Feweh - improper handling of issues.

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Feweh - improper handling of issues.

Post by TeknoKot » 02 Jun 2016, 15:20

Your Byond Key:


Your Character Name:

My signature has them all.

Their Byond key:


Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):

This is an overall complaint.

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:

Actually? He is not fit as a HEADMOD at all, I won't have issues with him being demoted to regular mod, but when he was given head title he became overly aggressive and is taking little reasons as a way to give hard punishments, with silly excuses such as "personal attacks" and "insulting" for silly one sentences quotes that meant no harm, "just because I hate this player"

He has been overdoing a lot of silly events, been unsupportive of rounds, with OOC statement like "command was just bad" etc, I mean, sure we all do it, but I've seen people get banned for saying exact same.
Description of the incident:

I was issued a board and final warning of being removed from CM community completely after this quote when he made fun of Desolane's signature, "Y-you don't even have a signature.. it's just y-you yourself".

What? How is that any way harmful or insultive? How did it personally attack you? Not to mention, you removed the post before I could screenshot it.

There are also a lot more issues with him of course, and I'm allowing players to step in and talk about it.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

I don't have anything since I'm on my phone and Feweh deleted that "very harmful post", but I have something that should open eyes up, after trying to get into a discussion with Feweh about rules:

How you would punish the accused:

Just move him back to moderator, he did fine as one.
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Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov says, "You're all fucking stupid."


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Byond: Feweh

Re: Feweh - improper handling of issues.

Post by Feweh » 02 Jun 2016, 15:23

Youre on Probation coming back from a perm-ban.

You recently broke your probation by using lethal fire against a fellow marine. As well as various other notes since being un-banned.

I gave you a second chance by only giving you a 3 day ban. Yet youre going to complain about un-just and unfairness?

You we're WARNED on the forums and not punished. Which is proper procedure.

My position is more aggressive as its part of my new title. I directly have to deal with the top shot and often hand out punishment.

Youve returned to the server with the same attitude youve always had. Nothing has changed with you at all, youre extemely self-entitled and refuse to listen to anything.
You consistently claim youre targetted, yet you put a mark on yourself.

Ill let TR and Apop handle this further.

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Re: Feweh - improper handling of issues.

Post by apophis775 » 02 Jun 2016, 15:33

Tekno, aren't you on a probation for a permaban, meaning your NEXT incident should have been a permaban, and then he gave you a 3-day instead?

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Re: Feweh - improper handling of issues.

Post by apophis775 » 02 Jun 2016, 15:38

Anyway, This complaint is DENIED for the following reasons:

1. You present no REAL evidence in your first post.
2. You obviously don't like him on a personal level, and created the complaint only because of that
3. Complaints are for you to file complaints with staff actions/violations of the Rules or Code of Conduct, not for you to be a social justice warrior.

This bullshit, is why you keep moving yourself closer and closer to another permaban. Understand this: This is NOT your server, nor is it the "communities" server. I take community input in when we make changes and updates, but that doesn't mean you get to walk all over me or the rules. Bottom line is that it's My server, and I've chosen the staff I've chosen for reasons. If you don't like them, or the rules, or how I run the server, feel free to leave. But if your going to make a complaint, bring ACTUAL EVIDENCE if you want any of it to be taken seriously.

Bottom line: Follow the fucking rules and stop trying to get around them like a rules-lawyer, or Leave. I literally, do not have time to deal with fake complaints and bullshit. If you want to talk specifically, PM me.
