Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

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Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Post by Mitchs98 » 14 Feb 2016, 19:24

Your Byond Key | Character Name: Mitchs98/Anya Allen

Accused Byond Key | Character Name: Giovani Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 5:00 PM CST

What rule(s) were broken: General Rule: 6(I THINK), Marine Rules: 1, 6,

Description of the incident: Alright. I was MP the entire round, Monty Ludwig during this time did jack of shit. Really, all of command did. I was left(As things tend to go when command shits out and I'm the only one with access) to attempt to salvage the command portion of the round. I straight up ran overwatch on all the squads and attempted to get their supplies but by that time things were already FUBAR thanks to command being shit. I eventually ahelp if MP is allowed to arrest the CO for neglect, I get a yes from apop, and proceed to arrest. Get him drug out of the bridge, get confronted by Heinrick and Giovanni. Monty says I am a traitor and to execute me, these chucklefucks straight up agree and draw weapons on me to release him. Angelica comes up and helps me out and gets shot during the process, though we get all of them arrested. Things go to further shit while I'm dealing with them, ultimately losing the round due to me not being able to fire the orbitals or otherwise help the marines. Time passes, Monty(somehow) gets a gun and kills Angelica and steals her ID. I come in and try to taze him down, sure enough I get him down but by that time I was wounded too badly to cuff him. Bryson comes in soon after the CO gets up and opens fire(No clue why he had a pistol), obviously gets out gunned by an M4 etc. Soon after I get treated partially(stabilized) and brought to medbay. I effectively got put out of the round by a baldie griefer that did absolutely nothing relevant to his position the entire round and he was helped by two randoms for no reason, might I add they didn't even give me a chance to explain when the CO gave the order to have me release him and kill me. Thus effectively breaking RP altogether. Unfortunately I have no pictures, but it should be able to be pieced together by logs.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: Job bans/warnings

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Re: Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Post by ealmernd » 14 Feb 2016, 19:50

Monty Ludwig? That baldie sabotaged the superemitter in the previous round as an MT. He was demoted to janitor and then locked himself in marine prep, hacking the doors and bolting them when sec turned up. He was insisting that he be deployed planetside.

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Re: Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Post by Allan1234 » 15 Feb 2016, 00:05

So firstly ya spelt my name wrong ^_^. Secondly the entire situation is summed up in a misunderstanding.

So from my point of view (as bravo marine) the CO was doing a fine job (mainly becuase I was knocked out after the issue with the commisar on the ground) and I decided to sit around outside the bridge waiting to talk to the CO. I see you come out with him handcuffed being dragged behind you so obviously the first thing I do since I had absolutly no pretext on the situation is pull out my gun and tell you to unhand your commanding officer, now this is where things devolved. The other marine comes out and agrees with me to unhand him at which point your friend comes out and basiclly charges us. We get arrested and put into brig. Now at this point I don't know what happend with the CO but presumbaly he escaped and shot you two up which I heard and escaped with a knife I had. As far as im concerned with bryson he survived 100% and auctally ended up helping us out.

As for the grief with the two marines you had arrested the CO and dragged him out without telling ANYONE except for maybe the MPs so of course two marines that see you dragging him handcuffed are going to stop you and open fire when they are attacked by the other MP. There was no grief with the CO. You had basiclly commited mutiny to arrest him and as such you and anyone else who helped are 100% open to being killed by him and anyone supporting him.

As I said above this seems to be a case of misunderstandings and the MPs kinda handled the situation poorly by arresting the commander and not explaining to anyone why or when you where going to do it even with apops approval the basic mutiny rules still should apply (not sure on this).

As for the report in general you ahelped it in game and I personally told you that there was no grief and that you and anyone supporting you had commited mutiny by arresting the commander and where 100% open to attack by him and anyone supporting him.
M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

ADMIN LOG: Apophis775/(Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report


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Re: Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Post by Mitchs98 » 15 Feb 2016, 14:59

Heinrick Archsider wrote:So firstly ya spelt my name wrong ^_^. Secondly the entire situation is summed up in a misunderstanding.

So from my point of view (as bravo marine) the CO was doing a fine job (mainly becuase I was knocked out after the issue with the commisar on the ground) and I decided to sit around outside the bridge waiting to talk to the CO. I see you come out with him handcuffed being dragged behind you so obviously the first thing I do since I had absolutly no pretext on the situation is pull out my gun and tell you to unhand your commanding officer, now this is where things devolved. The other marine comes out and agrees with me to unhand him at which point your friend comes out and basiclly charges us. We get arrested and put into brig. Now at this point I don't know what happend with the CO but presumbaly he escaped and shot you two up which I heard and escaped with a knife I had. As far as im concerned with bryson he survived 100% and auctally ended up helping us out.

As for the grief with the two marines you had arrested the CO and dragged him out without telling ANYONE except for maybe the MPs so of course two marines that see you dragging him handcuffed are going to stop you and open fire when they are attacked by the other MP. There was no grief with the CO. You had basiclly commited mutiny to arrest him and as such you and anyone else who helped are 100% open to being killed by him and anyone supporting him.

As I said above this seems to be a case of misunderstandings and the MPs kinda handled the situation poorly by arresting the commander and not explaining to anyone why or when you where going to do it even with apops approval the basic mutiny rules still should apply (not sure on this).

As for the report in general you ahelped it in game and I personally told you that there was no grief and that you and anyone supporting you had commited mutiny by arresting the commander and where 100% open to attack by him and anyone supporting him.
How in the world do you consider doing literally nothing but running around pointlessly and changing the monitor to 'ayyliens lmao' doing a good job? He did NOTHING to make command do their job, NOTHING whatsoever to help the marines as far as I saw. And yes, I did have a command headset 90% of that round seeing as I was the only one doing jack of shit command wise until an XO arrived long after the round was unable to be salvaged. You pull out your gun, at an MP officer demanding they unhand the CO. Did you stop to ask or think maybe, just maybe, there was a valid reason behind it? Nope, you simply kept demanding I unhand them and agreeing to execute me while I continuously tried to explain the situation. So, of course, I tell Angelica to help and ambush you. Why wouldn't I? Two people aiming a gun at me for a valid arrest without even asking for context while I was the main if not only person trying to keep the round from basically being handed to the aliens with a red bow.

That's not a misunderstanding, that's poor and illogical RP. A little while later Angelica screamed for help, why? She was getting murdered by the CO. By the time I arrived she was dead and the CO was busting everyone out. I come in with NON LETHALS and he decides to open fire and nearly kill me, I would have died had the ENTIRETY of the SL's gotten me help.

It is not mutiny to arrest a CO that is breaking the law, in his case Neglect of Duty, CO's are not above the law. It is not mutiny to arrest a CO that is breaking the law. Therefore, no my friend, they are not immediately targets open to be killed for helping me.

And no, I never ahelped this at all. Not once. It MIGHT of been someone else, but I never ahelped this whatsoever. If I had, I wouldn't of made this player report. I'd appreciate you not stating falsehoods about myself, thanks.

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Re: Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Post by apophis775 » 15 Feb 2016, 17:06

I'll make sure this gets assigned to one of our investigators that isn't involved.

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Re: Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Post by Mitchs98 » 15 Feb 2016, 17:16

apophis775 wrote:I'll make sure this gets assigned to one of our investigators that isn't involved.
Much appreciated, thank you.

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Re: Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Post by Lostmixup » 16 Feb 2016, 23:43

I've put one of our investigators on this.
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Re: Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Post by Westhybrid » 19 Feb 2016, 05:44

Alright. So I've bracketed this fiasco into a few different sections.

We can start with Ludwig.

From what I gathered, and Apop and any other staff can vouch, Ludwig, who was the Commander, was already dropping the ball to the nth degree. Ludwig was well within the grounds for both a mutiny or even a lawful arrest, given both his actions and his inaction.

[16:46:07]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : I'm gunna try to overwatch the squads since command is literally shit right me if I'm needed.
[16:49:08]ATTACK: Anya Allen (mitchs98) shot Monty Ludwig (smab) with a the stun beam
[16:54:30]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : Personally about to arrest the CO for neglect..
[17:01:41]ATTACK: Monty Ludwig (smab) primed an incendiary grenade
[17:04:10]SAY: Apophis775/(Comissar Erin Kowalski) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - Attention Marines. Due to gross incompetence of your command staff, as well as desertion, I am declaring this mission lost.
[17:06:18]ADMIN: HELP: Mitchs98/(Anya Allen): Am I allowed to arrest the CO for neglect if he's particularly shit? - heard by 5 non-AFK admins.
[17:07:00]ADMIN: PM: Mitchs98/(Anya Allen)->Apophis775/(Comissar Erin Kowalski): He just went SSD on the bridge. He's been shit alll round. And he's bald
[17:07:09]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Comissar Erin Kowalski)->Mitchs98/(Anya Allen): Go for it. Lock him in solitary if you want.

Then we have the arrest. Completely warranted and cleared through ahelp.

[17:07:28]ADMIN: SubtlePM: Apophis775/(Comissar Erin Kowalski) -> SMAB/(Monty Ludwig) : You feel like your bad decisinos are about to catch up with you...
[17:09:34]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : You're under arrest for neglect, I'll be faxing Central about the news momentarily.
[17:09:36]ATTACK: Mitchs98/(Anya Allen) attempted to handcuff SMAB/(Monty Ludwig)
[17:10:17]SAY: Monty Ludwig/SMAB : I-I-I know how to use comms bitch

Not long after, Allan shows up, questioning Mitch about the cuffed Commander evidently in tow.

[17:10:27]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : EY!
[17:10:31]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : What.
[17:10:31]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : What are you doing?
[17:10:42]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : Brigging the worthless CO, what does it look like?
[17:10:46]SAY: Monty Ludwig/SMAB : Kill A-Anya for treason ((Sort of a clear indicator they shouldn't be taken seriously.))
[17:10:50]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : ..That is your commanding officer!
[17:10:58]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : It's called neglect of duty.
[17:11:06]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Let him go at once
[17:11:11]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : He has literally not done his job at all.
[17:11:27]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : You will uncuff him
[17:11:29]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : Angelica, be a dear and help me here.
[17:11:32]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Or I will do it for you
[17:11:36]SAY: Angelica Haynes/Murica : Sure ((Second MP enters the mix.))
[17:11:43]ATTACK: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider) (allan1234) shot Angelica Haynes (murica) with a the pistol bullet ((Out of nowhere, first shot fired. There was no provocation.))
[17:11:44]SAY: Angelica Haynes/Murica : GET DOWN
[17:11:46]ATTACK: Angelica Haynes (murica) primed a flashbang
[17:11:54]SAY: Monty Ludwig/SMAB : S-Soot h-her
[17:11:59]ATTACK: Angelica Haynes (murica) primed a flashbang
[17:11:59]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : SERIOUSLY
[17:12:22]SAY: Monty Ludwig/SMAB : SH-SHoot anya
[17:12:24]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : TRAITOR!
[17:12:33]ATTACK: Anya Allen (mitchs98) shot Giovanni Watson (zerotus) with a the stun beam
[17:12:49]ATTACK: Mitchs98/(Anya Allen) attempted to handcuff Zerotus/(Giovanni Watson)
[17:12:53]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : Idiots..
[17:12:56]ATTACK: Angelica Haynes (murica) shot Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider) (allan1234) with a the stun beam
[17:13:29]ATTACK: Murica/(Angelica Haynes) attempted to handcuff Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider)
[17:13:47]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : You fucking traitor
[17:14:59]SAY: Monty Ludwig/SMAB : A-Anya Allen i-is to be executed for treason. Shoot o-on sight
[17:15:01]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : I will see to it th-that you a-are hung ((Why.))
[17:15:29]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : The MPs are rouge

All three of them (Allan, The CO, Giovanni) are taken into custody. And then a MOTHER report is created.

[17:15:54]ADMIN: Apophis775/(Comissar Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report: Marines, it is my job to inform you, that your commander has been taken into custody due to excessive negelegence. The XO is now in command.

So that has been settled. The CO was a confirmed asshat. This is how it progressed.

[17:16:00]SAY: Giovanni Watson/Zerotus : You Will die
[17:16:10]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : You fucking traitor

Still not taking the hint.

[17:17:08]ADMIN: MOD: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : I got birgged for 30 minautes
[17:17:14]ADMIN: MOD: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : beucase I defended the commander...
[17:17:17]ADMIN: MOD: Apophis775/(Comissar Erin Kowalski) : what did you do?
[17:17:20]ADMIN: MOD: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : I got briged for 30 minautes
[17:17:49]ADMIN: MOD: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : they also took my headset
[17:19:19]ADMIN: PM: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider)->Murica/(Angelica Haynes): A you are not suppose to take headsets and B 30 minautes is a shitlong time for someone following orders.

During this time, Mitch went back to damage control and trying to coordinate marines. A PMC ERT has arrived. Life goes on.

[17:22:31]ADMIN: HELP: SMAB/(Monty Ludwig): Im trapped - heard by 5 non-AFK admins.
[17:23:11]SAY: Monty Ludwig/SMAB : I will get out
[17:23:13]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Comissar Erin Kowalski)->SMAB/(Monty Ludwig): Yea, it's called a mutiny. Your crew was very displeased with you.
[17:23:21]SAY: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : I'm gunna flash you, then take off the cuffs, 'kay?
[17:23:28]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Bryson..
[17:23:28]SAY: Giovanni Watson/Zerotus : Eat my ass
[17:23:29]SAY: Angelica Haynes/Murica : With one push of a button
[17:23:29]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Come here..
[17:23:36]SAY: Angelica Haynes/Murica : I can lock the doors again
[17:23:38]ADMIN: PM: SMAB/(Monty Ludwig)->Apophis775/(Comissar Erin Kowalski): But there was a commisar so I stood down
[17:24:13]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(Comissar Erin Kowalski)->SMAB/(Monty Ludwig): He was sent, to enforce discipline and such, you were still in command. But they were apparently salted still over briefing.
[17:24:28]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Bryson!
[17:24:39]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Do you know who I am?

[17:24:41]ATTACK: Monty Ludwig (smab) primed an incendiary grenade ((Somehow SMAB manages to get a grenade off, kills Angelica, steals her ID, and breaks out.))

[17:24:54]SAY: Bryson Ryals/Wildheart18 : Nope don't care either
[17:25:04]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Your comrade alnya
[17:25:00]SAY: Angelica Haynes/Murica : I-ISO
[17:25:15]SAY: Monty Ludwig/SMAB : Take that bitch
[17:26:07]SAY: Monty Ludwig (as Angelica Haynes)/SMAB : I broke oyt

And then we have the second confrontation in the brig.

[17:26:11]ATTACK: Anya Allen (mitchs98) shot Monty Ludwig (as Angelica Haynes) (smab) with a the stun beam ((Using non-lethals initially checks out.))
[17:26:11]SAY: Giovanni Watson/Zerotus : BEHIND YOU
[17:26:12]ATTACK: Monty Ludwig (as Angelica Haynes) (smab) shot Anya Allen (mitchs98) with a the rifle bullet ((SMAB still using lethals.))
[17:26:12]EMOTE: Anya Allen/Mitchs98 : <B>Anya Allen</B> screams!
[17:26:13]ATTACK: Anya Allen (mitchs98) shot Monty Ludwig (as Angelica Haynes) (smab) with a the stun beam
[17:26:32]ATTACK: Unknown (as Anya Allen) (mitchs98) shot Monty Ludwig (as Angelica Haynes) (smab) with a the stun beam
[17:26:40]SAY: Unknown (as Anya Allen)/Mitchs98 : BO G-GET A MEDIC INTO THE BRIG
[17:27:35]SAY: Unknown (as Anya Allen)/Mitchs98 : CO i-is rogue in the brig, pretty sure he killed Angelica.
[17:27:44]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Open the door!
[17:27:46]SAY: Giovanni Watson/Zerotus : Help us
[17:27:47]SAY: Giovanni Watson/Zerotus : Not her
[17:27:54]SAY: Giovanni Watson/Zerotus : She's imprisoned us falsely ((Not really.))
[17:28:20]SAY: Giovanni Watson/Zerotus : DONT HELP THAT MP
[17:28:58]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : They are traitors! ((Still at it.))
[17:29:01]SAY: Billy Thornhill/Bedshaped : The commander is rogue?
[17:29:05]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : No he is not
[17:29:07]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : They are!
[17:29:13]SAY: Giovanni Watson/Zerotus : SHE IS THE TRAITOR HERE
[17:29:28]EMOTE: Unknown (as Anya Allen)/Mitchs98 : <B>Unknown (as Anya Allen)</B> can no longer stand, collapsing!
[17:30:26]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : The MPs are traitors
[17:30:26]SAY: Ghost/Masterspots : Commander shot them.
[17:30:36]SAY: Ghost/Masterspots : When all they had was tasers.
[17:30:54]SAY: Giovanni Watson/Zerotus : Command issued an execution order on them
[17:31:05]ATTACK: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) attempted to handcuff Wildheart18/(Bryson Ryals) ((Not sure what's happening here.))
[17:31:19]SAY: Unknown (as Anya Allen)/Mitchs98 : Heinrick and Giovanni
[17:31:37]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Should ahve thought of that before not careing
[17:32:01]SAY: Bryson Ryals/Wildheart18 : I-I-I will die in here
[17:32:12]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : She arrested us and the CO
[17:32:22]ADMIN: HELP: Wildheart18/(Bryson Ryals): What the fuck did I just get arrested for - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[17:32:28]SAY: Unknown (as Anya Allen)/Mitchs98 : No it was not. I arrested you f-for t-t-trying to kill myself and A-Angelica
[17:32:32]SAY: Billy Thornhill/Bedshaped : She is rogue.
[17:32:32]SAY: Henry Fisher/nethros : The CO's are incompetent.
17:32:38]SAY: Unknown (as Anya Allen)/Mitchs98 : Th-The CO was under arrest for neglect.

Allan went off and arrested some guy in crit who got caught in the crossfire. Not even sure how he got out.

[17:32:44]ADMIN: PM: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider)->Wildheart18/(Bryson Ryals): Your in the middle of a mutiny
[17:33:04]ADMIN: PM: Wildheart18/(Bryson Ryals)->Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider): I just joined and I helped them
[17:33:22]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Im going to let you go
[17:33:24]SAY: Bryson Ryals/Wildheart18 : What
[17:33:29]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Anya is a triator
[17:33:44]SAY: Bryson Ryals/Wildheart18 : Never said she wasn't

[17:34:00]SAY: Ghost/SMAB : Told you I'd get out Angelica
[17:34:50]SAY: Ghost/SMAB : You didnt even search me. I had an incendiary grenade
[17:34:54]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Sir?
[17:34:54]SAY: Unknown (as Anya Allen)/Mitchs98 : They tried to kill the b-both o-of us earlier for arresting the C-C-CO.
[17:35:03]SAY: Ghost/SMAB : Its your own fault
[17:36:38]ADMIN: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : He didn't do anything wrong
[17:36:49]ADMIN: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : you arrested him and other loyal marines
[17:38:24]ADMIN: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : well you basiclly mutinied even with premission from apop ((That's literally the green-light.))
[17:38:54]ADMIN: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : and when you over throw someone they WILL want revenge
[17:40:08]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : They arrested and almost killed him ((He wasn't even close to dead.))
[17:40:35]SAY: Henry Fisher/nethros : We needed new command
[17:40:40]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : No we didn't
[17:42:44]SAY: Unknown (as Heinrick Archsider)/Allan1234 : Fuck off fisher or I will see to it that you are thrown out an airlock

The rest is Allan getting shot by and shooting a number of other marines, then leaving.

[17:57:56]ADMIN: MOD: Allan1234/(Heinrick Archsider) : welp ima go


So, if you read through all of that, you can kind of tell what I've gathered.

SMAB, the Commander of the round, is clearly guilty of a few things. Aside from being an awful CO, he went on to cause the injuries and deaths of a number of people, eventually resulting in his own demise. His poor actions as the CO meant Mitch was perfectly within their right to arrest him lawfully without trouble. In addition, his actions in the brig and during his arrest(s) are further evidence that SMAB is unfit for the role of Commander, or any other Command Roles. Based on the evidence, SMAB's previous notes and the general inexperience of the player, my recommendation is that SMAB be jobbanned from Commander and all additional Command Roles.

For Zerotus(Giovanni), the issue is poor roleplay. While they didn't implicitly break any specific rules regarding griefing, their actions were more stupid than anything, being towed along with Allan. I can't recommend anything more than a warning.

And Allan.
So clearly the ball has been dropped here. The situation was very misjudged and escalated. While I can understand the claim that Allan's character wouldn't have the proper logs or knowledge of the situation upon seeing an arrested CO, I have to disagree with Allan's assessment of the situation upon seeing the CO arrested. In that scenario, the first instinct is not to draw your gun, let alone fire it on what is essentially a police officer. If it were a marine in cuffs, they would've thought that cuffed person was at fault and let the MP's do their thing, as it's not like they're about to be executed in the brig. They could go figure out the context literally minutes later. Because the individual in cuffs was a Commander should make no difference. If they're being towed out in cuffs, it's likely, HIGHLY LIKELY, they did something to be cuffed. A normal, sane human being, given the responsibility of working aboard a military-grade spaceship and being allowed to carry a firearm, would not go on to aim at and then shoot an MP because a ranking officer in cuffs told them to do so. Because committing attempted murder of an MP without letting them explain their case at the drop of a coin isn't rational.

And, with the MOTHER report confirming the inaction and stupidity of the CO, the whole thing just kept going. Eventually resulting in the death of an MP and the critical injury of another. That being said, they were not directly involved with that damage, although they were certainly complacent with it.

Allan's issue comes down to two things. Shooting an MP with poor information and RP altogether. Chalking everything down to IC knowledge and limiting the pretext of "what his character knew" is debuffed by the MOTHER report afterward. Unfortunately bad RP isn't particularly covered in the rules. Which is why Zerotus likely will not receive any sort of penance. Allan, however, is an admin, and should be noted that they are held to a higher standard. With our code of conduct, preserving the RP and enjoyment of the server was mildly disregarded, as the round went on to become wild and then stagnate. That being said, Allan is a good admin, and I don't feel like I can properly judge Allan's minor contribution to the damage, given that no specific griefing was committed with the exception of the shot on Anya, to which Allan informed me over Skype was a misclick. Given that, I believe Allan cannot be faulted heavily, given no particular griefing rules were broken. I'd appreciate it if Lost or SAS or Apop weighed in on the situation, as Allan's actions are more an internal issue more than anything.

That's the evidence I gathered.
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Re: Player Complaint on Giovanni Watson, Heinrick Ashrider, Monty Ludwig

Post by SASoperative » 28 Feb 2016, 18:20

This has been resolved and moved
