Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

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Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by TeknoKot » 22 Jul 2016, 00:07

Your Byond Key: TechnoKat

Your Character Name: Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov

Accused Byond Key(if known): Infant_Punter? and Scrat505

Character Name: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): UTC+ 00:00, London. Around 03:00+ I guess.

What rule(s) were broken: I don't understand if metabuddying is part of metagaming, but I guess metagaming then and also being a dick I guess, for keeping me off the round when they should've followed BO's orders and got me out.

Description of the incident:

Playing as Alpha SL, these both got into my squad. I see them both whispering and chit chatting in briefing, McKenzie busy slandering Kaipov over and over, when I came up to hear a little bit of their talk, both quickly bolt albeit back. Heading down, we start setting things around, I try to move up and have a chat with Domnall, he quickly bolts off anyways, whispers whispers with McKenzie, possibly how bad Kaipov is. Okay, whatever, "fuck them too" I guess. I run up to the research ladder, I see the door, it melting away, I order Domnall to move up, he doesn't reply, I order again, he finally replies. Took about two minutes from research to the fucking ladder, they were probably WHISPERY WHISPER again. I told him when the door melts he moves in first, the door melted, he's still running around. ALRIGHT I GUESS I'M MOVING IN MYSELF. Suddenly a clusterfuck of crushers COME UP the ladder, stomp and stomp each time they climb up, it was really fucking amazing. I get shot by my own medic, Kaipov starts yelling about how Barclay was useless in defending the ladder and that he was part of the shooting(which he wasn't, but he was literally useless over there, which got Kaipov screaming), he keeps responding back with his waifu, okay. They both see me I'm wounded to shit, medic ran away, but they let me off to LZ1. I start calling up the ship, it is barely coming down, I fall down for seven minutes in critical, unable to talk. BO keeps yelling at my SPC and everyone else to come pick me up for those GOOD seven minutes, they don't do shit. Suddenly, a hunter comes, hugs me and devours me, killing me. It was this time they FINALLY start coming as an excuse, which they didn't see me anyways. Well doodleedodedlooo. After they're unable to locate me, oh boy, Barclay is back at it again with the whispers, DAAAAAAAMN.

Moving forward, Delta, Charlie were assaulting underground and needed heavy assistance, I was playing ravager at that time, I heard their comms albeit requesting assistance, but Bravo only came out. Twenty minutes of a heavy battle, I see Barclay, but where's Swabey? Did she go AFK? Well, I don't know, I see Barclay missing all those SADAR shots, we aliens push in after another good long battle, Barclay is heavily wounded. They get out via elevator, then up to Sulaco. I then decided to assault with the Queen, died, I ghosted over Barclay and I see Swabey just SITTING in medbay, waiting for a LONG time, like REALLY long time over actually following command orders to head down and assist. Which REALLY caught my attention because I've never seen her actually close to Barclay, but she went over to medbay. He got his surgery, walked away and straight into cryo with his full gear on. Suddenly, I see Swabey standing up after some time, cryo too, leave game, ANOTHER time that caught my attention.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

Sadly I have no evidence over this, but players such as Akemi Ikeda who saw events transpiring in ice colony and Mark Hanford who saw the medbay events that Swabey was just SITTING for some good time just for her boyfriend. Oh and I'm pretty sure logs will show that there's about a five minute period when one and the other cryo'd straight out of the blue and left the game if you ever pull them out. I couldn't because my chat was being flooded and I also turned to alien straight after, running to the fight. Again, I'm pretty sure some logs can be found.

This also should give some hindsight with their dossiers, oh, shouldn't I include that they're both moderators too? (love, okay) (love again, okaay, I have nothing against, but, they should've kept it away during OP and followed orders)

How you would punish the accused: Firstly, I have no idea if I should've put this to admin complaint, but they broke general server rules. It's your choice over what punishment to give.

Extra: Also, if the two players are going to run over that I was a dick too over channels, it's mainly because they were actual IC reasons when they should've followed orders instead of dicking around and being whispery whisper to each other. But God fucking damn, Barclay WAS an SPC, the FIRST person who is SUPPOSED to follow SLs.
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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by Feweh » 22 Jul 2016, 00:26

I'll consider this a player report as there wasnt actual "Admin/Mod related issues".

I'll get someone to look into this but I really think this is 100% IC issues.

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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by Infant Punter » 22 Jul 2016, 01:19

Domnall player here.

I also classified it to be more of an IC issue, but given how upset you appeared to be, I took the liberty of taking some screenshots just in case you saw otherwise.

Let's get into the thick of it I guess, as you brought up some... Interesting(?) points, causing me to have a few to make myself.
TeknoKot wrote:1: McKenzie busy slandering Kaipov over and over, when I came up to hear a little bit of their talk, both quickly bolt albeit back.
I suppose I simply didn't see this? Even so, me and McKenzie were talking about how awful the general incompetence of marine briefings are. I can go fetch logs/we can let an investigator do so, but I'd like to think I can be belived.
TeknoKot wrote:2: Heading down, we start setting things around, I try to move up and have a chat with Domnall, he quickly bolts off anyways, whispers whispers with McKenzie, possibly how bad Kaipov is.
I also don't remember you ever trying to chat with me, but, I was also in admin ghost mode to watch over the Rasputin Shutters button the entire transit, as we had two cases of shuttle grief the round prior, so I can't be sure about this one.
TeknoKot wrote:3: I order Domnall to move up, he doesn't reply, I order again, he finally replies. Took about two minutes from research to the fucking ladder, they were probably WHISPERY WHISPER again.
I was in the middle of resolving an ahelp during the first time you called me (I assume the first), as when I got back, you called for me expectantly to move to the ladder, yes, which I looped around the large group and got on the east side of it. I'd call it more thirty seconds than two minutes, and I got there before the door even melted, but, each to their own.
TeknoKot wrote:4: I told him when the door melts he moves in first, the door melted, he's still running around. ALRIGHT I GUESS I'M MOVING IN MYSELF. Suddenly a clusterfuck of crushers COME UP the ladder, stomp and stomp each time they climb up, it was really fucking amazing.
To correct you, I was literally RIGHT next to the ladder as the crushers came up. I got stomped three seperate times, getting hugged by the second crusher, and getting dragged by a medic, with McKenzie following, all the way out of the cold to Research, where I was treated for the hugger face-scratches.
TeknoKot wrote:5: I get shot by my own medic, Kaipov starts yelling about how Barclay was useless in defending the ladder and that he was part of the shooting(which he wasn't, but he was literally useless over there, which got Kaipov screaming)
Correct, I did not shoot you, even while you insisted on blaming me anyways, getting ABSURDLY mad over some false claims, using slurs and anger which generated IC hostility between our two characters. Here are some logs that I took a screenshot of at the time in anticipation of doubt, just in case.
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TeknoKot wrote:6: I start calling up the ship, it is barely coming down, I fall down for seven minutes in critical, unable to talk. BO keeps yelling at my SPC and everyone else to come pick me up for those GOOD seven minutes, they don't do shit. Suddenly, a hunter comes, hugs me and devours me, killing me. It was this time they FINALLY start coming as an excuse, which they didn't see me anyways. Well doodleedodedlooo. After they're unable to locate me, oh boy, Barclay is back at it again with the whispers, DAAAAAAAMN.

This is the real puzzler, as I even have screenshots. The admin logs/messages during have been censored accordingly.
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Granted, the picture in each screenshot is the static picture, but it's because I was scrolling back to aquire these screenshots. At the time of the last one, I was at the LZ with one of the medics, and all we could see was your rebreather on the ground. I came to assist, I even had bandages in my pocket as you can see there.
TeknoKot wrote:7: Moving forward, Delta, Charlie were assaulting underground and needed heavy assistance, I was playing ravager at that time, I heard their comms albeit requesting assistance, but Bravo only came out. Twenty minutes of a heavy battle, I see Barclay, but where's Swabey? Did she go AFK? Well, I don't know, I see Barclay missing all those SADAR shots we aliens push in after another good long battle, Barclay is heavily wounded. They get out via elevator, then up to Sulaco.
At the time, Swabey was injured severely early into that fight, and had gone up onto the Sulaco for treatment. By the way, I fired two rockets in total, both of which had hit the queen directly. I'd prefer it if you did not generate false claims over salt and kept this completely correct, please.
TeknoKot wrote::8 I ghosted over Barclay and I see Swabey just SITTING in medbay, waiting for a LONG time, like REALLY long time over actually following command orders to head down and assist.
I had left the game in the middle of my surgery for real-life issues. I can't speak for this part personally, but I can say that it's common for our characters to wait and deploy together, as we fight better together than being deployed individually, so I can vouch this probably happened, yet I see little problem.
TeknoKot wrote:9: He got his surgery, walked away and straight into cryo with his full gear on. Suddenly, I see Swabey standing up after some time, cryo too, leave game, ANOTHER time that caught my attention.
I was... I was SSD, how could I have walked to cryo? I left the game, so, I must have been dragged and put into cryo by Mckenzie, I am guessing. If you could keep this factual, that would be splendid.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Overall, that is my side of this issue. There are some points in there that you may want to give a good look-over, as you appear to have hastily lied in a few.
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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by Scrat505 » 22 Jul 2016, 01:36

In addition to what Infant said, I, the player of McKenzie, also have some things to say. I will note it's a true honor to be responding to such a report on the hour of my birthday tonight.

TeknoKot wrote: I try to move up and have a chat with Domnall, he quickly bolts off anyways, whispers whispers with McKenzie, possibly how bad Kaipov is.
This is just a blatant accusation that, as Infant has said, is completely incorrect and generated out of salt. All the 'whisper whispers' you speak of were smalltalk, which AGAIN, I invite any investigator to fact check, related to how cold it was or the drama in the briefing room.

The previous round before Infant joined, you and I also got into an altercation due to perceived insubordination which ended up in a (properly escalated) melee fight. It is my belief that /you/ held a metagrudge from the previous round, and automatically assumed our intentions were bad from the start. Even despite the harsh words thrown out IC, Infant and I were some of the FIRST to respond to the ONE AND ONLY message Damon gave us about saying you were in danger. It was my belief that you were fine (fine ENOUGH) once you pulled back from the crusher situation due to your constant radio banter which said to me you would get on the Rasputin safe and sure. We were not informed you were under attack until it was too late.

Additionally, with regards to the Medbay situation, I came up alone to get fixed since I had suffered significant injury during a later incident and required surgery. After I got out, I stopped for a bit to juggle some ahelps (which I will discuss shortly), and eventually saw Domnall got himself in medbay too due to friendly fire. It was then I decided to wait with him and deploy with him later as we usually do. However, Infant eventually went SSD and it didn't look like he would come back, and looking at the xeno and marine populations, I decided that this round would stretch on for much longer and I decided to play a different game instead, so I cryo'd myself, which I have /every right/ to do as a normal Squad Marine.

Finally, I must note that you CONSTANTLY assumed malice when you never seemed to consider that, as mods, we have situations to keep under control, issues to troubleshoot, and so on and so forth, and the endless stream of Ahelps did not tide just because I was in your squad.

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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by TeknoKot » 22 Jul 2016, 01:53

Scrat wrote:
The previous round before Infant joined, you and I also got into an altercation due to perceived insubordination which ended up in a (properly escalated) melee fight. It is my belief that /you/ held a metagrudge from the previous round
Because blatantly running off to somewhere with buddies is okay for an engineer, then excusing that you're lost despite knowing well where to go. Not to mention, you were the first to escalate the fight for an excuse to just run away again. You were completely insubordinate that round, which lead to, again, screaming and fighting over the channel, previous round.

Also, no, I've had no conversations with you during briefing, up until I've seen Domnall just bolting off after I came up to stand next to him, and you both whispering in the FoB once again. This was "definitely metagrudging" right?

edit: jesus christ, both of you jumped into this pretty quickly once, logged in too.
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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by TeknoKot » 22 Jul 2016, 01:57

Infant Punter wrote:
This is the real puzzler, as I even have screenshots. The admin logs/messages during have been censored accordingly.
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Granted, the picture in each screenshot is the static picture, but it's because I was scrolling back to aquire these screenshots. At the time of the last one, I was at the LZ with one of the medics, and all we could see was your rebreather on the ground. I came to assist, I even had bandages in my pocket as you can see there.
I see REALLY long waiting in the FoB with these pictures before I get dragged off, which you then decided to move in after two minutes or so as well, busy talking,I ghosted after those minutes and then see you bolting near the LZ1.
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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by Scrat505 » 22 Jul 2016, 02:00

Although will debate this no further beyond this here reply, I did not 'run off with buddies' (of which I have none that were on that round), I was answering ahelps WHILST being aghosted (someone hit the button for shutters and some marines died), and was still seeing it solved when I stumbled off the shuttle. Only half-focusing, I followed the first zerg of soldiers (none of which I knew) and sort of stayed there while finishing up the situation.

Overall, this is purely an IC situation that should have been solved IC, and now can't be since the round is long over.

And, yes, we both got here quickly since we're both online and we were both pinged on the staff chat about the issue, as well as a friend of mine dropping me a message that he saw the report.

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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by Feweh » 22 Jul 2016, 02:02

Chalking this up as an IC issue as theres really nothing to investigate, Infant provided the best possible screenshots to sum up the situation with proof and de-bunked a couple of issues.

Calling this resolved and locking in 24 hours. Honestly, we have WAY more severe meta-friends in-game who consistently every round pull some crazy shit and we allow it.. if it was meta-friendship then it was really small scale compared to current players.

Feel free to leave further questions if needed but I'm calling this resolved and locking in 24hours.

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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by TeknoKot » 22 Jul 2016, 02:36

Looking at the picture scroll bars, second and third are cut out, but if the third one is literally blocked off in the middle, with shit ton of logs behind, it literally took them overall seven minutes or more to even respond the first time they were requested. When I ghosted after hunter devoured and killed me, they literally only came after me after when I got dragged down the ladder, WHEN I GOT dragged down the ladder.

Despite even being very close to LZ1, this is fucking ridicilious.
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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by Infant Punter » 22 Jul 2016, 02:53

I could also note something a bit interesting, how you can literally SEE a connecting message about a crate between the second and third screenshot. You know, that one screenshot that's right there, and you appear to have put under extreme scrutiny, but chose to ignore that.
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Re: Domnall Barclay and McKenzie 'Cotton' Swabey

Post by Feweh » 29 Jul 2016, 11:10

Resolved as an IC issue
