Yuki Reshi - bad CO

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Yuki Reshi - bad CO

Post by oprayx73 » 11 Jun 2016, 20:49

Your Byond Key:
Your Character Name:
Boris Bourbon
Accused Byond Key(if known):
not known
Character Name:
Yuki Reshi
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
8:00 PM EST
What rule(s) were broken:
1. Don't be a Dick
6. Griefing
Description of the incident:
After the rasputin was sent down once, sent up with no one on it, then sent down AGAIN, the rasputin never left the lz for over 15 minutes.
In these 15 minutes, constant screaming and complaining that it should be sent up-
AAAAND i burst whilst on the rasputin LZ.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
I ended up playing long enough for logs to start erasing themselves so i only have logs of when i became a larvae.
How you would punish the accused:
Give them a tutorial on how to send the shuttle up and down, or b& them from CO since apparently others have a problem with her too.
Cut them xenos up with yer machete! :D

Muhrene Name : Boris Bourbon
Synthetic Name : Abraham
Predator Name : Cuthun Dak'te


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Re: Yuki Reshi - bad CO

Post by Solacian72 » 11 Jun 2016, 20:51

Not sure if this was her fault, but I was Alpha Squad Lead, and marines were ordered via announcement to assist us at tablefort because we were getting swarmed. She said nothing at all after that to squads, and we were destroyed in a matter of seconds because no marines came to help us.

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Re: Yuki Reshi - bad CO

Post by RoswellRay » 18 Jun 2016, 23:09

I don't like getting salty at commanders who aren't blatantly dicks,but yuki was pretty darn bad at times. When the sulaco came under attack one round she kept playing with the damn shuttersl,opening and closing them despite LOTS of very loud opposition to it. A force of marines myself included rushed to medbay to defend it as aliens came up the ladder and after 5 minutes of shouting to open the shutter she did,then she slammed it behind us. We cleared out the aliens but we're trapped inside and despite making this extremely clear over comms she refused to lift the shutters because people kept yelling at her. After 10 minutes we realised our only hope of escape and regrouping with the other marines who were holding out in briefing was to go down the medbay ladder and all the way around,which led to us being killed on the lower deck. The round very well may have been a marine victory had she not trapped a good third of the marine force inside medbay shutters then refused to open them despite the outcry. I don't think it's ban worthy,I just hope she reads this and learns not to fuck around with the shutters so much.

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Re: Yuki Reshi - bad CO

Post by Varnock » 21 Jun 2016, 23:13

Looking in to, please wait warmly.

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Re: Yuki Reshi - bad CO

Post by Varnock » 21 Jun 2016, 23:25

So I'm reading literally everything they said that day, and the round before the one in question they played an excellent XO, very competent. So far I'm getting the same vibes from this round where they were CO. They checked in, gave briefing, made sure the bridge was staffed, and even made PERFECTLY SURE squads were being supplied with what they needed while checking in on the various channels.

I'm not sure what happened here, the delay might have been because they wouldn't let the shuttles down without the supplies that were ordered though. If it's really necessary I can go copy paste all of it, but that would take a lot of time, and I can tell you now it sure as hell doesn't look necessary.

In fact it looks like it was the XO, not the CO, who initiated the lock down and that they were just as stuck as you all were. They were also attacked in the middle of all this, which might also explain the delay.

I'm going to say that no punishment is needed, and that shit simply happened.

Calling this


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Re: Yuki Reshi - bad CO

Post by oprayx73 » 23 Jun 2016, 22:22

i suppose its resolved then if we got cucked by alterior shit
Cut them xenos up with yer machete! :D

Muhrene Name : Boris Bourbon
Synthetic Name : Abraham
Predator Name : Cuthun Dak'te

