Player report Antony 'Owl' Mayers

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Player report Antony 'Owl' Mayers

Post by 420MYK » 02 Oct 2018, 08:00

Your Byond Key: 420M.Y.K

Your Character Name: Alice 'Snow' Falkner

Accused Byond Key(if known): unknown

Character Name: Antony 'Owl' Mayers

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): around 530Am USC (i think im in NZ and it was 1130ish pm here)

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 14.

Description of the incident: I was CMO also one of the only active doctor staff in this particular round. I Heard tell of a CT having had weapons stolen from them by the Normandy (CAS/MEDVAC) PO Antony 'Owl' Mayers. I soon after i found said PO sitting in the OT looking lost and loaded to the teeth. I proceeded to ask what a PO was doing armed and in my medbay on command channel and was promptly ignored by the XO (i was in half a mind to include them in the report for neglect of duty but honestly m pretty sure he was rather new to command and seemed swamped), after discussing with the CT i found out that the PO had assaulted him (which i believed seeing as i treated him a couple of times, once with brute which was the assault from the PO and once for a burn not sure where that one came from) seeing no MPs on to deal with the situation and having the CT continue on in the command and medical channels about going to assault the PO back and Seeing a fully armed PO walking around the OTs, i decided to head to the normandy with an anesthetic injector. asking the PO out of the cockpit i hit him with the injector and proceeded to get the CT to take the stolen gear back. Shaking the PO up i explained to him not to steal from req and cause a fuss, assault staff etc, as the anesthetic was wearing off and he was able to stand he started shoving me then changed to red intent doing brute damage. at this point both me and the CT were blue intenting although im pretty sure CT got one or two punchs in before changing to blue.

Dragging the PO away from the CT to medbay on a stretcher (he continued shoving/red intenting me as i was dragging him, i was going to make sure bruises got seen too) because the CT was starting to talk like he seriously wanted to hurt the PO i took him to medbay trying to calm the PO down and explaining that i for all intents and purposes saved his life. after releasing him from the rollerbed he pulled out his Mod88 and proceeded to fire two shots at me which both missed due to fast movement.

After this the CT spoke about intending to kill the PO for firing on a civilian which i told him not too. Beyond that i dont know of CT/PO interactions but the PO jumped on medical chat i think it was and said that if i stepped foot on the Normandy he would kill me. I asked him if that was a threat he really wanted to make to the only medical staff and the CMO even to which he agreed he would continue with his threat. From that point on i ignored the situation with the PO besides trying to get an arrest when an MP woke.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Admins should be able to confirm with logs.

How you would punish the accused: A warning at the very least but honestly id be keen on a job ban. You cant tell the CMO and ONLY shipside medical staff that they arent allowed on the medvac vessel to extract patients (if the round was more hectic throughout it would have really gimped us) even if it is technically "their" dropship. Not only that but he apparently stole from req, assaulted a lesser rank who was trying to do his job, threatened a civilian and medical professional and also shot at them. Not becoming of a mission critical role like CASVAC and a rank of ensign.

*edited: i messed up the subject and fixed it. sorry.
Noxus Poppy is bae.

In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak

I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.

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Re: Player report Antony 'Owl' Mayers

Post by Mizari » 03 Oct 2018, 16:51

Logs from Start of situation with CT
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Overall, we don't actually have any log of shooting in our logs but we do have the shoving match, conversation and general nuisance by the Pilot Officer. Do you have any other evidence you wish to submit?

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Re: Player report Antony 'Owl' Mayers

Post by 420MYK » 03 Oct 2018, 17:29

Uh no sorry i did have a screenshot but apparently my computer didnt save it. it only showed the shots fired part of chat, The MP i talked to about it IG did collect and scan the shell casings though if those logs exsist/are seperate. Neither of the shots hit so imagine no logs woulda been generated to prove that point otherwise sorry
Noxus Poppy is bae.

In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak

I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.

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Re: Player report Antony 'Owl' Mayers

Post by ZeRuest » 04 Oct 2018, 15:10

Faced in cargo with a technician. I asked him m39 for me. Was refused. Picked up and placed back grenade. The technician didn’t believe that I left it. Mad at him, I stoled a machete and grenade. MT was only disarmed in process. Then, CMO tricked me and used injector on me. Already after that, in order to avoid another injector, I droved away the SMO with specially missed shots.
CMO. Injector with tranq. :facepalm:
CMO that goes MP. :facepalm:

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Re: Player report Antony 'Owl' Mayers

Post by 420MYK » 04 Oct 2018, 21:38

Hey i didnt actually know what happened between you and the CT, i saw him crying about stolen gear, then saw you standing in my OT with weapons that frankly you dont need as a CASVAC PO. "tricked" you, i asked you to step outta the cockpit and bapped you with autoinj as opposed to having a CT wasting his round RPing about his stolen gear and fucking with CASVAC by hassling you. i had command coms and medical coms so knew you werent needed for until the inj wore off, i was also calm the whole time you were shoving me and getting a red intent hit in too consistently explained to you that the CT wanted to hurt you which woulda made both our jobs harder. i wasnt gonna bap you again when ive literally spent a minute shaking you back up to work the anasthetic off and explaining that it was for the better. And yea i called the MP when one woke, again you shot at a CIVILIAN DOCTOR and the CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER no less. then proceeded to make a death threat against them. you seem to forget that CMO actually falls under the same ranking as command staff. Sure they cant order marines coz they still Civis and such but they have blue door access for a reason.

End of the day i coulda left you and the CT to have your little spat that coulda thrown the game if the CT had improperly escalated the situation, instead i tried to diffuse the situation peacefully. You wanna shoot at doctors even if its "specially missed shots." (the first one missed by enough id call it that but the second passed close enough to me that if id moved right instead of left it woulda hit me) then expect them to bring military law into it. But shooting at a doctor is just a dick move no matter what, if that bullet had hit and managed to break a bone or give me IB (VERY low chance but possible) I and possibly the round woulda been fucked seeing as there were no other active surgeons at the time.

I know your not some bald ass retard ive seen you around enough, so you should know better than that ICly and OOCly.
Noxus Poppy is bae.

In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak

I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.

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Re: Player report Antony 'Owl' Mayers

Post by Mizari » 05 Oct 2018, 07:08

Ok so I've reviewed what's been said and checked logs as you can see about the situation. Honestly this shouldn't have escalated so much that you end up shooting at the CMO, even if your intention was to miss them, its not acceptable. CMO, in regards to trying to tranq the PO, I understand you were only trying to help because there was no MP's but this should of been brought to staff online at the time so we could deal with it as this type of stuff is dealt with if it is affecting the rounds progression due to lack of MP's to enforce IC Law.

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Re: Player report Antony 'Owl' Mayers

Post by 420MYK » 11 Oct 2018, 19:21

Mizari wrote:
05 Oct 2018, 07:08
Ok so I've reviewed what's been said and checked logs as you can see about the situation. Honestly this shouldn't have escalated so much that you end up shooting at the CMO, even if your intention was to miss them, its not acceptable. CMO, in regards to trying to tranq the PO, I understand you were only trying to help because there was no MP's but this should of been brought to staff online at the time so we could deal with it as this type of stuff is dealt with if it is affecting the rounds progression due to lack of MP's to enforce IC Law.
Sorry for lack of reply i was waiting to see if anyone else would comment and then forgot.

Fair enough, I try to keep issues as IC as much as possible and to fix/sort them out ICly where possible coz i know you staff members can be rushed off your feet and probably dont wanna deal with "He stole my guns" disputes. As for this report etc, Assuming hes actually read your comment Id see that as a fair warning. Slap a resolved sticker on it, Ive seen him continuing to play post report and its obvious hes not a shitter so only needed the warning.
Noxus Poppy is bae.

In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak

I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.

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Re: Player report Antony 'Owl' Mayers

Post by Imperator_Titan » 13 Oct 2018, 11:02

Player will be spoken to regarding proper escalation seeing as how we don't do warning shots. Outside of that, this is pretty much an IC issue.

Resolved - Player will be spoken to regarding proper escalation.
