Klydoo Rocks Report.

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Klydoo Rocks Report.

Post by MrGabol100 » 26 Sep 2015, 19:11

Your Byond Key: MrGabol100

Your character name: Yuri Záitsev

Their character name: Klydoo Rocks

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it):

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 16:30 Approx 9/26

What rule(s) were broken: Fail RP, Totally Imcompetent at MP, Lethal weapons carry, Had a M41A, Inappropiate actions for an arrest.

Description of the incident:

For the record: I was Bravo SL, Leo Backburn, Bravo Engineer.

I got up from cryo, got all my food together, put it on a table, and it got stolen , then, When I put it back on the table again Leo Backburn took it and ate it, I threw a Punch, and we started an IC escalation, Thing that didn't go badly, it was just IC problems and blablabla, then, while equipping myself, one MP, Klydoo Rocks, asked me, I don't know why, to get him a pair of bravo Gloves, I got him the pair of gloves and told him to arrest Leo for not accomplishing my orders, and He completely ignored me and threw a "Thx" but then, at the Shuttle, When I asked Leo for a Welder and he didn't give it to me, again, and Klydoo was at the cockpit, when I told Klydoo to arrest Leo for not letting me heal my wounds that he caused, when Klydoo continued to ignore me, I threw another punch at Leo, then we fought, and Klydoo tried to arrest us, I got his baton and turned on him, and Leo, but then he pulled a taser and got me on a chair, then when Leo was talking to him, he assaulted Leo and got him cuffbuckled too, he then proceeded to start shooting at us and sometimes stunbatoning us while cuffbuckled for literally no reason, he got us to the brig and we then got cuffbuckled into different cells, he proceeded to strip me, and he left Leo and me without putting in any jumpsuit or nothing, when I was out, i talked to Leo, and the MP was being really dickish, then he tried to pull a taser on me, and I pulled my shotgun, we were pointing at each other, and when an MP got between us i Inmediately holstered my shotgun, then Klydoo approached me moving above the other MP and shot me repeteadly with the taser without any more intent but to just fuck with me, then he tried to walk out of the room, and I followed him, and after talking to Leo got a shot on his armored chest, I got arrested and put back in the cell, right after shooting him with the shotgun he started spamming "Excut him" and tried to talk to the commander, even after being told to shut up and to stop asking for that he continued to try to get Leo and me executed. Then when he walked into my cell to beat me up with his Tazer And baton, for no reason but for vengeance of what HE did before, I disarmed him and beat him with his own baton, when the other MPs walked in I dropped the weapons and walked out from above the man, then when the MPs were talking to me he got up and beat me again with his weapons, he got me more time, after getting out he wanted to demote me, so he just took my helmet while i was gearing up, I tried to disarm him but got stopped by the other MPs, I inmediately stopped, and after doing so, Klydoo stunned me and got the rest of my SL gear, he then walked away with my gear, and came back with a card that just said "Marine" after getting healed up, I came back, and Klydoo was fucking around in the Brig control area, He was around with his tazer unholstered and with a lethal weapon on his armour, after telling him that he shouldn't have done that and crap, he told me to fight him and opened the control area of the brig, me, not wanting to kill him, got his tazer in just two disarms and shot him, he was on the ground, I stripped him of all and instead of killing him, shaked him, then I walked away and he took his M41A and shot me to death on the control room.

This is totally Fail RP, as he just kept trying to fight me, even though I could killed him, and I left him, he just killed me. He seems to be unexperienced in SS13 at all, and he applies times that do not match.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I do not have any logs, but you can get the logs of the match, I also have the witness of John Locke and Leo Backburn.

How you would punish the accused: Job-ban From MP or at least A warning for Job-Ban.

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Re: Klydoo Rocks Report.

Post by Vivalas » 26 Sep 2015, 19:18

I played as MP a few rounds ago and detained him while he was carrying a locker of money around and refusing to go down and fight. Everytime I tried to be nice to him by removing his handcuffs to process him or such, he reacted by resisting and disarm spam, and he even threw a frag grenade at me, forcing me to leave him bucklecuffed when processing him. He eventually stopped resisting after I informed him he would spend his entire 45 minute prison term bucklecuffed if he continued. I left the brig and came back to him spamming chat with "kill me" and punching himself. I took him to medical to get him sedated, and then SAS spawned me a muzzle to put on him. Seems nothing more than your standard greytide troll, I would be in full support of forever banning him, or at the very least, for the love of god, banning him from anything other than MT.

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Re: Klydoo Rocks Report.

Post by MrGabol100 » 26 Sep 2015, 19:20

Yup, thanks for input, more than a shitty MP, he behaves like a goonstation greytider...

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Re: Klydoo Rocks Report.

Post by SASoperative » 26 Sep 2015, 19:26

I.. Already handled this situation before I left the server...

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Re: Klydoo Rocks Report.

Post by MrGabol100 » 26 Sep 2015, 19:27

SASoperative wrote:I.. Already handled this situation before I left the server...

H'wat, Uh, what was the output? I- I thought you just left, I'm sorry.
Last edited by MrGabol100 on 26 Sep 2015, 19:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Klydoo Rocks Report.

Post by SASoperative » 26 Sep 2015, 19:28

I gave him a stern warning as you requested.

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Re: Klydoo Rocks Report.

Post by MrGabol100 » 26 Sep 2015, 19:28

SASoperative wrote:I gave him a stern warning as you requested.

Alright thank you, well, sorry, I really didn't know.

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Re: Klydoo Rocks Report.

Post by DesFrSpace » 26 Sep 2015, 19:33

This round was a MISTAKE, most of the Marine on are RP incompetence, sorry, but this is SALTY. I'm out, not going to play for long time as Marine.

