Unknown character name report, metagaming

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Unknown character name report, metagaming

Post by goobai » 14 Dec 2015, 02:50

Your Byond Key:Goobai

Your character name: Goobai 'The Goob' Gerbub

Their character name: Unknown

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): FlyingCows, Ardenal

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 2:30 AM EST

What rule(s) were broken: Metagaming, OOC in IC

Description of the incident: I had an altercation with some other marines on the Sulaco that rendered it inhospitable to human life and the prospect of it being launched to planet unlikely. They flew their ghosts to the survivors and used LOOC to tell them what had happened, breaking rules about metagaming and OOC in IC while doing so.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: Leniently. I would give them a warning about doing something like this again in the future and if they did, ban them for an hour. If they continued to do so, escalating bans. But with this singular event, just a warning.

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Re: Unknown character name report, metagaming

Post by Edgelord » 14 Dec 2015, 02:51

You do realize that everyone in the server knows that you were the griefer, right? And that the logs will show it to be true?
Dayton 'Day' Mann
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Re: Unknown character name report, metagaming

Post by RadiantFlash » 14 Dec 2015, 02:58

As the survivor who was informed, While it was technically IC in OOC, blowing up the sulaco was grief, and no admins are on. Considering I was the only one who made a crew transfer vote, and only after I was informed, I'd say the looc info relaying isn't so bad in this case, it when speaks of grief to the point where the round is severely fucked up. I mean, the round was basically wrecked, unable to continue like it should, and it had to be restarted.

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Re: Unknown character name report, metagaming

Post by Feweh » 14 Dec 2015, 13:21

Ya buddy youre in A LOT of hot water right now.

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Re: Unknown character name report, metagaming

Post by SASoperative » 14 Dec 2015, 20:28

Yeah denied buddy you really fucked up when I saw those logs so you can kiss this report goodbye considering what you did.
