Report against Feweh

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Report against Feweh

Post by shadowhunter215 » 21 Dec 2015, 21:51

Your Byond Key: Shadowhunter215

Your character name: Hunter Holmes

Their Byond key: Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 7:30PM approx

Which Admin Protocols ( were broken: Investigate the situation, determine the punishment

Description of the incident: I was playing as an alpha squad medic and at the time was heading to the dropship shuttle from the nexus to escort a patient with broken bones back to the sulaco. Once I had arrived and dealt with a xeno threat, I came into contact with a marine dragging another marine who was in critical condition, around the LZ. I had to pull him away from the marine, who's name is Stanlee Kelly, in order to try to heal the critical marine. The marine repeatedly dragged the one I was healing away from me for some unknown reason, and this continued until the dropship had arrived, and upon entering, he once more dragged this marine away from me, and then I had managed to get into a position where this marine could not interfere with me at least temporarily. I managed to finally administer some meds which pulled him out of critical condition, and after I had done this I turned to the marine and very angrily told him not to drag patients away from medics ever and punched him in the right arm(I think) , and in response he dragged out a stunbaton and stunned me with it. After I recovered from the stun I quickly took the baton which he had dropped and stunned him with my harm intent left on unintentionally. After he recovered from his stun, he buckled me to a chair, pulled out his M41A rifle, and shot me into extreme critical condition, which I then died from approximately 2-30 seconds later. I then proceeded to get admin assistance, which was met by Feweh, who I described the incident to. Once I finished, he told me that I punched him FIVE times, which is not true, and that this counted as lethal force, forfeiting myself from admin assistance. I do not believe that even if I had punched him five times, that this would fall under lethal force and forfeit admin assistance. shortly after telling me that I had punched him five times and that it fell under lethal force, I asked him to show me the attack logs of when he said I punched him five times, which I did not do in the first place, he then refused(I do not know if mods are required to do this, please let me know when you get to this).

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Unfortunately I do not have any screenshots or logs due to 1. I have never used and 2. enough time had already passed from my being angry about this and wasting my time thinking about it before remembering about the complaints on the forum, that the logs of the PM's and the fight with the marine that the logs had been deleted from the overflow of new logs for me to get a screenshot of it.

How you would punish the accused: I would have given the marine(Stanlee Kelly) a temp ban for murder of another marine for circumstances I do not believe required murder, and I would have healed me (if I was the mod seeing the situation)

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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by Allan1234 » 21 Dec 2015, 22:10

Situation under investigation.

I'll look into the logs when I get home.
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Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

ADMIN LOG: Apophis775/(Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report


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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by Tornadium » 21 Dec 2015, 22:16

If this is indeed the round I'm thinking of, you punched him once at least I only ever saw you punch him the one time after dragging the dude away multiple times in the middle of treatment. Like he kept dragging, dropping, walking away then coming back repeatedly and doing the whole thing over again.

Dude was being a massive douche.

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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by Allan1234 » 21 Dec 2015, 22:19

Also we need a date
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Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by shadowhunter215 » 21 Dec 2015, 22:22

date of incident is today: December 21st, 2015, that's central US time

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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 21 Dec 2015, 22:31

I think it was the round we litterally just got out of..

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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by Allan1234 » 21 Dec 2015, 22:35

yeah log hasn't even uploaded yet. Im waiting for feweh to comment.
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Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by Tornadium » 21 Dec 2015, 22:43

Oh well nevermind completely disregard my post then.

Strange that something extremely similar happened two days ago.

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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by Feweh » 21 Dec 2015, 23:59

You punched him 4-5 times, I can understand a single punch or two but 4-5 times is attempting to harm. I understand you didn't use your lethals but SS13 combat mechanics are shit and people are always scared about getting knocked out.
Both of you were trying to help this one guy, thats the funny thing. You both got in the way of each-other and thought the other person was trying to disrupt you.

You escalated the situation by harming him so he shot you. By using lethal/harming force you forfeit admin assistance which is written in the rules, theres no reason to punch a guy that many times. If you disarmed him or pushed him down I would of dealt with him differently, but you were causing direct damage.

I cant remember if you were stunned first and then you punched the guy after you got out of stun or what exactly. Anyways, dont punch a guy 5 times in the future and he probably wont shoot you.

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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by Allan1234 » 22 Dec 2015, 00:55

Situation Investigated.

Shadow had only punched him twice in an RP setting because by dragging the marine away he was making his wounds worse, shadow had told the marine this shortly after punching him. The marine in question who opened fire had opened fire almost a full minute after he was punched by shadow basically voiding any RP reason for lighting him up.

While Lethal force was allowed under the rules the marine should have used his brain and was wrong to kill you for two small punches and a warning will be issued.

As for Feweh he had handled the situation perfectly fine for his rank as a mod and did investigate as much as possible without access to the admin log and as such I will be recommending to void this report.

Awaiting Head response.
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Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

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Re: Report against Feweh

Post by apophis775 » 29 Dec 2015, 15:35

a review of the logs, gives this story:

Shadow was injecting a bunch of chems into a "probably" injured marine. All healing chems.
Shadow punches a marine and yells at him to stop pulling away the person.
Shadow stuns the marine with a harmbaton, then a stunbaton.
The marine unloads onto shadow.

This is a bit of a slippery slope, I am thinking that the marine who shot shadow to death, was violating the Lethal Force Rule. I do not see any Roleplay or anything, just "BULLETS".

I will talk to feweh about this, BUT this should be much more clear when we publish the new rules today (which go into effect Friday) as the entire Lethal Force rule has been rewritten and clarified.
