Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

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Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Hycinth » 17 Dec 2015, 21:45

Your Byond Key:Hycinth

Your character name:

Their character name: Bill Carson

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): Fitchace

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Almost literally any round they play

What rule(s) were broken: ...Strictly speaking, none.

Description of the incident: A consistent history of excessively poor performance in all command roles, including CO and Queen, and the fact that it happens nearly every round they play the aforementioned roles.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Just... Look at the logs for any round they're commander. Christ.

The round before the current one, Bill was commander for all of 10 minutes before ordering an immediate abandoning of the planet (which had an exceedingly solid and defensible FOB established) for a "rebriefing". This resulted almost directly in the loss of the round for the marines, as we lost our foothold on the planet rather quickly. There was absolutely no reason for the order to have been given, etc.

10 minutes as commander, already got a mutiny against him with ~15 marines directly participating in the mutiny, and 90% of the others supporting it.

That should say something.

It's not the first time they've had a mutiny against them, and they're just... I want to say they're an idiot, but that's not necessarily true. They're a decent player, etc, but they absolutely should not be in command roles of any sort.

How you would punish the accused: Job Ban from CO/XO/BO/Queen, to be gradually lifted up the chain of command if they show that they can be an effective squad leader/marine.

Edit to include supplemental imagery:

Last edited by Hycinth on 17 Dec 2015, 21:58, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Feweh » 17 Dec 2015, 21:51

Dont quote me, but hes already been dealt with

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 17 Dec 2015, 21:54

To be honest, I'm kind of tired of Bill Carson's shit as well. It seems every other round he's CO or CL or any sort of leadership that he'll just do the stupidest things that screw up the round and he knows he's being a shit too, but he takes glee in it. It's gotten so bad that Marines pretty much find whatever excuse they can to mutiny whenever he's in a position of authority.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by BlackHeartKabal » 17 Dec 2015, 22:04

Bath Salts Addict wrote:To be honest, I'm kind of tired of Bill Carson's shit as well. It seems every other round he's CO or CL or any sort of leadership that he'll just do the stupidest things that screw up the round and he knows he's being a shit too, but he takes glee in it. It's gotten so bad that Marines pretty much find whatever excuse they can to mutiny whenever he's in a position of authority.
The mutiny caused a very major split in the crew between mutineers and loyalists. That split was reduced to roughly 2 marines and the Medical staff versus EVERY SINGLE HUMAN PLAYER ON THE SULACO after it was clarified that the CO being mutinied against was Bill Carson. Think about that for a second.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Halocat » 17 Dec 2015, 22:09

+1 Meow

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by LiquidNightfury » 17 Dec 2015, 22:11

+1, Bill Carson consistently makes bad decisions in command roles, which happen to be the roles he frequents the very most. He doesn't seem to have an understanding of how tactics work in the CM landscape, jumps quickly to harsh punishment when his orders are challenged instead of ever reconsidering or taking other opinions into account. He is very simply, flatly, a bad commander.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Wickedtemp » 17 Dec 2015, 22:18

Thought I posted but maybe it didn't go through.

Carson goes out of his way to antag as much as possible. Even as a CO, he tried to force the survivors to be sent back to the colony as a punishment. He has attempted this at least one other time, like it was his own personal goal.

Last time, he actually killed a survivor this way.

Personally I'm sick of this shit. He seems to have more complaints against him than any other player, I think that says something.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by SkyeAuroline » 17 Dec 2015, 22:18

I'm in support of a job ban, but I can't give an official +1 to it without providing evidence. I'll edit this later once I've played a round with him as commander and can give some actual logs, though.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by WyattH » 17 Dec 2015, 22:22

-1 People just carry meta-grudges against Bill and then blame him when they start a mutiny on him and make the ship go to shit with mutiny shenanigans

The most recent round for example the marines gunned down the Admiral/higher up that was sent instead of even RP and talking and resolving it peacefully. The marines only have themselves to blame. Instead of having a whole bunch of heavily armed dudes on their side and helping they made a mess of it and changed a marine win into a marine loss by battling the Admiral and his men instead of defending the hangar and killin aliens.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Hycinth » 17 Dec 2015, 22:33

To be fair, the marines figured it was a kill squad (and considering how they were armed? M41C is only issued to Black Ops squads, not the standard PMC ones) and we acted accordingly. Also to be fair, most of the marines were active in the mutiny and would likely have been arrested by the PMC anyways.

The round was lost the instant Carson ordered a full retreat to the Sulaco for no apparent reason, as we had no way to whittle down the Xeno numbers (via FOB defence) before they came up to the Sulaco.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Arachnidnexus » 17 Dec 2015, 22:51

M41C is sometimes issued to normal PMC squad too, by the way. And shooting an admiral who arrived to clear up the situation seems like a poor IC response by marines. Not sure why Bill is to blame for marines being awful at mutiny that round.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Toroic » 17 Dec 2015, 23:06

Bill Carson is rightly infamous as the worst player on the server, because not only is he incompetent but he insists on taking a command role where he does the most damage.

There's nothing wrong with shunning a player who no one wants to play with as long as he's on a role where he always, always is a shitter.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Lostmixup » 17 Dec 2015, 23:10

I had jobbaned you before knowing that this topic was made, but was told to undo it for further investigation.

Honestly man you're not bad as commander, but sometimes you're just so- slow.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Fitchace » 18 Dec 2015, 00:06

So this is how the round went from my perspective.

I joined at about 12:55 Sulaco time. The BO Ben Werry tells me that Alpha squad has gone rouge. He then explains to me in detail that they stole from the MP's and have caused trouble. My next action was contacting High Command inquiring about the use of hostile force on Alpha squad as they seem to be their own band of outlaws which is what I am assuming. I hear a lot of bad reports on the radio chatter so I call everyone back to the Sulaco for a debrief and reorganize because I want to explain the Alpha squad situation and get everyone scanned in those cloners incase they die. Then resend them back to the planet.

Things got really hairy when everyone was freaking out at me for pulling them out of combat. I was going to hold a very quick rebrief and explain the new situation about Alpha squad being a new hostile element, and then send everyone off to get their file on record for the cloning machine.

Before I could do that, many marines storm the bridge on that path of mutiny...for pulling them out of combat from what I gather.

Ben Werry takes me as his personal prisoner

Aliens get onto the Sulaco really quickly surprisingly (I should have taken them squad by squad back to the Sulaco, but I also do need to act like its impossible for the Aliens to operate the monitors)

I'm really tired of people meta hating me as soon as they see me, I hear a lot of negative remarks and insults towards myself before I even begin.

The only really way to solve this is to start playing under another name for a little bit to avoid it.

For some reason I think there was already a mutiny element starting before I joined.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by NoShamNoWow » 18 Dec 2015, 01:39

Fitchace wrote:So this is how the round went from my perspective.

I joined at about 12:55 Sulaco time. The BO Ben Werry tells me that Alpha squad has gone rouge. He then explains to me in detail that they stole from the MP's and have caused trouble. My next action was contacting High Command inquiring about the use of hostile force on Alpha squad as they seem to be their own band of outlaws which is what I am assuming. I hear a lot of bad reports on the radio chatter so I call everyone back to the Sulaco for a debrief and reorganize because I want to explain the Alpha squad situation and get everyone scanned in those cloners incase they die. Then resend them back to the planet.

Things got really hairy when everyone was freaking out at me for pulling them out of combat. I was going to hold a very quick rebrief and explain the new situation about Alpha squad being a new hostile element, and then send everyone off to get their file on record for the cloning machine.

Before I could do that, many marines storm the bridge on that path of mutiny...for pulling them out of combat from what I gather.

Ben Werry takes me as his personal prisoner

Aliens get onto the Sulaco really quickly surprisingly (I should have taken them squad by squad back to the Sulaco, but I also do need to act like its impossible for the Aliens to operate the monitors)

I'm really tired of people meta hating me as soon as they see me, I hear a lot of negative remarks and insults towards myself before I even begin.

The only really way to solve this is to start playing under another name for a little bit to avoid it.

For some reason I think there was already a mutiny element starting before I joined.
I dont understand, you could have rebriefed using the "Announcement" thing from your command computer, And yes alot of marines freaked out because they where starting to get ahold again and reinforcing the FOB. Making them return to the sulaco was a bad idea. And for the disliking part, a main reason why people meta-grudge and generally dislike you is because your actions as command staff tend to make situations go bad, but i'm starting to think it has become a trend to dislike you and new people will notice this and join in even when there is no reason too. I know you are a good player with some amazing rp, just that I dont think you would be a good person to take up a command position.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Xurphorus » 18 Dec 2015, 02:52

I think a lot of you guys just need to take a step back and chill out from the Bill Carson hate. Ok he makes horrifying calls as the CO but you guys must realize, there are other COs who make some really shitty calls. I'm not always on when Carson is the CO but when I am on and witness it, I honestly enjoy the carnage that ensues from his orders. Sometimes there will be salt in the mix but it keeps things interesting. You guys can be salty all you want, just stop bitching about it. Carson in my opinion is the heel that CM needs, he keeps in character as the CO and CL as some sort of Villain on a agenda to fuck the marines, and you know what? I enjoy that, give some life to the server and a challenge to the marines. I would assume I'm the only person who doesn't ''Hate'' Carson but as my character proceeds he doesn't ''Like'' Carson either, but that would not cause me to always have some bone to pick with him every time he joins as CO. Leave Carson Alone #FreeMyNigCarson

P.S.: This is for Carson/Fitchace, Own up to your shit mate, people dislike you because you're a heel, you take that motherfucking title and roll with it

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by monkeysfist101 » 18 Dec 2015, 03:10

OOC, I have nothing against Fitchace. He's done nothing that would warrant me to dislike him much less "hate" him. I enjoy that we get routine Carson because despite his downsides, he makes the round interesting. He's not only the heel, he's our Gorman and that makes the rounds all the better.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by BlackHeartKabal » 18 Dec 2015, 09:06

I'd also like to quote the round where I had invited Bridge Officer Bill Carson to my office in an attempt to mindslave him with a Loyalty Implant. I had put soap in the doorway and implanted him when he fell, but he got up and ran to the other side of the room, apologizing for slipping. I managed to convince him it was a tracker implant the high ups wanted in him at the Commanders discretion, and to prevent him from telling the commander and getting me arrested, I simply told him the commander hated him. After implanting him, the first thing he does is ask to go on planet. I tell him it's not a good idea, and he agrees, since the commander hates him. I tell him if the commander hates him, he wouldn't mind you going on planet. He then says that that's an excellent thought, and bolts onto a shuttle on planet. I didn't see him for the rest of the round but one of the marines reported him nested and killed.

This was a Bridge Officer.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Fitchace » 18 Dec 2015, 11:41

BlackHeartKabal wrote:I'd also like to quote the round where I had invited Bridge Officer Bill Carson to my office in an attempt to mindslave him with a Loyalty Implant. I had put soap in the doorway and implanted him when he fell, but he got up and ran to the other side of the room, apologizing for slipping. I managed to convince him it was a tracker implant the high ups wanted in him at the Commanders discretion, and to prevent him from telling the commander and getting me arrested, I simply told him the commander hated him. After implanting him, the first thing he does is ask to go on planet. I tell him it's not a good idea, and he agrees, since the commander hates him. I tell him if the commander hates him, he wouldn't mind you going on planet. He then says that that's an excellent thought, and bolts onto a shuttle on planet. I didn't see him for the rest of the round but one of the marines reported him nested and killed.

This was a Bridge Officer.

BlackHeartKabal, I was the XO that round, you instructed me to observe how the aliens fight and report that back to you. I geared up and I went down to the planet after the CO approved with a camera to take pictures of the Aliens in combat situations. After takings some really good pictures to give to you, my team of marines I was with got attacked in the Alien nest and I was killed in the process. I really should have left your office after your clearly put soap down in your doorway and dragged me over it. But I wanted to roleplay something different so I just acted otherwise.
"I’m Carson. Bill Carson. I work for the company. But don’t let that fool you. I’m really an okay guy."

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Feweh » 18 Dec 2015, 11:48

BlackHeartKabal wrote:I'd also like to quote the round where I had invited Bridge Officer Bill Carson to my office in an attempt to mindslave him with a Loyalty Implant. I had put soap in the doorway and implanted him when he fell, but he got up and ran to the other side of the room, apologizing for slipping. I managed to convince him it was a tracker implant the high ups wanted in him at the Commanders discretion, and to prevent him from telling the commander and getting me arrested, I simply told him the commander hated him. After implanting him, the first thing he does is ask to go on planet. I tell him it's not a good idea, and he agrees, since the commander hates him. I tell him if the commander hates him, he wouldn't mind you going on planet. He then says that that's an excellent thought, and bolts onto a shuttle on planet. I didn't see him for the rest of the round but one of the marines reported him nested and killed.

This was a Bridge Officer.
In the future, dont do that soap shit. Thats some serious fail RP right there and power-gamey.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by ChickenShizNit8 » 18 Dec 2015, 17:11

I was there and the marines made that whole round a SHIT STORM of salt.

I was that MP, you know, the one who had to run in the bridge and toss two flashbangs because the situation was so fucked...

Bill did nothing wrong. Bill made this call because of the two MP's screaming for help down on the planet because Alpha took them down, when in reality those MP's were being idiots from rounds start, making false calls. Trying to arrest a Medic for stabilizing a survivor, pulling weapons on fully armed marines for trying to DEFEND said medic. Bill was sorta' in favor of the MP's it seems to me, and can you blame him? It's MP's, MP's are NORMALLY a reliable source of information.

Not only THAT, BUT, that medic did not ONCE engage in any LETHAL combat with MP's! She took them down with anesthetics because they kept trying to arrest her for, again, doing her job. They also pulled out weapons during a peace talk with Alpha on the planet to try and get the Medic to give up. Alpha took them down, killed one and beat the other up. I watched and enjoyed from the sidelines, calmly asking for the woman's story, asked for the stolen ID from the MP back, told her to be careful wished her luck and returned home.' IN A NUTSHELL, I think Carson was fine here, his opinion was swayed by MP's

TL;DR - Blame the MP's for convincing him Alpha was a threat, Bill did not know much about the situation it seems.
Last edited by ChickenShizNit8 on 18 Dec 2015, 17:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by XenonDragneel » 18 Dec 2015, 17:17

I. Am. Sick. Of. Player. Who. Complaining. About. Bill Carson. Listen, ya need to stop hating... Bill Carson have the best RP experience I've ever seen(Opinion). Ya need to change he is a nice guy.... He done nothing wrong....
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by MikeHdez97 » 18 Dec 2015, 17:58

Yeah,I am sick too,he knows how to RP,in my opinion bill carson RP as an antag and that's why everybody hate him

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Logan_Wolf » 18 Dec 2015, 18:41

There's no denying it, Carson is the worst CO ever. If you assign random decisions to random keys and seat a retarded monkey in front on the keyboard, Sulaco would do much much better with the monkey than this Badd Badson.


He is always in character. His horribad decisions sometimes lead to fun moments. He seems like a nice person. Keeps it cool even when he is flamed OOC.

Job ban might be too extreme. Insubordination or mutiny is enough when he gets too incompetent even for himself.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by KeyWii » 18 Dec 2015, 18:47

These meta-grudges towards Fitchace are honestly really starting to get out of hand. He's become a scapegoat for whenever the Marines get fucked, regardless if he is the reason for it or not.

-1 #FreeMyNigCarson
Last edited by KeyWii on 18 Dec 2015, 18:49, edited 1 time in total.
