Predator Complaint - Feweh

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Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by spheretech » 03 Apr 2016, 18:05

Your Byond Key: Spheretech

Your Character Name: Lisa 'Hotshot' Taylor

Accused Byond Key(if known): Feweh

Character Name: Don't know the pred name

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): ~4:45 PM

What rule(s) were broken: Predator code of honor found here

Description of the incident:
I was a standard marine that round. There were reports of an invisible humanoid lurking about, and I heard it, so I went towards it. I saw other marines being attacked with the alloy spike gun by the predator, and them returning fire. Along with the others I chased the predator, shooting. Everybody started dispersing and I found myself stranded in the open, badly hurt by the spikes and started going into nexus for some cover. He follows me inside. I'm pretty close to nexus center at this point. He decloaks besides me and begins attacking, but runs away again. Then again I suddenly began being attacked by him while he was cloaked. He crits me and begins dragging me out of nexus all while cloaked. I die to my injuries not long after, my corpse now in some god-forgotten survivor cave I don't even know where.

As stated in the code of conduct killing prey while cloaked is a pretty severe breach, so naturally I ahelp it. Feweh starts talking to me and he says that it was legit because I was fleeing from battle. I decide not to argue further and ask him who the predator is. Only then do I find out that the one who I was asking for justice from was the predator in question himself. I really don't think it's okay for admins to handle their own case, their opinion will be obviously and utterly biased.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
I recorded it and uploaded it:

How you would punish the accused: Not up to me

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by Feweh » 03 Apr 2016, 19:01

This is a pretty simple one to dismiss.
Things are pretty accurate in your story, except it was your group/squad that engaged me while I was hunting Corvex in Alpha Squad.
We had a small skirmish with you and I mainly fighting it out... you were wounded and ran into the Nexus to hide among the other Marines. To note, you did NOT run into the Nexus for "cover" you straight up fled combat to run to your allies for help. I gave you a chance in the Nexus to fight me again and you STILL fled into the middle of the nexus for further help, leaving me no choice but to kill you cloaked.

You were killed dishonorably because you yourself were dishonorable in your action.

1. You interrupted my hunt and attacked me on-sight. (Maybe not you specifically but your squad-mates did)
2. YOU pursued me even after I allowed you guys to back off.
3. You actively attacked me.
4. You fled combat when we were fighting 1 vs 1 into your allies.

The honor code is there for honorable kills and basic engagements. Due to your actions and you fleeing I had no need to further maintain the Honor code as you were no longer considered a honorable kill OR even my prey to start with.
Because you engaged me and fled during combat I pursued you and killed you for you actions.

As for me being biased and handling my own report it's only because I was the ONLY mod/admin on besides for a mentor. I freely told you at the end to make a report on the forums as it's only fair.

Also, considering you were a Predator at one point it's EXTREMELY disappointing that you never seem to understand any of the Predator Rules. You're constantly complaining about Predators and the people who play them, yet you're super gun-hoe in-game to hunt down Predators like its your job.

The fact that you've uploaded the video makes this appeal even easier though. I think this is a case of you just not understanding the rules and why you were killed cloaked.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by spheretech » 04 Apr 2016, 03:24

Feweh wrote: Due to your actions and you fleeing I had no need to further maintain the Honor code as you were no longer considered a honorable kill OR even my prey to start with.
Because you engaged me and fled during combat I pursued you and killed you for you actions.
It really seems like you haven't even read the honor code. Nowhere in the rules is this mentioned, so I can only think that you completely made it up. You hit me with a glaive from within cloak and dragged me away, clearly, as the video shows. You broke the code, period. There isn't really much to argue about considering theres 100% proof that you did. You can't just make up rules. "welp hes no longer honorable prey my rules no longer apply". It doesn't work that way.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by Derpislav » 04 Apr 2016, 05:26

apophis775 wrote:[*]Killing while cloaked: It is very dishonorable for a hunter to kill prey while he is cloaked. It ignores all laws of fair and honorable hunting, and giving the prey a fighting chance. You may hunt and chase your prey while cloaked, but you must make the kill uncloaked. The only exception, is removing obstacles between yourself and your pray (for example, marines interfering with you hunting a ravager that are attacking you) or if you are attacked by a creature you are not hunting (if your hunting the queen, and praetorians attack you).

I'm fairly sure predators in their "official" honour code are required to finish off people they wound, too.
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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by spheretech » 04 Apr 2016, 10:08

It doesn't matter if I was honorable prey or not, predators aren't supposed to kill the prey while cloaked either way

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by Feweh » 04 Apr 2016, 10:12

spheretech wrote: It really seems like you haven't even read the honor code. Nowhere in the rules is this mentioned, so I can only think that you completely made it up. You hit me with a glaive from within cloak and dragged me away, clearly, as the video shows. You broke the code, period. There isn't really much to argue about considering theres 100% proof that you did. You can't just make up rules. "welp hes no longer honorable prey my rules no longer apply". It doesn't work that way.

I don't think you understand.

You're allowed killing cloaked in certain situations, it's always been like this. You are a prime example of a situation that allows for killing cloaked. You simply don't understand the rules yourself and you believe that they've been broken. By interrupting my hunt, obstructing me from my original target and fleeing combat YOU removed yourself as a honorable prey. What you don't seem to understand is you WEREN'T my prey and NEVER were, you were a obstacle blocking and disrupting that so you were killed. To be fair, I didn't even have to engage you guys de-cloaked when you initially attacked me but I did anyways for "FUN" and to create a scenario. I had all the right on initial contact there with you to go cloaked and shoot spikes at you which could of blown your head off one hit and it would of been just as acceptable.

5.Killing while cloaked: It is very dishonorable for a hunter to kill prey while he is cloaked. It ignores all laws of fair and honorable hunting, and giving the prey a fighting chance. You may hunt and chase your prey while cloaked, but you must make the kill uncloaked. The only exception, is removing obstacles between yourself and your pray (for example, marines interfering with you hunting a ravager that are attacking you) or if you are attacked by a creature you are not hunting (if your hunting the queen, and praetorians attack you).

You fell under the ITALIC section, making you free to fight as I saw fit. Me initially fighting you de-cloaked was ME just being "fair" and giving you a chance. I had all the right to fight cloaked and kill you cloaked from the very start, yet I didn't. I only killed you cloaked once you AGAIN were dishonorable and fled from combat. The video CLEARLY shows you making yourself obstacle in my hunt and show you MULTIPLE times being dishonorable on top of that.

As I said, the fact that you posted the video and are adamant about me breaking rules in it is clear that YOU don't understand what is acceptable and not acceptable as a Predator. This isn't a case of me breaking the rules Sphere, this is ANOTHER situation of you not understanding the rules of a Predator... Which is a prime example again of why you were removed from Predator.
I'm not angry at you because I understand from your view and understanding you believe I broke a rule. So there's no amount of explanation I can personally tell you to change this, so just wait till someone else responds to clarify this for you.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 04 Apr 2016, 11:00

Having watched the video (thank you for providing such evidence by the way, as it really makes this honest), I really don't see much of an issue with the Predator in question.

While you did retreat, you were armed, dangerous and hostile the entire time. Had you dropped your weapons and been unwilling to fight, I think that would be another story entirely, but the fact that you were clearly an enemy target to the Predator makes this a valid kill to me.

If you've ever watched the movie "Predator", the same exact situation occurs. The protagonists engage the Predator in combat, and spend the rest of the move in a fighting retreat. The Predator attempts (and successfully) kill all the main characters except for Arnold and the girl. Notice that, while they're all retreating, the Predator has no issue killing the armed men but refuses to kill the unarmed girl?

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by spheretech » 04 Apr 2016, 11:10

This is absolutely ridiculous. This made up rule that feweh just stated could be abused so much. According to what he said he could literally go on and hunt down cloak-killing every single marine that shot him in that, and it was alot of marines. Lets say I was getting in the way of you and your pray (even though you never said what you were hunting, and I am almost certain it's just an excuse), I clearly wanted to disengage. Why do you think all the marines went back to nexus? I CALLED IT IN. I said fall back, that was me. But while I was typing I realised I was alone and you kept spammping your spike gun at me, pinning me down. This rule is not written anywhere, you're just completely stretching it to justify your actions.

Remember when I accidentally killed a runner chasing me while cloaked? I got so much fucking flak just from that. Ofcourse he was never my initial target. Are you saying I could've simply used the excuse that "he was in the way"? That is absolute bullshit. Like, I just can't comprehend this right now. There is crystal clear evidence of a predator killing me cloaked and it's absolutely okay. But wait, hes a moderator, hes 100% legit, always. And he can also handle his own case. don't even think about giving the "i was the only admin" excuse, because if you are the only admin you are being extremely irresponsible playing AT ALL with such responsibility.

Other than that, I really see no way this could be legit at all. He went out of his way to kill me all while cloaked with the excuse that I was in the way of his pray. He had plenty of opportunities to walk away, especially at the floodlight where I could barely stand from the wounds. This is fucking ridiculous.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by Derpislav » 04 Apr 2016, 11:21

apophis775 wrote:[*]Killing while cloaked: It is very dishonorable for a hunter to kill prey while he is cloaked. It ignores all laws of fair and honorable hunting, and giving the prey a fighting chance. You may hunt and chase your prey while cloaked, but you must make the kill uncloaked. The only exception, is removing obstacles between yourself and your pray (for example, marines interfering with you hunting a ravager that are attacking you) or if you are attacked by a creature you are not hunting (if your hunting the queen, and praetorians attack you).
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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by spheretech » 04 Apr 2016, 11:26

He completely went out of his way to follow ME specifically. This rule would only apply if I was ACTIVELY attacking him while he was fighting someone else. The only logical soulution is that I was the actual prey. Otherwise he would have just moved on. You're stretching the rule to a massive timeframe, it just doesn't work that way.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by Feweh » 04 Apr 2016, 11:47

spheretech wrote:This is absolutely ridiculous. This made up rule that feweh just stated could be abused so much. According to what he said he could literally go on and hunt down cloak-killing every single marine that shot him in that, and it was alot of marines. Lets say I was getting in the way of you and your pray (even though you never said what you were hunting, and I am almost certain it's just an excuse), I clearly wanted to disengage. Why do you think all the marines went back to nexus? I CALLED IT IN. I said fall back, that was me. But while I was typing I realised I was alone and you kept spammping your spike gun at me, pinning me down. This rule is not written anywhere, you're just completely stretching it to justify your actions.

Remember when I accidentally killed a runner chasing me while cloaked? I got so much fucking flak just from that. Ofcourse he was never my initial target. Are you saying I could've simply used the excuse that "he was in the way"? That is absolute bullshit. Like, I just can't comprehend this right now. There is crystal clear evidence of a predator killing me cloaked and it's absolutely okay. But wait, hes a moderator, hes 100% legit, always. And he can also handle his own case. don't even think about giving the "i was the only admin" excuse, because if you are the only admin you are being extremely irresponsible playing AT ALL with such responsibility.

Other than that, I really see no way this could be legit at all. He went out of his way to kill me all while cloaked with the excuse that I was in the way of his pray. He had plenty of opportunities to walk away, especially at the floodlight where I could barely stand from the wounds. This is fucking ridiculous.
Part of being whitelisted for Predator is being fair and balanced. No whitelisted player would ever kill players for petty reasons while cloaked and it's why I didn't cloak on initial contact with you or your squad. You forced me into cloaking by running into the middle of your allies in the end so I had no choice AND I pursued you because YOU personally pursued me and were fighting me in the end 1 vs 1.

You know, I've come to realize that this isn't even about me breaking any Predator rules. Despite a clear explanation and other peoples comments on how you were fairly killed AND the rules clearly stating I had the right to kill you the way I did you're still upset. I mean this in a completely non-offensive way... but you were removed from Predator for not understanding the rules and now you're trying to preach these rules to other players like your opinion holds any value?

You have such a hatred for any authority or any Predator player, you're constantly angry and looking for ways to get other players in-trouble. It really seems like you've made it your objective to takedown all staff and Predator players as you're consistently bitching about Staff ALL THE TIME.
I really think you need to take a break from this game as you've become a very volatile player who offers almost nothing to this community but problems.
Last edited by Feweh on 04 Apr 2016, 11:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by spheretech » 04 Apr 2016, 11:51

Will you just /STOP/ bringing up my predator thing? You pull the same god damn excuse for everything I say. Most of the playerbase WILL agree on this, you broke the god damn honor code. Theres no getting out of it, we can clearly see EXACTLY what happened. Now you're just saying how everything I say should be disregarded once you've seen that you screwed up. How many predator complaints have gone by without anything happening to staff because of bias. This can't go on.


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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by Feweh » 04 Apr 2016, 11:59

spheretech wrote:Will you just /STOP/ bringing up my predator thing? You pull the same god damn excuse for everything I say. Most of the playerbase WILL agree on this, you broke the god damn honor code. Theres no getting out of it, we can clearly see EXACTLY what happened. Now you're just saying how everything I say should be disregarded once you've seen that you screwed up. How many predator complaints have gone by without anything happening to staff because of bias. This can't go on.

There is no bias.

Read the rule again, watch the video, understand you're a obstacle, not the intended prey and watch you flee combat DESPITE me still fairly giving you a chance.

You posted the video, which is in-fact the best evidence to clear your entire report against me and I thank you for that.
Without the video it would of been a lot harder to prove my case.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by spheretech » 04 Apr 2016, 12:04

I see no case that could go in your favor. And either way it's not up to you, so please keep it to yourself and let the others decide.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 04 Apr 2016, 12:41

spheretech wrote:I see no case that could go in your favor. And either way it's not up to you, so please keep it to yourself and let the others decide.
Spheretech, it is a complaint involving him so he has a right to defend himself. You can't deny him that.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by spheretech » 04 Apr 2016, 12:45

He keeps saying the same thing over and over. We've both said what we think. He won't back down and I won't either. We need people from the outside to handle this.

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by Feweh » 04 Apr 2016, 14:39

spheretech wrote:He completely went out of his way to follow ME specifically. This rule would only apply if I was ACTIVELY attacking him while he was fighting someone else. The only logical soulution is that I was the actual prey. Otherwise he would have just moved on. You're stretching the rule to a massive timeframe, it just doesn't work that way.

Are we watching the same video you uploaded? You started the whole thing off ACTIVELY attacking me while i was actively engaging my target Corvex. Corvex was always my prey right from the start, you even have video of Cortex randomly shooting at me as I stalk him.

I was hunting Corvex from Alpha Squad and you and your squad came in shooting at me while I was engaged with him. (Clearly visible at the start of the video). At what point were you the actual prey? I never started off engaging you at all, you interrupted my hunt? I did attempt to let you guys back off, you followed me COMPLETELY EAST so at that point I stopped running and engaged you to defend myself, which is when you started yelling "Fall back" and I continued to attack you... all the way into the Nexus.

Honestly, you uploaded a video and you're trying to pull this shit and the most damning evidence against YOU is your own video!

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Re: Predator Complaint - Feweh

Post by SASoperative » 04 Apr 2016, 18:53

I am just going to throw this out. You are allowed to kill as cloaked in rare circumstances. While I am not saying that Feweh was right or wrong in this situation, They were hunting their prey and than you had intervened in their hunt therefore you than became the next target, Cloak killing is extremely iffy most of the time but I will investigate this a bit further... I am locking this thread for the time being and if punishment is delivered it is delivered, If it is not it is not. Let us leave it like that cease bickering.
