Azmodan412: Player Report

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Azmodan412: Player Report

Post by monkeysfist101 » 10 May 2016, 23:20

Your Byond Key: monkeysfist

Your Character Name: Dakota Marshall

Accused Byond Key(if known): Azmodan412

Character Name: Tyler 'Thanatos' Borealis

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 21:42 (ish)

What rule(s) were broken:
1. Don't be a Dick. - "Dickish" and "Asshole" behavior will not be tolerated.

Marine-specific rules:
Military Police
You are bound by space-law. Violating space-law, (or the procedures) WILL result in a job-ban.
Neglect of duty Failure to perform their role to an acceptable standard.

Description of the incident:
I get to actually "play" about two to three rounds a week as most of my SS13 time is spent doing sprite work. I exited cryo and geared up as usual. From there I went to the RO to beat the line only to be dragged away as I was typing by Azmodan playing an MP who proceeded to continuously shove me. This culminated to him stunbattoning me. While I do admit that I retaliated, I never went beyond disarm intent whereas he repeatedly stunbattoned me and force-fed me with the aid of another MP whose name I did not catch, bringing me down to about half health.

Throughout this ordeal, he was needlessly hostile to a marine who hat not broken marine law and acted outside the jurisdiction of his job. All in all, it ruined my round.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Image

How you would punish the accused: Job ban from MP


And for good measure:
You may NOT have ANY lethal weapons, unless the Sulaco has been boarded. Having lethal weapons as an MP is a BANNABLE offense (no, not even if your going to the planet or chasing someone who shoots at you with lethals. Lethal weapons = BAN).

Last edited by monkeysfist101 on 11 May 2016, 00:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Azmodan412: Player Report

Post by Azmodan412 » 10 May 2016, 23:24

Its basic survival: Malnourishment slows you down. A slow person is a dead person. Besides, you didn't give me a reason beyond 'fuck off' to you being malnourished in the RO line.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2

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Re: Azmodan412: Player Report

Post by DMAN » 11 May 2016, 01:06

I dunno, a simple, "You're starved, should probably go eat, chap." would have done a hell of a lot better than all that.
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Re: Azmodan412: Player Report

Post by Minijar » 11 May 2016, 02:12

Uh, mps do not have the power or authority to force you to eat. Stunning him is damn awful and shouldn't be done.

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Re: Azmodan412: Player Report

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 11 May 2016, 12:22

We will probably need an investigator on this to determine if his actions in the RO line were overboard and severe enough to warrant a job ban.

But having possession of an MK221 as an MP prior to boarding is a pretty clear violation. We've jobbanned people in the past for that, as it's pretty clearly outlined in the rules.

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Re: Azmodan412: Player Report

Post by Azmodan412 » 11 May 2016, 13:58

I was manning the drop pod/Rasputin as a pilot and the XO let me get the shotgun to defend it.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2

43 Xenos and counting.

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Re: Azmodan412: Player Report

Post by Feweh » 11 May 2016, 14:11

Just like the Queen, the XO/CO cannot give you "orders" that allow for rule breaking and you've been around long enough to know better.
Also that same round, I had to tell you to return to the Pod/Sulaco as you ran out with a shotgun chasing a Ravager as a MP.
It wasn't like you were simply on the outskirts of the pod and chased after the Ravager.. you found the Ravager further north because you left the pod.

Honestly in a two round period you broke a lot of MP rules.

I even let you An-tag a bit as Liaison earlier too, so this is all disappointing to hear.

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Re: Azmodan412: Player Report

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 11 May 2016, 14:40

Azmodan412 wrote:I was manning the drop pod/Rasputin as a pilot and the XO let me get the shotgun to defend it.
You may NOT have ANY lethal weapons, unless the Sulaco has been boarded. Having lethal weapons as an MP is a BANNABLE offense (no, not even if your going to the planet or chasing someone who shoots at you with lethals. Lethal weapons = BAN).
Sorry, but the rule is very clear on this matter. Like Feweh said, it doesn't matter what the XO said. Just because someone else told you to do it doesn't excuse you from breaking it.

You've been with us a while, and I always feel bad when regulars get punished, but it's only fair that everyone has to follow the same rules.

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Re: Azmodan412: Player Report

Post by Feweh » 13 May 2016, 02:03

Given the admittance to the rule breaking, my visual of further MP rule-breaking... I'm putting a Job-Ban from MP.

Too many MP rules broken in such a short time from a player that I personally expect better from.

Moving and locking topic in 24hours for final words.
