Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

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Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by Evan Stelf » 07 Oct 2018, 23:11

Your Byond Key: Carl Trent

Your Character Name: Evan Stelf

Accused Byond Key(if known): Unknown

Character Name: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 10/7/2018 9:20-30ish p.m.

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 15 and perhaps 17?

Description of the incident: Hello, this is my first player report so I don't know the exact way to format this.

-Background information before the report issue-
To start off the round I was a survivor and me and Jordan "Raptor" something I can't remember the last part of his name, and two other survivors that were Alyx and Landen. Marines arrived at our little hiding spot in Prison station and some heated arguments on each side were said to one another. After this settled down, some military police were sent down. They spoke to us and told us they were there to help us. We were RP suspicious because three of us were prisoners and one of us was the Weyland Representative of the Prison. They then told us that they had orders to take us up and be questioned, willingly or not. We took this as a hostile action so we refused to leave. A military police officer then fired a taser shot at us and Jordan responded by throwing grenades at them. After this a few more aggressions on either side occurred. At this point I haven't shot I believe. Jordan tells me that there is an RPG and we should hide so I start making my way over to the railcar only to be hit by an RPG. Alyx is immediately killed on impact, by the way someone who was negotiating with the military police for us most of the conversation before this. I am in critical pain, and when I get up I see two knocked down players, an mp I believe and a medic. I shot at both of them and these were my only shots of the fight I believe. I was in critical pain and deaf so I had no idea what these two's intentions were, only that I was almost injured and being attacked. Me and Jordan then hid in the railcar while I was in paincrit on the floor. They c4 the door open and Jordan tries running out and immediately gets buckshotted. I am then beaten to death while I was on the floor and handcuffed. After this I was then revived on the medbay shipside and arrested by the CMP, Jason "Clutch" Hakim. Jason then tries to ask what my name is and I refuse to talk. I tell Jason that they killed an innocent weyland representative and I retaliated by firing but that doesn't seem to faze him. He takes me to the XO, who then allows Jason to execute me on the charge of mutiny.
-Why I am making this report-
I do not know why I was executed, I figured they would just give me cell time or detain me. I tried adminhelping about the issue but I did not receive a reply to the 3-4 admins present on the server so I was in the dark about how a survivor gets charged with mutiny if I was not on their ship and simply defending myself against MPs and RPG rockets. Like I said, I only shot twice I believe at both of the people who were knocked down from Jordan's grenade. I was then on the floor and then simply beaten to death and revived, then executed. Most of the incident is RP oriented which is why I can't really do anything about marines bloodthirstily beating me to death while I was at their mercy. The mutiny charge of which I was executed for was baseless. We were defending our little base on the Prison Station, which isn't owned by the Colonial Marines, and even had a Weyland representative trying to calm the tensions and put the notion that we weren't going to leave. Perhaps if I actually had a reply from an admin from my ahelp I could have gotten more infrmation or the CMP could have been questioned about how he based my execution on a mutiny charge.
-Rule 15 and Perhaps rule 17-
Rule 15 says that Mps have to follow their marine laws. The only law that I believe he based this execution was on Sedition, but I wasn't trying to usurp the command at all. We were refusing to leave because we believe that they would just throw us into another jail cell. This is why I am having such a hard time wrapping this execution charge on a "mutiny". Perhaps if they tried to force Murder? Even though they also Murdered? Its so hard to tell. The Rule 17 that I believe to classify mutinies was incredibly not what we were doing. We didn't adminhelp it since it wasn't a mutiny, we didn't have 5 members, and we weren't going against the commander so yeah. Some clarity and perhaps the CMP's perspective could shed to light on this.

Perhaps an admin's perspective on all of this can help base this CMP's claims on a mutiny charge that allowed me to be executed?

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I don't have any logs but they should be there around this time. My chat moves kind of quick since I have just about everything on such as people talking, the squad chat, that sort of thing.

How you would punish the accused: Perhaps getting more evidence of the accused instead of executing for a mutiny charge without proper reason.

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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by 420MYK » 08 Oct 2018, 10:32

I was the RPG spec from this round, I was helping out With FOB when i heard an explosion from south east LZ1. Moving there i came upon a MASSIVE fortress of cades (like 3 or 4 cade lines all wired etc) which i knew there would be casulties on both sides getting through. I asked if should put a swift end to the situation to which noone had any qualms with, i gave plenty of time to get back/tell me not to fire but everyone was pulling the marine in my firing line outta the way so i figured fair game and fired knowing that they coulda been revd after and that my explosion wouldnt reach the friendlies around.

Returning to my bag to reload and thinking i wouldnt be needed again i all of a sudden heard that tofu (my squad medic) had been immolated and killed. Que me going back with another rocket. by this point at least one survivor had been nade spamming to keep us back and locked himself in the tram which i blew the door off with C4. Tofu ended up being treated by a bald medic who let her go brain dead. Though not your (Your being all the survivors not just yours) fault she died it was still a direct correlation between the effects.

End of the day after reading in dchat and such it sounds like you and alyx were just lumped together with "hostile threats" seeing as you were all found together, though i dont know if thats why you were executed, and could possibly warrent execution if CMP decrees it. Though i imagine as they always do the logs will tell all

Edit: before anyone tries say "but so and so didnt get revd". the survivors killed the only competent medic at FOB, we couldnt even save our own medic let alone anyone else
Noxus Poppy is bae.

In game character name:Alice 'Snow' Falkner. Lar'ja H'chak

I may do stupid shit sometimes, but were marines its what we do. Always saving, rarely saved. Piss lead and blow shit up until you die. Rinse and repeat.

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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by Evan Stelf » 08 Oct 2018, 11:29

420MYK wrote:
08 Oct 2018, 10:32
I was the RPG spec from this round, I was helping out With FOB when i heard an explosion from south east LZ1. Moving there i came upon a MASSIVE fortress of cades (like 3 or 4 cade lines all wired etc) which i knew there would be casulties on both sides getting through. I asked if should put a swift end to the situation to which noone had any qualms with, i gave plenty of time to get back/tell me not to fire but everyone was pulling the marine in my firing line outta the way so i figured fair game and fired knowing that they coulda been revd after and that my explosion wouldnt reach the friendlies around.

Returning to my bag to reload and thinking i wouldnt be needed again i all of a sudden heard that tofu (my squad medic) had been immolated and killed. Que me going back with another rocket. by this point at least one survivor had been nade spamming to keep us back and locked himself in the tram which i blew the door off with C4. Tofu ended up being treated by a bald medic who let her go brain dead. Though not your (Your being all the survivors not just yours) fault she died it was still a direct correlation between the effects.

End of the day after reading in dchat and such it sounds like you and alyx were just lumped together with "hostile threats" seeing as you were all found together, though i dont know if thats why you were executed, and could possibly warrent execution if CMP decrees it. Though i imagine as they always do the logs will tell all

Edit: before anyone tries say "but so and so didnt get revd". the survivors killed the only competent medic at FOB, we couldnt even save our own medic let alone anyone else
Yeah it was more of a general hostility action toward all of us. I understand what happened at the prison station, Elena said that she was rushing in to heal people after the first RPG hit us so ended up being killed from rushing in. I was just confused on the execution on a mutiny charge. There wasn't much of a case at all about this, the CMP brought me to the XO, he said that he can do whatever with me, and authorized my execution and then sent out an accouncment with me saying "Evan is to be executed for mutiny" or something like that.

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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by BruceJuice69 » 08 Oct 2018, 11:32

Yeah that was me. I did announce it and say it was for mutiny but I meant to say sedition.

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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by Jarek » 08 Oct 2018, 12:14

This is my side of the story from my perspective without applying what anyone else has said so far:

I was Jordan that round. We were having a good session of roleplay, Alyx was talking down the marines and telling them we were "guards dressed as prisoners to avoid dying in the riot" which me and evan went along with. The marines did too. Everything was going fine. Then the MP's showed up and one of them started acting like a negotiator, which was cool. Started talking us down and telling us it'd be all okay. This was all fine until they told us we had no other choice but to come with them or "we'd be taken in as prisoners." This did not sit well with either me or Evan, who were prisoner survivors, and thus we began getting aggressive, naturally, as we were being threatened with jail time because we didn't want to go up to the almayer, and we were prisoners anyway and we thought they were catching on to our lie. We rejected their offer, so the MP tazed alyx. I lobbed a grenade at them and told them to back off, and to leave us alone. They responded by getting the RPG spec to blow us up.

Alyx, the person who was completely innocent in this entire ordeal, was killed in the blast, and never revived. I never found at why at the time, but if the only good medic died that'd explain it. Tofu ran up to alyx's dying body, and I lobbed a frag and an incendiary assuming the worst, and ran off before another RPG came flying in. The MP's pushed in and I ended up killing one of them and I think Tofu as well, Evan was busy dying in paincrit in the back from the burns sustained from the explosion at this point, I think. We ducked into the train, fully expecting another RPG to come flying in, and we weren't dissapointed. It knocked me out, but I recovered. I ducked inside the last secure carriage of the tram and bolted the door shut. Bravo team came in, said something about how we killed their medic, busted in, I tried to escape through the tram door and ate cuckshot to the face. Then bravo proceeded to warcrime evan to death (who to be honest hadn't had the chance to do much aside from talk shit from paincrit) and dragged my paincrit body to the alamo. I recovered from paincrit and my dying moments were me tossing fire grenades at everyone on the alamo and being gunned down by the PO.

I was never revived, medical tried but I went braindead before they could pull it off. The last thing I saw before I logged off for the night was evan being punched by the CMO/Doctors and the CMP talking to them. Hopefully this sheds some light on how it went down from the survivors side of things. The point is here that I don't rememeber evan actually doing anything of note towards the marines, since he was too injured to return fire at any point in time after the initial RPG. The MP's may have told the CMP different and framed/mistaken evan for me, or something, but I don't know.
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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by Mizari » 08 Oct 2018, 16:15

Alright bear with me whilst I shift through logs for this, I'll post again soon with my findings.

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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by Mizari » 08 Oct 2018, 16:58

Logs below
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This log shows the key parts in the start of the fight. Whilst the XO admits he meant to say that it was sedition that he was trying to enforce, I must say you did all try throwing grenades at the marines first where I cant see a single lethal hit against you for a good while. So in this sense, you attempted to murder several marines and an MP which could of resulted in your execution.

I'll admit, this mutiny charge is invalid and it is possible for the marines to try execute you for sedition, especially if the CMP has deemed it necessary for the security of the ship and the Acting Commander has approved also. Is there anything else you want to add?

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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by Evan Stelf » 09 Oct 2018, 13:20

Mizari wrote:
08 Oct 2018, 16:58


This log shows the key parts in the start of the fight. Whilst the XO admits he meant to say that it was sedition that he was trying to enforce, I must say you did all try throwing grenades at the marines first where I cant see a single lethal hit against you for a good while. So in this sense, you attempted to murder several marines and an MP which could of resulted in your execution.

I'll admit, this mutiny charge is invalid and it is possible for the marines to try execute you for sedition, especially if the CMP has deemed it necessary for the security of the ship and the Acting Commander has approved also. Is there anything else you want to add?
I don't understand how I could even be charged with sedition in the first place. The definition of the marine law sedition is To engage in actions or refuse to follow orders as to overthrow or usurp the legitimate command structure. To act as or in collaboration with enemies of the USCM. I wasn't collaborating with enemies of the USCM, and I wasn't trying to take a position of power at all in relation of refusing orders. Unless this definition of the marine law thats stated isn't correct, Im still confused. There's perma for a good reason. If an IDless, unarmed prisoner was a threat to the ship, perma is always there to throw someone in, even a regular cell. Attempting to remove cuffs while arrested doesn't seem to warrent being shot 15 times with a pistol in the execution room for being a threat to the ship in my opinion.
Also those logs look incomplete. Jordan threw the one grenade after a taser was shot at us, and perhaps an incendiary, as well. Which shorty after an RPG Hit the middle of our base, KILLING the negotiator and critically injuring myself. Also Jordan was the only person to throw grenades, not all of us I believe.

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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by Mizari » 10 Oct 2018, 03:05

Once the USCM arrives, they take custody of you in that absence since you was a prisoner, technically you were then under their care as they arrived. Yes you were executed for the wrong reason however you did attempt to murder several marines after they used NON-LETHAL force. That's grounds for you to be executed anyhow's.
Last edited by Mizari on 11 Oct 2018, 03:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by Evan Stelf » 10 Oct 2018, 17:59

Mizari wrote:
10 Oct 2018, 03:05
Once the USCM arrives, they take custody of you in that absence since you was a prisoner, technically you were then under their care as they arrived. Yes you were executed for the wrong reason however you did attempt to murder several marines after they used NON-LETHAL force. In my eyes, thats grounds for you to be executed anyhow's.

Alright, understood.

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Re: Player Report: Jason "Clutch" Hakim

Post by Sir Lordington » 11 Oct 2018, 11:41

Seidtion charge was correct. You tried to kill a squad of Marines attempting to recover you, acting as an enemy of the USCM.

Resolved with no action taken.
I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
