Marshall Bell

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Marshall Bell

Post by Lycanthorph » 07 Apr 2016, 20:54

Your Byond Key: Lycanthorph

Your Character Name: Drake Newton

Accused Byond Key(if known): Unknown

Character Name: Marshall Bell

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):19:30 / 7:30 PM ( the incident occured around 02:30 accourding to my time zone, which should be +1 GMT )

What rule(s) were broken: General Rule #6 : No Griefing

Description of the incident: Well, it was just an ordinary day on C.M. ( well, not counting the griefer which really caused some havoc earlier in the round by taking out telecoms, cloners and the engine ) and late into the game, the aliens were about to board the ship. With no senior command, I chose to assume temporary command until a senior officer arrived, as my fellow Bridge Officers agreed. Just before the incident occured, I was monitoring security cameras, watching the progress of hangar barricades being established when suddenly I hear gunfire and my screen starts going red ( pain, I'm guessing ). Panicked, I quickly walk away from the console to notice someone in Marine gear shooting at the bridge crew, us, executing one officer at a time. By reflex, I've tried to grab my rifle and return fire or simply do anything to stop him, but I was unable to put forth any resistance. Soon after, a 10mm round must've blew my character's head off and the rest of the bridge crew met the same fate. Bastard even killed John "Spider" Asimov, who was S.S.D.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I wasn't able to take screenshots, so I just copied the log. I excluded the part where he commits suicide because I don't think it's relevant as this player's offenses are already grave as they are.
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How you would punish the accused: Perma-ban. That's what I'm guessing the punishment for griefing is.

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Re: Marshall Bell

Post by Allan1234 » 07 Apr 2016, 22:54

Logs show compleately random attacks against the command staff by marshall with little to no RP at all the entire round and absolutly no RP before the attacks. I recommend perma ban.
M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

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Re: Marshall Bell

Post by SASoperative » 14 Apr 2016, 15:14

Locked. Allan make a permaban app if you have not already and I will approve it.
