Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

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Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Aug 2015, 15:08

Your Byond Key: Mitchs98

Your character name: Lucas Anderson

Their character name: Lucius Pinks

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 12:30 - 1:00 PM, around then yeah..

What rule(s) were broken: Not entirely sure, the old rule 0 of being a dick aka abusing their position if it's still valid. Other than that, not sure after reading the ruleset.

Description of the incident: Let me start out by saying, they were the MOST power-hungry/power-trippy individual I've EVER had to deal with in ANY scenario. So, round starts. Everything goes normal yadda yadda. I end up insulting the Commander/arguing with him over the fact that I got officially assigned to Squad Spec, the dude he 'promoted' simply stole the old specialists ID and gear. We argue back and forth for a bit, etc. I mock him indirectly about the whole incident. He announces shortly after I get bored of it both IC and OOC that Bridge Officers were needed. I said I'd be interested, he immediately denies me. I then insult him more stating that his decision was based off the fact I hurt his feelings. We argue again, I get on the dropship, buckle in. An MP was the pilot. I refuse arrest based off the fact no where in Marine Law does it say I can get brigged on insults, correct me if I'm wrong. Chad..something, the bald hero of an MP un-buckled me before we docked. We docked, we both hit the ground. Someone with common sense in Alpha, my squad. Helped me up. I get up, run, get tazed, KO. Roy(the guy that helps me) got me up again. I run out, get confronted by a hero delta that knows..literally nothing of the situation. They try to help Chad by dis-arming me and blocking my path wordlessly. I eventually get to the entrance, shove down the hero delta, and run in. Did I mention the baldie tried HITTING ME with the tazer on the shuttle to get it to work after it ran out of juice..?

Bald man eventually seemingly gives up, or so I think. He ends up chasing me into a back room, shoving me to the wall, and flashbanging himself and me. I get up and walk off and continue to make wooden barricades(which apparently constitutes incompetence, who knew?). Around then, a kill order was issued. Everyone else was trying to get me to go peacefully, not shooting at me, just saying maybe I'd get a lighter sentence. I said I'd rather get mauled by the aliens and stayed there, DESPITE THE KILL ORDER, EVERYONE USED COMMON SENSE EXCEPT FOR TWO PEOPLE: Jack 'Wraith' something..(more on him later) And Chad, the hero MP.

After tossing another flashbang, which I ran out of the vicinity of, he gave up and picked up a revolver and proceeded to open fire on me. We all know, Revolver in the hands of a baldie VS someone that actually knows how to fight wouldn't end well. I kill him, his body gets looted and everyone is wondering why the FUCK the crazy MP decided to wordlessly open fire. I continue helping with fortifications, state over the radio the bald hero was dead. It made the Commander madder than ever, this time he sent TWO MP's after me. One actually, and ignorantly, said nothing would happen if I come with them. Mid conversation Jack 'Wraith' runs up and starts knifing me, wordlessly. I of course forgot to reload, he of course had the stolen B18 armor. I run like hell and open fire on him. He chases after me with a flamethrower and knife, like the super soldier he's previously proven to be *See my ban appeal for citation*.

He eventually gets within range after I run out of ammo to shoot me once with the flamethrower. Enter red health. I draw my SMG, he rushes me after I finally get cornered by multiple people and proceeds to knife me. MP's shove his ass down and drag me out of the way, they try to give me first aid and junk. I live. Shout out to Ahmad(sorry forgot your last name) and James Lennon for actually TRYING TO TAKE ME NON-LETHALLY INSTEAD OF SEEKING THEM VALIDS and getting me aid. I arrive on the Sulaco, not cuffed but hell if I moved I would incur mass brain damage. Get drug to the brig by the Commander, and buckled in. I quite clearly tell them to wait and hold their muderboner for a few minutes while I ahelped this un-legitamate scenario. *note I only fired at the idiots that decided to lethal me down AKA Chad and 'Wraith', a few stray bullets might have hit others however*.

He of course doesn't, says nothing in LOOC, and continues his power trip acting like he was some kinda hero for executing me for killing poor old Chad(Edited, Silly me put Jack instead of Chad). He even had the gall to lie in adminhelps that that was the reason the kill order was issued. Pft.. Oh did I mention while he was using all available resources (Including ordering priority orders to most if not all squads to kill me?) he had the nerve to say he was barely keeping things a-float and that he was doing his best in an announcement. Yeah, I don't see how ordering literally everyone with a gun to kill me was operating within best ability or maximum efficiency.

TL;DR. Commander gets butt-hurt over some insults, decides to power trip and have a man executed 4 no raisin.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Forgot to fill this in, I had intended on it but yeah..You'll have to pull server logs, my log file doesn't go back that far. Sorry.

How you would punish the accused: A job ban from Commander.
Last edited by Mitchs98 on 04 Aug 2015, 15:19, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Aug 2015, 15:19

Jeser wrote:Ehm... That's weird. I never saw such shit from Lucius Pink. He always was good commander without bitching and shit.
Well, he did. I'm not sure how he normally is because I haven't interacted with him? But, what he did to me was Grade A power abuse/power trip.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Tetsip » 04 Aug 2015, 15:27

This was ahelped by the player, and it became an IC situation when he used lethals. And like I said, you used lethals in order to fight back against the Commanders and the MPs and I told you myself that you forfeit admin assistance once you did that, and yet here we are.

Long story short from what I gathered is that this player would /not/ leave Pink alone, and then when Pink reacted the player metaphorically and literally returned fire.

You were not EXECUTED for the insults, you were executed for killing an MP after you were arrested for it. Whether or not that's the primary reason is irrelevant, as when you kill an MP, they have free reign to execute you.

TL;DR don't dish it if you can't take it.
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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Aug 2015, 15:37

Tetsip wrote:This was ahelped by the player, and it became an IC situation when he used lethals. And like I said, you used lethals in order to fight back against the Commanders and the MPs and I told you myself that you forfeit admin assistance once you did that, and yet here we are.

Long story short from what I gathered is that this player would /not/ leave Pink alone, and then when Pink reacted the player metaphorically and literally returned fire.

You were not EXECUTED for the insults, you were executed for killing an MP after you were arrested for it. Whether or not that's the primary reason is irrelevant, as when you kill an MP, they have free reign to execute you.

TL;DR don't dish it if you can't take it.
TL;DR You're missing the fucking point. And no, you didn't tell me anything. You dropped my ahelp, I never got any response from you whatsoever beyond 'Only the commander can order that, who did?"

You're missing the ENTIRE fact the Commander ordered the kill order BEFORE I shot anyone, BEFORE I got shot. I don't want admin assistance, I already got dead. I want a chucklefuck punished for abusing power. I never shot at Pink, I never shot at anyone UNTILL THEY DECIDED TO OPEN FIRE LETHALLY FIRST AKA THE BALD HERO NAMED CHAD. Not ONCE did I fire on ANYONE that wasn't actively trying to kill me. I didn't fire on the two MP's, why? THEY WERE ACTUALLY TRYING TO TAKE ME NON LETHALLY AND TRYING TO SAVE ME FROM WRAITH.

I did leave Pink alone eventually, I ASSUMED we were just bantering with each other because hell, I see everyone doing it all the fucking time. But no, he got butthurt both IC and OOC and ordered a illegitimate kill order. And because he's some all mighty leet pro Commander you, and everyone else that posted thus far, is bias and in his favor. That is illegitimate as hell, showing favoritism and ignoring 90% of what I've typed. I would appreciate it if you ACTUALLY TOOK TIME TO READ EVERYTHING AND DO AN INVESTIGATION BEFORE COMMENTING FROM A STAFF STANDPOINT.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Feweh » 04 Aug 2015, 15:42

Hey Lucas, I know you're lying through your teeth because I just posted a Admin Complaint regarding this issue with EVIDENCE.
The evidence I supply show's me ordering the kill order only after you killed Chad, so this is great and all but uh.. you're lying. Also I have no complaints against you, this was a RP/IC incident.

Also, my XO ordered you arrest.. It wasn't me, I just upheld it only because when I sent someone to arrest you... you fucking killed him?
Every SL saw it on the FOB and was reporting it through the command channel.

You killed a MP, why are you complaining that you were executed?


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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Aug 2015, 15:52

Pink wrote:Hey Lucas, I know you're lying through your teeth because I just posted a Admin Complaint regarding this issue with EVIDENCE.

The evidence I supply show's me ordering the kill order only after you killed Chad, so this is great and all but uh.. you're lying. Also I have no complaints against you, this was a RP/IC incident.

Also, my XO ordered you arrest.. It wasn't me, I just upheld it.

You killed a MP, why are you complaining that you were executed?


That shows...simply all of nothing and barely, if at all, supports your side of the story. I need no screenshot of the announcement sent in turn to my saying I killed Chad, I see nothing correlating to it that could prove you ordered it after, during, or before. Literally. Nothing. This shows you giving orders to the MP, that may or may not have been given after I killed Chad. Please, get REAL proof before calling something that isn't proof, proof. Did I also mention, you have no evidence that the bald hero opened fire after, before, or during? I'm waiting on someone with access to LOGS to post something, not your stitched together bs that is apparently proof of something.

Not to mention, you offered no RP, no questioning, no nothing. Nothing to do with anything that happened, whatsoever. You had no proof as to why I did something, you had no proof of..anything really aside from I killed Chad. You didn't ask why, we also both know part of this stemmed from me insulting you, if not most of it. You didn't do...literally anything aside from 'Lel he shot a man for some raisin, execute him boiz lets do dis'.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Feweh » 04 Aug 2015, 15:56

I honestly don't even recall you insulting me, weren't you insulting Gratian?

I'm on Sulaco, I don't know what happened in the FOB aside for every fucking Marine radioing into me LUCAS KILLED MP CHAD.

You forfeit your defense and rights by killing another Marine or MP. You were wanted for arrest, I made this clear over Radio and you RAN OFF TO THE FOB despite knowing you were wanted.

If you wanted RP, why didn't you come to the bridge or the Brig and roleplay it? You could of talked it out, or been brigged. You didn't want to Lucas, you fucked off to the FOB, killed a MP and then I Executed you for being a little shit.

There was nothing more to it. You can be angry at me, but I followed proper procedure and had Admin approval.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Aug 2015, 16:03

Pink wrote:I honestly don't even recall you insulting me, weren't you insulting Gratian?

I'm on Sulaco, I don't know what happened in the FOB aside for every fucking Marine radioing into me LUCAS KILLED MP CHAD.

You forfeit your defense and rights by killing another Marine or MP. You were wanted for arrest, I made this clear over Radio and you RAN OFF TO THE FOB despite knowing you were wanted.

If you wanted RP, why didn't you come to the bridge or the Brig and roleplay it? You could of talked it out, or been brigged. You didn't want to Lucas, you fucked off to the FOB, killed a MP and then I Executed you for being a little shit.

There was nothing more to it. You can be angry at me, but I followed proper procedure and had Admin approval.
It's proper proceedure for executing someone without knowing anything behind the situation whatsoever? I 'fucked off to the FOB' because you tried to brig my by making up a random law, random laws aren't proceedure. I dis-obeyed all of NONE of your orders. You issued a false arrest, arresting baldie got fed up and opened fire before or after the kill order, I gun his ass down. I forfeit...all of nothing as you were the one I was complaining about, YOU were the issue, not the MP. You 'executed me for being a little shit', wrongfully, without knowing anything, FOR INSULTING YOU AND NOT GETTING BRIGGED BY THE ALMIGHTY COMMANDER MAKING UP LAWS. >Roleplay it. As soon as you ordered my arrest? Bald hero came over wordlessly trying to figure out how they could point blank me with a tazer and un-buckled me. I was fired upon first, I kill my attacker, and somehow I get punished for it because you decide to be the BEST commander ever and execute someone without knowing ANYTHING of the situation. Good job to you, you are TRUELY deserving of the best commander title.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Feweh » 04 Aug 2015, 16:13

I never ordered your arrest for insulting me, I've told you this multiple time's now and I don't know why you keep saying this? Even in my reports to Admin's and over the radio it was clear "Dis-Obeying orders and Incompetence". Also as stated, the XO ordered your arrest.

Anyone who plays with me know's I'm not petty like that, really.. it's a video game I'm not going to get upset with you for calling me a mean name. I'm the type of player to kill you as a Predator and not butcher your corpse... I'll even leave it in a visible area so you can get revived.

I think you're mad because you made bad decision and you're too immature to own up to it Lucas.

You knew you were wanted, so instead of submitting to the MP Chad you fought and killed him. If he tased you and attempted to arrest you on the shuttle why didn't you go peacefully? You then killed Chad and you left me with no choice but to execute you.... you also shot Jame's as well. Another MP who came back to Sulaco wounded from gun shots from you as well.

Honestly, I don't know what to tell you man. You made some bad decisions, I didn't power trip at all... I did what I had to know knowing what I knew.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Aug 2015, 16:19

Pink wrote:I never ordered your arrest for insulting me, I've told you this multiple time's now and I don't know why you keep saying this? Even in my reports to Admin's and over the radio it was clear "Dis-Obeying orders and Incompetence".

Anyone who plays with me know's I'm not petty like that, really.. it's a video game I'm not going to get upset with you for calling me a mean name. I'm the type of player to kill you as a Predator and not butcher your corpse... I'll even leave it in a visible area so you can get revived.

I think you're mad because you made bad decision and you're too immature to own up to it Lucas.

You knew you were wanted, so instead of submitting to the MP Chad you fought and killed him. If he tased you and attempted to arrest you on the shuttle why didn't you go peacefully? You then killed Chad and you left me with no choice but to execute you.... you also shot Jame's as well. Another MP who came back to Sulaco wounded from gun shots from you as well.

Honestly, I don't know what to tell you man. You made some bad decisions, I didn't power trip at all... I did what I had to know knowing what I knew.
You had me captured, and you did what you did knowing what you knew? What bullshittery is this? I'm mature enough to admit my own mistakes, but when they're not mine? Nope. I didn't 'fight and kill Chad'. What are you not reading here? How hard is it to comprehend what I am saying? How hard would it have been to actually question me and hold a proper trial? Dis-obeying orders, incompetence. Citation or it's not valid whatsoever. I am NOT going to submit to someone over false charges, IC or OOC, regardless. James was a mis-fire while I was running trying to shoot Wraith, Wraith ALSO shot James himself multiple times trying to shoot me, I'm not even sure if I shot James or not. James ran in front of you shooting to save me from your bullshittery, I don't think a man I just shot would do that.

Left you with no choice..right. You couldn't take 5 minutes out of your precious time to actually offer questioning or gather information. Chad picked up a revolver and opened fire on me before I did anything to him aside from dis-arming him/running away from him. You're damn straight I will shoot a fucker shooting at me randomly, that's how life works. Perhaps I SHOULD have ahelped right then about your bullshittery, but I didn't. You then of course decide to try to peg me as the bad guy and look good amongst your peers after you fuck up because everyone trusts you fully and are 100% biased towards you, even the sole staff member that posted.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Feweh » 04 Aug 2015, 16:33

Couple of important thing's you don't seem to understand.

1. This is a military vessel, there are no "Trials"
2. I was the only Command staff left, all BO's and my XO had gone SSD at this point.

Submitting is exactly what you do Lucas, in real life you if you have charges against you you don't run off and say fuck it! Then kill a police officer who's trying to arrest you? Now you have murder on your hands.

You said it yourself, MP Chad tried to arrest you on the shuttle. He failed to and you ran off, somehow he ended up dead by your hands.
You escalated a normal arrest into something further, do you not understand this? You caused all this upon yourself?

Your argument is awful, honestly it's really fucking poor. Everything I've said has been countered with generic "NO YOU DIDN'T SAY THAT" or "NO YOU SAID THIS INSTEAD". I mean really, just wait till a admin pulls the logs.

To clarify, I never ordered your execution or a kill order on you till you killed my MP.
I then sent two more MP's down after to kill or capture you.
I once again got reports of "Lucas is shooting James now".
You were brought back for execution, I killed you and that was that.

This will be my last post regarding this issue till a Admin responds. I've tried to nicely and LOGICALLY explain the situation to you and nothing is getting through. You made immature and dumb errors which escalated a normal arrest into your execution.

I'm sorry, but killing one MP and "accidentally shooting another one" right after is a bit over the top.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by SASoperative » 04 Aug 2015, 17:48

Yes... I looked over through logs and all and lets look into what we have here.... You shot a MP in addition to insulting the command staff/MPs. So lets go into the IC punishments. Insubordination, A few others but than, Murder... It states right here from marine law. Murder To attempt or succeed in the attempts of killing someone with malicious intent. Execution or permanent detention. This was more than within reason for the commander the instant you killed a MP

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Lucyz » 04 Aug 2015, 18:15

SASoperative wrote:Yes... I looked over through logs and all and lets look into what we have here.... You shot a MP in addition to insulting the command staff/MPs. So lets go into the IC punishments. Insubordination, A few others but than, Murder... It states right here from marine law. Murder To attempt or succeed in the attempts of killing someone with malicious intent. Execution or permanent detention. This was more than within reason for the commander the instant you killed a MP
Pretty much sums up this complaint then, Pink followed and enforced the marine law so no rule was broken.

Also in case you did not see the chat box Mitch, Do not go posting on random topics about this complaint trying to give Pink a bad reputation as commander when in fact their judgement was correct.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Aug 2015, 22:56

SASoperative wrote:Yes... I looked over through logs and all and lets look into what we have here.... You shot a MP in addition to insulting the command staff/MPs. So lets go into the IC punishments. Insubordination, A few others but than, Murder... It states right here from marine law. Murder To attempt or succeed in the attempts of killing someone with malicious intent. Execution or permanent detention. This was more than within reason for the commander the instant you killed a MP

>Malicious intent. Did you actually read what I typed bro? No offense. I opened fired after he picked up a gun and started firing at me. Self defense is not the same as murder with malicious intent. I killed in self defense. THat's execessive self defense at best.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by Tetsip » 04 Aug 2015, 23:08

THE PROBLEM HERE is that you opened up with lethals as well. We have a VERY strict policy on this.

Lethal Force - Simply, the in-character or roleplay equivalent of griefing, but not treated the same. Defined as one marine purposefully using a lethal weapon (gun, sharp object, explosive, etc) or beating into critical/death another marine for a roleplay or in-character reason. A marine using lethal force against another marine is forfeiting any and all Admin assistance for that incident.
Admin assistance - Defined as any action taken by an Admin to heal or aid in a player's negative state.
The bottom line: If you use lethal force, you're on your own, even if you're defending yourself.
If you attack a marine using lethal force, you immediately forfeit admin assistance.
If you use lethal force against a marine in self-defense, you immediately forfeit admin assistance.
Player: "Help! This guy is shooting me!" Admin: "You used lethal force on them. Good luck."

This prevents us from being responsible for huge clusterfucks like this. In the end if SAS chooses to he can drop this simply on the basis you reacted with lethal force as well.
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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by SASoperative » 05 Aug 2015, 15:38

Again. They still had reason to arrest you even than due to the fact of this was more of a IC issue than anything else and not much was really out of the question of punishment in this report.

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Re: Player Complaint on Feweh(Lucius Pinks)

Post by SASoperative » 06 Aug 2015, 14:15

This has been resolved and will be moved in approximately 4 hours
