Player complaint, Bill Carson.

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Player complaint, Bill Carson.

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Nov 2015, 00:10

Your Byond Key: Mitchs98

Your character name: Anya Allen

Their character name: Bill Carson

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): Couldn't stay on long enough to check.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 10:40PM - 11:00PM

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 0, kinda. Not sure if any others. And yes, I know Rule 0 is optional.

Description of the incident: So, aliens attacked. Bill Carson had started a mutiny prior, and didn't stop even when aliens boarded. Causing EVERYONE, myself included, of the VERY small hangar defense team to die or get infected. Why? Everyone was top deck mutinying instead of SUPPRESSING THE VERY HOSTILE ALIEN THREAT which, kinda goes against all common logic whatsoever. I mean, repel the threat attacking your ship THEN mutiny, at least then you'll have a life and a crew to control said ship with.

We could have EASILY won if it wasn't for Bill being Bill. Lets face it, we've lost before thanks to him, no offense. Bills mutiny, and choosing it as priority over everything else, ruined the round for myself and others. We got no epic last stand, we got no victory, we simply got roflstomped by something that SHOULDN'T have been happening.

Like, seriously. You may compare this to the mercs incident a few days back, but mercs are mercs, a mutiny lead by one man for a stupid reason is an entirely different story.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Check server logs, Gelnovia and ChickenShizNit8 can verify there was a mutiny going on as well.

How you would punish the accused: Warning, possible job ban from CL. Literally anything to discourage him from pulling this again.

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Re: Player complaint, Bill Carson.

Post by Toroic » 04 Nov 2015, 00:34

I'd tend to agree. Alien team when we landed the second time was all tier 1's minus myself as hivelord and the queen, and 4 of them died to fire, and another 4ish died to ramboing. The only xenos left at the end were myself and the queen, vs 9 evacuating survivors.

It was a sloppy win that xenos didn't really deserve. Dumb xeno moves, good marine moves, but as usual marine infighting won the day for xeno.
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Re: Player complaint, Bill Carson.

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Nov 2015, 00:44

Toroic wrote:I'd tend to agree. Alien team when we landed the second time was all tier 1's minus myself as hivelord and the queen, and 4 of them died to fire, and another 4ish died to ramboing. The only xenos left at the end were myself and the queen, vs 9 evacuating survivors.

It was a sloppy win that xenos didn't really deserve. Dumb xeno moves, good marine moves, but as usual marine infighting won the day for xeno.
Bro. The Queen literally screeched at a wall, stunning no marines, and tried to pull a RUNNER back from dying. She also stood on a open tile while I pumped 30 smartgun rounds into her and everyone else shot the hell out of her.

Myself, Arty, Bigby, and Casca repelled and killed at-least 4 xenos by ourselves including the Queen. We literaly only lost due to everyone else following Bills mutiny because he offered them a raise.

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Re: Player complaint, Bill Carson.

Post by SASoperative » 04 Nov 2015, 01:09

Rule 0 does NOT apply to you. It only applies to Administrators and above. I will check it out

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Re: Player complaint, Bill Carson.

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Nov 2015, 01:31

SASoperative wrote:Rule 0 does NOT apply to you. It only applies to Administrators and above. I will check it out
You mis understand, I'm not trying to enforce rule 0. I stuck that rule there incase the handler of the complaint wished to use it, as its really the only rule they broke outside of being a major douche.

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Re: Player complaint, Bill Carson.

Post by Minijar » 04 Nov 2015, 02:08

Yep on Monday I was co and Bill did the exact same thing starting a mutiny and murdering me when aliens boarded.

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Re: Player complaint, Bill Carson.

Post by Fitchace » 04 Nov 2015, 09:46

Mitch98 I'm really sorry that I ruined the round for you, please do not consider me a toxic player.

-During the round I ahelped and Adjective responded, giving me permission to start a mutiny as long as I got the required amount of people.

-To gather some people I called out over the common channel "If anyone wanted to make 5000 dollars meet at req" (Or something close along those lines)

-However nobody meet me! So I was not able to gather anyone for my mutiny. So the mutiny never took place.

-Lots of people were at the evac shuttles, so that may answer your question on why the hangar was empty.

-If a mutiny actually did happen, I was not leading it because my attempt failed.

Minijar wrote:Yep on Monday I was co and Bill did the exact same thing starting a mutiny and murdering me when aliens boarded.

Minjar here is the combat log on Monday when I killed the CO. Note that the CO fired first and I returned fire.
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Re: Player complaint, Bill Carson.

Post by SASoperative » 04 Nov 2015, 14:07

You have done a lot of mutinies in the past.... You can not just try to commence a uprising everytime command is shit or things don't go your way... We would have a mutiny every round if that was the case.
Regardless though I don't see attack logs of you fighting the CO but i have the logs of you trying to start one and it failing. So I assume your story is true and I am locking and moving this thread later today.
