Terrel Lord

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Terrel Lord

Post by Yung » 06 May 2016, 21:47

Your Byond Key: YungVenuz

Your Character Name: Ron 'Ron' Ron

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: Terrel Lord

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 5/6/2016 at 6:39 PM PST

What rule(s) were broken: Improper escalation of force

Description of the incident: As the corporate liason, I had ordered the MPs to detain the survivor known as Terrel Lord who I believed was becoming unreasonably hostile towards not only myself but Weyland Yutani. Upon speaking to some officers of the matter, I entered my quarters to immediately, without warning, finding myself getting shot in the head by a shotgun with incendiary rounds, resulting in my death.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Image

How you would punish the accused: Warning, potential ban from Survivor role.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by lucashunter608 » 06 May 2016, 21:51

survivors can do whatever they want, maybe he killed you because you where WY (not entirely sure WY got anything to do with the ice colony through...) and he wanted revenge? anyway, if he wants to act agressive to marines, he can do it

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Rey » 06 May 2016, 22:20

lucashunter608 wrote:survivors can do whatever they want, maybe he killed you because you where WY (not entirely sure WY got anything to do with the ice colony through...) and he wanted revenge? anyway, if he wants to act agressive to marines, he can do it
Wrong, after the survivor voluntarily gets rescued and boards the Sulaco he must follow the Marine-specific rules.
It is a different story if he was killed and cloned or brought up against his will etc.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by golfer45 » 06 May 2016, 23:34

You said something about offering money to the marines for recovering some pictures a survivor and I took. I called you out on giving money to the marines for that(instead of us) and you fired me from weyland. I demanded compensation after a contract breach and you said to meet in your the office for payment. At this point I expected you to shoot me or arrest me. So I waited about 10 minutes to go enter your office before you and wait to see if you were going to call the Mp's on me. However when I tried to enter your office I saw you standing outside and ran away. Then on MP channel you told them that I was armed and dangerous and needed to be arrested. So I went into your quarters and hid from the Mp's. When you entered I shot you. Upon killing you I found an all access Id With name "unkown" and job "commander" in your bag and a pistol stolen from the XO's quarters. I then left your body there and went planet side to avoid any confrontation with the Mp's.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Rob606 » 07 May 2016, 08:35

I think Yung's displeasure comes from you shooting him without warning. You could have aimed at him and had an interesting RP discussion, not involving death. Held him at gunpoint and forced him to get you payment and such.

Killing him outright breaks the Marine Laws onboard the Sulaco
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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Allan1234 » 07 May 2016, 15:40

After investigation this is an IC issue. While it may have broken marine rules it did not come from nowhere and did have semi-proper RP before hand.

Survivor vs CL contact is something that is almost alwasy allowed considering that the CL is a semi-antag role and most of the time his objectives include to silence the survivors by what ever means moreover the survivors can harbor grudges against W-Y employees due to the shitshow W-Y caused on the planet.

By ordering his arrest and fireing him from W-Y you gave him more then enough reason to kill you.

So long story short, fireing and ordering the arrest of an employee that already hates your guts because you caused the deaths of all of his friends is enough reason to make him fear for his life and kill you.

If you have anything else to say do it in the next 24 hours or this will be locked and moved.
M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

ADMIN LOG: Apophis775/(Erin Kowalski) has created a M.O.T.H.E.R. report



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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Westhybrid » 07 May 2016, 16:31

Allan1234 wrote:After investigation this is an IC issue. While it may have broken marine rules it did not come from nowhere and did have semi-proper RP before hand.

Survivor vs CL contact is something that is almost alwasy allowed considering that the CL is a semi-antag role and most of the time his objectives include to silence the survivors by what ever means moreover the survivors can harbor grudges against W-Y employees due to the shitshow W-Y caused on the planet.

By ordering his arrest and fireing him from W-Y you gave him more then enough reason to kill you.

So long story short, fireing and ordering the arrest of an employee that already hates your guts because you caused the deaths of all of his friends is enough reason to make him fear for his life and kill you.

If you have anything else to say do it in the next 24 hours or this will be locked and moved.
I have to disagree here.

The concept of "semi-proper RP," which I'm sorry, is not a valid reason or even a thing to discount an entire player report, shouldn't trump the fact that both the rules of escalation AND that survivors give up their right to antag once they are safely on board the Sully.

The Corporate Liason is not a punching bag devoid of any punishment for those who kill them. Simply being Wey-Yu isn't enough motive to disregard two rules we have in place regarding lethal force. If a marine had shot back at their boss under the same conditions, it would definitely result in the marine getting the warning or punishment for improper escalation. This is even more in favor of the Liason since the survivor already gave up their right to Antag.

Hearing that you're about to be arrested, immediately going to the Liason's office without a word of dialogue, hiding in the equivalent of a locker, and then jumping out to shoot the Liason; the prospect of that entire plot being considered proper escalation of force is nauseating. And it shouldn't be discounted just because of their roles. ESPECIALLY since one of their roles is designated to give up being an antag once they reach the Sulaco.

I'd like Apop or TR to weigh in on this before it's closed.
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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 07 May 2016, 18:13

Alright so it seems there is two viewpoints to look at here. One says it's good one says no good. I want one of you two to post combat logs of this event here. And that way we can see what actually transpired for combat purposes

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by golfer45 » 07 May 2016, 18:27

Rob606 wrote:I think Yung's displeasure comes from you shooting him without warning. You could have aimed at him and had an interesting RP discussion, not involving death. Held him at gunpoint and forced him to get you payment and such.

Killing him outright breaks the Marine Laws onboard the Sulaco
I was thinking about aiming at him and telling him not to say anything on radio, but the Mp's were in the hanger still looking for me and I didn't want to have any gunfights with the mp's (and fuck their round up) cause the cl started screaming bloody murder.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by apophis775 » 07 May 2016, 18:34

Well, I'll read this again soon when I'm not on my phone, but some queations:

1. Why did the CL order the MPS to arrest the survivor?
2. Why did the MPS follow an order from outside their chain of command?

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Yung » 07 May 2016, 18:53

Allan1234 wrote:After investigation this is an IC issue. While it may have broken marine rules it did not come from nowhere and did have semi-proper RP before hand.

Survivor vs CL contact is something that is almost alwasy allowed considering that the CL is a semi-antag role and most of the time his objectives include to silence the survivors by what ever means moreover the survivors can harbor grudges against W-Y employees due to the shitshow W-Y caused on the planet.

By ordering his arrest and fireing him from W-Y you gave him more then enough reason to kill you.

So long story short, fireing and ordering the arrest of an employee that already hates your guts because you caused the deaths of all of his friends is enough reason to make him fear for his life and kill you.

If you have anything else to say do it in the next 24 hours or this will be locked and moved.
So you're acknowledging that rules were broken, but it's okay because role-playing allowed it?
Well, if you read the logs more carefully, you'd see that that reason would not be applicable because I gave him no causality to harbor a hatred towards specifically myself, as through my own character RP I stated that it was my first day on the job and that I knew nothing about what had happened. Another survivor was there as well to corroborate this story.
Though I find that to be a pretty weak excuse to be breaking the rules. With this implication, there is nothing stopping anyone from just murdering people they don't like with the excuse of "it's RP so it's okay". I've met other marines who have given me the worst times imaginable and made my playtime a living hell, but I never thought of murdering them. Instead, things went on naturally through dialogue over comms to come to a resolution. After I had ordered the arrest, Terrel made no remarks or so much as a word in retaliation from what I read over the comms. His immediate action led from hearing the arrest order, to breaking into my quarters through the maintenance shaft and hiding in my wardrobe until I arrived. I see no RP development, he saw an opportunity to kill someone and is using "RP" as an excuse, plain and simple.
Normal people don't result to murder from resignation of employment unless they are mentally disturbed, and although something like the planetside terrors could alter one's way of thinking into a drastic change, the build-up overtime does not correspond to the actions taken, given that Terrel was in a rather level-headed design through most dialogue encounters, even calm enough to hide my body, and check my inventory to try and cover it up (even if half of it was through lying).
Rules are rules, why they were broken is not relevant enough to NOT pursue punishment for breaking them. But if what you're saying is to be taken as true, then CL's now have just as equal opportunity to murder the survivors for what they know and for what kind of threat they pose to WY. I'll be sure to implement what I've learned here into the next time I play CL, to make sure I kill them before they kill me.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Yung » 07 May 2016, 18:54

golfer45 wrote: I was thinking about aiming at him and telling him not to say anything on radio, but the Mp's were in the hanger still looking for me and I didn't want to have any gunfights with the mp's (and fuck their round up) cause the cl started screaming bloody murder.
So you don't want to ruin their round, but it was perfectly okay to ruin mine? I ordered you to jail, I wasn't going to kill you for Christ's sake.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Yung » 07 May 2016, 18:59

apophis775 wrote:Well, I'll read this again soon when I'm not on my phone, but some queations:

1. Why did the CL order the MPS to arrest the survivor?
2. Why did the MPS follow an order from outside their chain of command?
I asked the MPs to detain that specific survivor because he had stolen a Marine Command Radio and was showing increased signs of aggression towards WY in general. I felt the safety of the marines and the mission were compromised enough to warrant Terrel to be detained, given I saw him running around with a shotgun.
However, I did not order them. I simply stated that I believed an individual was a danger to us and asked them to apprehend them. They could have chosen not too, but I suppose I convinced them enough; and given that he murdered me in cold-blood, I'd say that the request to arrest him was wise to make.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Westhybrid » 07 May 2016, 19:32

So. Taking it from the top. The CO and XO are SSD. Terrel Lord and Alex Schmidt, both survivors, arrive on station, greeted by the Liason.

[19:45:55]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Looks like the CO is SSD too...
[19:46:12]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Terrel, come with me. I think I can help.
[19:46:36]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : You said you need an id?
[19:46:40]SAY: Alex Schmidt/PeacoatSoldier : Yeah
[19:46:48]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : You guys from the planet?
[19:47:02]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Perfect. I'm with WY
[19:47:08]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Fuck me
[19:47:22]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Am I getting my workers comp?
[19:47:23]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : So, mind telling me what happaned down there?
[19:47:29]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : We'll see.

[19:49:10]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : First I want to question you.
[19:49:32]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : I want an ID
[19:49:44]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : You'll get one when I'm done. I promise.

They have an entire discussion.

[19:53:07]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Alright, you kept up your end, let me see if I can keep up with mine.

The rest in between is Terrel arguing with the Liason over the ID's, which resulted in Terrel just making his own.

This was the discussion of photos. The Liason was talking with another survivor, Talon.

[20:01:55]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : I've met up with two other survivors already who told me what you found. Aliens, right?
[20:02:23]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : What else?
[20:02:34]SAY: Talon Focell/Texver : There are photos of the ship wreck
[20:02:44]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Photos?
[20:02:59]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Where might I find them?
[20:03:08]SAY: Talon Focell/Texver : South of the LZ
[20:03:27]SAY: Talon Focell/Texver : We found a large ship under the ice
[20:03:37]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Are there photos of it?
[20:03:48]SAY: Talon Focell/Texver : Of the inside a little of the outside
[20:04:03]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Perfect. Thank you for your information. Is that all?
[20:04:05]SAY: Tyson Focell/Raiddean : Yea

[20:05:36]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : I'll let you know once WY gets back to me about what the plans for you survivors are. You've done the corporation a major service today and I will ensure you are compensated.

In between these logs, Terrell has been down on the planet and Yung has been searching for someone to collect the photos that Terrel claims to have taken.

[20:18:50]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : They're eager to throw in a surmountable thaler bonus for the capture, as well as the procuring of several photographs South of the LZ.

[20:20:41]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Fuck you Ron
[20:20:49]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : First you wont giv eme workers comp
[20:20:51]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : All I'm asking is for ONE alive.
[20:20:58]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Theyn you want to sell the photos I took
[20:21:37]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : I haven't said either of those things, but I'm sure WY would like to hear your outbursts against their orders.
[20:21:44]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : What?
[20:22:00]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : You just said on command that you were offering thalers for hte photos I took
[20:22:03]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : To the marines
[20:22:11]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Terrel, your concerns have been noted, and WY is suspending its liscense with you.
[20:22:34]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Ok then I want my 250k contract suspension fee

[20:22:56]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Terrel, meet me in my office.
[20:23:07]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Why?
[20:23:26]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : So that I may properly compensate you.
[20:23:35]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : You have 250k on person?

This is the entire conversation between the Liason and the Military Police.

[20:26:28]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : MPs?
[20:26:33]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : Yeah??
[20:26:56]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : This is the sulaco security office, how may I take your order?
[20:27:12]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : I have recieved an order to detain Terrel Lord from Weyland Yutani for treason. Could you accomplish this for me?
[20:27:23]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : Do we?
[20:27:28]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : No clue
[20:27:44]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : Cause wey-yu isn't exactly our boss....
[20:27:52]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : Well
[20:28:01]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : According to marine
[20:28:10]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : We now have the right of arresting him
[20:28:19]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : Alright then.
[20:28:33]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : He's running through the hangar with live firearms, I suggest caution and hurry.
[20:28:41]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : ONWARD!
[20:28:44]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : He is a threat to the safety of the other marines.
[20:29:03]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : On it.
[20:29:22]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Thank you. I'll be sure to let WY know of your excellent service.
[20:30:45]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : He was a survivor on the planet.
[20:30:50]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : Oh shit...
[20:30:56]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : Any ID on him?
[20:30:56]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Seems he's gone crazy.
[20:31:02]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : He has a survivors ID.
[20:31:08]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : If you see him
[20:31:08]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Be careful.
[20:31:12]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : Tell us
[20:31:18]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : Will do.
[20:31:52]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : He couldn't have gotten far then.
[20:31:56]SAY: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : The last I saw him, he ran towards the engineering lower deck. Around 3-4 minutes ago though.

From here, it appears Yung walks back into his office to get shot. There are no logs of Terrel talking as far as I can tell during the entire interaction between Yung and the MP's.

[20:32:06]ATTACK: Terrel Lord (golfer45) shot Ron 'Ron' Ron (yungvenuz) with a the incendiary slug
[20:32:07]EMOTE: Ron 'Ron' Ron/YungVenuz : <B>Ron 'Ron' Ron</B> screams!
[20:32:08]ATTACK: Terrel Lord (golfer45) shot Ron 'Ron' Ron (yungvenuz) with a the incendiary slug
[20:32:10]ATTACK: Terrel Lord (golfer45) shot Ron 'Ron' Ron (yungvenuz) with a the incendiary slug
20:32:12]ATTACK: Terrel Lord (golfer45) shot Unknown (as Ron 'Ron' Ron) (yungvenuz) with a the incendiary slug
[20:32:14]ACCESS: Logout: *no key*/(Ron 'Ron' Ron)
[20:32:14]ACCESS: Login: YungVenuz/(Ron 'Ron' Ron) from
[20:32:14]ATTACK: Terrel Lord (golfer45) shot Unknown (as Ron 'Ron' Ron) () with a the incendiary slug

[20:33:08]ADMIN: HELP: YungVenuz/(Ron 'Ron' Ron): Survivor killed me with bad force of escalation and is not allowed to aggro on the Sulaco. - heard by 1 non-AFK admins.

He tries to ahelp it but I guess Food was busy. Terrel goes on to talk to the MP's.

[20:33:14]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Hey Mp's
[20:33:23]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Did you know hte CL had a commanders Id on him?
[20:33:29]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : And a stolen weapon
[20:33:37]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : No...
[20:33:39]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : Really now
[20:33:42]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Yep
[20:33:42]SAY: Yuri Petrov/PhantomOfPain343 : Well shit.
[20:33:53]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : Come on down to the brig and we can talk about it
[20:33:56]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : Shh
[20:34:01]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : Set up a trap
[20:34:06]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : FUCK
[20:34:09]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : I dont think there is anything else to talk about
[20:34:13]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Mr set up a trap
[20:34:34]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : MY to CL officwe
[20:34:42]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : Cl betrayed me
[20:34:51]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : Plans blown Yuri
[20:34:52]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : And he was a triator to this ship
[20:35:17]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : He betrayed us all
[20:35:41]WHISPER: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : We need to get this guy
[20:35:48]WHISPER: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : We go through mait

A little while later, they discover the Liason (yung) dead.

[20:38:28]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : CL is dead
[20:38:54]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : He must have killed himself
[20:39:02]SAY: Andy Hueghs/Whalebarf : Fucking hell lord

[20:41:27]ADMIN: Terrel Lord (Golfer45) launched a shuttle from Dropship Console
[20:41:29]SAY: Terrel Lord/Golfer45 : If you want proof of what kind of man the CL was. Look in the southwest oxygen locker in the hanger. And dust the ID for prints. Dont come looking for me. Lord out

And from there, he dipped on down to the planet, end of conflict.

These are the logs of the full account, depicting the actual killing and any "backstory" that lead up to the attack. Up to the Heads as to whether this was RP'd correctly.
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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by apophis775 » 07 May 2016, 22:41

Firstly, Was there any response from Weyland or was the part about the "arrest permission" made up?

Secondly, while it was probably close to legit that the survivor might take out the CL, he'd need SOME form of RP before "INCENDARY SHELLS"

Finally, remember that ID theft on the server is a GAME RULE VIOLATION not an IC violation. If the CL had an actual commanders ID, he may have been breaking the rules.

I'll wait to hear back, before we make a decision.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Westhybrid » 08 May 2016, 04:28

apophis775 wrote:Firstly, Was there any response from Weyland or was the part about the "arrest permission" made up?

Secondly, while it was probably close to legit that the survivor might take out the CL, he'd need SOME form of RP before "INCENDARY SHELLS"

Finally, remember that ID theft on the server is a GAME RULE VIOLATION not an IC violation. If the CL had an actual commanders ID, he may have been breaking the rules.

I'll wait to hear back, before we make a decision.
I talked to Yung and he said there was no official response from Wey-Yu, stating that his faxes fell on deaf ears and decided to exercise what little authority he had as Liason. He stretched the truth in order to detain Terrel.

There was no form of RP that I could find that justified Terrel using incendiary rounds. As in the log report, Terrel had zero dialogue during the time between the Liason began talking to the MP's and when the Liason was shot. He hid in the office and waited, as far as I can tell.

As for the ID, I actually might be able to answer that. I was the CO for the round, and then went SSD and left the server about forty minutes into the round. I cryo'd myself, meaning the Liason would've had to physically pull me out of the sleeper and steal my card. What's more likely is that the ID he was holding was fabricated, not stolen. There was an entire block of time where Terrel, The Liason, and the other survivor were just fumbling with the ID changer. It's more likely that the Liason made it an ID with CO level access. Which when he gets back to this post, Yung can either confirm or explain why he had that ID in his possession.
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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by apophis775 » 08 May 2016, 18:03

So here's the thing. Weyland Reps DO get a little more leeway for creating RP. HOWEVER, they only get exception from (some) rules, if they are talking with Weyland and getting updates. So in this case, he does NOT have exception from any of the standard rules. Thus, his Commander ID, WAS a rule violation.

Terrel DID NOT ESCALLATE PROPERLY. There was no escallation or RP to go from nothing to gun-blazing.

So the situation is, as far as I can tell, both of them violated rules. Jung was probably playing the "detain the survivor" part a little too rough, and the Survivor was getting pissed off.

I'd say, let them both off with a WARNING NOTE and verbal warning, unless one of the two of them wants to press this further.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Yung » 08 May 2016, 19:23

Westhybrid wrote: I talked to Yung and he said there was no official response from Wey-Yu, stating that his faxes fell on deaf ears and decided to exercise what little authority he had as Liason. He stretched the truth in order to detain Terrel.

There was no form of RP that I could find that justified Terrel using incendiary rounds. As in the log report, Terrel had zero dialogue during the time between the Liason began talking to the MP's and when the Liason was shot. He hid in the office and waited, as far as I can tell.

As for the ID, I actually might be able to answer that. I was the CO for the round, and then went SSD and left the server about forty minutes into the round. I cryo'd myself, meaning the Liason would've had to physically pull me out of the sleeper and steal my card. What's more likely is that the ID he was holding was fabricated, not stolen. There was an entire block of time where Terrel, The Liason, and the other survivor were just fumbling with the ID changer. It's more likely that the Liason made it an ID with CO level access. Which when he gets back to this post, Yung can either confirm or explain why he had that ID in his possession.
I can confirm that the ID found on my person was fabricated, not stolen, using a box of blank IDs Terrel procured during the time of the interview I conducted.

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Byond: WestHybrid

Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Westhybrid » 08 May 2016, 20:09

I'm good with both parties receiving a warning. We can consider this resolved and locked.
Goes better with soup.

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Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Allan1234 » 08 May 2016, 22:49

A warrning will be placed on both C-keys. Resolved.
M.O.T.H.E.R. Status Update


Continued actions may result in loyalty chip activation, as well as the implementation of Politically Correct subsystems. We don't want that, now do we?

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Terrel Lord

Post by Feweh » 13 May 2016, 02:11

Locked and moving thanks allan.
