Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

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Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Lorenzo_The_Marauder » 18 Jun 2016, 20:27

Your Byond Key: Lorenzo_The_Marauder

Your Character Name: Monica 'Brinks' White

Accused Byond Key(if known): N/A

Character Name: Vincent 'Gunner' Wardic And Jacob Stover

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 6:00PM - 6:45PM Central

What rule(s) were broken: Don't be a dick (Both) Lethal force (Wardic) ID Theft (Both) Do not equip armor or weapons if the sulaco hasn't been boarded/is under attack (Stover) No greifing (Wardic)

Description of the incident: Jacob stover said he would shoot anyone breaking into cargo on sight. (He had full armor and a heavy pulse rifle as a cargo tech, before the ship was boarded) He had the shutters down so nobody could order anything anyway. I walk into cargo because i need attachments, the door is open and marines are just walking in while Stover is trying to block them with the powerloader. I see that there's a ton of guns and ammo hidden behind the cargo office, stockpiled for literally no reason and i call it out over comms. Suddenly i see Vincent Wardic shoot an underbarrel grenade at a marine, and then one towards me. I run away to avoid it and he starts spraying me with his pulse rifle, i try to say something so i don't get in trouble for escalating and he just keeps shooting at me. I run behind the cargo shuttle so i can say something over comms without being murdered, Stover walks over in the mech and blocks me from one side, while Wardic comes from the other side and shoots me until i'm dead. Stover drags me over to disposals, strips my corpse, pockets my ID and tries to shoot my body out of the mass driver. (keyword "tried) The only admin on is trialmin Derpislav I ahelp once and get no response, i ahelp two more times before checking the staffwho and the trialmin left without ever giving me a response. I ghost because i can't do jack shit for my situation at this point and i notice that Wardic has a squad leader's ID with a different name on it. (Marcus Jackson)

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I don't know how to access the logs, if i did i would take screenshots.

How you would punish the accused: Frankly i'd give Wardic a permaban, and Stover a temporary ban and a permanent jobban from cargo tech and RO.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Varnock » 18 Jun 2016, 20:42

Looking in to now.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Jaketeaking » 18 Jun 2016, 20:46

I was also in cargo, tried to help stop the mutiny, I was by the shuttle. I belive it may have been me that got shot at with the underbarell, because next thing I knew I was down with a fractured left leg and foot. thought I got flashed and shot. knocked unconscious, lucky there was a medic in there. I will point out that I did not have a gun out, or drawn, nor was I saying anything that could have made him think I was hostile
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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Varnock » 18 Jun 2016, 21:06

Jaketeaking wrote:I was also in cargo, tried to help stop the mutiny, I was by the shuttle. I belive it may have been me that got shot at with the underbarell, because next thing I knew I was down with a fractured left leg and foot. thought I got flashed and shot. knocked unconscious, lucky there was a medic in there. I will point out that I did not have a gun out, or drawn, nor was I saying anything that could have made him think I was hostile
Can I get your character name?

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Jaketeaking » 18 Jun 2016, 21:12

james 'patch' Alfonse, but I had an ID, Leonardo winter
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity" - General George S Patton
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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Varnock » 18 Jun 2016, 21:44

Jaketeaking wrote:james 'patch' Alfonse, but I had an ID, Leonardo winter
Actually, now that I think about it, why did YOU have an ID that didn't match too?

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Varnock » 18 Jun 2016, 21:51

So. I'm reading the logs and from what I can tell a good deal of marines busted into Req and started stealing stuff, alongside beating up an MP.

Stover said, on multiple occasions, he'd use lethal force if people didn't get the hell out of dodge.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Lorenzo_The_Marauder » 18 Jun 2016, 22:10

Yeah that disarm on stover WAS a misclick, i was trying to disarm horatio because he was tazing everyone in the canteen. I didn't take part in basically what was his lynching, but i heard about it over comms and i went to check it out.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Yacobpo157 » 18 Jun 2016, 22:26

Hello, I am Jacob 'Paladin' Stover. After being attacked by various marines when I came to help the MP in the Escape Pod area, I retreated into RO. Various loyalist marines came to my aid, of which I helped them to the same equipment that can be found in marine prep, as the RO before leaving ordered several Weland Yutani firearm crates. We eventually got Heavy Pulse Rifles, so we rationed them out to the marines. We had stockpiled the other firearms to hand-out to the Researcher and Staff upon (valid) request. I was already in marine ballistic armor as roughly two, maybe three, xenomorphs bursted and started harassing the Sulaco. We warned her several times, as shown thank you Varnock, that w warned them all several times. I was fearing a Death Squad, so I was following MOTHER's words by the letter. Now about her ID card, I took her USCM uniform off, there-by also taking her ID off. And at the time I was acting with the intention of holding RO. So I went and spaced her body via disposals after writing down what happened to later give to the MP to lodge the manslaughter. Then the aliens started boarding, so I abandoned RO. Now, as I was wanting to NOT have to fight anyone, I was using the Ripley to intimidate the intruding marines. This worked on all but one person, so I crushed her when she opened fire on one of the loyalists...AFTER warning her. Now, we were all at fault during this, however I acted under the best of intentions for a loyalist Sulaco. I'm open to punishment for all parties involved as we did go against minor rules. However, I'd prefer that no one get's anything too extraneous as this was also RP'ed to an extent and each side, also to an extent, as enjoying themselves and were content with the roleplay of the break-in. I'm sorry for ending the round so quickly for you, but you also deserved it.

Semper Fidelis, Vigilo Confido,
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It's not dying after you shot it a couple of times? I think the real question is, why didn't you keep shooting?

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Jaketeaking » 18 Jun 2016, 22:42

if i may, you don't explain why you attempted to kill me, when I said I was there to help.
Varnock wrote:Actually, now that I think about it, why did YOU have an ID that didn't match too?
Right, The ID business. Essentially, swapped ID with an underpants wearing ghosted engineer. figured, didn't wanna be a regular marine, here was a role that needed filling, he wasn't coming back, so why not. I realise this may be against certain rules, and I accept responsibilities for my actions.
Last edited by Jaketeaking on 18 Jun 2016, 22:44, edited 1 time in total.
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Lorenzo_The_Marauder » 18 Jun 2016, 22:43

Regardless of what /I/ did, you still broke rules and i didn't. IC rules? Maybe. But i sure as hell didn't break any server rules like you and the other guy did. (All in all that whole round was a shitshow, but there's no way in hell that I'm in the wrong in this situation)

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Varnock » 18 Jun 2016, 22:46

Paladin117 wrote:Hello, I am Jacob 'Paladin' Stover. After being attacked by various marines when I came to help the MP in the Escape Pod area, I retreated into RO. Various loyalist marines came to my aid, of which I helped them to the same equipment that can be found in marine prep, as the RO before leaving ordered several Weland Yutani firearm crates. We eventually got Heavy Pulse Rifles, so we rationed them out to the marines. We had stockpiled the other firearms to hand-out to the Researcher and Staff upon (valid) request. I was already in marine ballistic armor as roughly two, maybe three, xenomorphs bursted and started harassing the Sulaco. We warned her several times, as shown thank you Varnock, that w warned them all several times. I was fearing a Death Squad, so I was following MOTHER's words by the letter. Now about her ID card, I took her USCM uniform off, there-by also taking her ID off. And at the time I was acting with the intention of holding RO. So I went and spaced her body via disposals after writing down what happened to later give to the MP to lodge the manslaughter. Then the aliens started boarding, so I abandoned RO. Now, as I was wanting to NOT have to fight anyone, I was using the Ripley to intimidate the intruding marines. This worked on all but one person, so I crushed her when she opened fire on one of the loyalists...AFTER warning her. Now, we were all at fault during this, however I acted under the best of intentions for a loyalist Sulaco. I'm open to punishment for all parties involved as we did go against minor rules. However, I'd prefer that no one get's anything too extraneous as this was also RP'ed to an extent and each side, also to an extent, as enjoying themselves and were content with the roleplay of the break-in. I'm sorry for ending the round so quickly for you, but you also deserved it.

Semper Fidelis, Vigilo Confido,
For the United America's!
So I can't see a single combat log involving you OUTSIDE of the disarm made by White and the disarm you preformed against Hayter. Also the log from the thrown ID, but that hardly counts.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Varnock » 18 Jun 2016, 22:47

Jaketeaking wrote:if i may, you don't explain why you attempted to kill me, when I said I was there to help. Right, The ID business. Essentially, swapped ID with an underpants wearing ghosted engineer. figured, didn't wanna be a regular marine, here was a role that needed filling, he wasn't coming back, so why not. I realise this may be against certain rules, and I accept responsibilities for my actions.
That is indeed against the rules, but I think a warning will suffice for now. If more action is needed it will be brought up when someone higher up takes a look at this thread.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Lorenzo_The_Marauder » 18 Jun 2016, 22:50

And this was before the xenos accessed the dropship console, it was blue alert and non marine personnel are not allowed to have weapons of any kind until red alert.

Also you'll notice when i brought up the huge stockpile of weapons hidden in the cargo bay, if anything YOU were fueling a mutiny by not cooperating with the marines and attempting to separate everyone into "loyalists" and "enemies". You were a cargo tech with zero authority over anyone attempting to give people orders and not giving people the equipment that they wanted, it's you're fault this mutiny shit got as bad as it did.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Saeptua » 18 Jun 2016, 23:17

So, biding in with my two cents since I was around for most of the round, and involved in the situation (collaborating evidence):

Genevieve's ID
Genevieve was a bald and new player whom joined the server for the sake of what, after observation, appeared to be griefing. They may have been related to a prior case of a bald player attempting to kill people with a shotgun that was out of ammunition by forcing it to click. When they were killed, they were eventually cloned, but ghosted completely - the ID was not restored given they were ghosted at the time of reception as far as I knew. It was utilized for maintenance access, and proper engineering access.
Werner's ID
Werner was a problem-starting MP that effectively just started popping shots with his taser and beating people around the time of this all happening. It resulted in what was effectively a non-administrated Mutiny (the Trial Administrator, Derpislav, bailed out on the situation, perhaps due to stress? I'm uncertain) where players engaged Requisitions and Military Police.
Requisition's Stockpiling
This mess all began when Derpislav (Lockie 'Red' Hughes, RO) decided to deny a Squad Medic their right to a Black Market Crate shotgun, last I recall, and they stockpiled several weapons after the fact. This did become permissible as multiple marines bursted and resulted in a small handful of xenomorphs raising hell on the Sulaco - but this happened even a good bit before the fact. I wasn't there for the M41AE2 gathering and passing out.
Overall, this round was chock full of never-ending bullshit, and I'm surprised nobody made a report about the Chief Engineer, Ethan Melekey (?) whom elected to bolt and cut power to the pods, as well as electrifying several airlocks, much rather the mess in Requisitions that happened due to multiple events in the round, pardon my french.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Varnock » 18 Jun 2016, 23:26

Can confirm the pods were also bolted and cut from a log I saw while investigating. If you want me to hunt it down again, just ask, but that's probably for a different investigation.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Mech__Warrior » 24 Jun 2016, 12:57

Saeptua wrote:So, biding in with my two cents since I was around for most of the round, and involved in the situation (collaborating evidence):

Genevieve's ID Werner's ID Requisition's Stockpiling Overall, this round was chock full of never-ending bullshit, and I'm surprised nobody made a report about the Chief Engineer, Ethan Melekey (?) whom elected to bolt and cut power to the pods, as well as electrifying several airlocks, much rather the mess in Requisitions that happened due to multiple events in the round, pardon my french.

I kind of remember what happened, if this helps the case at all. I was a medic that went to the RO for a .44 magnum stock when I saw a bald MT (Who was Genevieve) run up to some marines who were arguing outside of the RO before he opened fire on the three of them. This caused a fight to break out. I picked up an AR from somewhere before putting myself between them and him, and I shot Genevieve in the face five times, killing him. Derpislav tried controlling the chaos that broke out by ghosting out of his character's body and closing the RO. Horatio (The bald security guard) tried to intervene and get the marines under control, but they all claimed he was another baldie and ganged up on him. I ended up passing out for some reason and a friendly marine dragged me to the canteen before shit really hit the fan. It was at this point where I decided that the planet that was infested with xenos was much safer than the ship I was on, and got on the pod to the FoB.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Feweh » 25 Jun 2016, 20:46

Varnock wrote:Can confirm the pods were also bolted and cut from a log I saw while investigating. If you want me to hunt it down again, just ask, but that's probably for a different investigation.
What is your final verdict on this for each individual involved and you SUGGESTED bans/job bans.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Varnock » 25 Jun 2016, 22:32

Feweh wrote: What is your final verdict on this for each individual involved and you SUGGESTED bans/job bans.
A job ban for the CE from engineering, a week ban for Wardic with a watch placed on them for further incidents, and a job ban for Stover from RO/CT.

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Re: Player complaint - Vincent Wardic and Jacob Stover

Post by Feweh » 14 Jul 2016, 12:47

All bans/job-bans have been placed as per varnocks suggestion.

