ERG (Thieving doctor)

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ERG (Thieving doctor)

Post by ZDashe » 18 Feb 2016, 09:44

Your Byond Key | Character Name: ZDashe | Ray 'Zero' Robinson

Accused Byond Key | Character Name: ???? | Klaus Von Achenbach III

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 8:20am CST, today

What rule(s) were broken: 6. End of Round Grief

Description of the incident: I woke up from surgery after Klaus Von Achenbach III has operated on me. He placed my backpack on my back and moved me out of medbay without fixing my liver. I then realized my frags and incendiary grenades were missing too, so I returned to medbay. ICly, I told Sarah Cowart, another marine/patient about it. A few minutes later the round ended, then I heard a big boom. I ghosted since round was over to check it out, and saw that the doc who treated me earlier is dead and fire was burning in Operating Room 2, inside the small room with freezer and crates. I think the other doctor, Michal Prevatt, might have witnessed it since he was seen in the vicinity. So I suspect that it might have been Klaus Von Achenbach III who stole my grenades, and blew himself up after the round ended.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I don't have evidence because I only realized after surgery was over, and it was too late to grab a screenshot as the new round started almost immediately after I ghosted.

How you would punish the accused: Warning to not do the same and Standard 3 hour ban at least.

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Re: ERG (Thieving doctor)

Post by SASoperative » 18 Feb 2016, 15:32

Look if it was just end round grief normally we do not really spend time looking into it due to the fact of its just a three hour ban. It would take us a while to actually handle these things due to log diving etc and normally it is just way more effort than normal. but I will warn them but odds are not ban them. Resolved.

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Re: ERG (Thieving doctor)

Post by SASoperative » 25 Feb 2016, 17:43

Resolved and locked
