pushed me outside of the cockpit, i tried to get inside again pushing them, but they were three people, so, i didn't manage to get inside while they were punching me and dissarming me, i asked the mp's for help inside the normandy but they never came, the CL or someone else launched the normandy and i started to fight with charlie sg, while more people were attacking me, charlie sg slashed me with a machete, so, i pulled a gun and tried to shoot him but because people were pushing me, i shot the wrong person, so, i stopped, people dissarmed me, and beated me to crit, i reported the thing to the administration and they said it was handled, but it really wasn't because those players are still playing.

It's very shitty that the PO has no power over his ship, and that any attemp he does to make people obey his orders are answered physically or by demanding the PO to launch the ship quickly so that they can deploy and and do their thing.

Aditionally, i think the CL blocked the enctrances of the normandy with inflatable walls round start, so, i belive the guy wanted to be annoying to me and the marines since round start.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): logs were lost.

How you would punish the accused: They are all trash players in my opinion, low roleplaying pulling shit like storming the cockpit and dissarming, punching and pushing the PO of the ship outside of the cockpit, even when i ordered them out of the cockpit. They should be banned

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Byond: spookydonut

Re: multiple player reports

Post by spookydonut » 14 Sep 2018, 23:19

You should ahelp stuff like this, player reports are for things that arent able to be immediately handled during a round.

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Byond: Imperator_Titan

Re: multiple player reports

Post by Imperator_Titan » 16 Sep 2018, 11:05

Seeing as how I just went through the logs for this, I'll go ahead and resolve this. CL will be receiving a jobban for his actions as he simply wanted to stir shit what with wanting to turn the normandy into his office. The smartgunner in question will be receiving a warning for roundstart shittery, as this indeed spiralled out of control, with a ban if this continues. And no, he didn't actually hit you with a machete, he hit you with his gun. The medic didn't escalate anything and wasn't the primary instigator and was in the process of being arrested it seems, and therefore won't receive any punishment.

Resolved - CL will be receiving a jobban. Smartgunner has been warned.
