Overly aggressive player

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Overly aggressive player

Post by Frenk » 24 Sep 2015, 01:17

Your Byond Key:


Your character name:


Their character name:

Moriarty Collins

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it):

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):

3:30 PM PST. So like, 5:30PM CST?
I meant to post earlier, but staff got online and I got side tracked.

What rule(s) were broken:

"No griefing
Griefing - Defined as the perceived intent of one player wanting to cause grief to other players or to the server without any roleplay or reason.
  • *A player attempts to break the ship or release the singularity for no reason."

"No Powergaming - Performing actions outside your assigned job (your skills or background DO NOT MATTER prior to the round)"

Description of the incident:

My character ran to Cargo, and picked a webbing vest off the ground while a nearby marine was adding attachments to his guns. I left thinking no harm done, because the RO had ordered a crate of webbing vests prior and there were multiple vests still sitting in a crate on the other side of the window. If the marine in question had requested one, he could easily have gotten the RO to hand him another.I go on about my business fixing lights on the lower floors, come back through engineering ladders and the Marine in question begins to chase me from Cargo to briefing while yelling at me. Evidence A

Yes, my character did carry a switchblade and yes he did pull it out in an attempt to intimidate the armed and armored Marine and keep him back. This did not work, as his character immediately runs up and begins to hand-to-hand combat with a knife-wielding man (Fail RP? You do call this a "Medium RP" server). This is all over a webbing vest, I remind you, and his character had access to his own personal webbing vest as a Squad Leader already. Evidence B

We have a little push fight, and he punches me on the ground a few times, leading me to return with a single strike with the knife to his armored chest. This left no bleeding wound, and no considerable damage, as again he was armored and I was not. This report is not for his assaulting me, it is for what happens afterwards and for his general attitude, but I feel the full story should be told.

I make my escape to engineering, and get behind the doors. He shows up, having called the MP's against me (A character who can only speak his own name, good luck getting my side of the story out there right?). He begins to break down the engineering windoors to climb on the table infront of them and they do nothing, all while the RO was a few feet over with extra webbing vests to hand out. Evidence C Evidence D

This is not the behavior of someone who should be a Squad Leader, or as I found out later, had started the round as a BO and gotten a "promotion" to Squad Leader. Evidence E (Metagaming knowing how does marine/powergaming to get a role that he can focus combat with)

Minutes after we were both arrested and pardoned by the CO, I make my way back to engineering to do some things, and hear this over radio. Evidence F and see this in the tool storage Evidence G. My guess was it was him using C4 to steal the pair of insulated gloves behind that door (Powergaming + griefing the Sulaco)

Later in the round, I notice this, which to be completely honest looks more like a C4 bomb and I couldn't help but wonder who had done it. This one I am not sure who caused it, and my reason for posting this image is to get to the bottom of it. Staff can look through the logs in question Evidence H (Intentional griefing the Sulaco)

How you would punish the accused:

A possible suspension from Command roles if the bombing was indeed their fault, or at the very least a note added for this player/a conversation had with this player as to his aggressive behavior

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SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Overly aggressive player

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 25 Sep 2015, 03:07

Can anyone find any proof that he was actually the one behind the bombing? Like logs or a witness? It's a little hard to persecute on a suspicion.

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Re: Overly aggressive player

Post by Wickedtemp » 25 Sep 2015, 03:53

... Also if you switch his name you'll get Collin Moriarty, who is an NPC in Fallout 3, unsure if that's relevant or not to the naming rule cause it could very well just be coincidental.

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Re: Overly aggressive player

Post by SASoperative » 25 Sep 2015, 12:47

Ehhh I mean Collin Moriarty is not really to big of a issue name wise but this will be added to his notes at the very least. This has been resolved and locked
