Your Character Name:
Krishia 'Crow' Tuller
Accused Byond Key(if known):
Character Name:
Oscar Blackburn.
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
9h05 (UTC-05:00) East (USA and Canada) aproximatively.
What rule(s) were broken:
General rule:
14. Play your assigned role - If you end up with a role you don't like and don't want to play, goto Cryo and Ghost, then make sure you adjust your preferences next time. If you instead suicide or ghost near round-start, you will receive a job-ban. Set up your job preferences carefully in Setup Character > Occupation Choices. Setting all jobs to "NEVER", and at the bottom, "Return to lobby if preference unavailable", gives you the best chance at being an Alien.
Description of the incident:
Basically, he wen't to his locker and ghosted after hiding inside of it. After about half an hour he was still inside. No admins were on to punish him and he was blocking a specialist slot amongst the crew.
His ghost didn't move so I presume he logged out.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
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Job-Ban or note in player' files.