Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

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Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Neray » 06 Oct 2015, 05:30

Your Byond Key: Neray

Your character name: Werner Diels

Their Byond key: Gelonvia

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): approx 02:00-03:00 CDT

Which Admin Protocols were broken:
Well, hm, lemme check it. Looks like 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5. No one cares about those anyway.

Description of the incident:
Hm-hm-hm. Alright. The situation wasn't, in fact, anything special. I was a XO, I've seen some shit, I put a bullet in my skull. Then that trial-mod came in and said that I'm a bad guy, I'll get punished for it and that he knows this world better than I do. Ordu, who was an only online admin at that time was fine with my actions though.
Let's talk about WHY I've done that first: my commander was a teal-haired girl in wedding dress, making out with CT in another wedding dress. My only MP was Aegis with rabbit ears and orange dress, dancing with em on bridge. My Bravo lead went rogue, at least bravo marines said so, my RO was ignoring my orders from first minutes of round. Oh, did I say that commander was totally ignoring the situation (that was already pretty much hot, cause she joined at 38 minute), too busy doing her TRAP things? Sweet. So, I sent all supplies marines were requesting from below, went to my office and ended that useless round, at least for poor Werny.
NOW, let's talk about why am I writing this in Report an Admin section. That's because Gelonvia made a mess out of the whole situation, claiming that I was insulting him. He called in another admin to mute my dsay and ahelp (again, with Ordu there, I was just reporting our CO to him, so I had to use pray for few minutes until Allan removed mute), then again wrote me about how bad suicides are, that CO is doing a great job being a wedding dressed idiot and that I should talk about my, eh, whatever they placed on me after I left, jobbans (also, mute ended with half of deadchat yelling "UNMUTE NERAY GUYS, HE'S A GOOD GUY, JUST LOOK AT THAT ****ING CO, SOMEBODY") on forum. And so on.

Now more interesting part. Let's take a look at our dear Gelonvia byond page. Joined: May 30, hah? I'm pretty sure he knows this game better than I do, oh, sure thing.

I'm sick of useless people in staff, who ruins !!FUN!! and game. Not talking about SAS here, cause he usually ruin it with funny enough ways to make everyone laugh.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
None, check server logs, I was too mad and busy talking with that THING to make any screens (what, you never seen The Thing movie? Really? That's sad).

How you would punish the accused:
Remove him from mods. Really, people, it hurts to have a newfag with own "roleplay" rules at such a pretty place as CM. The same problem every SS13 server had at some point. Just speed it up, he won't last long anyway, that alpha-roleplay god.

P.S. I'll be back in game as soon as that little idiot is removed. If he won't be, well, I can wait another year and then another year, and then another. One of 2 will be dead eventually: the whole project or that guy. I hope it'll be the second.
P.P.S. *a picture of a cute neko in maid clothes, giving cheese to Urist McOfficer*

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by apophis775 » 06 Oct 2015, 05:59

I'll look into this tomorrow.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Derpislav » 06 Oct 2015, 06:01

I was reading this like "Hm, he has a point, sure, he should have cryo'ed himself instead, bu-"
Neray wrote:Now more interesting part. Let's take a look at our dear Gelonvia byond page. Joined: May 30, hah? I'm pretty sure he knows this game better than I do, oh, sure thing.
Neray wrote:newfag
Now I can't take this seriously.
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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Minijar » 06 Oct 2015, 06:14

There's really no need to insult people especially using homophobic slurs.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Neray » 06 Oct 2015, 06:34

he should have cryo'ed himself instead
And make another XO suffer? No, man, I'm not such an evil bastard. Also, round was going down anyway, marines were losing FOB and stuff.
Now I can't take this seriously
Neither can I.
Minijar wrote:There's really no need to insult people especially using homophobic slurs.
homophobic slurs

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by coroneljones » 06 Oct 2015, 06:45

Can i just note a few things
We dont allow suicide as high ranking/unique roles at all unless justified,cryo if you need to go or ghost....same with other people,but high ranking roles are what we are strict with,a suicide literaly removes XO from the game unless an admin frees the job slot...what if someone joined later but wanted to be an XO but sadly the spot was filled by a guy that suicided?
Second,dont judge people based on account times....even less with homophobic/Gaming slurs...base them on their actions like a human being that can actually think and cares about things(Note,not trying to provoke or insult,simply trying to stay,maybe you should have thought about this and used more formal vocabulary and not slurs or comparing account time)
You didnt need to add the "i wont come back unless they are removed " bit....its literaly going "you either remove them from mod or you lose a player"
The CO and such may have been unfit for duty but suicide still isnt valid,cryo if need be....or even adminhelp it.
Last edited by coroneljones on 06 Oct 2015, 07:27, edited 1 time in total.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Neray » 06 Oct 2015, 06:58

base them on their actions like a human being that can actually think and cares about things
Yes, CO really cared about CT's cheeks. Many many times.
The CO and such may have been unfit for duty but suicide still isnt valid
The whole crew, except for CE, was unfit for duty. I've done what I could to help guys on ground and that's it. Cryo system as whole "respawn" mechanism is useless. And, well, every round we have a bridge full of SSD officers, who never gets back. No diff with suicide, since no one places them in cryos.

Also, I'm totally against admin involving in game situations like this. Bad CO is just a bad CO, nothing else. He/She won't become better from pm's. That's why I reported it only after our little mod said that, quote "you must report those things, not to do anything in game". Not. To do. Anything. In game.
Well, fuck me, that guy is right. Why we even do anything at all? We can just ask admins to move us, shoot for us, eat for us. It'll be so much better, don't you think? A game of few people playing 60-70 roles. Mmm.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 06 Oct 2015, 08:13

Ok I'd like to point out that you had a better chance for people to take you more serious had you not brought in sexuality into the equation. At this point you make your self sound more of a toxic person then someone who was wronged. At this moment have you have broken sub rule 1 of this forum section.
1. Be respectful at ALL TIMES. You may be angry about your situation, but you need to remain CALM AND COMPOSED.

This post is anything but calm and composed. Just thought I would put that out there. This post sounds more like an attack at another person. Maybe you have been wronged. But be more professional about how you handle things in the future.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Neray » 06 Oct 2015, 08:30

be more professional
So called "professional" spessmen dies first.
This post sounds more like an attack at another person.
It's quite obvious, isn't it? I don't like him, he acted like one of those "we-know-how-you-should-roleplay-better-than-you-so-let-me-mute-you-right-away" guys I was fighting all these years. Also, he's one of those who totally ignores situation's background. For example, all CO was doing after my death was chatting with CT, while marines lost ground, died and aliens wiped out the ship, with help of some PMC guys.

Also, if you want a RL explanation: when you see a bad cop, still without enough rank power to do much harm, but already causing it, what'll ya do? Right, you'll try to get him off this job before it went too far. And that's what I want to do here.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Derpislav » 06 Oct 2015, 09:09

Neray wrote:we-know-how-you-should-roleplay-better-than-you-so-let-me-mute-you-right-away" guys
Apparently your definition of top-grade roleplay is suiciding because your co-workers are idiots. Out of curiosity, have you ever had a job? If yes, how are you still alive?

Suicide is tolerated only if you're horribly wounded/infected and separated from other marines or you've seen your entire squad fall and get ripped to shreds in front of you while you were unable to do anything about it (and even then, it's a bit sketchy). We might be medium-RP, but death-related stuff is still handled very seriously. This has already made the thread a bit invalid, because there was every reason to job-ban you.
Server rules wrote:3. Incompetent Marines - The Colonial Marines wouldn't hire people with missing limbs (unless you had robotic replacements) or mental issues that cause them to harm themselves or fellow marines due to insanity.
Exception: Late in the round after seeing squadmates die from getting their chests ripped open, suicide is a viable RP option, along with self-sacrifice to aid their comrades.
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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Neray » 06 Oct 2015, 10:20

This has already made the thread a bit invalid, because there was every reason to job-ban you.
As you could see, I've made another thread for it. Problem isn't a jobban itself, but rather the way it was applied. Still, getting a full permajobban for a single suicide in not-so-great situation is shitty.
Out of curiosity, have you ever had a job? If yes, how are you still alive?
I'm remotely working somewhat mentaly unstable IT dwarf guy for that very reason. Usually I just kill everything that ruins my !!FUN!! too hard or, well, kill myself.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Minijar » 06 Oct 2015, 11:03

Even if it's not used in a homophobic context, you still shouldn't use it as a slur regardless, just because I'm not intending to be racist doesn't mean I can hurl around the N word all the bloody time.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Neray » 06 Oct 2015, 11:11

Minijar wrote:Even if it's not used in a homophobic context, you still shouldn't use it as a slur regardless, just because I'm not intending to be racist doesn't mean I can hurl around the N word all the bloody time.
Trap, off its RL meaning, is a usual term for "someone who plays as opos gender" in online games. Quite usual in ss13 too. Also, in some places, it means "a fem char acting like a badass man, while looking as a cute girl" or "a stupid enough to be considered so newbie who plays as fem char". I can't see any homophobic shit in it, sorry.
just because I'm not intending to be racist doesn't mean I can hurl around the N word all the bloody time

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by MrGabol100 » 06 Oct 2015, 11:16

Newfag is an internet word, 4chan vocabulary, trying to get over it is just going to make it worse.

Suicide was justified, If you were the only one sane person in the whole sulaco trying to keep the situation together, and your co-workers were playing around with dresses and kissing, ignoring the ground situation, everyoen ignored you and the situation overwhelmed you, then that's an okay suicide situation.

New people shouldn't try to enforce their own roleplay on people, and in this situation it seems like the whole command was breaching our RP rules and somewhat minorly breaking the ERP one as they are putting their romance plot over the round's events.

About Gelonvia he has been trying to create drama from the second he touched the server, a new player, getting to be mod in well, like 1 week and 30 posts, without prior knowledge of the server's functionality is just wrong, and I may think that the decission was influenced by the previously argued drama's result.

And yes, Gelonvia is a trap, and kinda got mad because he saw someone getting angered over people... Playing to act like traps mid-round.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by SASoperative » 06 Oct 2015, 11:24

Not gonna lie. I laughed at that video. But yes I have noticed Geloniva has had some anger issues in the past by coming to me directly and pointing out most of the things we have wrong. Its the good kind of angry and the bad kind. Apop said he will look into this so I will be on standby incase he requires assistance.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 06 Oct 2015, 11:37

I about died laughing at that video.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by King_Nexus » 06 Oct 2015, 14:32

It may be noteworthy that the CO also shot herself after being asked by the PMCs to stand down and turn her ID over to them because they were taking command of the ship.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by Adjective » 06 Oct 2015, 18:28

Can I mention that this situation happened last night and that Gelonvia both asked and posted multiple screenshots of this situation in the Staff Chat.

Usage of the terms "Trap" and "Thing" are extremely disrespectful. Additionally, using gender related slurs is also more likely to cause you to develop problems with other staff over getting staff to take you seriously in this report.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by apophis775 » 06 Oct 2015, 18:42

Firstly. Stop saying trap. From what I gather, all the characters wearing dresses, were actually females, and some of them, I know, are IRL females.

Secondly. I am declaring the suicide JUSTIFIED based on having just spent the better part of an hour, reading through one literal fuck-ton of logs. The suicide did NOT break any rules, and was RPed to a sufficient amount.

I am still investigating Neray disrespecting the staff. It's around 116 pages more, so it's taking awhile. I've already gone through over 100 pages of logs.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by apophis775 » 06 Oct 2015, 19:57


I have also consulted with SAS who also went over the logs that I had shortened down. We believe these are the fairest decisions we can make:

1. The suicide was deemed JUSTIFIED. As such, the bans and notes relating to the suicide have been removed.

2. Neray DID break the respect the staff rule, as he was a bit rude to staff, especially calling gelonvia a "thing" and aruging in the ahelps/chat. As a result, he will receive a 24 hour ban (starting now).

3. The incident will be examined at the end of Gelonvias trialmod, and will be brought into account on a final decision.

Both of you, were in the wrong in the end. Neray for disrespecting staff, and Gelonvia for improperly enforcing the rule. But, mistakes happen, and I think that we can all MOVE PAST THIS.

I hereby declare this situation as RESOLVED. I spent probably 4 hours on this today, dealing with logs, witnesses, and discussions. I don't want to spend more time on this or things related, and trust me, you don't want to be the person to cause that.

Topic locked and will be moved in 48 hours.

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Re: Gelonvia: A Story Of Traps

Post by SASoperative » 09 Oct 2015, 15:00

It has been 48 hours and this has been moved
