Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

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Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Richtofen » 04 Jan 2016, 23:16

Your Byond Key:Richtofen

Your character name:Jesse Noble

Their character name:Leo Backburn, Mark Hanford, and others that I don't remember because the chat got flooded.

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it):

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):Monday 4th. 10:40 pm

What rule(s) were broken: Griefing, lethal force.

Description of the incident: Yesterday night I was on the server, first time playing in ages on SS13 and this server. Played an MP, saw one marine (dino) attack another marine, tell him to stop, he runs away, stun baton him to knock him down, another marine disarms me, beats me to near death with the stun baton, handcuffs me, puts me in a locker, puts me in an out of the way place, and leaves. Tells everyone on comms that I am "rouge". Break out, come back, report what happend over comms, ignored by everyone, someone saying that I tried to murder someone. Confront these marines for assault, Leo, Dino, Sisereth immediately attacked me without a word, beat me to near death again with batons and shot me several times with a gun, brought me to medbay where doctors tried to overdose me on drugs, CMO saved my life after sitting there for 20 minutes knocked out. Get another MP to help me, officers, commander, other MPs do not care about whats going on, including several break-ins to different restricted areas by these marines. Attempt once again to arrest them, another marine gets involved, he opens fire on me, i tase him, another marine shoots and kills me and 5 other marines, admins just revive everyone and the ones i arrested escape. Capture one, bring him to the brig, his friends all come and beat me and nearly murder me yet again, this shit keeps going on, admin intervenes and says I shouldn't have attempted to arrest them because we "need the manpower". I agree to pretend none of it happened and just go back to patrolling the halls. Siserthe attacks another marine, other MPs arrest him and he murders a MP just as the round ends.

AKA, a GIANT clusterfuck that was unnecessary, considering that if the marine I initially told to stop, had stopped, and told me that he was punching his friend jokingly (which he revealed much later), none of this would have happened, and at most he would be in the brig for 5 minutes or less.

I took note of yesterday on how to try and stop things from escalating.

Today, an engineer comes to security, tells me a marine named Leo had broken into cargo and destroyed a bunch of glass walls and was trying to rob them. I come there, ask whats going on, he immediately attempts to attack me, I stun him, arrest him, bring him to the brig. As soon as I strap him to the bed, his friend Mark Hanford comes behind me, beats me with a stun baton untill im critical, frees his friend (from a 5 minute prison time, mind you) saying that "theres no time" and "we need the manpower" and so on, beats me some more, takes some of my items, stuffs me into solitary handcuffed and strapped to a chair, badly hurt and have no headset. Someone comes by and releases me, I gather my items and he tells me they are in cargo. I return there, and seeing as that these players just constantly attack me on sight, to knock them out immediatly. I knock them both down, try to cuff them, another marine intervenes, they run away to medbay, i catch up to them, try to arrest them again, 6 marines start unloading their rifles into me, I try to knock them down with my stun baton, it runs out of energy, playing whack-a-mdole with a bunch of marines trying to keep them on the ground long enough for someone sane to come and help me arrest them, they get up and gun me down.

I used adminhelp 2 times, when I was being beaten by mark and leo with a stun baton and thrown into solitary, no response. Second time, when I was murdered, he doesn't' do anything about it because stun batons are now lethal weapons, apparently, but only when it's MPs hitting marines, not when Marine are hitting MPs.

I honestly don't understand what the point of the MP is. I get told someone is causing trouble, I go to keep the peace, I am immediatly attacked, and if not, they resist arrest and try to kill me. Either remove MPs or make them have a use, because being murdered constantly by a pack of marines for doing what my job description is and following the rules, is NOT fun. It just seems I am ment to sit in security or at the commanders side and not nothing, because marines aren't allowed to be arrested due to being needed to fight aliens.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): The mentor online decided to do nothing because stun batons are now lethal weapons apparently, so I didn't take any screenshots when i had the chance, thinking he would deal with the situation.

How you would punish the accused: A warning, or short ban.
Last edited by Richtofen on 04 Jan 2016, 23:35, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Aeleto » 04 Jan 2016, 23:26

The only reason I've ever broke inside the Brig was because Leo were one of the few, if not the last spec around and we needed the manpower because everyone was infected or dying (I've came to regret the decision, and later handcuffed him with Xur). Then the xeno invasion happened, and you tried to arrest me when I came to Medbay to help tend the injured since the CMO was all by himself.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by WyattH » 04 Jan 2016, 23:32

can confirm these guys were being shitlers to the MP and violating the roleplay guidelines by doing so

also logs will show Leo running around being incompetent saying that the MPs would need to shoot him dead because he was going to start shooting people

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by SASoperative » 04 Jan 2016, 23:33

Uhm.... What might YOUR Ckey be might I ask? I need it for log diving...

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Richtofen » 04 Jan 2016, 23:44

Aeleto wrote:The only reason I've ever broke inside the Brig was because Leo were one of the few, if not the last spec around and we needed the manpower because everyone was infected or dying (I've came to regret the decision, and later handcuffed him with Xur). Then the xeno invasion happened, and you tried to arrest me when I came to Medbay to help tend the injured since the CMO was all by himself.
Im pretty sure MP's outrank marines. You shouldn't be disobeying higher ranking people first off, second, starting a shit fest for a 5 minute prison time is stupid, and if there was a serious situation such as boarding and the commander authroized it, he would be released.

When I went to medbay I tried to arrest two people who tried to murder me. Then, you and everyone else started joining on against me, a MP, to help the marines who BROKE MARINE LAW, and started shooting me.

And I had some people (mostly leo's firends including leo himself) bitch and rage at me for "harmbattoning" them when they opened fire on me with assault rifles and shotguns when all I attempted to do was arrest 2 people.

Every marine in the area literally started attacking me for DOING MY JOB.
SASoperative wrote:Uhm.... What might YOUR Ckey be might I ask? I need it for log diving...
Sorry, I didn't see that part, added it to the OP.

And for the record, I don't recall what intent I was on during my fight with the dozen marines all shooting at me, but my baton ran out of energy and i just pressed anything to try and make it actually knock people down so I don't die.

AND yesterday, I was being harm-battoned on purpose in the med bay by a marine before the one doctor not trying to overdose me on poison, disarmed him, and admins didn't do a thing about him or any of the other marines pulling that kind of crap. So I don't see why I am pretty much being targeted by this mentor and Leo and his friends, being what seems grudge-targetted. Im like a special snowflake, where I magically turn a stun baton into a lethal weapon, but anyone else holding it, it becomes just a stun baton.

As you can probably tell, I am really annoyed by this whole situation, so many double standards.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by NoShamNoWow » 05 Jan 2016, 01:48

SASoperative wrote:Uhm.... What might YOUR Ckey be might I ask? I need it for log diving...
Yea check those logs because half of what he saying is very inaccurate. I had only cuffed you out of all those things and then called you "rogue" because you where attempting to arrest are only engie that hit Leo. That punch was a "Friendly Punch" one just joking around but you took it very serious and tried arrest are ONLY engie we needed for the operation. Thats the reason why pretty much everyone was against you. You also delayed the launch of the shuttle when we needed to go, aggravating even more marines.
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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by NoShamNoWow » 05 Jan 2016, 02:00

Richtofen wrote: I used adminhelp 2 times, when I was being beaten by mark and leo with a stun baton and thrown into solitary, no response. Second time, when I was murdered, he doesn't' do anything about it because stun batons are now lethal weapons, apparently, but only when it's MPs hitting marines, not when Marine are hitting MPs.
Harmbatoning (Using harm intent with a baton) is Assualting another player and as per rules follow it prevents admin helping you because you are attacking back forfeiting assistance from us.
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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Richtofen » 05 Jan 2016, 02:12

NoShamNoWow wrote: Yea check those logs because half of what he saying is very inaccurate. I had only cuffed you out of all those things and then called you "rogue" because you where attempting to arrest are only engie that hit Leo. That punch was a "Friendly Punch" one just joking around but you took it very serious and tried arrest are ONLY engie we needed for the operation. Thats the reason why pretty much everyone was against you. You also delayed the launch of the shuttle when we needed to go, aggravating even more marines.
You disarmed me, beat me, cuffed me, stuffed me in a locker, and hid me in some out of the way place.

I don't give a damn if it's your squad leader, your only engineer or medic or who it is, if he/she has broken marine law, a MP will take action, as is their job (unless their job is to just sit in security and afk, because that's what it seems like admins and players want it to be). Instead of explaining what I just saw he ran away, and then you attacked me. You're the one at fault here. If you didn't attack a superior and a MP and basically went rouge yourself, I would have caught him, questioned him, and at worst, put him in the brig for resisting arrest, but most likely would have let him go free with a warning of not to run away when an MP confronts you.

And in by doing what you did, and your friends constant assaults and commotion, you guys caused more issues than anything. You broke the rules, you broke a ton of marine laws, and now half of these players have a grudge against me and continually kill me every match or in some way try to grief me.

As for harmbattonning, I was the subject of it before and an admins did nothing about it, yet when I hit a marine (who was trying to shoot me) with a stun batton, on help intent, admins ignore me, and when I hit a marine when it's out of charge, suddenly I am the bad guy even tho 6+ marines were firing their asasult rifles at me with the intent to kill, so please stop trying to dress it up like I am breaking the rules here because your buddies did wrong.

If you don't want to be inprisoned for breaking marine law, then, don't break marine law? Or have the admins just remove MPs and marine law and add new server rules that result in bans for breaking them, like stealing items, entering forbidden areas, mutiny, and all that other stuff, because it seems people want to supress any marine RP for more alium pew pew, there is no point to MPs at this point.
Last edited by Richtofen on 05 Jan 2016, 02:19, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Jack McIntyre » 05 Jan 2016, 02:17

Just wait till we are done investigating it please. Sham was just giving his side of the story, he is entitled to that. SAS if you don't want to investigate I can, just let me know and I can give you a report after. You're call.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by NoShamNoWow » 05 Jan 2016, 02:20

Richtofen wrote: You disarmed me, beat me, cuffed me, stuffed me in a locker, and hid me in some out of the way place.

I don't give a damn if it's your squad leader, your only engine or medic or who it is, if he/she has broken marine law, a MP will take action. Instead of explaining what I just saw he ran away, and then you attacked me. You're the one at fault here. If you didn't attack a superior and a MP and basically went rouge yourself, I would have caught him, questioned him, and at worst, put him in the brig for resisting arrest, but most likely would have let him go free with a warning of not to run away when an MP confronts you.

And in by doing what you did, and your friends constant assaults and commotion, you guys caused more issues than anything. You broke the rules, you broke a ton of marine laws, and now half of these players have a grudge against me and continually kill me every match or in some way try to grief me.

As for harmbattonning, I was the subject of it before and an admins did nothing about it, yet when I hit a marine trying to shoot me with a stun batton on help intent, admins ignore me, and when I hit a marine when it's out of charge, suddenly I am the bad guy even tho 6+ marines were firing their asasult rifles at me with the intent to kill, so please stop trying to dress it up like I am breaking the rules here.
It was a disarm-cuffed. I did not do the locker nor did I throw a punch. You could have also asked "why did you throw that punch" and ect. you just came up and tried to arrest them. I am not at full-fault here, I only was making sure that this operation had all that we needed and rp-wise a marine is not gonna let there only engie out of the entire operation get arrest for simply throwing a single "Friendly" punch. As for the Harmbaton, this will have to be looked at more It was said you harmbatoned them.
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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Richtofen » 05 Jan 2016, 02:30

NoShamNoWow wrote: It was a disarm-cuffed. I did not do the locker nor did I throw a punch. You could have also asked "why did you throw that punch" and ect. you just came up and tried to arrest them. I am not at full-fault here, I only was making sure that this operation had all that we needed and rp-wise a marine is not gonna let there only engie out of the entire operation get arrest for simply throwing a single "Friendly" punch. As for the Harmbaton, this will have to be looked at more It was said you harmbatoned them.
No, I told him to stop and he started to run away from me and then you attacked me, plain and simple. IC you're not going to ATTACK a SUPERIOR OFFICER, not to mention a MP, which is basically a like a civilian attacking a police officer, because you think you know better and can decide that your friend should be free for whatever reason regardless of what they did.

The punch is irrelevent. He ran away, I pursued, you attacked me, I came back once I broke free to arrest you for attacking me, your frirends attempted to murder me. It goes from "you're under arrest" to being shot and beaten to near death and handcuffed by a group of marines, are you kidding me? There was no sane IC reason for any of that to happen and yet all of you got off, scott free, just like today.

The rules clearly state, you don't go from words to gunshots, or punches to guns.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Hycinth » 05 Jan 2016, 03:49

Richtofen wrote:AKA, a GIANT clusterfuck that was unnecessary, considering that if the marine I initially told to stop, had stopped, and told me that he was punching his friend jokingly (which he revealed much later), none of this would have happened, and at most he would be in the brig for 5 minutes or less.
Since I was the marine who was originally mercilessly and wordlessly stunbatonned in this situation by you, you uh, literally reacted to me punching Leo, and Leo punching me (once each) then us chatting in a friendly manner by REPEATEDLY STUNBATONNING ME INCLUDING AFTER I WAS ALREADY ON THE GROUND. I made no attempt to run away, because I wasn't expecting BATMAN, THE HERO MP to run out of nowhere and wordlessly baton me.

No "hey, stop that!" no "What the hell is going on" just immediate stunbaton hits and a very, very fumbled attempt to cuff me. While I was in and out of conciousness from pain crit, I attempted to explain that we weren't fighting, but the repeated stunbatons applied to my skull kinda interefered with that.

This shitlery resulted in the marines deciding to defend their comrade from an MP who was failing to do their duty. Sorry you got stunned with your own baton, cuffed with your own cuffs, stuffed into a locker, and then welded into it.

You were never "beaten" in the entire encounter. You were hit with the stun baton 2-3 times, which puts you in deep paincrit. There was not a single harmful attack against your person from what I remember. It was disarms and non-lethals.

Messing with marines without a good and very valid reason as an MP tends to get you in trouble, and you don't have much trust from the marines in the first place. Doing something like this at the beginning of a round is a really good way to get literally none of them to comply with you.

TL;DR stop lying.
Last edited by Hycinth on 05 Jan 2016, 04:04, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by apophis775 » 05 Jan 2016, 03:56

Ok. THis is going to be investigated by a head. Know that we WILL get to the bottom of this and locate those at fault.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Richtofen » 05 Jan 2016, 05:51

Hycinth wrote: Since I was the marine who was originally mercilessly and wordlessly stunbatonned in this situation by you, you uh, literally reacted to me punching Leo, and Leo punching me (once each) then us chatting in a friendly manner by REPEATEDLY STUNBATONNING ME INCLUDING AFTER I WAS ALREADY ON THE GROUND. I made no attempt to run away, because I wasn't expecting BATMAN, THE HERO MP to run out of nowhere and wordlessly baton me.

No "hey, stop that!" no "What the hell is going on" just immediate stunbaton hits and a very, very fumbled attempt to cuff me. While I was in and out of conciousness from pain crit, I attempted to explain that we weren't fighting, but the repeated stunbatons applied to my skull kinda interefered with that.

This shitlery resulted in the marines deciding to defend their comrade from an MP who was failing to do their duty. Sorry you got stunned with your own baton, cuffed with your own cuffs, stuffed into a locker, and then welded into it.

You were never "beaten" in the entire encounter. You were hit with the stun baton 2-3 times, which puts you in deep paincrit. There was not a single harmful attack against your person from what I remember. It was disarms and non-lethals.

Messing with marines without a good and very valid reason as an MP tends to get you in trouble, and you don't have much trust from the marines in the first place. Doing something like this at the beginning of a round is a really good way to get literally none of them to comply with you.

TL;DR stop lying.
I am very sure I said "stop" before you ran off, if, somehow, I actually did stun you without a word, then I apologize for a ton of confusion, but what's more likely is that you did not see it, im sure admins can find out in the logs if they bother to look into that round as well. We were to the left of the ladders, you ran from there to the south-west of the shuttle, so don't tell me you just stood there and didn't run, I didn't move you an inch.
As for "repeatedly suntbatonning me including after i was already on the ground" I hit you 3 or 4 times untill the message of "he is too weak to move" or whatever happens, so I know you won't get back up in 2 seconds, I was trying to figure out how to put you in a stronger hold in order to cuff you (haven't played ss13 in quite a few months now, think that was actually my first game coming back)

Either way, I intended to question you once in cuffs, but instead of that, dino attacked me, and caused a giant shitstorm that wasted more time and caused more issues than anything else. The only thing you are at fault here for, is running away, which was a catalyst of sorts for everything, otherwise I would be just sitting on the sulaco for the hour doing nothing. Even what dino did wasn't even that bad compared to what Leo, Siserthe, and others did that round, including putting bullets in my chest, gunning down an entire room of marines, doctors taking orders from marine privates to drug a me while a marine harmbattoned me, and all the other crap they did.

But again, that round was "resolved" by an admin who said, everyone, you, me, dino, sis, leo, twitch, everyone else involved, were at fault for everything that happened and that we should move on. Apparently people didn't move on because I was still getting raged at the very next round, grudge killed, then raged at and harassed the very next DAY.

I just want to play 2d spessmans but people have to make a dramafest and skid the rules. I don't think I will ever be playing MP again, and frankly, it should just be removed from the game, it, apparently, serves no purpose because MPs aren't allowed to make arrests, and just get lynched by marines when they actually do, destroying the chain of command completely. Maybe turn MPs into some elite bodyguards for the commander or something, give them lethal weapons and the sole purpose of protecting the commander and the sulaco from boarding threats. Ironically, ages ago when I last played MP on this server, they had an even more reduced role because anything from punching other marines, to murdering them, or even disobeying the commander was usually dealt with by server staff.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Hycinth » 05 Jan 2016, 06:56

Richtofen wrote: I am very sure I said "stop" before you ran off, if, somehow, I actually did stun you without a word, then I apologize for a ton of confusion, but what's more likely is that you did not see it, im sure admins can find out in the logs if they bother to look into that round as well. We were to the left of the ladders, you ran from there to the south-west of the shuttle, so don't tell me you just stood there and didn't run, I didn't move you an inch.
As for "repeatedly suntbatonning me including after i was already on the ground" I hit you 3 or 4 times untill the message of "he is too weak to move" or whatever happens, so I know you won't get back up in 2 seconds, I was trying to figure out how to put you in a stronger hold in order to cuff you (haven't played ss13 in quite a few months now, think that was actually my first game coming back)

Either way, I intended to question you once in cuffs, but instead of that, dino attacked me, and caused a giant shitstorm that wasted more time and caused more issues than anything else. The only thing you are at fault here for, is running away, which was a catalyst of sorts for everything, otherwise I would be just sitting on the sulaco for the hour doing nothing. Even what dino did wasn't even that bad compared to what Leo, Siserthe, and others did that round, including putting bullets in my chest, gunning down an entire room of marines, doctors taking orders from marine privates to drug a me while a marine harmbattoned me, and all the other crap they did.

But again, that round was "resolved" by an admin who said, everyone, you, me, dino, sis, leo, twitch, everyone else involved, were at fault for everything that happened and that we should move on. Apparently people didn't move on because I was still getting raged at the very next round, grudge killed, then raged at and harassed the very next DAY.

I just want to play 2d spessmans but people have to make a dramafest and skid the rules. I don't think I will ever be playing MP again, and frankly, it should just be removed from the game, it, apparently, serves no purpose because MPs aren't allowed to make arrests, and just get lynched by marines when they actually do, destroying the chain of command completely. Maybe turn MPs into some elite bodyguards for the commander or something, give them lethal weapons and the sole purpose of protecting the commander and the sulaco from boarding threats. Ironically, ages ago when I last played MP on this server, they had an even more reduced role because anything from punching other marines, to murdering them, or even disobeying the commander was usually dealt with by server staff.

I literally didn't move. I was on the ground where I was standing at the time. And the admin resolved the situation LATER in the round with that judgement. I did literally nothing wrong in this situation. Paul Kellerman, one of the other MPs later came down and did the job as he should have. He asked us to step off the shuttle, asked a few questions, confirmed the situation, and walked off. He didn't pull a baton or charge onto the shuttle with a taser to ARREST PEOPLE WHO MAY WELL HAVE BEEN DOING NOTHING WRONG.

Resorting to your baton first and words later is the mark of a bad MP who will always be hated by marines.

For the record, I regularly play MP. Words are far better tools than anything you have in your lockers. Asking marines to comply, figuring out the situation, and applying appropriate sentencing works far better than any of them. I've arrested plenty of marines with a reputation for being rowdy or hating MPs simply by not being shitcurity.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 05 Jan 2016, 07:59

Just a heads up. Mp marine law states. If your going to arrest you must state who you are arresting and for what charge and ask them to come willingly. Only use stun gear if they refuse or attempt to run.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by TotalAnarchy » 05 Jan 2016, 10:40

When there is one player against four normally they are the issue. I am Leo, first off the MP is addressing two different events. Both of witch he handled very poorly. The first one was a friendly "love tap" between two of us, good friends on the server. The MP emiditly when crazy and batoned them. Which all I simply did was drag off the stunned player. I at no then took no further action. UNTILL the MP then again went insane and was screaming for everyone's arrest, while we where on the ground. I came back to the sulaco to find the MP in cuffs by a few marines we threw him in solitary. I at no point had any part in that untill putting an already cuffed man into solitary and leaving.

The next issue is one where this MP while the sulaco was under attack decided to dissobay the CO and arrest marines. He arrested me because as well are all very well accustomed to Leo is a fucking prick. But this MP rolls in batons cuffs. Then Mark comes in batons his ass in brig. Mark gets me up. I simple put Jesse in perma UNTILL the threat has passed. While headed to medbay I noticed him running around dected out in riot amor I thought nothing of it. Then he runs into medbay and goes ape shit no warning no thing useing a taser and baton gets three or four marines down including me. Then instead of cuffing he just start harm batoning. There where so many of us that when we stood up we just pulled out our guns and shot all four of us at different times due to the baton harm spam. I didn't kill him that time as well sadly. I did place a few good sniper rounds in the chest then once he was did I shot the fuck outta him in RP rage. But he batoned us so bad that no one could fix me and I ODed on pain meds to RP killing the pain and was cloned but while in dead chat he went on a full salt rant because no one cloned him or helped him after he tryed to kill four marines. Four very good players and long time players.

Lethal force was only used once the MP started harm batoning. No one fired a shot till he switched to harm baton so that he could be judge jury and executioner.

MP is not unplayable, it's just not your role. Try something where you can shoot first and ask questions later. Like an SPC or standard those roles would suit you better.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by SASoperative » 05 Jan 2016, 18:07

This thread is now under supervision. If you are not involved do not post in here period to avoid confusion. Thank you.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by SASoperative » 05 Jan 2016, 18:21

Alright after looking through logs from what I can gather the RO refused to give him sniper ammunition. He went berserk and attacked the RO and a MP (You) Tried to attack him with non lethal weaponry in which he returned fire. Was arrested in which a BO came in (Mark Hanford) and let him free in which he took you to Perma. (From here my logs could be failing me so PM me if I am wrong. I do not need details I need to know what happened from here on out) He returned to the RO who had stolen his sniper in which he than killed the RO to take it back in which the BO (Mark Hanford) attacked him with a stun baton to detain probably figuring out that it was incorrect to let him go. You at this point I believe were out of perma at this point in which around now is when you started to beat him with a harm baton (At this point I will say it was acceptable) He was taken to medical and treated and from what I can tell and you were killed by some other guy called Hank 'The tank' Regardless this is a clusterfuck... I can not figure out who was all involved at the moment but Leo will be dealt with at least. You were not in the wrong so no worries.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by SASoperative » 05 Jan 2016, 18:38

Final Verdict will be Leo's final warning due to his few to no notes. Any more offenses coming from him are to result in at least 2 day bans unless its End round grief. Those are always 3 hour bans. In addition we will try to monitor him more often. His violent outbursts have gotten a bit out of hand as of late.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Aeleto » 05 Jan 2016, 18:41

Just a correction, I was not the BO but a squad medic. Was using the ID of one that went inactive or died, not sure of his fate.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by SASoperative » 05 Jan 2016, 18:49

This will be locked in a few hours by the way. If you have anything to add now is the time to do it.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Richtofen » 05 Jan 2016, 19:00

Will the other players be getting warnings of some sort? Or at least informed of what went wrong?

No one is supposed to intervene in an arrest, regardless of what they feel is right or wrong. I am tired of getting knocked out by the marine's squad because their buddy ol pal is getting arrested. It should either be made clear that people shouldn't just act like a wild monkey and beat the ever living shit out of anyone they want regardless of rank or situation, or make attacking an MP a bannable offense or something.

There is no excuse for the behaviour of many players during both those rounds.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by SASoperative » 05 Jan 2016, 19:04

Pretty much what happened is the guy Intervened with the arrest and than he noticed what he did was wrong and attempted to stop Leo. Which did not end to well and ended in the fire fight. I would normally give him a note but since he did see the error in what he did he walks off clean for now... Mark Hanford for the most part in the past has been a pretty good player. I have yet to talk to him personally but Leo WAS in the wrong.

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Re: Griefing, murder, and MP being unplayable

Post by Richtofen » 05 Jan 2016, 19:15

Fair enough, but I was thinkinig of the other marines that were later involved, mostly in my murder. Im sure the situation was confusing, but they shouldn't have ran in to start attacking me, it went from me trying to arrest 2 people, to me defending myself from 6+ armed people attempting to kill me.
