Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

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Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by Sabess » 24 Dec 2015, 02:46

Your Byond Key: Sabess

Your character name: Maria 'Corkscrew' Korchnoi

Their character name: Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown (they had a name, I didn't see it)

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): Don't know.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): About 1:30 AM Central US time on the date this was posted (24/12/15)

What rule(s) were broken: Griefing (marine vs marine after round) and a Bridge Officer fighting with marines on the colony.

Description of the incident: Ray 'Zero' Robinson was a Bridge Officer, decided to gear up in full marine armour and head down to the colony. Asked him in LOOC, all he said was "shh." No admins were present. After the round, a marine I didn't catch the name of shot at me with an SMG a bit. Both minorish offenses, but uh, no mins, soooo here I am 'cause getting away with stuff due to a lack of staff is bad.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): https://i.gyazo.com/2d9b3e72a4c4f8471c1 ... 8c24ac.png
https://i.gyazo.com/5fc2bf9dde055e0ea49 ... 7fb534.png

How you would punish the accused: Probably just tell them off a bit, honestly. Not that bad but again, I don't like seeing people get away with stuff without any sort of warning due to no staff seeing it.

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by ZDashe » 24 Dec 2015, 07:24

I was playing as Ray 'Zero' Robinson. My character at the time was in fact a Squad Medic. The reason why my ID was a Bridge Officer was because my ID was promoted to a BO in order to assist the XO. As I mentioned in LOOC, the XO was swamped with handling command all on his own, so I merely listened in to aid coordination and understand what's going on in case i'm needed. Medics are short-staffed in that round, in case you didn't realize. However my squad role still remained as a medic on the ground, and I did not RP as a BO in any way (check the logs for proof). So in terms of being promoted, but acting as that of a lower rank with the exception of being able to provide medivac by calling the dropship or droppod at my own discretion, then yes I am guilty. However, the situation calls for it, and it's up to the command staff to make the calls (I don't see how squad and role reassignments after the round has started are against the rules).

With regards to this 'fighting with marines on the colony' I have no idea what you are referring to, as I was not present. You might want to file a separate report and for the admins to look into it separately? Because it seems like it's someone else responsible, and I am not involved.

I do actually encourage players like you, who take note and take the effort to report such infractions actually. Many times when admins are not around, other players will take advantage of it. If we let them slip, it will send a false message to the community that breaking the rules is acceptable.
Last edited by ZDashe on 24 Dec 2015, 07:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by Sabess » 24 Dec 2015, 07:30

By fighting with I mean "fighting alongside".

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by ZDashe » 24 Dec 2015, 07:32

it was at the end of the round? Are you sure I was present at the time?

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by Sabess » 24 Dec 2015, 07:35

...As I thought I made very clear, the guy who shot at me at round-end wasn't you. Again, I didn't say that you were fighting the marines, I said you were fighting ALONGSIDE them.

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by ZDashe » 24 Dec 2015, 07:46

Oh so the rule you claim that I broke was merely "fighting as a BO alongside marines"? If that's the case, it's hardly related to griefing right? Admins, please look into the logs and determine who EORG for that round then. I wasn't aware of it probably because I wasn't present.

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by Sabess » 24 Dec 2015, 07:53

Yep, that's the case. Only rule I was worried about you breaking is being a BO on the colony and fighting dem aliums. The griefer is another guy.

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by SASoperative » 24 Dec 2015, 10:03

BO's going to the planet is against the rules... That is the XO or COs job and that is ONLY if one of them stays back and still manages to command marines... Why did you go to the ground as a BO?

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by ZDashe » 24 Dec 2015, 20:30

Like I said, in reality, I was the Squad Medic. The ID reads BO because of reassignment so that I could call dropship and droppod evacs at my own discretion when handling medivacs because the XO was busy handling all 4 squads from the bridge alone, and wanted to ease his workload as I might have been the only medic in service. That way, with a command headset, I was able to tune into all 4 squads and listen out for casualties. The ID's name could probably have been renamed to squad medic instead, but the reassignment process was sloppily done. If you dig up the logs, you will find that I did not command nor RP as a BO in any way throughout the round.

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by Jack McIntyre » 25 Dec 2015, 00:35

Right I would highly discourage that sort of thing because if you get promoted to BO you should be in the bridge and not playing medic on the planet, whatever your previous job was, as soon as you get a promotion to a doctor or whatever, you do that job and not your previous one. I have done command staff as XO by myself before and yes it sucks, but it is managable and what you did going planetside is not a excuse for going down as a BO, but that isn't entirely your fault since XO didn't stop you. We are talking about getting you guys access to the medical channel so you can report casualties and wounded so medbay knows what is coming up on the shuttle, and can be dealt with doctors then, and that being said I do not know if this was a low pop round or what. However that being said I will gladly investigate this situation and figure out exactly what was going on. That being said Ray or Zero or Zdashe next time you get a promotion as such do not go down to the planet would be my advice to you.

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by Sabess » 25 Dec 2015, 00:57

Wasn't really lowpop, there was like 3+ other medics.

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by ZDashe » 25 Dec 2015, 06:05

Thanks Jack for investigating. I will gladly accept any punishment, because on the strictest rule, having a BO's level of access on surface is indeed against the rules, and I will not deny that fact. In fact, I wish that my case be handled with the strictest of scrutiny, because on hindsight, I just realized that such role reassignments can be a rather grey area that players might take to bend the rules. As an example I just thought of, a CO may authorize to demote a XO to a marine, be deployed to check out the planet, then return and gets reassigned back to XO. I now understand that this can be a possible source of greytiding.

Perhaps have a new rule that role reassignments can only be done ONCE, and become permanent for the rest of the round?

Sidenote: I think the medical channel would be a good idea, and a good change towards marine coordination.

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Re: Minor Complaint Against Ray 'Zero' Robinson and Unknown

Post by apophis775 » 29 Dec 2015, 15:58

Remember this as a warning, and avoid doing things like this again.
