Complete lack of honor from predator

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Lord Lag
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Complete lack of honor from predator

Post by Lord Lag » 15 Oct 2015, 03:45

Your Byond Key:Lord Lag

Your character name: Queen

Their character name: Vara'ule Kv'var-de

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): Gelonvia

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):08:20 GMT 15/10/2015

What rule(s) were broken:
Complete lack of honor while engaging in hunting as a predator.

Description of the incident:
Going straight to the incident, the predator and two marines decided to besiege the hive of about 3 aliens, runner sentinel and myself, the queen. Its dead hour, so finding manpower is very difficult. Inherently, there is nothing wrong with this. I am thrilled, even. Exciting fight with a predator. That is, until, said predator goes forth and simply plasma casters all three of us down, even firing through walls, with absolutely no chance of fighting back. A predator is faster than a queen. And upon being critted, as if to add insult to injury, they then walked forth and melees us down, as if to somehow justify this hunt. I believe this is a violation of the predator code of honor, as although it is granted you may swiftly deal with things that interfere with your hunt, IE the sentinel and runner, simply using the tactic of plasmaing everything in sight is not a valid form of hunting.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: Apply a warning.

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Re: Complete lack of honor from predator

Post by Gelonvia » 15 Oct 2015, 05:03

This entire situation was talked with along with Ordukai, and sorry mate your in the wrong here.

Evidence 1 of when the runner engaged the Survivor who was regaining his honor by hunting with me and I stood back and watched without even holding my glaive to fight: , ,
^ (This entire time I was cloaked and observing the Survivor letting him prove his metal in a 1v1 against a runner.)

Evidence 2:
^(Heres you guys storming me in a group immediately attacking me in a group of three's, I was even bugged and incapable of running to the point I was moving slower or at the speed of a Praetorian the entire match.)

^ (Heres where The Queen (You) The sentinel, the Runner all tried fighting two survivors who had only knives in combat with your most lethal of tactics, now sense you three already immediately engaged me when I was standing back with Alien Huggers and slashing, I am totally honorbound to use my Caster on you. This is also where the Survivors used a grenade on the other before straight up using his knife like the other was again while you coiled your tail and stabbed them in the head leading to me moving at easy speeds to the point /you/ a queen were faster then me while I was bugged and you had more aliens fighting and attacking me and you didn't even hurt me.)

Evidence 3:

^( here was me lagging out making my side even harder because I am handling PM's aswell, bugged to slow, trying to stand over a dying man to protect him, and fighting A queen and her Aliens that engaged me and are continuing to. Ordukai had no clue atm cause he was busy playing.)

Evidence 4:

^ (And finally the most IMPORTANT of evidence, the fact this was discussed with Ordukai, who even apologized after being handed evidence and screenshots of the incident after the longest of arguments and we finally came to terms agreeing that my honor code was fine.)

Bonus Evidence:

^ And to clear up anyone who tries to ask about a Drone and a Runner, the runner tried jumping me from behind when I was panicing and just trying to leave, still bugged and moving slower then a Queen to the point that the one extra kill I made which was a Sentinel I couldn't even carve for his hide cause I was just trying to leave and keep the survivor from dying from you guys slashing him up. (Where was I?) Oh, heres the logs of the runner attacking my bugged but from behind while I tried helping the Survivor who tried regaining his honor after a decent enough fight he put up. <-- (Runner jumped me from behind [Double Note: Runner has been fighting me sense the Queen, this is the same one. And later was learned to be accidently slashing the Survivor to death while he was in Critical and attacking me still.] while I paniced trying to leave at my slow speed south. Ended with Runner dying.)

Then to continue on I continue heading south, noticed a Drone who went to hide behind a wall, he tossed a Alien at me to engage me, I shot the Hugger and turned heading back the way I came so he can try to ATLEAST recover his hive sense there was low Marine population and they retreated. Drone attacked me from behind and started very professionally using the fact I was bugged to his advantage and straffing quickly around me to the point I didn't have time to notice that when I was trying to click him my wristblades didn't even activate cause my caster was still out from just finishing the runner and handling the hugger. He got shot 4 times, I missed like, 8 of the total, drone goes down while I am trying to switch to my wristblades, I switch out and use Wristblades to finish it off.

(During this ENTIRE time, I was lagging, being PM'd, being attacked left and right by Aggressive Xeno's while I try and leave somewhere I can just type. And I was still bugged, hell you could have easily killed me if you grouped together, or maybe not. Right after this, Ordukai and I finally got the chance to talk, then that's when he became aware of the situation and agreed with my honor part of what happened and apologized like I apologized in turn for our discussion in PM's. We agreed on the scenario. Sorry after you tried constantly team attacking me and even when I tried leaving still attacked me? All was in order, although the final kill I was panicing which I can admit, regardless doesn't change the outcome of why staff see my end.)

Here's the logs.

[The only problem IMO and conscious is the Drone fight, sense he wanted to engage me I could have easily taken him out with wristblades alone, I have fought tougher with less, yes, less then wristblades, that's harpoon and fists against 4 runners and a sentinel that repeatedly pounce and slash you. Not fun and alien harpoon are terrible against aliens and unreliable against marines for low damage. That and I didn't want to fight the Drone period preferably while I tried exiting back north from noticing him.]
Heads up, just cause your upset one round you die from you attacking me, doesn't mean you can bash on me in OOC. Especially when last round everyone was all loving me for trying to actually help the Single Queen who needed help breeding so the round wasn't screwed. Hell even you were one of the people all gaga over me for trying to help, Staff were happy too.

(To Note: Others were incredibly happy with my actions still even this spoken round. The only people that were upset were a select few Aliens who like logs show, engaged me first constantly in large numbers. Not even every Aliens, the aliens were simply upset with the two marines who tried attacking the hives yet lost when Survivors informed the Marines about them. Hell the round before we had a laugh cause apparently you can put on lipstick as a Predator but you can't on a Queen when me and a Staff member were joking around with another player. T'was funny, sad no one wanted to be an Alien till after Ordukai told them we need more Aliens for an actual Round.)

Anyways! That's the /Untold/ reality of the entire scenario and what happened, what was discussed with Staff and all the logs to back it up with screenshots to make this easier for Staff. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Last edited by Gelonvia on 15 Oct 2015, 05:29, edited 1 time in total.
Casca 'Legs' Orivanna: Sanctum Operative, Telecommunications Specialist/CQC Expert

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Re: Complete lack of honor from predator

Post by Gelonvia » 15 Oct 2015, 05:04

Oh and if you need any extra evidence just peer into logs and read it. It won't even take long after you read it all considering the consistant evidence. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! I am always available on Skype.
Casca 'Legs' Orivanna: Sanctum Operative, Telecommunications Specialist/CQC Expert

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Re: Complete lack of honor from predator

Post by Lord Lag » 15 Oct 2015, 08:25

Something about difficult to read. I don't know what it is.
The issue I'm having is that the main battle between the queen and predator occurred after the 3v3 engagement. the sentinel and runner where nowhere to be seen. Presumably killed. For all intents and purposes, it was a 1v1 which you elected to solely rely on a plasma caster for. That is what my evidence pertains to.

My major problem is, it appears that standing outside an alien hive, not on a hunt, then being attacked by aliens for standing outside said hive, seems to grant you permission to use the aforementioned tactics against the aliens. This seems like some really bizarre loophole in the honor code if im understanding your reasoning correctly.

Additionally, we were unaware they were using knives now. The only other interaction with the marines that round was one wielding a rocket launcher. It did not end well for the aliens.
As an addendum, I did not exactly bash you in ooc. I expressed surprise to learn it was you who was the predator I believed to be acting so dishonorably.

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Re: Complete lack of honor from predator

Post by Mitchs98 » 15 Oct 2015, 09:23

See, thing is. Even if Gel used solely a plasma caster the entire round, she is completely free to do so without going against the honor code. Predators can use whatever predator weapon they have, when they want and how, so long as they don't do it cloaked unless it's a 2-3 vs 1 fight. Apophis himself has said many times a predator can use their caster against whatever they want and when, on any setting.

Not even a breach of honor code, and is technically canon to the movies. And in the situation described in the PMs, I'd be using my caster too, especially considering my movement speed would have been bugged.

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Complete lack of honor from predator

Post by Lord Lag » 15 Oct 2015, 09:30

Hmm. I was always under the impression of melee combat is believed to be the be all and end all of honorable combat, and plasma casters being frowned upon severely. This may be a critical flaw in my knowledge of the honor code.

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Re: Complete lack of honor from predator

Post by SASoperative » 15 Oct 2015, 09:46

There is nothing in the honor code saying that you can not use only the plasma caster. Its frowned upon but its allowed.... Please, show me where it says ANYWHERE in the honor code that a Plasma caster is against the rules to use? Melee combat is something predators used to use only cause they were fucking severely OP. Now they are balanced and they have to use EVERYTHING they have to survive a round. They are not as tanky as they used to be.
Given they have no one else to really help them they are more along the lines of glass cannons now.

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Re: Complete lack of honor from predator

Post by Lord Lag » 15 Oct 2015, 09:48

In light of this I would like to retract the complaint.

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Re: Complete lack of honor from predator

Post by SASoperative » 15 Oct 2015, 09:56

Understood. Locked and resolved.
