Swordhill's Abuse report

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Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Brandon » 31 Jul 2015, 00:14

Your Byond Key: Nope22

Your character name: Cameron Hughes

Their Byond key: Swordhill

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 11:08:27 PM CDT

Which Admin Protocols (http://goo.gl/fBUQGG) were broken: 0. NEVER ABUSE YOUR POWER 2. Preserver the RP and enjoyment of the server

Description of the incident: Right so, I as the delta lead with a squad, yes read that word carefully a SQUAD of 7+ marines with another squad leader(alpha) went upwards towards the water treatment plant once FOB was securely set up and power was restored on. Once we crossed the river we came upon an alien sentinal who in all his glory decided to spit acid at the group of 10+ marines so we decided to give chase, we catch him to him and murder him right outside the hive and out of fucking no where aliens begin piling outwards so we open fire killing them it is when that Sword starts his bullshit "MARINES THAT ARE RAMOBING INSIDE THE HIVE WILL BE PUT TO SLEEP NO QUESTIONS ASKED MY WORD IS LAW" bullshit dispite the aliens declaring them self's openly hostile. And forgive me if I might be mistake but I'm pretty fucking sure you can't apply the term rambo to an entire SQUAD of marines that are just following orders just because the queen can't keep a FUCKING leash on her aliens does not give him ANY RIGHT at all to use his admin/mod powers to fucking sway the balance of the game by taking out all those players instead of you know, simply punishing the ONE alien involved?

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I can't get a full log since the entire shit storm came up calling him out on his miss use of power but thankfully another player got screen shot of him openly declaring he was putting all those marines that were working /together/ to sleep. http://gyazo.com/b6fe48c9e5307de43d45975d08f93be7

How you would punish the accused: Pretty much deserves De mod on the spot for clearly displaying favouritism to his side of the fight (Aliens)

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Tetsip » 31 Jul 2015, 00:15

I was a ghost. I was not playing for the aliens. Please edit your post to reflect that.
Swordhill: Did your predator just grand-theft auto a cargo train from a marine? Apophis775: That's classified.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Cairo283 » 31 Jul 2015, 00:19

I can 100% state this is factual, as I was a marine in charlie squad, who was crossing the river at the same time as delta.

A sentinel spat at us, knocking our SL down, so we shot at it, and it ran away, so we just dicked around a while at the place where that dead miner and all the diamonds are, until a runner, well, *ran* at us, tackled a marine, and ran away, at which point we followed him, which was to the hive. We then proceeded to kick the shit out of the aliens, because it was fairly fucking clear that they where hostile, all the while sword was talking about how he was going to perma and sleep all the marines that where "ramboing".

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Brandon » 31 Jul 2015, 00:20

No, you displayed your side quiet clear by jumping the gun on and punishing all those innocent marines who were ATTACKED first instead of just dealing with the one alien who lead all to this you were displaying heavily favouritism and were repeatly called for it because once again marines should never NEVER be punished for the actions of an alien that leads to the marines attacking.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Feweh » 31 Jul 2015, 00:22

Also was ghosting because I died early on as a Predator.

I wouldn't say it was Ramboing but shit you guys went full assault on that Hive pretty much.

I mean you guys had just landed and two full squads of about 20 people bee-lined it for the Hive. I know there was a sentinel and things kind of got carried to the Hive, but even if the Sentinel wasn't there you still would of full assaulted the Hive.

Part of being in any Command position is balancing the game out... At anytime early on in the Round you can easily destroy the Hive and Xeno's. Yet you're supposed to balance it out fairly and not send two full squads in of about 20+ players... not to mention backup was being requested so even more people would of showed up. As a SL I would of pulled back and sought out other objectives just for the round's sake.

Honestly, the real problem here is actually in Command sending two squads north within 10 minutes of the Marines landing on the colony. What did you expect to happen so early into the round, of course the hive was going to get obliterated.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Brandon » 31 Jul 2015, 00:38

OOC: Apophis775: at 22:28:15 server time, Sentinel 387, fired neurotoxin at the marines

OOC: Apophis775: He then ran away, but was chased by an angry squad, he ran TO THE HIVE

OOC: Apophis775: it was NOT meta-marines

OOC: Apophis775: i will discuss with my staff

So yeah just laying this out that it further enforces the outright jump of the gun to punish all those marines with out even bothering to look into the situation.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by apophis775 » 31 Jul 2015, 00:41

I've investigated this thoroughly, and determined the series of events:

At around 2228 server time, Sentinel 387, fired neurotoxin at the marines. It hit one of the marines. The marines, opened fire, and moved after it, firing. Shortly after, a second alien was engaged, and lead them to the hive. At the hive, the engaged the bulk of the alien force. Sword was telling people to leave the area as he thought they were ramboing. The players DID NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE STAFF. His response, was to put people to sleep.

This was a bit excessive on his part, and i talked to my staff about this. They will be more careful in the future. They are both trialmoderators, and still being trained.

As far as the marines. In the future, if ANY STAFF MEMBER OF ANY RANK tells you to back off from an area, back off from the area. We do have the sleep-verb, but we'd rather you clear our of an area, so we can determine what happened. Knowing the population of CM, Sword and Tetsip were probably being bombarded by ahelps from the xenos claiming meta-marines, and pushed into the position of having to take action.


I am resolving this, with just warnings, giving to the staff involved, to be more attentive and less harsh in their actions. They are new staff, and still being "trained", so try not to be so hard on them.

I am considering this resolved, but I'll let anyone else throw an opinion in for a few hours.

Thanks for your patience.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Tetsip » 31 Jul 2015, 00:44

As this was happening I began to receive adminhelps from aliens regarding what appeared to be a marine rush.

I watched to see what was happening, a rush is exactly what I saw. I attempted to get more information, but marines were too busy fighting to do that.

I attempted to tell marines to back off so I could get some insight into what happened.

This didn't happen, so I acted based on what information I had. I'm a TrialMod with little experience in the SS13 code and I did not know how to deeply search logs beyond variable sheets and the logs I get in my chat. I was on my own and I made a decision that was very heavy-handed in favor of the aliens. I'll admit to that, and I posted in my moderator applications that I would make mistakes and learn from them.

Now that I have all the information I realize that I had made a huge mistake, but I intend to learn from this. Honestly, it's a giant whirlwind of a misunderstanding.

I apologize to all the players who were negatively impacted by the heavy-handed action and I will avoid committing to such actions without having all the pieces to the puzzle. I will take this experience and use it to both improve myself as a moderator-in-training, and should I survive pass it on to new players that are seeking to become staff for the Colonial Marines community.
Swordhill: Did your predator just grand-theft auto a cargo train from a marine? Apophis775: That's classified.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Brandon » 31 Jul 2015, 00:46

apophis775 wrote:I've investigated this thoroughly, and determined the series of events:

At around 2228 server time, Sentinel 387, fired neurotoxin at the marines. It hit one of the marines. The marines, opened fire, and moved after it, firing. Shortly after, a second alien was engaged, and lead them to the hive. At the hive, the engaged the bulk of the alien force. Sword was telling people to leave the area as he thought they were ramboing. The players DID NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE STAFF. His response, was to put people to sleep.

This was a bit excessive on his part, and i talked to my staff about this. They will be more careful in the future. They are both trialmoderators, and still being trained.

As far as the marines. In the future, if ANY STAFF MEMBER OF ANY RANK tells you to back off from an area, back off from the area. We do have the sleep-verb, but we'd rather you clear our of an area, so we can determine what happened. Knowing the population of CM, Sword and Tetsip were probably being bombarded by ahelps from the xenos claiming meta-marines, and pushed into the position of having to take action.


I am resolving this, with just warnings, giving to the staff involved, to be more attentive and less harsh in their actions. They are new staff, and still being "trained", so try not to be so hard on them.

I am considering this resolved, but I'll let anyone else throw an opinion in for a few hours.

Thanks for your patience.
See the thing is, unless I am mistaken and the aspect has changed one of the requirements to become mod/admin is to answer a question where you are with out other mods/admins to talk to, the problem he is he did not even bother to announce the problem as a TRIAL mod dispite their being 3+admins and the head admin on himself so instead of asking for advice like he SHOULD of he fucking took control and swiftly punished all those players involved that were killed unfairly and taken out of the round 2~ plus hours counting now, I mean I don't expect their to be compensation for those players but a warning is to just spitting in everybodys face here.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Tetsip » 31 Jul 2015, 00:51

The rest of the staff were either in-game and had no idea what was going on, or were not involved in the incident. Like I said, I confess that I had panicked and acted on my own based on the information that I had. I sincerely apologize to the players that were negatively impacted by this, and I will take steps to make sure this does not happen in the future.

Mistakes were made and those mistakes will serve as the foundation for lessons that allow myself to become a better member of this community's staff. Needless to say, this will not happen again from me.
Swordhill: Did your predator just grand-theft auto a cargo train from a marine? Apophis775: That's classified.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Brandon » 31 Jul 2015, 01:31

I still don't think it is fair at all that now me and the other 6+marines have to now sit out for this long drawn out round with zero compensation what so ever.

Edit: Not to mention this playing into the factor of the current alien state due to how many bodys were simply "given to them"

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Feweh » 31 Jul 2015, 01:46

You're playing a free-game, that is supplied to you by volunteer people who do this for free. What isn't "FAIR" is punishing someone who has dedicated their time and energy to the betterment of others, all because of a mistake.

You aren't entitled to anything related to compensation, the server owes you nothing and the people running the server owe you nothing.

Your attitude is quite despicable, 5 post on the forums and your entire contribution so far has been a witch hunt seeking retribution for a error that a Trial Moderator made. Not to mention the owner/host of the server cleared this up and the Mod in question apologized.

Your attitude is awful.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Brandon » 31 Jul 2015, 01:51

Pink wrote:You're playing a free-game, that is supplied to you by volunteer people who do this for free. What isn't "FAIR" is punishing someone who has dedicated their time and energy to the betterment of others, all because of a mistake.

You aren't entitled to anything related to compensation, the server owes you nothing and the people running the server owe you nothing.

Your attitude is quite despicable, 5 post on the forums and your entire contribution so far has been a witch hunt seeking retribution for a error that a Trial Moderator made. Not to mention the owner/host of the server cleared this up and the Mod in question apologized.

Your attitude is awful.

And you clearly don't know what it fucking feels like to have it simply "taken" from you from a mistake being made. Its life if somebody fucks up something is usually done with it this is not some "minor" trial error that can simply be swept under the rug his actions were fucking gigantic and are a huge playing force into this round at this very moment and who the fuck are you to come and start spouting this attitude bullshit you were never apart of this. Because I think I speak for every person in that squad that they did not DESERVE this and a simple fucking re spawn would of been enough to justify the balance of mistakes.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Feweh » 31 Jul 2015, 01:56

Edit: This add's nothing to the Report and I can't delete my post.
Last edited by Feweh on 31 Jul 2015, 02:14, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Brandon » 31 Jul 2015, 02:01

Pink wrote: I don't think you understand, the Host/Owner of the server has said it's over.

Your attitude is fucking sickening, people like you are completely toxic to the server. You had no good intentions with this Admin Report, you didn't want someone to learn a lesson or improve the server. You wanted nothing but revenge/retribution for a simple error because you're a selfish.

Your attitude is awful, honestly beyond poor as hell. If anyone need's a ban or a break, it's definitely you and I'm extremely curious to find out what your in-game name is. I hope a member of staff see's this and your promptly removed from the community, people like you are toxic.

It's fucking laughable how I go though all your posts in almost every thread detailing a member of a staff and no matter what proof that is brought up about his wrong doing you will go out of your way despite any evidence and fact and defend him as if to gather some sort of fucking praise and what the fuck do you even know what happened you were playing a predator that round so with all honestly please piss off. Jesus Christ I was not fucking aware that being a donator and having some praise from a staff member gave you the ability to act like a total asshole.

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by Allan1234 » 31 Jul 2015, 02:21

ok im deleting all of your posts here as they are wayyy off topic... But putting in my two cents im with pink also im closeing it as it was resolved

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Re: Swordhill's Abuse report

Post by SASoperative » 31 Jul 2015, 17:07

This report has been resolved almost instantly after the issue happened and will be moved in approximately ten hours from this post.
