Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

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Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Xenomorph Dominatrix » 01 Apr 2016, 04:10

Your Byond Key | Character Name: Xenomorph Dominatrix | Mariah 'Supercrusher' Lowe (nickname's not the hubris it sounds like at first glance by the way, I put it on after Abby's admin event where I got made the Ancient Crusher thingy - for what it's worth I was also the leader in SAS' event with the W-Y nuclear defence team thing and the leader in the "black ops" event which people said they liked)

Their Byond key: Matchafrappe

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): Mar 23 + Mar 25 + Mar 31, around 10:10am

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: 2/3 and also the "do not act unprofessional and get angry with them." thing, they were very hostile straight off immediately taking the griefer's side, from the very first PM it was clear they'd already made up their mind and don't really seem to understand/care how other people must feel when they're being treated this way by both griefers and someone that's meant to be protecting the server from these people.

Description of the incident:
I had a previous complaint with this person that after being told I should post it as a complaint thread instead of a reply (after I posted it on their trial mod application thread since that seemed the right place for someone who I thought would be being reviewed etc) - but I decided not to repost it after having talked to them on BYOND chat and felt sorry for them after they said it was their first time modding and such. But after their recent behavior I feel like they were probably just being manipulative in order to get me to withdraw the complaint and then after seemed to target me and be very aggressive to me, I am guessing as a kind of face saving thing/wounded ego that if I'm made to look bad then they look better or something... Here is the original complaint from 23 March which I had deleted for them:
Crusher (25) PM to Staff (Gameplay / Roleplay Issue): Carrier (414) just deliberately killed an infected nested host, in the xeno rules it says it's bannable

TrialModerator PM from MatchaFrappe: You understand that this is bannable. And yes, you will receive a ban but it will be short since you reported yourself and understood what you did wrong.

You have been banned by matchafrappe.
Reason: Killed an infected and nested host without Queen permission.

Maybe this needs to be added as one of those example questions, this would be a slightly bad answer I think?

That admin PM was sent during the ship fight, and there was about 10 seconds between the message and banning, with no chance given to reply. The impression I got was of demanding immediate attention even if it causes the player being messaged's death and arrogance that they were in the right without having done the reading comprehension or even let the other person talk.

I imagine it's quite rare that people report those on their own side for powergaming? I definitely see a lot of people turn a blind eye ingame - this kind of thing makes one feel that it's better to keep distance from the admins and not risk talking to them at all in case they get aggressive.

I support the rest of the stuff, community and all those things, I like the chat in the game and the OOC is usually pretty good compared to most online games - but it feels like a bit of Jekyll & Hyde on forums vs in game messages that get sent, the round before this I also got a message asking why I was melting things in a very enclosed room that prevent one from taking cover from gunfire (which as a ghost I would have understood when watching the activity), and it was also a similarly blunt and confrontational style.
On Mar 25, as I was offloading a SSD's gear before putting them to sleep (not picking up any of it myself, leaving it for others so that important stuff doesn't get deleted, which everyone should do if they weren't so lazy really), a random pajamamarine Charlie Dot Hellway (byond Stroop from the admin player notes) runs up and starts spam disarming me, I tackle them and shout for MPs, and explain what I was doing and how he was attacking me to them. They let him go with no arrest, my character warns him that if he attacks me again will shoot him, ICly - and the MPs laugh (Xiphos is usually a good MP though, I remember he was one of the ones that came) - I then go to marine prep to try carry on having a normal round. About a minute or two later as I'm getting geared up he then comes in, apparently having been trying to find me, and starts throwing things at my character, to which I then aim the gun (one handed so it doesn't actually fire) and tell them to back off, I do this 3 times turning it off then on again to try scare them off, but they keep running at me starting to spray water with a space cleaner spray bottle that's apparently been deliberately emptied out to use as a weapon - the type of thing griefers on normal ss13 do to slip and kill people, it's at that point I panic and think they're trying to get me and hold the gun and shoot, and apparently it's "lucky" or unlucky because it instantly kills the pajamamarine (no helmet). I spoke to matchafrappe about this, but stupidly didn't save a log because I thought it was sorted and didn't really comprehend how much they apparently hate me since that complaint that I withdrew (because I thought I was being nice to them!) - I actually then got given a ban 2 days later when they decided to come back and harass me about it, I don't know why since I thought it was resolved with the discussion before, I really think they were looking for a way to get me after that complaint so were trying to ask permission for a ban to be "inscrutable" or whatever probably, I don't know what was happening behind the scenes, I thought they'd accepted my points that I'd never normally shoot anyone unless they were using a weapon against me (as I remember saying, a spray bottle is a pretty insidious improvised weapon that stuns you the same or longer than a stun baton, and escalation from melee to lethal is in the rules as acceptable for self defence) - What I found most shocking is that they seemed to think the griefer was doing nothing wrong and that this is totally normal and acceptable behavior to be harassing other players who just want to play normally.

On Mar 31, not letting Matchafrappe's previous interactions with me shade my judgement, when I heard their character asking for help on the radio I came to help defend the engineering ladders, and stood side by side - talking a bit in character and helping move defenses, they then walked off and left me (as one of the marines) and a cargo tech watching the ladder.

A griefer walks up to the cargo tech and starts hitting them with a fire extinguisher, and then throwing it at them, leaving them severely wounded and bleeding - I adminhelp it and get told it's "being looked into" and said player then starts smashing down the ladder defenses, I get the fire extinguisher and hit them with it 3 times to drive them off, less than they attacked the cargotech, not intending to kill (if I wanted to kill I would have shot them) - I apparently got a lucky or unlucky hit (like I said, I hit them with their own fire extinguisher 3 times, less than they hit the cargotech making them bleed, never imagined so little would actually kill them, if I wanted to do that I would have shot them) and they started dying with no medics around, so we ignored them and carried on defending the ladder since this person was literally griefing us while the aliens are killing everyone below.

Whilst defending the ladder on the request of Matchafrappe's character, I am getting sent a lot of really hostile sounding admin PMs, and trying to reply to them and explain, being called a griefer repeatedly when should be pretty clear to any other player with any common sense whatsoever that I was just trying to protect people, something they as a trial mod did nothing to stop.

I later rescued Matchafrappe's character from a crusher, twice, then got them to escape, before getting given a ban after their character was safe and I had served my purpose I guess (I died because I didn't want to be selfish and take the only space suit that was left since they were hurt and couldn't escape on their own, so I made sure they were ok and then went to try fight way into getting another).

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: Removal of trial mod as I seriously don't think they have the ability to see things from other peoples' viewpoints and see things in black and white too much, as well as the very hostile attitude and not really seeming to understand something as basic as what a griefer is (e.g. intentions/context, walking up and trying to beat people to death and smash stuff for no reason is grief, defending others from people doing the former when people are dying all over the ship to aliens is quite clearly not).

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Derpislav » 01 Apr 2016, 10:19

Griefer hit the cargo tech once, threw the fire extingusher and went to do his own thing, while CT didn't do much of a fuss about it. You killed him a solid minute later, to stop him from breaking defences, so using lethal force wasn't justified there - it was a completely different fight and you should have started with disarm intent, verbal warning and a-helps.

I haven't witnessed the rest.
Lockie 'Furry' Hughes, your local source of annoyance, medicine and Will. E. Coyote engineering. Mostly medicine. Maybe annoyance.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Xenomorph Dominatrix » 01 Apr 2016, 10:46

I just went to look at the log (included on the link) cos I was all ready to say huh what, but you're actually right in the log it says that the bashing was once, they threw it after as well though which does the same damage I think, so 2? That's why I didn't think hitting them back with it 3 times would do so much, it was definitely a drive the crazy pajamamarine off from us thing (while aliens are literally attacking and coming up the ladders, putting everyones' lives at risk) rather than any intention to kill or I would've kept going/shot them

I don't think it was really a different fight since they were being so randomly violent and I'm pretty sure it was much less than a minute as you are saying (server log version has time stamps that our own BYOND one doesn't do which could be really helpful), I can see in the log immediately after I wrote adminhelp they were smashing away our defences just as the cargo tech ran away from them to stem the bleeding

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Allan1234 » 01 Apr 2016, 16:48

Im not really sure what you are trying to report here but il do my best.

For the first incident where you used lethal force against a marine who was disarming you the warning was 100% justified. You used over-the-top lethal force against someone who was, at most, throwing something at you that did little to no damage and rather then call the MPs again you decide to take it on yourself to commit murder against a pest, not a threat, which by the way is not acceptble in our RP standard. As for the ban

As for the second incident on the 31st you again, went over the top and took matters into your own hands rather then calling an MP to deal with it. As derpislav said above you took things out of hand and killed another player instead of calling MPs so that's another violation.

You had contacted matcha out of offical forums or in-game on byond which is never a good thing nor is it encouraged for log reasons as well as it looks bad on you for contacting a staff member out of forum/game which can be taking as harrasment.

Another issue is that you posted inapproiate storys to OOC which you should have known would have ended badly.

Buttom line is that you have a history of rule breaks and violations that cause staff to handle you differently due to arguing back alot and skimming rules. Due to these reasons not only do I think the 2-day ban after deliberation was justified but also the current perma ban request that has been placed on you, which has been approved, void your issue with the 2-day ban since it's about to get alot longer.

As for the "aggressive" behavior with matcha I have found nothing to suggest that he was acting aggresive at all.

So final comments here. Most of this complaint is void and you currently have a perma ban placed on you due to mutliple rule infractions and a post of ERP which, for the record, ERP is illegal on our server due to haveing a major playerbase under 19 years of age. Matcha was not being agrresive and in both incidents you went over the top and killed other players. Final thoughts here is that the ban is justified and the complaint is wrong due to matcha not going out of his way to ban you but simpley handleing you, as a player, who broke rules.
M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

ADMIN LOG: Apophis775/(Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report


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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Xenomorph Dominatrix » 01 Apr 2016, 17:27

Allan1234 wrote:For the first incident where you used lethal force against a marine who was disarming you
The disarm fight was a separate incident at the start, I fired the shot after they came in and started throwing at me, and after having a gun pointed at them 3 times (held 1 handed so it wouldn't go off) to try scare them off, they kept attacking, running up close and trying to slip me presumably to do bad things as anyone who has been slipped by a griefer knows... I don't think I had a lot of options there since a griefer filling a spray bottle with water is so powerful, much better than disarm, as I said, it's at least as powerful melee as someone using a stun baton, and they knew that, which is why they emptied out a space cleaner bottle to use as a weapon griefing other players (it does absolutely nothing to aliens). That is when I fired, since you do not do rejuvs here and it semed quite likely they wanted to kill me. There was no time to call for help because they were chasing me and I was cornered in the room... As I said before I DID call the MPs the first time when I was able to get away long enough to type in the bigger, cryostorage, room.
Allan1234 wrote:the second incident on the 31st you again, went over the top and took matters into your own hands rather then calling an MP to deal with it.
You are missing the context here, I said that the ship was being boarded by aliens and people were being killed, there *were no MPs left* if there were even any in the first place. They were literally attacking us while we're guarding a ladder. It was not some civilized situation, it was a griefer randomly attacking people and putting everyone at risk and the mod made no attempt to stop them.
Allan1234 wrote:you posted inapproiate storys
haveing a major playerbase under 19 years
How old are you? If such things are that shocking to you, you should not be using the internet unsupervised by a parent. I for one read plenty of "forbidden" things and I think I'm better, more open-minded for it. After I was told I would be in trouble if I linked to, apparently forbidden books (it's like something out of the middle ages), I didn't do it again - I don't see how that thing is even relevant? It's not like I carried on and seems more a sort of witch-hunt prudish thing, "I don't like that she did that anyway".
Allan1234 wrote:You had contacted matcha out of offical forums
If you read the first quote in my original post you'd see why - they gave a ban that was completely out there and insane (for reporting another player, they banned me instead! It was so completely incomprehensibly stupid... And I had no other way to tell someone quick. After I was told that's not allowed in the rules (even apparently for such completely blatant incompetence) I didn't do it again, so why is that even being brought up? I removed my original complaint to be nice to them as they gave me a sob story so I was compassionate, and apparently, they were just being manipulative, which matches up with Matchafrappe's behavior on the forums (I looked at the mod app and read over some of the posts, and it's pretty clear they inflated their post count with spam posts and made out they were some kind of pillar of the community, and setting up a private clique chat outside the game which anyone who's seen admin drama before recognizes the pattern there) - seemingly giving a public face and a private face since their actual admin PMs to players ingame are very hostile.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 01 Apr 2016, 22:25

Xenomorph Dominatrix wrote:If you read the first quote in my original post you'd see why - they gave a ban that was completely out there and insane (for reporting another player, they banned me instead! It was so completely incomprehensibly stupid... And I had no other way to tell someone quick. After I was told that's not allowed in the rules (even apparently for such completely blatant incompetence) I didn't do it again, so why is that even being brought up? I removed my original complaint to be nice to them as they gave me a sob story so I was compassionate, and apparently, they were just being manipulative, which matches up with Matchafrappe's behavior on the forums (I looked at the mod app and read over some of the posts, and it's pretty clear they inflated their post count with spam posts and made out they were some kind of pillar of the community, and setting up a private clique chat outside the game which anyone who's seen admin drama before recognizes the pattern there) - seemingly giving a public face and a private face since their actual admin PMs to players ingame are very hostile.
The fact that you're justifying it even though you know it was wrong worries me. You've contacted me though the Byond pager several times, and honestly it's a little jarring. A lot of us like to keep our interactions with players strictly to the forums and the game. Sending a complaint directly to the person is a bit invasive and not very professional to do.
Regardless of the validity of the ban or not, you should have known that contacting her about it out of game was the wrong thing to do.

Personally, I find these descriptions you're using of her to be very conflicting with my own experiences. I've personally found Matcha to be very well-mannered and professional.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Xenomorph Dominatrix » 01 Apr 2016, 23:31

SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:contacted me though the Byond pager
I remember that ...You never said you had any problem with it, and no one had said for me not to back then - we had what seemed like a perfectly normal conversation about the colony map, I wouldn't normally post private messages but it seems like you're trying to make out it was any different?
SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:conflicting with my own experiences. I've personally found Matcha to be very well-mannered
I think you should take a look at the server logs and search for PM from matchafrappe to players, just read the messages sent in a big text file, and you'll see how different they act when it's not someone they're laying on the saccharine for.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Feweh » 01 Apr 2016, 23:57

Look Xeno.
Youre missing the big picture here, which is youre rubbing people the wrong way and youre causing problems.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Xenomorph Dominatrix » 03 Apr 2016, 15:30

Yeah, I know, I'm upfront with people and it annoys sometimes, but most of the time people realize I'm doing it for the right reasons at least? I think it's better to really talk about things openly, even if get attacked for it.

When there is no admins on, dealing with griefers in a timely manner is something that a lot of people do (I've seen multiple people who blow stuff up and randomly shoot, being shot by other people, and bodies got rid of/spaced, and have not reported this, simply because they are doing the best thing that people can do to not get the round ruined when admins are not around to take any action. This is not some rare thing, this happens on a DAILY basis, people HAVE to choose either someone does something about them or the round gets screwed up. Well known names that are regulars do this to stop peoples' round getting ruined by these people because SOMEONE has to protect people.

I feel like there's a disconnect between the staff who get to rest in safety knowing that they can respawn or reset the round if someone fucks things up, and the rest of us who have to make the decision to either stop these people or just lay down and let them get us killed. Even when there's mods on, the fact that there's no rejuvs even in grief means griefers have a higher level of protection by the admins than people who just want to play normally are.

I don't think most players would agree that people who are griefing should be protected, the one who was beating people with a fire extinguisher, I hit him only one more than he did the cargo tech, I didn't think that would kill (I obviously know plenty enough to grief if I actually wanted to but I don't like those people), just wanted to drive them off and stop them getting us killed by attacking us when there's no medics and breaking defenses to let the aliens in. And in the other case of the other griefer deliberately wasting a space cleaner bottle to refill to use as a weapon, I really think mods should be able to recognize and deal with people who are attempting to stun and maybe kill people for no reason, there should be less tolerance for the people that don't really contribute anything and just run around fucking with everyone else, sometimes whilst taking up valuable job slots (like that bridge officer griefing with all access a few days ago and we couldn't even get the job slot free after he was detained).

In future I would trust less in the amount of common sense a mod might have, and do what you apparently want, which is let rounds be potentially ruined by griefers attacking us and defenses (a griefer attack done in such important tense times can have such a huge difference in ruining the balance of things), since that seems to be the preferred option that the admins want? (but it still seems a bit sad that things are this way)

There's lots of reasons people do stuff, a lot of the time things aren't as simple as "this thing is bad, they were being bad", and I don't think most teenagers put into a position of responsibility on the internet really have the level of understanding and experience of human nature to be able to make the right call in a lot of situations.

(Although I am a little skeptical of the "most players are under age" idea, it's hard to say for sure without some sort of poll or whatever - but outside of the no("low")-RP places, that you need to actually be able to put a sentence together on RP servers probably isn't as appealing to mentally immature people as the others, or more simplistic "building" games like that can keep them entertained like "garry's mod" (I remember a 16 year old admin being particularly obsessed with that one, as well as things like secretly spawning himself cyanide and a pulse destroyer as a pistol, until we found out and ditched him) minecraft etc.)

I am totally serious that you should look at the server logs and think about how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of someone who talks to players like that:
"]ADMIN: PM: Matchafrappe/"
(Really, it'd make sense for there to be a button for this for admin oversight so people can more easily keep a track of how things are going, so these kind of "but they seemed ok when I talked to them..." things when dealing with the kind of people that suck up to get into positions of "power" don't happen)

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Derpislav » 03 Apr 2016, 20:35

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Again, I have only witnessed the fire extinguisher accident. There were at least 3 staff members active at the moment, and I'm fairly sure someone has been handling the extinguisher dude when this happened. Lethal force is never the response to griefers - if you let them, staff will learn what that person is capable of, thus extending their ban many times and preventing other players from being griefed by them in future. They will be stopped, you will be healed, they will be gone forever.
That's why we discourage fighting back by refusing to heal people who did it. It serves the entire server in a long run. If someone responds to "hey why did you hit that player" with further beating them into a pulp, we permaban them and never worry about them again. The victim is healed. Everyone is happy.
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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Xenomorph Dominatrix » 03 Apr 2016, 20:57

Derpislav wrote:fairly sure someone has been handling the extinguisher dude when this happened
Yeah I'm assuming he was at least admin blooped when he started breaking down the defences, since I had just reported us being under attack, but they didn't do anything to stop them - and once the damage is done when an alien suddenly pops up the ladder, it's a bit late for anyone to do anything
Derpislav wrote:They will be stopped, you will be healed
I totally agree with that, I wish the moderators were more like you then - I don't know if you missed this part in my post just then:
Xenomorph Dominatrix wrote:I feel like there's a disconnect between the staff who get to rest in safety knowing that they can respawn or reset the round if someone fucks things up, and the rest of us who have to make the decision to either stop these people or just lay down and let them get us killed. Even when there's mods on, the fact that there's no rejuvs even in grief means griefers have a higher level of protection by the admins than people who just want to play normally are.
I've experienced this before when there was that guy dragging a newbie from briefing into maintenance and I pulled them back off him and let them go, and the griffer than opened fire on everyone in briefing - no rejuvs were given out and I was told that rejuvs are not given out after grief, I had a discussion about it in LOOC with the doctor who volunteered to spend a while fixing me and they were pretty appalled that the mods left us to fend for ourselves with the results, and then either Gentlefood or Grypho (can't remember which) started calling me a liar and said they meant that they DECIDED they won't give us rejuvs (I'm not sure how that's supposed to be better). If there was a clear policy on this it'd be better I guess. But as it is I was led to believe it's quite likely if they responded to disarming by fucking us up or the aliens got in because of them destroying the barricades, I wouldn't be given any help again with the results. If what you are saying is what moderators actually *should* do then I would have had a lot more trust, sorry.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 04 Apr 2016, 09:11

Xenomorph Dominatrix wrote:I remember that ...You never said you had any problem with it, and no one had said for me not to back then - we had what seemed like a perfectly normal conversation about the colony map, I wouldn't normally post private messages but it seems like you're trying to make out it was any different?
At the time you contacted me (and even now, to some extent) I had no idea who you were, or how you found my byond key. I've never been randomly contacted by a player outside of game and the things you said to me were pretty weird, so, yeah, it wasn't exactly a normal conversation and it was frankly pretty uncomfortable.

I've got this own personal mantra to always be nice to people who are nice back. I hate ignoring people too.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Xenomorph Dominatrix » 04 Apr 2016, 10:26

Going as far as I can go without actually posting the chat log, I said that I saw that it said you were mapper on the staff list, and then asked if it was intentional that even after the aliens break engineering that it keeps charging as though nothing happened, etc (I also messaged apophis before about a bug I didn't want to encourage people to copy, and they didn't tell me not to message either and said I should write up a bug report (I forgot to later) - few days later you made that change to make the power store 1/5 less of what it used to be (I didn't think it was worth pointing out a few days later that your fix didn't actually make any difference by the way). It was a perfectly normal conversation, looking at it again I don't know how any of it is "weird" and I think I was pretty helpful, I think you might have some unresolved issues that aren't really relevant to this thread...

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 04 Apr 2016, 10:46

Xenomorph Dominatrix wrote:Going as far as I can go without actually posting the chat log, I said that I saw that it said you were mapper on the staff list, and then asked if it was intentional that even after the aliens break engineering that it keeps charging as though nothing happened, etc (I also messaged apophis before about a bug I didn't want to encourage people to copy, and they didn't tell me not to message either and said I should write up a bug report (I forgot to later) - few days later you made that change to make the power store 1/5 less of what it used to be (I didn't think it was worth pointing out a few days later that your fix didn't actually make any difference by the way). It was a perfectly normal conversation, looking at it again I don't know how any of it is "weird" and I think I was pretty helpful, I think you might have some unresolved issues that aren't really relevant to this thread...
You also sent me a download link to a movie about the US Prison system's corruption on some really sketchy website.

But you're right. This is starting to get off topic. But I want you to know that contacting Matchafrappe (or any staff for that matter) outside of game is out of line. And it isn't justifiable.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Xenomorph Dominatrix » 04 Apr 2016, 10:52

SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:You also sent me a download link to a movie
I think you got me confused with someone else...
SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:outside of game is out of line. And it isn't justifiable.
You realize BYOND *IS* the game. It was totally justifiable given the situation, and that no one'd ever said it's not allowed - including, as mentioned, apop after I reported a bug to him too - after I was told it wasn't allowed I didn't again, so I don't see how this is even relevant other than a really thinly veiled attempt to smear me it looks like.
Xenomorph Dominatrix wrote:If you read the first quote in my original post you'd see why - they gave a ban that was completely out there and insane (for reporting another player, they banned me instead! It was so completely incomprehensibly stupid... And I had no other way to tell someone quick. After I was told that's not allowed in the rules (even apparently for such completely blatant incompetence) I didn't do it again, so why is that even being brought up?

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 04 Apr 2016, 11:20

Xenomorph Dominatrix wrote:You realize BYOND *IS* the game. It was totally justifiable given the situation, and that no one'd ever said it's not allowed - including, as mentioned, apop after I reported a bug to him too - after I was told it wasn't allowed I didn't again, so I don't see how this is even relevant other than a really thinly veiled attempt to smear me it looks like.
Let me be very upfront with you here.

I don't have any allegiance to Matcha. She's relatively new, she's a trialmod, and if there's an issue with how she conducts herself in game it's better for it to be exposed now.

But, from my own personal experience in the few times working with her, I've seen her act professionally. Maybe she has a dark side that I've missed. Or maybe you're twisting the facts here. Hard to tell until an investigator gets assigned.

But the one thing I do know for a fact is that you shouldn't have contacted her personally about the issue. That's what I take issue with. Because it's something I've dealt with before, and I hate the feeling of it.
When you have a problem with an employee at a store, do you look up their phone number and call their house? Or do you file a complaint with the company to which they are employed? Because one is fine, and the other is considered harassment.

I'm not trying to run a smear campaign, I'm just personally offended by your claims that contacting her directly was a reasonable call. It's good that you've taken your issue to the forums, and I'm not trying to discredit any case you have here (valid or not), but you need to take responsibility for the actions you took as a response.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by Xenomorph Dominatrix » 04 Apr 2016, 11:53

Please NEVER compare complaining about a staff decision on a game's built-in chat to harassment again, it's fucking disrespectful to people who've dealt with actual harassment.

I've had follow-you-in-the-street stalkers as well as the online obsessives, and I'm skeptical whether you actually got mixed up about our chat or just decided to see what you could get away with to try attack me.

You are welcome to message me on BYOND, I have a lot of friends on there from the server (apparently people are not allowed to reply on here, which seems a bit like "if you're not admin your opinion isn't important") and others where it's seen as totally normal, and definitely don't see it as a "phone number" that you apparently do (again. what the hell.) or on here.

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Re: Matchafrappe - Going after people being griefed instead of the griefers, and targeting someone who made a complaint

Post by SASoperative » 04 Apr 2016, 18:49

Yeah... This is turning more into a argument fest more than anything, I am locking this and I have resolved the issue regardless by talking to Matcha about it, Regardless of if they had done anything wrong or not (Which I could find no logs for hence why you should never message our staff regarding these issues outside the forums/game if possible) since they should have been informed of things like this due to them being a trial moderator and they will not be removed from the staff team, However a lecture was in order.
