HeadMod report: Feweh

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HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Yung » 13 May 2016, 18:02

Your Byond Key: YungVenuz

Your Character Name: Ron 'Ron' Ron

Their Byond key: Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 5/13/2016 2:31 PM PST

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: 3. Determining the seriousness of an issue and 5. Properly determining the punishment

Description of the incident: I have a character whom I've frequently played on the server before by the name of Ron 'Ron' Ron, and was currently playing a Maintenance Technician as him for that round. As I was speaking to the RO just to do a little RP, I received a PM from Feweh in a condescending tone: "What are the chances you've read our rules". I assumed he was speaking of my gun, so I explained to him that the commander issued everyone to take arms because we were being boarded, to where he explained he meant my name and ordered me to change it next round after already changing my name to "Ronald 'Ron' Rona". I was baffled by this, because this was the first time I have had an issue brought up using this character or this name, and asked what was wrong with it and to change it back. He told me that it was "Not a proper RP name", despite it not breaking the rule at all. And to prove so, here's the excerpt from the rules page on names:

"Character Names - Your character must have a unique first and last name. One-word nicknames are allowed inside the name (e.g. Derek 'Double-D' Donahue, Jane 'Crusher' Sanchez) . Ranks, titles, honorifics, offensive, famous and/or pop-culture names are not allowed (e.g. Dr John Smith, Barack Obama, Lt John Doe, Adolf Hitler). Also, avoid lore-based names like Weyland, Yutani, Bishop, Ripley, etc."

My name, in no way shape or form breaks this rule. It is within the guidelines. I told him this, but instead of looking out for the server's best interests he selfishly tells me that he has a problem with it personally, and kept demanding it be changed next round. I told him I was not going to do that because I was not breaking the rules, and for him to bite me for this is not a server issue, it is a personal beef he has with me that is evident in our comments spent in Mini-Chat. He then angrily bans me for 180 minutes for "Refusal to change name - Read the rules", despite telling me to change it next round.

So clearly, he has failed as a respectable representative of this community by A: Not even knowing the rules, B: Failure to properly determine suitable punishment for an otherwise harmless "crime" ("This is very important because the seriousness should match the punishment. For example: using light netspeak (emoji’s and such) is not a bannable offense for first time offenders; however, killing a marine for an insufficient reasons is[...] There's no reason to jump straight to a ban, especially if the incident didn't cause a major disruption to the game.") and C: abusing his newfound status and power.
Now let me be clear that I would have accepted the ban had it not been under the ridiculous pretenses Feweh put it down for, such as "Don't be a dick" or "Respect the Staff", because I am well aware at how heated in the moment I can get and my personal feelings towards him do play a factor if that were the reasoning, but the point of the matter is that he did not list the reasons as that, resulting in me making this report.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: A warning, perhaps more proper supervision to ensure he's responsible, worst case: demotion.

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 13 May 2016, 18:28

Hi Yung,

As someone with a similarly structured name, I actually changed my name due to a similar issue. So I don't think what Feweh is asking is uncommon. Though I can see why it might be upsetting.

I think your responses towards him could have been worded better. Telling him to "bite you", well... I'm not sure what you really expected. You would have received the same outcome on virtually any other server.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Feweh » 13 May 2016, 18:35

Character Names - Your character must have a unique first and last name. One-word nicknames are allowed inside the name (e.g. Derek 'Double-D' Donahue, Jane 'Crusher' Sanchez) . Ranks, titles, honorifics, offensive, famous and/or pop-culture names are not allowed (e.g. Dr John Smith, Barack Obama, Lt John Doe, Adolf Hitler). Also, avoid lore-based names like Weyland, Yutani, Bishop, Ripley, etc.
These are your prior notes.
Told another player to Kill himself. Please request a perma ban on next infraction like this. by GameAdmin) on Wed, November 18th of 2015 Remove

Warning for haveing a all-acesse ID by (GameAdmin) on Sun, May 8th of 2016


This is pretty blatant, you ignored my warning to change your name from something that wasn't RP oriented.
If a member of staff is telling you to stop doing it, or to change something... Do it. My opinion on your name wasn't going to change simply because you tell me it's "ok".

I'm online very often and I've NEVER seen you use this name Ron "Ron" Ron. We're a medium role-play server, that name doesn't promote role-play at all.

There's nothing I could of done after giving you a warning but to ban you as you we're openly ignoring my warning.
You weren't banned for telling me to "bite you", I banned you solely for breaking the naming rule and ignoring my warning.

I have no idea what you expected by ignoring a staff member and telling them to "bite you" ?

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Yung » 13 May 2016, 19:33

Feweh wrote:Character Names - Your character must have a unique first and last name. One-word nicknames are allowed inside the name (e.g. Derek 'Double-D' Donahue, Jane 'Crusher' Sanchez) . Ranks, titles, honorifics, offensive, famous and/or pop-culture names are not allowed (e.g. Dr John Smith, Barack Obama, Lt John Doe, Adolf Hitler). Also, avoid lore-based names like Weyland, Yutani, Bishop, Ripley, etc.
These are your prior notes.
Told another player to Kill himself. Please request a perma ban on next infraction like this. by GameAdmin) on Wed, November 18th of 2015 Remove

Warning for haveing a all-acesse ID by (GameAdmin) on Sun, May 8th of 2016


This is pretty blatant, you ignored my warning to change your name from something that wasn't RP oriented.
If a member of staff is telling you to stop doing it, or to change something... Do it. My opinion on your name wasn't going to change simply because you tell me it's "ok".

I'm online very often and I've NEVER seen you use this name Ron "Ron" Ron. We're a medium role-play server, that name doesn't promote role-play at all.

There's nothing I could of done after giving you a warning but to ban you as you we're openly ignoring my warning.
You weren't banned for telling me to "bite you", I banned you solely for breaking the naming rule and ignoring my warning.

I have no idea what you expected by ignoring a staff member and telling them to "bite you" ?
Thank you for already copy pasting the name rule I had already posted, further proving my point.
My name, having to repeat myself now, follows the guidelines of the rule and thus is RP oriented. Just because you personally do not like the name does not mean it is breaking any rules, so do not use the rules as an excuse.
Let me now remind you that you had already changed my name, as evidenced in my screenshots, and as you can see from those very same screenshots, you asked me to change the name next round. Since it was not the next round by the time you hit send on the ban button, you banned me under false pretenses. Who says I was even going to be playing the same character next round? Explain to me how a ban before the time limit you had set up is any way justifiable if the prerequisites of that ban had not yet been satisfied. Because I said no? There's not a rule against saying no, and if there was that would have been the reason of the ban instead of stating how I broke the name rule.
Another interesting tidbit: since my name was already changed, by you, yet you banned me for NOT changing my name, would you say that for this reason the ban was under false pretenses? How could I have refused to change my name if you already changed it? How could I ignore your "warning" if you had already enacted of your own will to ensure it wasn't, by changing my name?
And see, here is my biggest problem with your behavior as an administrative figure for this community: not once in your reply did you ever discuss the community in your conviction, only your own personal bias. Saying how YOUR opinion wouldn't change, how YOU'RE online often enough to coincidentally not see me, and how there was nothing YOU could do after a supposed warning that was already imposed and thus had no reason for a ban in the first place. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that being an administrator or moderator should reflect that you want the best for the community ahead of your own wants.
You list that we're a medium role play server, but act as if that is reason enough to ban a name despite what it says in the rules. Where does the line get drawn where names like Xur or Lemmy are acceptable, but a man cannot have the same first and last name? Would Ronald 'Ron' Ron really be that much more acceptable? Clearly a more in depth revision to the rules to better suit higher standards is needed, but besides the point for now.
Then you go on to say that I wasn't banned for saying "bite me" which would have made more sense, but instead for breaking the name rule which I've already proven and you've reiterated has not been broken. So I really do not see where you are coming from if you're going to ignore the rules you are enforcing.
Then you talk about the "bite me" thing again at the bottom of your post, so I will ask, are you sure it was for the name, or was it because I told you to "bite me"?

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Yung » 13 May 2016, 19:42

SecretStamos (Joshuu) wrote:Hi Yung,

As someone with a similarly structured name, I actually changed my name due to a similar issue. So I don't think what Feweh is asking is uncommon. Though I can see why it might be upsetting.

I think your responses towards him could have been worded better. Telling him to "bite you", well... I'm not sure what you really expected. You would have received the same outcome on virtually any other server.
I have changed my name before because it was too similar to a famous man's name, but the difference here is that my name did not break the rules this time.

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by apophis775 » 13 May 2016, 19:53

Ron "Ron" Ron is not a proper name and broke the name rules

I find no evidence of anything wrong here by feweh unless you have something more to present...

I'm especially displeased with the "don't make this your first headmod complaint" threat. SRSLY?... Like... SRSLY?

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 13 May 2016, 20:14

Yung wrote: I have changed my name before because it was too similar to a famous man's name, but the difference here is that my name did not break the rules this time.
The character naming rule requires a unique first and last name.
Character Names - Your character must have a unique first and last name. One-word nicknames are allowed inside the name (e.g. Derek 'Double-D' Donahue, Jane 'Crusher' Sanchez) . Ranks, titles, honorifics, offensive, famous and/or pop-culture names are not allowed (e.g. Dr John Smith, Barack Obama, Lt John Doe, Adolf Hitler). Also, avoid lore-based names like Weyland, Yutani, Bishop, Ripley, etc.
So, yes, this means that Rob Rob is an invalid name and in violation of the naming rule.

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Whistle » 13 May 2016, 20:38

In Feweh's defence in one round I actually met your character and attempted to reach out to an admin, it brings to mind every god damn greefing son of a bitch who wants to dance around the rules but generally making the day shit.
So please, im not an admin and I don't speak on behalf of the rules, however please change the name, it hinders my enjoyment and immersion and I doubt im the only one.

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Rahlzel » 13 May 2016, 20:43

Legit ban.

For you and other people who seek to play with the line where our rules are drawn, good riddance. You didn't make that your name because you wanted to RP, you made it in the hopes that Feweh would take notice and do something about it so you could report him for it.

Bye bye.


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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 13 May 2016, 21:30

Yea Ron Ron Ron is not a legit name and the fact that you told the head mod to bite you.. had you said that to me I would have banned you for disrespecting staff. So as both the host and vice host stated here.


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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Yung » 13 May 2016, 21:48

So then in what way does it break the name rule? All I'm hearing is that it breaks the rule with no insight as to how.
The only thing I see is Stamos' post saying that it lacks uniqueness, but to who's standards does this regard to? I've never seen someone with a name of Ron Ron, and I doubt that you have either, so what makes it not unique?

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Feweh » 13 May 2016, 21:54

Yung wrote:So then in what way does it break the name rule? All I'm hearing is that it breaks the rule with no insight as to how.
The only thing I see is Stamos' post saying that it lacks uniqueness, but to who's standards does this regard to? I've never seen someone with a name of Ron Ron, and I doubt that you have either, so what makes it not unique?
The fact that if you ever met someone named Ron Ron in real life you'd think that it's a stupid name and laugh.

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Yung » 13 May 2016, 21:59

Rahlzel wrote:Legit ban.

For you and other people who seek to play with the line where our rules are drawn, good riddance. You didn't make that your name because you wanted to RP, you made it in the hopes that Feweh would take notice and do something about it so you could report him for it.

Bye bye.

Perhaps you should refrain from making ridiculous assumptions, such as that I just created the name to spite someone who until two days ago I didn't even know existed, despite logs and facts saying otherwise, because it doesn't give you the best impression you know what you're talking about.
If there's a problem with the understanding of the rules, then perhaps the staff should do something to make them more clear, as only one person has given any type of insight as to why the name would be "unacceptable".
Also there's really no need to be as hostile as you are.

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Yung » 13 May 2016, 22:03

Feweh wrote: The fact that if you ever met someone named Ron Ron in real life you'd think that it's a stupid name and laugh.
I wouldn't because I'm not an asshole, but is that the reason? Because it sounds funny? Then what's stopping you from banning half the player list? I think that the name Ben Carson is funny, does that warrant a petition to change his name?

Do you see the point I am making?

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Yung » 13 May 2016, 22:05

TR-BlackDragon wrote:Yea Ron Ron Ron is not a legit name and the fact that you told the head mod to bite you.. had you said that to me I would have banned you for disrespecting staff. So as both the host and vice host stated here.

See, I'm more upset he didn't ban for that reason because at least that makes more sense.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Feweh » 13 May 2016, 22:11

Report locked and resolved.

Ill let it remain here for 24hours for final thoughts.

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by Rahlzel » 13 May 2016, 22:15

Yung wrote:Also there's really no need to be as hostile as you are.
Bite me.

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Re: HeadMod report: Feweh

Post by apophis775 » 14 May 2016, 15:14

Yung wrote: I wouldn't because I'm not an asshole, ?
