Urist McDane report

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Urist McDane report

Post by SUPERMAN112 » 30 Jun 2016, 04:19

Your Byond Key: SUPERMAN112

Your Character Name: Chad Stephenson

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: Urist McDane

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 3:37 AM

What rule(s) were broken: general rules 1, 6 marines rule 1

Description of the incident: This was a long incident, I'm missing some of the logs from earlier in the round. I started as a survivor, and I usually break into secure storage, make a nice base, and hold out there for a while. So I was minding my own business when the marines blew their way into secure storage, as expected we talked and they left me be. I needed some medical supplies after I burnt myself so I wandered outside. I saw a big crate of metal (which I needed, more wanted) so I nabbed it and brought it back to secure storage

(below is my memory of what happened not all quotes are 100% accurate, but its the gyst of what happened, since I don't have the logs)
I then run into Urist who told me to give it back, I was hesitant, but then collapsed from my wounds, and he proceeded to strip me of everything, take my helmet and incinerator, then began to wall me in with the metal. I woke up and ran away, saying he could have the metal. He told me to get back in the box, and I said why. He then targeted me and said move, so I was like okay, moved and then I got shot (used lethal force on a unarmed survivor, marine rule 1 broken). He took the metal and my stuff leaving me to die. I recovered and decided to take it into my own hands, forfeit admin assistance and attack him. So I grabbed a flamer and blasted him a few times. He fell down and I went to take my stuff and leave but got swarmed by marines. He then got helped up and proceeded to shot me several times. I was evaced to sulaco where I died of my wounds and was cloned. I served a jail sentence and became a marine under order of the commander, I could either fight and have my crimes cleared or not and serve a life sentence.

I don't think anything that happened up to this point deserved a ban, he was hostile, shot an unarmed survivor, but I think it was more an accident with targeting. I also forfeited any admin assistance when I attacked him back.

I was then down on the planet when I ran into him again while talking to a marine. He simply said you, then pulled out a gun and shot me to death. I used no lethal force, said nothing except "you".
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I get maybe role-playing a grudge but this more felt like just he was angry that I hurt him (he killed me) so he killed me on sight. There wasn't even an attempt to roleplay, like it could have been fun, two people who hated/tried to kill each-other now forced to work together under the circumstances. But instead he used lethal force, one a fellow marine, for no reason other than OOC anger (I hadnt made any threats, and it wasnt like I was a rouge colonist running around I served my time and had become a marine). This is kinda dickish (rule 1) and wasn't really an attempt at RP just the intent to take me out of the round since I annoyed him earlier (rule 6).

(I don't know whether I forfeited admin assistance for the whole round when I attacked him earlier on, or whether I just forfeited it for that instance. I think that would be kinda odd if the forfeiting admin assistance rule applied round wise instead of instance wise.)

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): In the spoiler bracket above

How you would punish the accused: Some notes? A day ban? I admit I instigated it a bit, and was fine when he killed me the first time since I had it coming when I attacked him, but the second attack/killing just felt like a blatant disregard for the rules and RP, making him seem very temperamental and childish. So I think there should be at least some kind of punishment, be it notes/warning or a ban.

-Also Varnock was the admin online at the time, since it was such a long story I opted to tell it on here rather them bother him/try to explain it all through admin pm (especially since its GREY TIDE and there were probably a lot of things going on), he did not handle this inadequately at all
Last edited by SUPERMAN112 on 02 Jul 2016, 06:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Evan Stelf
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Re: Urist McDane report

Post by Evan Stelf » 01 Jul 2016, 17:11

Just a note, that metal crate you stole with all our materials was sitting inside our base. I was literally standing next to it when I was healing myself, I'm pretty sure I was a specialist that round. I said hey and tried to run after you but I couldn't keep up since I was injured and Urist followed you. Just wanted to say you came into our base and asked if I knew healing, only to take our crate full of materials and run off without giving and reason why you were taking them.

That might have sparked the aggression at the start of this by Urist, since he was the engineer who needed those materials.

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Re: Urist McDane report

Post by SUPERMAN112 » 01 Jul 2016, 22:10

Evan Stelf wrote:Just a note, that metal crate you stole with all our materials was sitting inside our base. I was literally standing next to it when I was healing myself, I'm pretty sure I was a specialist that round. I said hey and tried to run after you but I couldn't keep up since I was injured and Urist followed you. Just wanted to say you came into our base and asked if I knew healing, only to take our crate full of materials and run off without giving and reason why you were taking them.
That might have sparked the aggression at the start of this by Urist, since he was the engineer who needed those materials.
As I said I don't really blame the early on aggression since I instigated most of it (with some sub par rp). My issue and the reason I issued the report was the second interaction where he shot me for no IC reason (I looked different since I was cloned, he wouldn't have really known it was me).

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Re: Urist McDane report

Post by Evan Stelf » 02 Jul 2016, 01:41

Ahh okay I see what you are saying
