Mathiasx702's report

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Mathiasx702's report

Post by mathiasx702 » 18 Jun 2015, 11:32

Your Byond Key:Mathiasx702

Your character name:Ramon Quinn

Their character name:Artytrial Loudain

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): i dont know it, sadly

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): around Thursday, 18 June 2015, 09:30:00 us time.

What rule(s) were broken: rule:1 griefing and rule: 4 powergaming

Description of the incident: i was in medbay, when Artytrial Loudain came in dragging the CO, she ran through medbay finding medical supplies not asking for any help from medical personel, i asked her to calm down and let me help the CO, she told me to "fuck off" so i left. she tried to stabilize him but it was to late, he was dead, the she was angry and before i could say anything she said i poisoned the CO and started shooting me, i tried to run away but i was gunned down and ended up dead, she later ordered Canderous Ordo to destroy my brain with a knife. i understand why she thought i poisoned him, i was making som chlorate hydrate (powerfull sedative) which can kill on overdose. i made it becouse it is very usefull under emergency surgery, it gets the patient asleep the second you inject them, and lastes awhile. but my point is she newer asked me to explain myself, she just shot me, the CO was probably killed by Jerrie Burns who i gave a hypospray with chlorate hydrate. i explained in detail that he was not to use it wrong, i told him what dose to use, and when to use it, and so on...

the reason i also think this is power gaming is because she performed advanced medical procedures and cloned the CO.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
i dont have any pictures, but if you ask the player roleplaying Canderous Ordo he can probably tell you what happened.

How you would punish the accused: i think this is very serious and is breaking 2 server rules, i think this is worthy of a long ban, 3 month's or something like that. (Edit: and job ban from logistics and CO)
thanks in advance for any admins or mods taking time to review this case. :thumbup:

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by Mizari » 18 Jun 2015, 11:48

As I was the first to handle this case and investigated it. Its essential that I put my findings here. Upon investigating the issue with Artyrial, he claimed that "He was blocking me from reviving the commander continously and was found right beside the commander with Chloral Hydrate" I did investigate how he actually died and found that the Commander had been killed by Jerrie Burns ((Was punished)). I can understand why the Logistics officer immediately assumed that Ramon killed the commander and when questioning Ramon about it he claimed "Art came in and told me to get out so I left and was later found and shot".

Now I made the ruling that it was a misunderstanding and that no action would be taking especially on the case that Ramon had been blocking the Commander from being revived however felt strongly enough to report it here. In truth, I found when questioning Ramon about it, his story changed each time I asked him about it.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by mathiasx702 » 18 Jun 2015, 13:07

how did my story change each time? '
maybye you did not listen to well, the story is right there, and i did not say anything else when talking to you, if so, make exsamples

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by Dragon2323 » 19 Jun 2015, 14:57

I am contributing to this in the sense that I am the player of then-Commander Arabelle ''Nix'' Liefstadt, involved through means of a witness and the CO killed with the Chloral Hypospray by Sulaco Medic Jerrie Burns.

Your claim of powergaming may be invalidated by general terms of realism - an officer from Logistics has a potential chance to have been promoted from a 68J -- the United States Army code of a Medical Logistics Specialist. This would imply access and knowledge of basic to advanced medical procedures, as well as some skills necessary for a Logistics Officer in the Colonial Marines, including taking stock and registry, etcetera.

The production of Chloral Hydrate is generally taboo - it shouldn't be utilized at all, to be honest. A lethal dose of Chloral Hydrate is between 15 to 30 units, and the Hypospray has its fill unit at 30 units, injecting five units per click. With four clicks, the precise amount used to perform a lethal injection, you have a lethal dose of Chloral Hydrate which can kill within three minutes, the exact amount of time from the second I fell due to the injection, to the exact second I died.

In a sense, however, I don't believe that this qualifies as griefing either, given that there are explanations as to why you may've been killed, Ramon. Whilst Jerrie was the person whom went as far as to apply a lethal dose of Chloral Hydrate, we lacked staff and clear visual on whom did it. They were alternatively wearing a surgical mask with their scrubs, which - unless it had been updated to not do so - hides your face through part of the code. Utilizing an alternate ID, it could have been you, which applies full suspicion to Sulaco Medics aboard the NMV Sulaco in general.

Ordering Ordo to destroy your brain with a knife, however, is a questionable action, even for Loudain.

Loudain being in the wrong is best to be judged by staff members, but that's what I have to apply. For future reference, Mathias, you should use Soporific, NOT Chloral or Neurotoxin because it has minimal to no chance of being used to kill anyone. The time used to apply it simply doesn't matter.

To any staff member reviewing this post, this is a direct dispute with minor input and may be deleted as such.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by mathiasx702 » 20 Jun 2015, 19:02

I agree with you on most of your claims, though i think that a logistics officer who sits at a desk most of the time would know that it is better to leave an extreme medical emergency to a doctor who is regularly deling with such things.
I also think that shooting medical personel with out trial or evidence goes against most laws. This is pure incompotense, which is why i request a job ban.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by masterspots » 20 Jun 2015, 21:06

Well as when I dragged the commanders body into med-bay I saw you filling up your syringe up from the beaker of chloral hydrate I was hardly gonna trust you to treat them; especially as for all I knew was that you had been the one to poison them? Then to boot you just shouted at me to get out the whole time instead of you know helping? Like setting up cryo or Injecting more anti-toxin. It just made it look like you wanted the commander dead. I am sorry that I was mistaken but from everything I saw it just looked like you had poisoned the CO and were most likely gonna poison more people, lacking MP's at the time and the commander down I did what I thought I had to.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by mathiasx702 » 21 Jun 2015, 06:47

Can we get admin input on this?

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by mathiasx702 » 21 Jun 2015, 06:50

I still feel its unfair for mizari to accuse me of changing my story, he has not even told Me what i Changed.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by Dragon2323 » 21 Jun 2015, 19:01

mathiasx702 wrote: I also think that shooting medical personel with out trial or evidence goes against most laws. This is pure incompotense, which is why i request a job ban.
Murder or Unauthorized Execution | To attempt or succeed in the attempts of killing someone with malicious intent. Executions are only authorized with permission from and in the presence of the acting Commander. | Execution or permanent detention

Mutiny | To attempt or succeed at overpowering or overthrowing a commanding officer. | Execution or permanent detention

These are the two laws that may be brought into this situation, out of Marine Law itself. Given that you were seen at the time, as the one to kill the Commanding Officer of the NMV Sulaco, you were expected to have committed murder. Seeing as Loudain would be the one falling upon the mantle of Acting Commander, they did what they would consider necessary to save the lives of additional Marines.

In the case that the Commander was not incapacitated and/or dead, their actions would be considered murder, though killing the Commander would easily settle you upon being a mutineer of sorts - keeping in mind that it had not been known at the time that Jerrie Burns was the one to kill the CO.
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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by SASoperative » 21 Jun 2015, 21:14

I have looked into this and I have told my staff to deal with it accordingly, They will be job banned from all command posistions

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by mathiasx702 » 22 Jun 2015, 06:28

Thank you, i hope you have a nice day.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by SASoperative » 22 Jun 2015, 13:04

Actually. No, I am redacting that statement for now and getting Mizari's imput on this

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by masterspots » 22 Jun 2015, 14:00

Welp, Umm I'll try to explain my side a-bit more.

Just as briefing ends some people ask for an LO to desk so I head over assign them, as I enter briefing I find the Commander on the floor myself and another marine start try shaking the commander up and it doesn't work at this point theirs no admins on and the rounds already started shitty with a lot of pushing in ques and border line mutiny going on. So I drag the commander to med-bay and as I enter med-bay I see Ramon in chemistry filling a syringe with chloral hydrate so I start to suspect that he'd poisoned the commander with chloral.

I enter chemistry using the commanders ID and pour the chloral on the ground to avoid him using any more of it and he starts protesting demanding that I get out I ignore him and get access to some anti toxin and feed the commander some and examine her using the medical scanner hoping it would be enough to remove the chloral however should been dosed with so much that her toxins were rising rapidly so I decide cryo is probably her only chance drag her to cryo only to find its not been set up. Ramon still yelling at me to get out is the only doctor I've seen at this point and having not bothered to set up cryo or attempt to treat the commander instead yelling at us the whole time stood their and watched as the commander died just beside cryo which if he'd been setting up instead of getting himself more chloral might have saved the commander.

At this point I decide based on all the facts I had at the time and the lack of admins from what I was aware( I think Mizari joined while I was trying to save the CO but I hadn't noticed at the time) and I as the only remaining officer on board decided to kill the doctor before he tried poisoning me as well after this I started cloning the commander the other marine who'd been following us around asked if he should finish off the doctor and I decided he may as well once the commander was cloned I noticed that the marine was still slashing at his body for some reason so I asked him to stop and I then proceeded to place the doctors body in the morgue.

Just as I was leaving med-bay Mizari contacted me and I explained what I had seen about Ramon and why I'd done what I did and wasn't contacted further.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by Mizari » 22 Jun 2015, 17:18

Sorry for the late reply folks, been busy policing the server and dealing with other things.

So I'll clear up a few things as the Staff Member that investigated this issue.

You first claimed that you were told to leave the room by the LO which you did and they came and hunted you down afterwards.

The next story was that you were then engaged there and then which is a big difference as it would mean that the marines just went and killed you based on what they saw. As for Masterspots comment in regards to me PM'ing him, that is indeed correct, after hearing his side of the story, I investigated with all three parties involved and found the actual culprit of who killed the commander. The player, Jerrie Burns in this instance was then punished for randomly killing the commander as he was not mutineering at the time. Based on the evidence of what the LO who was indeed acting commander at the time saw and discovered, he did have probable cause to perform the actions he did as you can expect you were found near the body, with the weapon and proceeded to "Block" the LO from attempting to revive the Commander which obviously resulted in this players death.

As far as the brain incident with the Knife, nobody mentioned that to myself at any point so it was not looked into. These are my findings and should you choose it needs further investigation, feel free to contact me.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by mathiasx702 » 22 Jun 2015, 20:33

I would honestly call Masterspots a liar, on 2 false statments:

1: you could not from an IC standpoint see that the beaker contained chloral, which it btw did not contain (it contained hyperzine if i remember corectly)

2: i did not at any point hinder you in any physical way, and there was no intervention what So ever in chemistry. All the chloral at the time was in a: my hyperspray b: jessie burns hyperspray, So stop bullshitting.

And even if your men went into chemistry (after my death) and poored all my hard work on the ground, wtf was the point?

Cant you just realize the fact that you fucked up and acted out of order. And stop blaming me for your mistakes.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by SASoperative » 23 Jun 2015, 06:01

The punishment will be notes as well as verbal warning. This will be moved in 10 hours, no real trouble has been caused by this player in the past and this shall be noted for future reference however

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by masterspots » 23 Jun 2015, 08:40

Ughh Dark Blue liquid in a beaker is chloral and I poured it all out as soon as I walked into medbay, trust me I know what chloral looks like I never once said you physically stopped me just shouted at me to get out.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by mathiasx702 » 23 Jun 2015, 10:08

you said i blocked you, definition of blocking
plus and LO would not have know that the contents of the beaker was chloral, in his perspective the beaker would have been super small, plus there are many other chemical solutions that are dark blue.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by Mizari » 24 Jun 2015, 01:06

Last couple of posts deleted due to flaming. Play nice. This topic is closed in anycase so no need to continue bickering. Take it to PM's otherwise.

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Re: Mathiasx702's report

Post by SASoperative » 24 Jun 2015, 23:56

The punishment was already delivered... This topic is being moved before more unneeded flame wars happen
