Kitty2.0 - Player Report

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Kitty2.0 - Player Report

Post by Briankada » 28 May 2015, 10:13

Your Byond Key: Briankada

Your character name: John Hayter

Their character name: alien drone (257)

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): Kitty2.0

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 14:48 GMT+1

What rule(s) were broken: Nest Spam, Respect the Staff

Description of the incident:
I was a survivor, and I was rushed by drone 257 and facehugged, dragged off to the hive, and when I woke up I attempted to escape. I was unnested by 257, and tackled back down and renested. And the drone said in LOOC that she knew how to play, and that it was basically fine to unnest and renest someone who was trying to escape. I put it on the forum chat as there were no admins online in-game, and Coronel said for me to LOOC saying for them to re-read the rules and let me go free since there was no staff in-game to deal with it. I wasn't let out which I was told falls under respect the staff, and not following what they say.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):


Coronel's reply

How you would punish the accused: Temp job-ban from alien and the 24 hour ban for nest spam rule. Unsure on the 'Respect the Staff' rule.
"Now go! Let the legend come back to life!"

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Re: Kitty2.0 - Player Report

Post by apophis775 » 28 May 2015, 12:36

Looks legit, I'll put a 48 hour ban in place.

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Re: Kitty2.0 - Player Report

Post by SASoperative » 28 May 2015, 14:18

Well than I suppose this is resolved and will be moved in approximately 6 hours from this post.
