Round restarted

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Round restarted

Post by Wbk » 26 May 2016, 12:09

Your Byond Key: Whitebake

Your Character Name: Justin Gibson, Runner (689)

Their Byond key: Not applicable or too many keys involved.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): Round going on around 9 CST.

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Not applicable or #3.

Description of the incident:
From the start, round was unruly. Lots of riots going on every minute giving a hint of what was to come. Since there was not even TIME to make it an IC issue, I guess people who wanted to ruin the round found it was an easy time to grief.

By middle round, talk of lots of departments getting booted. Early events left a lot of USCM to die fast but it was still a fair instance until the only squad which was still doing their mission by that time was being attacked by the Queen at the telecoms. To what:

Queen got killed and while marines were pushing the others back, Sulaco orbital bombed the telecoms dome with everyone inside, effectively destroying the last planet base and putting all marines down. There was no warning and no called in orbital bomb from anyone, so not an incompetence issue but obvious grief. If it was an implanted objective by admins, it was not role played and it certainly was uncalled for and of bad taste. The few marines who still made it up, retreated to the Sulaco medbay where they got little help due to earlier problems with obvious round ruiners.

Some of the left over people who still wanted to play by this point, made an attack on the 8-some aliens who remained, while new players joined the server as new marines who were clueless about the shit going on.

Aliens somehow got to defend themselves well at the nexus LZ and tried to use the dropship 1 to go up but the Sulaco has been filled with phoron fire by more obvious griefers without any concernible reason. An admin had the whole server population to halt play. At that point the aliens got the green light by admin team to fly into the Sulaco, just to meet with more phoron fire and, ultimately, the whole hive death the instant they docked. Round was pretty much ruined beyond repair at that point and admin team restarted the server, while calling pretty much all of the the stuff that happened an "IC issue". There was pretty much no Mother reports about anything during round too. Be my guest to interpretation of the whole incident.

People complained about many events during and after the round but all the staff went off right after, probably to evade the shitposting that was incoming and they would have to bear it anyway. As far as I know, nobody who constantly tried to ruin the server got not even a note about it, round end was not delayed for investigation either, showing that either nobody cared or that they disregarded the shit going on completely or in other words, if people ruin a round, restart fix it all, let it happen again and we restart again.

I understand there were at least 4 staff team members online during the round, those being: CoronelJones, Whistles, Freemysoul, Noize. More could be online supervising, didnt check.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
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How you would punish the accused: Everyone ruining the round would be warned before the fact, instead of complimented and laughed at in approval, hopefully preventing it from happening in the first place, kick in the rear if non compliant.

Please take it seriously next time to prevent restarts. Need more solid moderation guidelines or rules so shit like this doesnt happen more often.
Justin Gibson: Marine.

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Re: Round restarted

Post by coroneljones » 26 May 2016, 12:14

Let me say where I was involved
I in no way remember saying it was an IC issue
I did my best to attempt to fix it,I did remove the Phoron that was released,To wich I said that I should be working
As soon as the aliens arrived,they died from alot of heat,all minus the queen due to her immunity to fire,I do not know how or why it heated to those levels,to wich I made a restart vote,since the queen was alone in the hangar,and no xeno could join her.

I clearly said I did my best to fix it,but I did not do it properly it seems

The Releaser of the Plasma was delt with I belive,I didnt even know it was there since I was Gone for some time.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Round restarted

Post by Feweh » 26 May 2016, 12:21

I would of restarted the round as well if all the aliens were dying from the heat issue.

Not sure what this complaint is about, the round became unplayable and had to be restarted.

It happens

The Orbital bomb has two issues with figuring out if it was direct grief or accidental.

1. The SL has to place the beacon. Sometimes they place it in positions that they only want bombarded later.

2. A Command staff has to activate the bombard.

So essentially it takes two players to grief. Im going to get someone to look into the orbital bombard to see if it was intentional.

Edit: Some chat regarding the Friendly Fire OB. (thanks jack)

[07:50:42]SAY: Graham Maclagan/Egorkor : I told you to not fire on the orbital beacon four times.
Meanwhile, a little bit earlier, on the Sulaco...
`[07:50:21]SAY: James McKinnon/Serendipitous O. Currance : Alfred, how did the bombardment go. You got any confirmed kills?`
It's pretty clearly a case of bad communication.

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Re: Round restarted

Post by Whistle » 26 May 2016, 12:26

So many things wrong here.
First there was a phoron fire which can seriously screw things up for people (it caused the crash that lasted three+ hours the other day) and staff were trying to fix it because a hanger full of Phoron = bad times for aliens/marines.
All parties involved were cleared of wrong doing, it was an accidental discharge after someone had left a tank in the southern shuttle entrance (A closed off area I will add) to perform some flamethrower tests. (this being a player not staff)
Due to some reason I'm not aware, the issue could not be fixed, aliens came up and someone ignited the phoron proper. Boom, Zas screw up and the aliens being slammed around like ragdolls.
Staff had decided on a restart and issued a vote, CJ eve repeatedly asked for anyone to voice their concerns against this course of action and I can clearly state, I saw none, not that I would have accepted it while people were being removed from game play because of ZAS anyways.

Noone finds it fun to rag doll helplessly and is one of the reasons we don't see the ice colony much these days.

Don't assume to know why staff leave, we're people, we do things and we have to deal with all our own lives and keep the game running, sometimes we need to take a wee teabreak and come back a lil later, sometimes we need to just get some shopping, presuming that we're all kids that ran off after playing giggles with some phoron and ruining things for people is sorry to say, narrow minded.

I myself left because trying to fix these issues had put me a bit behind schedule in securing a job. (which I got btw)

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Re: Round restarted

Post by Egorkor » 26 May 2016, 12:57

first - I placed the OB and indeed told them to not fire immediately, but to wait for my mark because I expected the xenos to break in. the BO was either new, dumb or both but he got his own in the end by getting shot up by a baldie marine.
second - the plasma canister was in the ERT landing dock and it was shot up by a guy who was shootnig at a ravager hiding in the dock a screen and a half away, bullets just flew past and hit the canister - witnessed it as a ghost.

just wanted to clear it up since both cases are called griefing.

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Re: Round restarted

Post by Perfectian » 26 May 2016, 13:16

Egorkor wrote:first - I placed the OB and indeed told them to not fire immediately, but to wait for my mark because I expected the xenos to break in. the BO was either new, dumb or both but he got his own in the end by getting shot up by a baldie marine.
second - the plasma canister was in the ERT landing dock and it was shot up by a guy who was shootnig at a ravager hiding in the dock a screen and a half away, bullets just flew past and hit the canister - witnessed it as a ghost.
just wanted to clear it up since both cases are called griefing.
And this canister were hidden there by me, because it was standing the corner of hangar...

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Round restarted

Post by forwardslashN » 26 May 2016, 13:28

What Feweh said. It was an accident, and the round had to be restarted due to the crazy atmos issues we were having.
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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Round restarted

Post by apophis775 » 26 May 2016, 14:13

Occasionally, you get a round that's a shit-fest. It happens unfortunately on a public server during "greytide season". That's May-August when all the little chillrens are out of school and most of them are being annoying little shits because they don't have anything better to do.

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Re: Round restarted

Post by TeknoKot » 26 May 2016, 16:50

apophis775 wrote:That's May-August when all the little chillrens are out of school and most of them are being annoying little shits because they don't have anything better to do.
Well said. A lot of rounds have been getting shit ton of grief lately.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Round restarted

Post by Feweh » 26 May 2016, 16:55


Locking and moving in 24 hours.
