SASoperative abusing adminheal

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SASoperative abusing adminheal

Post by OatzAndHoes » 16 Apr 2016, 15:12

Your Byond Key: OatzAndHoes

Your Character Name: Terry Franks

Their Byond key: SASoperative

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 3 PM EST

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Code of Conduct: Do not abuse your power

Description of the incident: SASop spawned in as Joseph Skinner, and then proceeded to revive himself 2-3 times when the deathsquad killed/seriously wounded him. At one point he was beheaded by the deathsquad, and revived himself again back to full health using adminpowers. Allan1234 denied that it was happening in deadchat when I brought it up.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Didn't manage to grab any screenshots, but if someone could link me to the logs I could search it up. I did however witness it first hand using medHUD while ghosted.

How you would punish the accused: I wouldn't necessarily advocate a punishment because he was only using it end-round against a deathsquad, but I just think it should be noted that head admin probably shouldn't be abusing adminheal like that on his own character.
Last edited by OatzAndHoes on 16 Apr 2016, 15:50, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: SASoperative abusing adminheal

Post by SASoperative » 16 Apr 2016, 15:16

Not even gonna lie. I am going to straight up come forth and say yes. I did abuse my admin healing abilities. I have been in a pissy mood all day for a variety of reasons and I actually applaud you for coming forth and even having enough nerve to say anything regarding this. Because to be completely frank, I see no reason to even try anymore given for some staff drama that is going down right now in addition to some other shit. So yeah, There you have it. I admit I straight up abused my powers and admin healed myself.

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Re: SASoperative abusing adminheal

Post by forwardslashN » 16 Apr 2016, 15:19

I was the deathsquid that killed SAS 2-3 times. I can confirm the revival because I decapped SAS at least once, and he grew a new head! BUT, our mission was complete, so I didn't bring it up. I think SAS was trying to kill off the remaining deathsquad members so the marines could use the gear to fight the hordes of xenos, instead of just deleting us. But honestly, I don't know why that happened.

Edit: Oh, well there you go. I'm okay with it though, SAS admitted it, no harm done.
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Re: SASoperative abusing adminheal

Post by LocalizedDownpour » 16 Apr 2016, 15:27

Honestly I don't see the fault in it. SAS is an alright dude and it it's not like he was doing it against aliens. To be frank I expect adminbus against the NBA GriefSquad, And hey I was the DS leader. For what it is worth I think this should be passed over...just my opinion.

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Re: SASoperative abusing adminheal

Post by apophis775 » 16 Apr 2016, 15:41

First, there is no real "staff drama".

Let me say that, no staff members will EVER be disciplined or fired for criticism or pointing out flaws. I may tell you to calm down or back off if it's getting salty, but noone will ever get disciplined.

HOWEVER. Abusing your powers is another thing.
@ SASoperative
Check staff alerts. You know what I am talking about. Keywii saw me that day. That was the most calm I had been in months. I was actually fucking super happy
@ SASoperative
So if I get chewwed out for my small bits of criticism or for asking a question I am done
@ SASoperative
That is when I finally loose all faith in our staff team
@ SASoperative
Cause at that point why even bother if someone goes to cry wolf because you hurt their feelings?

@ SASoperative
And you get in trouble for it, Even though you did nothing wrong?
This is entirely different. This was not you just complaining or being upset about the bugs/breaks on the server, or being overly critical.

This was you abusing your admin abilities, and the trust i placed in you when I made you headmin.

For the moment, I am suspending you from your duties and powers as headmin during this investigation. I will make an announcement about this soon, as this is important to the community as a whole.

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Re: SASoperative abusing adminheal

Post by Rahlzel » 18 Apr 2016, 22:51

SAS has resigned, so this is now void. Moving.
