Admin complaint (Feweh)

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Admin complaint (Feweh)

Post by the_father » 03 Jun 2016, 20:10

Your Byond Key:pupgaming

Your Character Name: Patris 'Omni' Interventu

Their Byond key: Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 6:50 pm 6/3/2016

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:Do not abuse your power (blowing up people with abomb), Remain Professional, no matter what happens(don't think he was happy about me asking for the forums link), Preserve the RP and enjoyment of the server (uses ooc to threaten people before bombing a large portion of people)

Description of the incident: So I decided I would fool around with a wheel chair and a fire extinguisher to zip around the map fast, and I see a ravenger walk into the nexus and is about to charge, knowing that using a fire extinguisher to fling myself will stun me and the person I hit for awhile, I sling myself at the ravenger, stunning it long enough for my entire squad to gun it down. shortly after that apparently the other guy doing the meme gets booped, and gets his chair deleted, then said admin says "Feweh: Next person i see in a fucking wheelchair to power-game not getting pounced or knocked down I will cripple so you need one" not knowing that he was going to fucking bomb everyone I make a joke ahelp saying "can i cut my own foot off so I have a reason to salt aliens with the ram " he begins to bomb everyone so I fucking book it out of there with the wheel chair, he freezes me, throws me back in the nexus and then sets a bomb off next to me, I ask " your forums have admin complaints right?" because I actually don't know because i dont play cm often Slayer_Dusty responds, asks me why and who and I say "reporting admin for mass bombing, feweh" and thennn You have been banned by feweh.
Reason: Using a Wheelchair to power-game not getting knocked down/charged. Previously warned server to stop..

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: I don't know how the admin punishment system works but, I would imagine the admin aquivilint punish if someone went around with grenades and blowing people up

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Admin complaint (Feweh)

Post by Feweh » 03 Jun 2016, 20:14

the_father wrote:Your Byond Key:pupgaming

Your Character Name: Patris 'Omni' Interventu

Their Byond key: Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 6:50 pm 6/3/2016

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:Do not abuse your power (blowing up people with abomb), Remain Professional, no matter what happens(don't think he was happy about me asking for the forums link), Preserve the RP and enjoyment of the server (uses ooc to threaten people before bombing a large portion of people)

Description of the incident: So I decided I would fool around with a wheel chair and a fire extinguisher to zip around the map fast, and I see a ravenger walk into the nexus and is about to charge, knowing that using a fire extinguisher to fling myself will stun me and the person I hit for awhile, I sling myself at the ravenger, stunning it long enough for my entire squad to gun it down. shortly after that apparently the other guy doing the meme gets booped, and gets his chair deleted, then said admin says "Feweh: Next person i see in a fucking wheelchair to power-game not getting pounced or knocked down I will cripple so you need one" not knowing that he was going to fucking bomb everyone I make a joke ahelp saying "can i cut my own foot off so I have a reason to salt aliens with the ram " he begins to bomb everyone so I fucking book it out of there with the wheel chair, he freezes me, throws me back in the nexus and then sets a bomb off next to me, I ask " your forums have admin complaints right?" because I actually don't know because i dont play cm often Slayer_Dusty responds, asks me why and who and I say "reporting admin for mass bombing, feweh" and thennn You have been banned by feweh.
Reason: Using a Wheelchair to power-game not getting knocked down/charged. Previously warned server to stop..

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: I don't know how the admin punishment system works but, I would imagine the admin aquivilint punish if someone went around with grenades and blowing people up

1. You we're power-gaming EXTREMELY hard with the wheelchair.
2. You blatantly admit you were power-gaming with the wheelchair to stun Ravagers
3. You were the cause of a ravager to die, essentially ruining his game-play due to your antics.
5. We're a MEDIUM RP server, using a fire-extinguisher and a wheelchair is extremely LOW RP.

You blatantly broke rules, I was going to give you a chance and not ban you instantly.
The bomb was in an attempt to just cripple you so you needed a wheelchair, despite acknowledging the OOC warning you IGNORED it and continued.
I guess next time I'll just insta-ban players instead.

You understand that me placing a bomb beside you was to GIVE YOU A CHANCE and not instantly ban you for power-gaming and ignoring my warning right?
I went out of my way to not instantly ban you and you're making a complaint that I bombed you? Come on.

Getting banned for a legit thing does not warrant a complaint and I'm getting sick of players who disagree with our rules and think they are entitled to complain about it after.
It's extremely selfish and very self-entitled attitude to have.

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Re: Admin complaint (Feweh)

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 03 Jun 2016, 20:38

I will look into this Sunday when I get home. But just from what I see, you even admitted to Powergaming just because you could. That right there is a ban. So either way you would have been out of the round. And judging by your little snippet. Your the only one who got hit by the bomb. So feweh from what I'm gathering. Decided to not ban you at first. But instead cripple you via a bomb. That would give you a reason to be in the wheel chair. You also saw the ooc announcement about being in wheel chairs so it wasn't just something out of the blue. You even admitted that you saw it. Now I will dive though the logs and get all the info on this and will decide on what I will do from there. This includes if I find reason to, increase the length of your ban. If I find that your report has merit then punishment will be delt accordingly.

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Re: Admin complaint (Feweh)

Post by the_father » 03 Jun 2016, 22:00

i'm not trying to say what i did wasn't wrong what im saying is that he fucking bombed the shit out of EVERYONE in the nexus which was 20+ people, that is why I was making the complaint, I didn't make a ban appeal, I don't care about the fact i got banned, ya i fucked up i accept that but does that mean that a admin to deal with one person decides to abomb instead of freezing me and messaging me, that is why im making the fucking complaint Jesus fucking Christ

edit: at the top of the screenshot you can see people screaming about getting blown up and seeing them stuttering from being bombed

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Re: Admin complaint (Feweh)

Post by apophis775 » 04 Jun 2016, 01:32


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Re: Admin complaint (Feweh)

Post by KeyWii » 04 Jun 2016, 01:32

apophis775 wrote:Screenshot?

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Re: Admin complaint (Feweh)

Post by apophis775 » 04 Jun 2016, 01:40

Ok, I talked to Feweh about this. He did heal the others hit with the bomb right away. I've also instructed him on the proper use of the single-square bomb, which is what he should have used.
