Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

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Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 20 Aug 2015, 13:33

Your Byond Key: K0NFL1QT

Your character name: Hank Jackson

Their Byond key: OneOneThreeEight

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): Approx 13:00, 20/08/2015

Which Admin Protocols (http://goo.gl/fBUQGG) were broken: Enforcement of The Rules

Description of the incident: I took the powerloader out of the Vault and rode it around the planet a little. I ran away from runners, and ran away when attacked by a hunter. In trying to flee, but finding the generator entrance blocked, I pushed the attacking hunter away. Then more hunters joined in while I was trapped and I started to use the clamp in my defense, and I could see about four or five hunters heading my way. I got a warning for 'using the powerloader in combat', and informed of a note tied to my account, despite having shown no intention to use it in combat in previous opportunities and being forced to reluctantly use it in my defense.

Also, while mods and admins say 'don't use the powerloader in combat', it's not actually on the rules page. What good is it to players to have unwritten rules enforced? We're supposed to know and follow an unknown rule, despite a powerloader being easily accessible on LV-624, when aliens somehow know that there's a human inside and are instantly hostile, and then chase it into a corner to gang-slash.

I was heavily outnumbered, and trapped, and used the powerloader in a last ditch self defense attempt. I did something that's not against any known rule, and was punished.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): None available.

How you would punish the accused: Make 1138 either update the rules page to account for this and other 'unwritten' rules that are being enforced, or apologize and remove the negative note on my account.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 20 Aug 2015, 13:46

Using Powerloaders in combat is not at all lore appropriate.

Oh wait.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by LordeKilly » 20 Aug 2015, 13:49

It IS against the rules, that's powergaming. The powerloader is for, as the name describes, LOADING CRATES. If you want a combat mech, get a durand, but ripleys are not for fighting, or even "riding it around the planet a little."

In my opinion, you should apologize, because I probably would've given you a different punishment.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 20 Aug 2015, 13:59

apophis775 wrote:No Powergaming - Performing actions outside your assigned job (your skills or background DO NOT MATTER prior to the round)

A Standard Marine knowing surgery.
A doctor knowing how to hack an airlock.
A Xeno larva unequipping/pulling around an unconscious Marine.
Please clarify how it applies as powergaming. Specifically the 'outside your assigned role', when I was playing a Squad Engineer. A Squad Engineer probably has basic firearms training, on top of regular electrical maintenance and construction training. Engineers are allowed to access, and use, the Exosuit Fabricator. Ergo, it seems, if any job role fits use of mechs in a non-combat role it would be Engineers. Lets face it, shuffling crates around is hardly a difficult enough specialisation to say 'only cargo techs are trained to use powerloaders'.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by LordeKilly » 20 Aug 2015, 14:17

Powergaming is not only that, but also to the extent of using something how it shouldn't be used, abusing something that wouldn't be done under a certain circumstance. If you want you can throw it under metagame, but in my opinion, powergaming suits the current situation.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Rahlzel » 20 Aug 2015, 14:18

Trying to be completely neutral here, and assuming OP's story is 100% accurate, I'm leaning towards a +1.

If I'm on an alien planet and I see a mech suit that looks like it can do some damage to the creatures that are killing off my mates, then fuck you all - I'm getting inside it, even if every person above me is ordering me not to. At that point it's about survival, and my character knows it.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by XanderDox » 20 Aug 2015, 14:26

I'm sorry, but staff (not Rah) , Marines are trained to use ANYTHING they can to gain an advantage over the enemy, it safer and easier to scout in a giant mech, as well as fight (you know, massive metal arms of strength) in one. Whether they are intended for combat or not, a marine is taught how to turn anything into a weapon, otherwise they wouldn't be as good.

Honestly, a warning for wanting to be in a giant robot of safety on a planet infested by creatures that want to kill you and/or facerape you? I find that stupid, and I think Delta should apologize. Was there even contact made between Delta and the player to discuss WHY this unwritten rule was against the rules?

Also, if Ripleys aren't made for combat and thus marines cant use them, why are Praetorians allowed to go on the offensive when lorewise they are DEFENSIVE CASTES, MEANT FOR GUARDING THE QUEEN ONLY.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by UNDUS » 20 Aug 2015, 14:32

I'm pretty sure the 'don't use APLUs for combat' stuff is meant to keep people from mass-producing ripleys to be used as combat tools... if the one that spawns in the field can't be used to defend yourself, why is it even there?

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 20 Aug 2015, 14:33

I wouldn't be making an appeal if my story wasn't 100% accurate. A few days ago I did something VERY stupid and got a 24hr ban. But I knew what I did was wrong and I took the consequences.

This is less than legit, though. The punishment, in game, was that the destroyed powerloader be deleted for the round. I'm not appealing any great injustice, nor am I asking that 1138s status as Mod be removed. They're a great mod, but this 'unwritten rule' and its enforcement is terrible. Being trapped in a mech and using it to defend yourself when surrounded by hostiles is not powergaming, and it's not metagaming. I just don't want this to reflect badly on me in future, which it will unless I stress my justification.

I wasn't hunting for kills, I just got caught and surrounded. The log will show several uses of the clamp on Help Intent, pushing the Hunter away, before in desperation resorting to Hostile Intent. The log will show multiple Hunters attacking the powerloader, though it probably can't show the other Xenos that were around and closing in.

If Powerloaders are not to be used at all in case they accidentally get used for combat, please make it explicit in the rules or just remove the powerloader from the planet map so that other players don't fall into the same trap.

And yes, everything I've said here I explained to 1138 and I got 'it's the rules', despite it not being a rule, and then my ahelps were ignored.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Xxxretroxgears3 » 20 Aug 2015, 14:35

Rahlzel wrote:Trying to be completely neutral here, and assuming OP's story is 100% accurate, I'm leaning towards a +1.

If I'm on an alien planet and I see a mech suit that looks like it can do some damage to the creatures that are killing off my mates, then fuck you all - I'm getting inside it, even if every person above me is ordering me not to. At that point it's about survival, and my character knows it.
It is i was a hunter that round and i was helping destroy him the story is 100% correct from the hunter hunting him part

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by coroneljones » 20 Aug 2015, 14:37

power loaders are NOT combat Suits,Who in their right mind would use a loader to fight Fast,acid spitting Aliens? a simple clamp would probably be melted if it attacked it.
And if you pull the "Ripley used it" card,she was desperate,no other weapons nor armed teammates nearby,and a large xeno,your scenarion doesnt seem like a desperate use of the Powerloader
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Feweh » 20 Aug 2015, 14:43

Relax, everyone is getting way out of hand.

It was a warning, thats it. A simple "don't use mech's for combat in again".

The Ripleys are power-gamey, everyone knows this. They aren't ment for combat and because of issues the last week with all the ripleys it was a understandable cautious WARNING by 1138.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by XanderDox » 20 Aug 2015, 14:45

coroneljones wrote:power loaders are NOT combat Suits,Who in their right mind would use a loader to fight Fast,acid spitting Aliens? a simple clamp would probably be melted if it attacked it.
And if you pull the "Ripley used it" card,she was desperate,no other weapons nor armed teammates nearby,and a large xeno,your scenarion doesnt seem like a desperate use of the Powerloader
Right, they're not combat suits, but they're made of plasteel, a stronger form of steel that's heavily reinforced. Anyone in their right fucking mind, would get in one , rather then walk open among facehuggers and aliens? It might be slow, but the armour is significant. Also, lets not pull 'the clamp would be melted'

If it's not a mechanic, don't pull it. Acid blood in the game is not the acid blood from the lore. Hands down, don't argue it, it is not.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Steelpoint » 20 Aug 2015, 14:45

It does not take a genius to realise that a large, armoured, and powerful mechanised exosuit may have some tactical advantages to offer.

At its most basic its a fantastic scouting tool, you can easily use its powerful floodlights to scout out area's and not worry about being stunned/pounced on, and your armour allows you to easily retreat from any attacks. Furthermore its support ability of a powerful floodlight makes it great for illumination, and its drill can be effective in mining and for melee combat. In fact using a mech is really useful if your cut off and alone.

I can understand situations where there are ten mechs on the Sulaco ramming down the Aliens throats, but in the case of a smart marine using the one planetside mech to their advantage I don't really see a point of banning them, not to mention that Aliens have their own organic versions of mechs, and that the Ripley is really poor in combat.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 20 Aug 2015, 14:46

Jones, did you even read my story? I was cornered and ganged up on by Hunters while trying to run away. There were marines nearby, but all they did was shoot me over a table I couldn't pass.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by FatalEYES » 20 Aug 2015, 14:55

Pink wrote:Relax, everyone is getting way out of hand.

It was a warning, thats it. A simple "don't use mech's for combat in again".

The Ripleys are power-gamey, everyone knows this. They aren't ment for combat and because of issues the last week with all the ripleys it was a understandable cautious WARNING by 1138.
I think the core issue here is that it's an unstated rule and that a mark was made on his player record because of it, especially because he wasn't using it for power-gamey purposes.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by LordeKilly » 20 Aug 2015, 14:59

He was though. He "took it for a quick stroll" by himself and encountered a bunch of aliens. That sounds like he felt like be a rambo, but just felt like using a ripley because clamps are overpowered.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Feweh » 20 Aug 2015, 15:05

FatalEYES wrote: I think the core issue here is that it's an unstated rule and that a mark was made on his player record because of it, especially because he wasn't using it for power-gamey purposes.
Its like walking into a zoo and entering the Lion cages with a shotgun. You know you really shouldnt be in there and to no surprise the lions attack you so now you use the shotgun because its your only option and it was in "self-defense".

At the end of the day, people understand you were screwed and did what you had to... but the real question is what did you expect by doing that? Killing the lions doesnt justify going on a stroll into the cage alone and bringing the shotgun along with you when you shouldnt of been in that situation to begin with.

That should clear it up.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by apophis775 » 20 Aug 2015, 15:12

The bottom line is:

You shouldn't be taking the power-loader off the fucking ship. Or if you do, not outside the fob, and only to move crates and deliver shit.

It's not meant for you to cruise around the planet like it's a fucking Coup-Deville.

I believe, that was the issue.

If there's one on the planet, I'm unaware of it, and I'll ensure that it gets removed, or given a dead battery.

But even that one, shouldn't be letting you drive it around like a car on vacation.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Kukeke11 » 20 Aug 2015, 15:15

Pink wrote: Its like walking into a zoo and entering the Lion cages with a shotgun. You know you really shouldnt be in there and to no surprise the lions attack you so now you use the shotgun because its your only option and it was in "self-defense".

At the end of the day, people understand you were screwed and did what you had to... but the real question is what did you expect by doing that? Killing the lions doesnt justify going on a stroll into the cage alone and bringing the shotgun along with you when you shouldnt of been in that situation to begin with.

That should clear it up.
But in this situation CO sent us into the lions cage already... zoo is Sulaco cage is the planet..

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Feweh » 20 Aug 2015, 15:17

Kukeke11 wrote: But in this situation CO sent us into the lions cage already... zoo is Sulaco cage is the planet..
The cage is anywhere you shouldnt really be with the ripley. As Apop stated above.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by FatalEYES » 20 Aug 2015, 15:18

apophis775 wrote:The bottom line is:

You shouldn't be taking the power-loader off the fucking ship. Or if you do, not outside the fob, and only to move crates and deliver shit.

It's not meant for you to cruise around the planet like it's a fucking Coup-Deville.

I believe, that was the issue.

If there's one on the planet, I'm unaware of it, and I'll ensure that it gets removed, or given a dead battery.

But even that one, shouldn't be letting you drive it around like a car on vacation.
Here, we see the Ripley in it's natrual habitat.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Xxxretroxgears3 » 20 Aug 2015, 15:29

i agree the mech is a weapon in its own rights Ripley used it why cant we its canon if she uses it so we can a marine will do anything to survive in a hell hole like this planet if they use a mech to kill so what i been killed with a mech i dont care its ok i may get mad but to be warned about a feature in the game that is coded is not his fault call it "power gaming" blame the coders for allowing this to happen if u really r gonna make it a rule

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 20 Aug 2015, 15:59

As you can see, the Ripley is just sitting there. I didn't steal one from the ship. I doubt the admin staff don't know their own map as well as someone who's played this incarnation of CM for about a week.

But there it is. A fully armored, re-enforced, industrial exo-suit. Battery included, fully charged. The powerloader doesn't have a clamp as standard, or any weapons, so damn right it shouldn't be considered an offensive mech by any standard, but there's a drill in the Vault. Marines are allowed to know the Colony layout, and ergo know that Robotics is a short walk North. You can find a clamp there. You can also find the following, exactly; 1x Close Combat Armor Booster, 1x Repair Droid, 1x Energy Relay. They all fit the Powerloader. I equipped a clamp for carrying items, the armor booster for defense, and the relay to keep the battery topped up. The first clamp got destroyed by one of the Hunters in the first attack I ran from. But Engineers have access to the Exosuit Fabricator, so I made a new clamp. It was on the way back from this, to regroup with the squad, that I got ambushed and surrounded outside the generator. But I got warned as if I went out looking for Aliens to 1v1. I did not and was not. I got ganged up on while moving along the road.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by apophis775 » 20 Aug 2015, 16:05

If you were a marine, you shouldn't have been nabbing the ripley to drive around in.

either way, this has been fixed with code, and the update will be in shortly.

I believe, the issue was that, you were away from your squad, using the ripley as your own personal transportation vehicle and ended up in combat because of it.
